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when removing the "forever" block and downloading --> no recognition of Jacdac modules #1365

Open MKleinSB opened 4 months ago

MKleinSB commented 4 months ago

Remove the forever block, download to microbit or Calliope mini. If you then add a jacdac module it will not be recognized. Add the forever block and download, everything works fine. Maybe it´s more a makecode problem than Jacdac? grafik

FrankSchmidtDDS commented 4 months ago

I can verify that simulator often does not work; today in class and most days this past week at some points in time simulator does not appear; also laptop declares that Microbit is not connected upon downloading when it clearly is. Also, when servo module switch is turned on and two servos are connected both before and after download of code the simulator often shows the servos turned off, individually (on the monitor) so that the simulated servos must be turned on with mouse pointer on the monitor in order for the hardware servos to work and respond as expected vis-a-vis the code. Possible that the fix for this is explained somewhere in the docs. Also, the 3 little faint dots (ellipses ?) above the simulated servos seem to be significant. And sometimes our student found that the whole system worked better in de-bug mode. (sorry, got carried away with comments).