microsoft / llmops-promptflow-template

LLMOps with Prompt Flow is a "LLMOps template and guidance" to help you build LLM-infused apps using Prompt Flow. It offers a range of features including Centralized Code Hosting, Lifecycle Management, Variant and Hyperparameter Experimentation, A/B Deployment, reporting for all runs and experiments and so on.
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llmops_config.json missing #159

Open andrehe001 opened 3 weeks ago

andrehe001 commented 3 weeks ago

In the llmops workshop under "", the file llmops_config.json gets modified. This file is missing in the repo. Where there any changes for the flow's parameter settings?

ritesh-modi commented 3 weeks ago

We are updating the llmops-workshop documentation based on changes to the repo. llmops_config is removed and instead we have experiments.yaml. Moreover, workspace details etc have moved to variables in Github and Azure DevOps