microsoft / jmeter-performance-analyzer-devops-extension

This task enables to run Performance testng using Apache Jmeter, Analyze report and post results. This task uses Apache Jmeter 5.5 and expects a valid parametrized JMX File, Any input Files, and property file for JMX. The task runs the jmx files according to the configured values in JMX and publishes the result to build artifacts and $web of your storage container. Provides control to fail pipeline if JMeter test fails More details at You need to enable static hosting in the storage container in order to be able to view html results.
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TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format - all of a sudden started getting this in JMeter Performance Analyzer #42

Closed BismarckNewman closed 2 months ago

BismarckNewman commented 2 months ago

I have performance tests that run at different schedules. All of a sudden one day they started running into this error below. Nothing was updated or changed on my end. The performance tests just run into this issue and don't run now.

2024-04-26T07:05:15.8812025Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:869 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Since jmeterCustomUnzippedFolderName and extractedfolderNameforJMeterBinary are same, Jmeter binary will directly be extracted to value provided in extractedfolderNameforJMeterBinary: apache-jmeter-5.5 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8815692Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:874 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Root directory: C:\Agents\Release\_work\r2\a 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8818322Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:874 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Current Working directory: C:\Agents\Release\_work\r2\a 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8820604Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:874 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_URL 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8822769Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:875 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_ORIGINAL_FILE_Folder apache-jmeter-5.5 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8825066Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:875 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_ORIGINAL_FILE_Folder_ABS_PATH C:\Agents\Release\_work\r2\a\apache-jmeter-5.5 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8827240Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:875 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_FILE_Folder apache-jmeter-5.5 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8829526Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:875 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_FILE_Folder_ABS C:\Agents\Release\_work\r2\a\apache-jmeter-5.5 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8851327Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:877 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_BIN_Folder apache-jmeter-5.5\bin 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8853714Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:878 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - JMETER_ABS_BIN_Folder C:\Agents\Release\_work\r2\a\apache-jmeter-5.5\bin 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8856021Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:878 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Current Working directory: C:\Agents\Release\_work\r2\a 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8858186Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:878 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Start Downloading JMeter Binary File 2024-04-26T07:05:15.8864836Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:15:879 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Downloading File: to location: apache-jmeter.tgz 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2907146Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:16:283 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Download Completed to :apache-jmeter.tgz 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2912981Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:16:284 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Completed Downloading JMeter Binary 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2916113Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:16:284 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Start Unzipping JMeter Binary 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2992319Z ##[error]Error: TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2997884Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:16:289 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Error: TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2998719Z 26-Apr-2024 03:05:16:291 -0400 9a110a13-14ec-4779-8d5a-56067f82f61d - Please note this extension is in beta version. We will be fixing the issues as reported and hence it is important for us to be able to analyze logs and fix the issue. If you encounter any issue please create a github issue here 2024-04-26T07:05:16.2999453Z ##[error]TAR_BAD_ARCHIVE: Unrecognized archive format 2024-04-26T07:05:32.1769874Z ##[section]Finishing: Run Perf Analyzer ![Uploading PerformanceTestingIssue.PNG…]()

BismarckNewman commented 2 months ago

I believe this issue is because of the jmeter version