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Fix Windows Defender issues #9

Open PyvesB opened 3 years ago

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for creating this repository! 👋🏻

Describe the bug

Eclipse, IntelliJ and other Java programs are significantly slowed down by Windows Defender. This makes Java development on Windows difficult: for example, an IDE may take several minutes to launch compared to a few seconds on other operating systems.

This issue was originally reported on the Microsoft Feedback Hub and initially received many upvotes, even though the voting system has since then been removed from the hub. Here's the full report written by Rolf T:

Windows Defender significantly slows down access to jar files, even if these jars are correctly signed. As a result, any java process is significantly slowed down. This is especially true for IDEs such as Eclipse and IntelliJ which regularly access jar files while they are being used. This results in many random hiccups and slow downs of the processes, up to the point where they become unusable. The only viable workaround seems to exclude these processes from being scanned by Windows Defender, which kind of defies the whole purpose of having the scans at all.

Just only running "jar -tf any.jar" makes Windows Defender spike on CPU usage.

See also:

The problem becomes worse on a laptop while on a battery power. To reduce battery consumption, the priority of Windows Defender seems to be lowered. As a result, the slowdown of the processes accessing a jar file is even worse.

To Reproduce

Install and launch Eclipse, IntelliJ or other Java programs on Windows.

Expected behavior

Windows Defender should not slow down Java programs, especially if these are signed properly.

Additional context

Some programs provide utilities to automatically add themselves to the Windows Defender exclusion lists and tamper with the antivirus's settings. This feels wrong and makes the Java ecosystem on Windows less secure.

vogella commented 3 years ago

Any progress here? Eclipse IDE is deadly slow on Windows with virus scanner active.

Phillipus commented 2 years ago


Excluding my Eclipse folder and workspace from Windows Defender gives me a massive speed boost for Eclipse startup time.

laeubi commented 2 years ago

Excluding my Eclipse folder and workspace from Windows Defender gives me a massive speed boost for Eclipse startup time.

I'm waiting for the first maleware that aims at eclipse installation folders in the hope they are excluded from anti-virus/maleware scans... :-1:

merks commented 2 years ago


I started to write the following, but I later decided to keep the request focused on the tree selection issue:


One can easily see here that more time is spent "scanning" than in the actual process doing real work. And all the scanning seems to happen in the installer when creating the new installation and then each and every time any installation is launched....

Given this issue is now link to the tree selection issue, perhaps the powers that be looking at either issue will see both issues...

rolfth commented 2 years ago

IntelliJ suffers too. It has automatic detection for Windows Defender and offers to exclude directories:

kjsmita6 commented 2 years ago

Using maven-wagon-plugin:merge-maven-repos from Eclipse to merge Maven repositories is slowed down about 20x with defender on. I would expect similar slowdowns with other processes that move files around.

Plugin info:

The jar files are already downloaded on the computer - why do they need to be scanned when they are copied from one location to another on the same computer which downloaded them? Setting an exclusion for *.jar files has significantly sped it up. procplot_wdavdaemon_unpriviledged Graph of defender CPU usage during a typical development day (span of about 2.5 hours). CPU peaks around 800% and reaches 300% often. I did not run a scan during any of these times - it was just in the background.

Edit: This is happening on Mac.

vogella commented 2 years ago

cc @stephenrwalli can you help to address this, this makes the Eclipse IDE very slow on Windows.

karianna commented 2 years ago

CC @brunoborges and @gdams - I know we've been able to talk to the Defender Team about this before and it's a bit of whack-a-mole with getting exceptions and then newer versions perhaps overriding that. Can we engage on a more permanent fix?

brunoborges commented 2 years ago

There is an ongoing effort about this, in general. Not just for Java. Defender design impacts all developer tools and languages.

I don't have more info to share at the moment, though.

But rest assured, Windows team is looking into this.

TIBCOeddie commented 1 year ago

Any chance for an end-of-year Defender team update?

marioja commented 1 year ago

@brunoborges Hi Bruno. In July last year you said that the Windows team is looking into this. Can you tell the java development community:

  1. what is the status of this issue with defender?
  2. what is the priority Microsoft is giving to this issue?
  3. is there an estimate to when this would be fixed? I know it is hard to share the information I am asking but look at it from the other end, all developers are affected. Thanks.
brunoborges commented 1 year ago

Hey @marioja , thanks for pinging me here.

I will meet with the Windows team in the coming weeks and I'll bring this topic up again witblh them.

Stay tuned!

ecki commented 1 year ago

Just to mention it from my duplicate report, it’s not only an issue with defender, in fact other malware scanners are partially even worse (MS can’t fix them but at least influence with certification criterias). Some of the issues I observed with trendmicro:

michael-o commented 1 year ago

@ecki You found my report, this is truly a pain.

ecki commented 1 year ago

@ecki You found my report, this is truly a pain.

I see you ,)

but more seriously, I just noticed your report is probably only related to dirty buffers on windows, not the busy Filmhandle by malware scanners (but I have seen those effects, too)

brunoborges commented 1 year ago

@michael-o have you noticed this issue impacting some of the Apache big data projects?

michael-o commented 1 year ago

@michael-o have you noticed this issue impacting some of the Apache big data projects?

I am not involved in Big Data, in Maven only.

brunoborges commented 1 year ago

@michael-o would you have a chance to suggest a Maven project we can investigate to track the performance?

bendem commented 1 year ago

We are being hit by this running tomcat on windows server. The first page load is excruciatingly slow because of defender scanning all jars on open.

I'm sure the team has already thought about this and it's not that simple (it never is), but all jars on maven central are supposed to be signed. Could it be somehow possible to trust those signature which are easy to untrust with a definition update? That would reduce the amount of full jar scan to a minimum since I'd guess 80% of jars to scan come from maven central.

Here is an excerpt from a trace I ran during a cpu spike, tomcat jars are pretty clear offenders: ``` 1 346,4064ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-xacml-api-3.3.0.jar 1 308,6898ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar 1 257,4115ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\wss4j-bindings-2.2.3.jar 1 240,6490ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\stax-api-1.0.1.jar 1 237,6721ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\slf4j-api-1.7.36.jar 1 230,4865ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\swagger-annotations-1.5.21.jar 1 200,1608ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\swisscom-sender- 1 192,8432ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-xacml-saml-impl-3.3.0.jar 1 172,7117ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-web-2.17.2.jar 1 171,9641ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\saaj-api-1.3.jar 1 169,7886ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\jstl-api-1.2.jar 1 167,6611ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-profile-api-3.3.0.jar 1 159,3315ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\odmg-3.0.jar 1 156,3027ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\relaxng-datatype-2.3.7.jar 1 146,7319ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-cas-5.7.4.jar 1 135,4048ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\ntlmv2-lib-1.0.5.jar 1 129,4833ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\smsSender-connector-ifaces- 1 128,0774ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-jcl-5.3.23.jar 1 121,5627ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-kerberos-core-1.0.1.RELEASE.jar 1 108,6158ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\smsSender-dao- 1 108,5201ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\smsSender-webservices- 1 106,1685ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\jta-1.1.jar 1 90,3936ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opencsv-2.3.jar 1 86,4539ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-taglibs-5.7.4.jar 1 65,3030ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\xpp3_min- 1 64,4819ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-xacml-saml-api-3.3.0.jar 1 62,1405ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-kerberos-client-1.0.1.RELEASE.jar 1 58,4727ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\ntlmv2-filter-1.0.5.jar 1 27,4033ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\ordermanager-webservices-1.0.0.jar 1 25,8181ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-xacml-impl-3.3.0.jar 1 18,7982ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-xmlsec-impl-3.3.0.jar 1 18,4236ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-saml-impl-3.3.0.jar 1 17,9277ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\ojdbc5- 1 16,8699ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-web-5.3.23.jar 1 15,4870ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\saaj-impl-1.3.2.jar 1 15,3993ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\mail-1.4.1.jar 1 15,2199ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\serializer-2.7.1.jar 1 14,9561ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\snakeyaml-1.30.jar 1 14,8675ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-tx-5.3.23.jar 1 14,7814ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\xmlschema-core-2.2.4.jar 1 14,7109ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-beans-5.3.23.jar 1 14,6513ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\wss4j-policy-2.2.3.jar 1 14,6504ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-api-2.17.2.jar 1 14,6358ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\rngom-2.3.7.jar 1 14,4343ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-aop-5.3.23.jar 1 14,4105ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\metrics-core-4.2.12.jar 1 14,0816ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\mchange-commons-java-0.2.15.jar 1 14,0463ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-xmlsec-api-3.3.0.jar 1 14,0081ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\xsom-2.3.7.jar 1 13,9623ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\mysql-connector-j-8.0.31.jar 1 13,8973ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-expression-5.3.23.jar 1 13,8695ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\swagger-core-1.5.21.jar 1 13,8637ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-saml-api-3.3.0.jar 1 13,7666ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-core-5.7.4.jar 1 13,7562ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-web-5.7.4.jar 1 13,7337ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-boot-2.7.5.jar 1 13,7016ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\swagger-jaxrs-1.5.21.jar 1 13,6258ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\swagger-models-1.5.21.jar 1 13,6084ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-webmvc-5.3.23.jar 1 13,5148ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-ldap-5.7.4.jar 1 13,4818ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\jstl-impl-1.2.jar 1 13,4699ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\velocity-1.5.jar 1 13,4645ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-jdbc-5.3.23.jar 1 13,4505ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\servlet-api-2.5.jar 1 13,4129ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-core-2.17.2.jar 1 13,4073ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\tomcat-servlet-api-9.0.69.jar 1 13,3699ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\stax2-api-3.1.4.jar 1 13,3469ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\woodstox-core-asl-4.2.0.jar 1 13,3369ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\smsSender-core- 1 13,3043ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-boot-autoconfigure-2.7.5.jar 1 13,2490ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-config-5.7.4.jar 1 13,2054ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opencsv-4.6.jar 1 12,9920ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\neethi-3.0.3.jar 1 12,9455ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-context-5.3.23.jar 1 12,9134ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\purejavacomm-1.0.2.RELEASE.jar 1 12,8529ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\woodstox-core-5.0.3.jar 1 12,8248ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\oro-2.0.8.jar 1 12,7502ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-orm-5.3.23.jar 1 12,7160ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\tomcat-el-api-9.0.69.jar 1 12,6260ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-context-support-5.3.23.jar 1 12,5416ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-security-api-3.3.0.jar 1 12,5313ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\xmlsec-2.1.2.jar 1 12,4802ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-core-5.3.23.jar 1 12,4397ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\quartz-2.3.2.jar 1 12,3974ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-crypto-5.7.4.jar 1 12,3509ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\poi-3.16-beta1.jar 1 12,3408ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-security-acl-5.7.4.jar 1 12,2917ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\wss4j-ws-security-common-2.2.3.jar 1 12,2394ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-ldap-core-2.4.1.jar 1 12,1972ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\spring-jms-5.3.23.jar 1 12,1442ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\xml-apis-1.4.01.jar 1 12,1345ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\wss4j-ws-security-stax-2.2.3.jar 1 12,0500ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\poi-ooxml-3.16-beta1.jar 1 12,0128ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-soap-api-3.3.0.jar 1 11,9963ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\opensaml-core-3.3.0.jar 1 11,9096ms C:\tomcat9\WEB-INF\lib\txw2-2.3.7.jar ```
ecki commented 1 year ago

The maven signatures are unfortunatelly detached, you don’t have them in the jar (and using jar signing would be possible but is frowned upon).

in case of antivirus it would be an option to scan files only when they are written and then attach a signature/version information (NTFS stream or extended attributes) so you can verify the local filesystem is unaltered and the scan was with an up-to-date scanner. In case of new malware signatures the background scanner could refresh those markers.

michael-o commented 1 year ago

@michael-o would you have a chance to suggest a Maven project we can investigate to track the performance?

None in particular.

michael-o commented 1 year ago

We are being hit by this running tomcat on windows server. The first page load is excruciatingly slow because of defender scanning all jars on open.

I'm sure the team has already thought about this and it's not that simple (it never is), but all jars on maven central are supposed to be signed. Could it be somehow possible to trust those signature which are easy to untrust with a definition update? That would reduce the amount of full jar scan to a minimum since I'd guess 80% of jars to scan come from maven central. Here is an excerpt from a trace I ran during a cpu spike, tomcat jars are pretty clear offenders:

<rant> Well, there is a solution to that problem: Use an operating system which what YOU want and not what OTHERS want. </rant>

bendem commented 1 year ago

<rant> Well, there is a solution to that problem: Use an operating system which what YOU want and not what OTHERS want. </rant>

Please, do provide us with the millions required to run a municipality and I'll happily be able to chose what OS I run my software on. Otherwise, maybe refrain from derailing the conversation into wasted heat.

michael-o commented 1 year ago

<rant> Well, there is a solution to that problem: Use an operating system which what YOU want and not what OTHERS want. </rant>

Please, do provide us with the millions required to run a municipality and I'll happily be able to chose what OS I run my software on. Otherwise, maybe refrain from derailing the conversation into wasted heat.

I wasn't able to hold my self off. But honestly, this has been open now for almost three years. Do you really expect anything to happen here?

ecki commented 1 year ago

@michael-o do not give up, just read that in the news:

Microsoft has also created Dev Drive inside Dev Home, a new storage volume that’s customized for 
developers and uses Microsoft’s latest Resilient File System (ReFS) alongside a performance mode
for Microsoft Defender that will improve build times for heavy I/O operations by up to 30 percent.
“The new performance mode is more secure for your workloads than folder or process exclusions,
providing an ultimate solution to balance security with performance,”
ecki commented 1 year ago

@michael-o would you have a chance to suggest a Maven project we can investigate to track the performance?

If you want to publish some numbers Apache KAraf OSGi is reasonbable big and still pretty selfcontained. We use that internally as a benchmark quite often (but then again, we depend on it).

michael-o commented 1 year ago

@michael-o do not give up, just read that in the news:

Microsoft has also created Dev Drive inside Dev Home, a new storage volume that’s customized for 
developers and uses Microsoft’s latest Resilient File System (ReFS) alongside a performance mode
for Microsoft Defender that will improve build times for heavy I/O operations by up to 30 percent.
“The new performance mode is more secure for your workloads than folder or process exclusions,
providing an ultimate solution to balance security with performance,”

Sounds like a totally convoluted solution to a simple problem: Don't scan.

ecki commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a totally convoluted solution to a simple problem: Don't scan.

Well yes, but for those who dont want to scan the solution is easy: dont scan :)

brunoborges commented 1 year ago

Sounds like a totally convoluted solution to a simple problem: Don't scan.

The scanning should be transparent. Experienced developers will always have the option to disable scanning (unless forbidden by IT Corp rules). But for others, it is better to leverage the Dev Home experience. Faster and yet still secure.

karianna commented 1 year ago

michael-o commented 1 year ago

How does this solve the problem?

rolfth commented 1 year ago

IMHO, the development mode doesn't solve the reported problem. It is not a problem for developers, but a problem when running Java programs. It is a generic end-user problem and it only affects developers because they happen to be heavy end-users.

The problem is that Windows Defender doesn't trust jar-files. Therefore, it scans the full content of a jar-file upon access. This takes a lot of time and resources (battery drain). On top of that, scan results are not cached, which results that this scanning overheard is observed each time a application starts. This results in poor performance of every Java application on a platform with Windows Defender running. Meanwhile, the Java community is making great effort to digitally sign jars, such that content could be trusted without scanning the content. These efforts are ignored by the Windows Defender team.

Apparently, the problem and its impact is not understood by Microsoft. The issue is affecting thousands of applications, millions of people and takes many hours of productive time.

brunoborges commented 1 year ago

Defender doesn't trust any ZIP file. A JAR file is a ZIP file, and WD will treat as such.

I am not sure about scanning results being scanned, though. Sure that would help.

danielreuther commented 1 year ago

Defender doesn't trust any ZIP file. A JAR file is a ZIP file, and WD will treat as such.

I understand that argument, however, as @rolfth pointed out, signatures could help WD distinguish between a simple ZIP file and a potentially more trustworthy signed JAR file.

ecki commented 1 year ago

I would not waste time with jar signatures, they are very uncommon (and you can as usual easily sign malware as well). Not to mention that signature checking is slow as well.

ecki commented 1 year ago

IMHO, the development mode doesn't solve the reported problem.

Depends on which report :) the initial report in this ticket is about IDE and Build systems, for that development mode with trusted filesystem helps (for those who can use it), for the also mentioned application startup issues it won’t help - but those are less severe imho.

rolfth commented 1 year ago

IMHO, the development mode doesn't solve the reported problem.

Depends on which report :) the initial report in this ticket is about IDE and Build systems, for that development mode with trusted filesystem helps (for those who can use it), for the also mentioned application startup issues it won’t help - but those are less severe imho.

Yes, this ticket is reports the effect on development efficiency. However, it starts with a generic statement. Also it references to the original issue that I reported on Microsoft Feedback Hub, which is generic for Java applications too.

marschall commented 1 year ago

I would not waste time with jar signatures, they are very uncommon (and you can as usual easily sign malware as well). Not to mention that signature checking is slow as well.

I'm old enough to remember NGSCB, Palladium, Trustworthy Computing where Microsoft argued signed code = safe.