microsoft / knossos-ksc

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Should backends deal with one-argification? #681

Open dcrc2 opened 3 years ago

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

Compiling prelude.ks with ksc currently produces output such as this:

(edef [add (Tuple Float Float)] Float ((Tuple Float Float)))
 [fwd [add (Tuple Float Float)]] Float
 ((xt : (Tuple Float Float)) (dxt : (Tuple Float Float)))
 (let (((dx1 dx2) dxt)) ([add (Tuple Float Float)] dx1 dx2)))

Note that the arguments to the edef are given in one-argified form, but the arguments to the def of [fwd add] are not. Also, the call to the edef-ed function uses multiple arguments. This currently causes type-checking failures in ksc-mlir. How should we be dealing with this?

(Note: the fact that structured names are always one-argified isn't a problem: as far as the backend is concerned, the structured name is just a name - we don't care what relationship it has to the actual arguments.)

Do backends need to understand one-argification, so that they recognize that (edef f Float ((Tuple Float Float))) is equivalent to (edef f Float (Float Float))?

Or should ksc's output be changed so that it consistently uses one form or the other (ie. decide whether we want the .kso to use one-arg or multi-arg form?)

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

Would it help if we removed syntax of the form (edef f Float (Float Float))? I would much rather see (edef f Float (Tuple Float Float)). We only needed the former before we moved to one-arg. We don't need it anymore. I think it's just confusing.

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

Yes, I agree it's confusing, and removing the multi-argument form for edefs would simplify the parsers.

That would leave similar issues with defs and calls, though, which may be more difficult to resolve. For example, the def of [fwd add] above is written with multiple arguments, but later in the same .kso we have a function written in one-arg form:

 [rev [sub (Tuple (Vec Float) (Vec Float))]] (Tuple (Vec Float)
                                                    (Vec Float))
 (_t1 : (Tuple (Tuple (Vec Float) (Vec Float)) (Vec Float)))
  ((_t (get$1$2 _t1))
   (a (get$1$2 _t))
   (b (get$2$2 _t))
   (ksc$argVar (get$2$2 _t1))

But again, calls to this function are generally output in the multi-argument style, so the backend needs to know that the two forms are interchangeable.

Similarly, although calls are usually written using multiple arguments, it's still possible to have a call which passes a tuple in single-argument form, as long as it's not an explicitly-constructed tuple, e.g.

(edef f (Tuple Float Float) (Integer))
(edef g Integer ((Tuple Float Float)))

(def main Integer ()
    (g (f 0)))

(this is output unchanged by ksc, except for turning the function names into structured names).

So again the question is whether the backend should be able to deal with both forms, or whether ksc should pick one to output.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

it's still possible to have a call which passes a tuple in single-argument form, as long as it's not an explicitly-constructed tuple

By way of clarification, it is also possible for a call to pass a literal ("explicitly-constructed") tuple, e.g.

(edef g Integer ((Tuple Float Float)))

(def main Integer ()
    (g (Tuple 0.0 0.0)))
toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

That would leave similar issues with defs and calls, though, which may be more difficult to resolve.

Hmm, then I'm not sure I fully understand the problem. The recommended strategy is as follows:


Can you elaborate on what difficulties this causes?

(Whether the backend chooses to unpack tuple arguments is an orthogonal issue.)

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

There's nothing here that's especially difficult to implement. But since it's work that will have to be done multiple times (in each backend, or anything else that processes the output of ksc), I was wondering whether it might be better to handle this in a single place on the ksc side, by picking one of the two possible representations, and only using that form in the output.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

Would it help if we removed syntax of the form (edef f Float (Float Float))? I would much rather see (edef f Float (Tuple Float Float)).

I have implemented this suggestion at I suggest we go ahead with it because having a list of types there is misleading.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

Or should ksc's output be changed so that it consistently uses one form or the other (ie. decide whether we want the .kso to use one-arg or multi-arg form?)

When you say ".kso to use one-arg form" I think you are talking specifically about the concrete syntax and you mean

But I don't understand what ".kso to use multi-arg form" could mean. Could you elaborate?

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

[Sorry, hit the wrong button and closed accidentally]

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

But I don't understand what ".kso to use multi-arg form" could mean. Could you elaborate?

Roughly, a subset of KSIR which "looks like" it uses multiple arguments for function calls. I think this would mean, whenever a function argument is an n-tuple (with n not equal to 1):

Both of these things are currently done by Cgen, and will need to be done by ksc-mlir as well (unless we decide that it's better to do this in ksc).

simonpj commented 3 years ago

Any call to the function is written as having n arguments. If the original argument (in one-arg form) is a non-literal tuple, then this would have to be transformed to introduce a temporary variable for the tuple, and pass a sequence of gets to the function.

Simpler than that. Instead of f( e ) we'd want let (a,b,c) = e in f(a,b,c). Unless e is a Tuple. Easy really!

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

A good reason for doing this in ksc is, after converting a one-arg def to a multi-arg def, it would be good to be able to run optLets to remove redundant variables. I think this is the same transformation as we previously discussed on #538.

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

Any call to the function is written as having n arguments. If the original argument (in one-arg form) is a non-literal tuple, then this would have to be transformed to introduce a temporary variable for the tuple, and pass a sequence of gets to the function.

Simpler than that. Instead of f( e ) we'd want let (a,b,c) = e in f(a,b,c). Unless e is a Tuple. Easy really!

Oh, good point, yes!

awf commented 3 years ago

I'm beginning to think we should say "KS is 1-arg".
That is different from other IRs (MLIR, LLVM, ONNX are all multi-in, multi-out), but we have a good reason for it, which is our AD is much cleaner with one arg

f : S -> T
f' : (S, dS) -> dT
f` : (S, dT) -> dS
Df : S -> LM dS dT

We don't want our IR to have too much sugar, but we also don't want it to be unreadable, but now we have tuple-unpacking let, it's much more readable. Hence moving from

(def f Float ((a : (Vec Float)) (b : String))
       (foo a b))


(def f Float (arg : Tuple (Vec Float) String)
    (let ((a b) arg)
       (foo a b)))

One possible tweak. As there's only ever one arg, maybe we should just call it arg?

(def f Float (Tuple (Vec Float) String)
    (let ((a b) arg)
       (foo a b)))

This makes def and edef more similar, and removes syntax for arg : Type

simonpj commented 3 years ago

A good reason for doing this in ksc is, after converting a one-arg def to a multi-arg def, it would be good to be able to run optLets to remove redundant variables

To be concrete, I think you are saying this.

Good point.

This many-arg-ification is a pretty simple ks->ks transformation. Let's make sure that the above rationale and examples appear in a Note that describes it.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

Any call to the function is written as having n arguments. If the original argument (in one-arg form) is a non-literal tuple, then this would have to be transformed to introduce a temporary variable for the tuple

@simonpj Any thoughts on how this would interact with your polymorphism proposal? At parse time we would have no idea if an argument will be used at tuple type or not.

awf commented 3 years ago

This also reduces (or perhaps crystallizes) confusion about whether "(Tuple (Tuple Int))" is different from "Int".

It also has the property that backends can and should choose what argument-passing convention they wish. For example, imagine an architecture with 3 registers for argument passing, with all other args living on the stack, then I might pass the tuple

(tuple 1.0 (tuple (rand 7) 2.0) (rand 8))

as if it had been

(1.0, 2.0, (tuple (rand 7) (rand 8))

i.e. I pack all scalars into the registers, regardless of how deep in the tuple they were. This is essentially calling convention, and as long as I'm consistent, it's entirely a backend decision.

simonpj commented 3 years ago

I'm beginning to think we should say "KS is 1-arg".

I agree -- but I also agree with David that doing many-argification immediately prior to the back end may do work once that would otherwise need to be done many times.

So I think think we can have one-arg almost always, with many-arg as a transition into codegen.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

To be concrete, I think you are saying this.

I'm not sure what these transformations are. They're not transformations on the IR because in the IR calls and defs have exactly one argument. Are they transformations from IM to pretty-printed code?

simonpj commented 3 years ago

@simonpj Any thoughts on how this would interact with your polymorphism proposal? At parse time we would have no idea if an argument will be used at tuple type or not.

We just would not many-argify polymorphic functions. I don't this this would be hard.

awf commented 3 years ago

To be concrete, I think you are saying this.

I'm not sure what these transformations are. They're not transformations on the IR because in the IR calls and defs have exactly one argument. Are they transformations from IM to pretty-printed code?

Well, we might also ask the parser not to accept many-arg code.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

We just would not many-argify polymorphic functions. I don't this this would be hard.

But unless I'm misunderstanding what David wants, that defeats the point of his suggestion. As I understand it he wants to know that if he sees (f a) then a is not of tuple type (I think).

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

Well, we might also ask the parser not to accept many-arg code.

Yes, going one-arg in the concrete syntax is a coherent thing to do. I'm skeptical that going many-arg in the concrete syntax is a coherent thing to do.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

I'm skeptical that going many-arg in the concrete syntax is a coherent thing to do.

(unless we also go many-arg in the IR, but then one-arg in the concrete syntax will no longer be a coherent thing to do.)

awf commented 3 years ago

Yes, going one-arg in the concrete syntax is a coherent thing to do.

Agreed. And I think @dcrc2 will too :)

dcrc2 commented 3 years ago

We just would not many-argify polymorphic functions. I don't this this would be hard.

But unless I'm misunderstanding what David wants, that defeats the point of his suggestion. As I understand it he wants to know that if he sees (f a) then a is not of tuple type (I think).

I hadn't really thought about this, but I think you're right: there's little point in getting ksc to convert to a multi-arg representation unless it's done fully. (Otherwise the backend will still need to have code for dealing with the one-arg case.)

(Aside: are there going to be polymorphic functions in the output .kso? I'd been assuming that they'd be like gdefs: they'd be present in the input .ks, but ksc would then generate monomorphic implementations for any argument types that are actually used.)

I'm not sure what these transformations are. They're not transformations on the IR because in the IR calls and defs have exactly one argument. Are they transformations from IM to pretty-printed code?

I think it is an IR transformation: the transformation is to the subset defined by two constraints:

Having done this transformation, the pretty-printer is then able to emit code which looks like it's multi-arg.

But I'm happy to use the one-arg representation if we're confident that that's the right thing to do. I've already started on the ksc-mlir implementation for this; I just didn't want to finish it off and then later decide that most of the work belonged in ksc instead.

Also as @awf says above, even if the target language is multi-arg, that doesn't necessarily mean that the right calling convention is to flatten exactly one level of tuples. (This is what Cgen and ksc-mlir do at the moment, but we might want to change that.) That seems like a very good reason to stick with one-arg.

toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

are there going to be polymorphic functions in the output .kso?

I think this is yet to be decided

awf commented 3 years ago


toelli-msft commented 3 years ago

Aha, subsequent to today's KSC meeting I do understand what Simon meant.

f(e)   ==>   let (a,b,c) = e in f(a,b,c)
        when e is not a literal tuple

The call f(a,b,c) is a call to f with a literal tuple argument. Perhaps it would be clearer to write it as

f(e)   ==>   let (a,b,c) = e in f( (a,b,c) )
        when e is not a literal tuple

to distinguish it from a call to f with multiple arguments (which can't exist in KSC's IR).