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XAML Ribbon #168

Closed adambarlow closed 2 years ago

adambarlow commented 5 years ago

Proposal: XAML Ribbon



tl:dr; Provide a Ribbon control for XAML apps which utilizes recent advancements in XAML commanding infrastructure, which is simple to implement and simple to interact with.

Since the release of the ribbon in Microsoft Office products in 2007 it has been a successful and frequently imitated commanding paradigm. It's success is demonstrated in the many implementations in frameworks on various platforms, as well as the ongoing requests for it's inclusion in WinUI.

This proposal details the creation of a simplified single-row Ribbon control, which can natively host XAML controls with great styling out of the box. This ribbon control will be familiar to those who have worked with the commandbar control and will allow for apps with more advanced commanding capabilities than are currently possible with XAML.


Implementing a XAML Ribbon will provide the following for the community:

  1. Allow for the creation of apps that scale to have offer many commands to users (e.g sophisticated apps with more commands than comfortably fit in, say, a current XAML commandbar)
  2. Provide users with commanding UX which is familiar, usable, and coherent with what they see across other apps on Windows (e.g. Microsoft Office)
  3. Provide a commanding surface that complements our existing suite of XAML commanding assets (e.g. button, ToggleButton, SplitButton, XamlUICommand, StandardUICommand, CommandBarFlyout, CommandBar, Menubar, etc.)


Functional Requirements

# Feature Priority Wave
1 Basic Ribbon tabbing experience (e.g. a tabbed set of command bars) Must 0
2 Animation when switching tabs Should 1
3 Contextual tabbing support Should 1
4 Support for overflow of items (one per tab) Must 1
4.1 Ability for the end-user to add and remove items from the overflow Could 2
4.2 Split or dropdown buttons in the overflow have cascading menus Should 1
4.3 Overflow area organized by the ‘chunk’ commands came from Could 2
5 Supports resize behavior (e.g. losing labels, dropping commands into the overflow for each tab on window resize Should 1
5.1 Support for mandatory text labels Should 1
6 Optional built-in menu for ‘File Menu' (a contextflyout hosted in the ribbon for commands like Save and Open) Should 1
7 Support for a QAT menu for frequently used commands Should 1
7.1 Ability for end-users to add / remove items from the QAT Could 2
8 Able to host a set of commonly used controls in the control without the need to style them (drop in support)
- Button
- Split Button
- DropDown Button
- Combo-box
- Toggle Button
Should 1
9 Ability to host arbitrary XAML (developer would not get styling for free) Should 1
10 Supports icon only commands Should 1
11 Integrates with XamlUICommand registry (when developed) Could 1
12 Built-in search bar across XamlUICommand registry Could 2

Open Questions

adambarlow commented 3 years ago

@yoshiask , it's been a long time since I wrote this. But I believe that I meant that the ribbon author should be able to force an item to display a text label if they want, instead of an icon.

@trsht-tmyk , this control doesn't yet exist, so sadly it's not available to open source or use.

michael-hawker commented 3 years ago

Thanks @adambarlow, @yoshiask I think you support the labels already as you're just using the standard CommandBarItem, eh?

@trsht-tmyk we have a PR for this open by Yoshi on the Windows Community Toolkit here:

You can find out about pulling a preview NuGet of it from our preview feeds here: - Would love any feedback you have on it as we continue development. We'll hopefully ship this as part of our upcoming 7.0 release.

yoshiask commented 3 years ago

@yoshiask I think you support the labels already as you're just using the standard CommandBarItem, eh?

I don't, precisely because I'm using a standard CommandBar. The AppBarButton template(s) assume that you'll always have both a label and an icon, not one or the other. As a result, if you only use a label or icon, the content of the button will be off-center.

I think I can fix this, but I would have to duplicate the template and switch it from hardcoded margins to ColumnSpacing

ad1Dima commented 3 years ago

@adambarlow why did you close this?

adambarlow commented 3 years ago

@ad1Dima mistaken button press. Thank you.

0x5bfa commented 3 years ago

@adambarlow thank you for your answer. So did you mean that this image was created in photoshop or something?


uwp ribbon initial ideas Isn't this image also a uwp app?

0x5bfa commented 3 years ago

I'm thinking of creating software that extends word with uwp so that I can experience more experiences. I would like to make a ribbon that can be folded like a split view like onenote for windows 10.

The tabbedcommandbar is a good control to achieve this, but it doesn't allow you to display two lines without expanding, and it's far from being achieved using it.

Like this image

This image is powerpoint ribbon. In this image, multiple controls are lined up vertically in the command bar. Since word app has many functions, we have to increase the number of controls. Therefore, I would like to add or turn on such a function.

mdtauk commented 3 years ago

@trsht-tmyk Those images are mock-ups for how a UWP Ribbon could look, if it were to be made.

0x5bfa commented 3 years ago

Well...., what control is used to create the ribbon-like appearance of onenote for windows10? Also, does it mean that it is impossible to create with navigation view / split view etc.? I'm so so sorry I'm ignorant.

mdtauk commented 3 years ago

Well...., what control is used to create the ribbon-like appearance of onenote for windows10? Also, does it mean that it is impossible to create with navigation view / split view etc.? I'm so so sorry I'm ignorant.

I think Office created a custom control for their UWP apps. There may be a similar control coming to the Community Toolkit.

michael-hawker commented 3 years ago

Wanted to call out that we have the TabbedCommandBar that we shipped in the 7.0.0 version of the Windows Community Toolkit.

Shomnipotence commented 2 years ago

unbeliveable that it is 2022, today , we still cannot have it

adambarlow commented 2 years ago

Thank you all for the feedback given. I am closing this issue as it's not currently in our roadmap to invest in this feature. However, please see the TabbedCommandBar linked above by Michael in the Windows Community Toolkit.

thatsofia commented 2 years ago

I'll go out on a limb here and say that Paint in Windows 11 and OneNote do not use TabbedCommandBar from the Windows Community Toolkit.

kmgallahan commented 2 years ago

@adambarlow Should you inform @andrewleader so he can remove it from the productboard page that links this issue?.

adambarlow commented 2 years ago

@kmgallahan, I don't think that is necessary. You'll notice on that page that this is marked as on the 'backlog', and this feature was previously marked in the freezer. I am not saying that this feature will never be built, just that it's not currently being developed. I just want to set expectations correctly.

soroshsabz commented 1 year ago


@adambarlow How to choose feature for your roadmap? this feature has many votes here and 31 votes on

mdtauk commented 1 year ago

Someone should speak to the people who updated the Paint UI, because they have the basis for a XAML Ribbon control. If it can be generalised to be flexible, and possibly add a Compact mode in a similar vein to the Office's Simplified Ribbon.


image image image

michael-hawker commented 1 year ago

The simplified ribbon is basically the TabbedCommandBar we have in the Toolkit. @Niels9001 not sure if this has come up with your discussions with the design team. Not sure what the current modern guidance is here? I think that's certainly why we went with looking at the more simplified experience over trying to create the larger ribbon experience, as I think the direction has been towards the simplified pattern, eh?

niels9001 commented 1 year ago

The simplified ribbon is basically the TabbedCommandBar we have in the Toolkit. @Niels9001 not sure if this has come up with your discussions with the design team. Not sure what the current modern guidance is here? I think that's certainly why we went with looking at the more simplified experience over trying to create the larger ribbon experience, as I think the direction has been towards the simplified pattern, eh?

Not specifically.. I agree that the simplified ribbon and the TabbedCommandBar have a lit in common. Would be worthwhile to port this over and making sure we adopt the latest W11 styling and make sure we come close to what is shown in Office/Paint!

mdtauk commented 1 year ago

If there was to be an option for a Full and Simple Ribbon, perhaps you could use a Tag on the "important" controls, and the others move to an overflow when in the Simple mode?

But there are two examples of Ribbon like experiences that can inform the design spec. The Fluent 2 Web kit seems to be the best official Guidance available for Toolbar designs in Fluent. I would imagine the Paint team did their own design spec, as would have Office.


Posting this link as cross reference...

yoshiask commented 1 year ago

The simple ribbon is way simpler than the full ribbon, I would implement them as completely separate controls.

mdtauk commented 1 year ago

The simple ribbon is way simpler than the full ribbon, I would implement them as completely separate controls.

Two separate controls makes it harder for devs to offer the user the choice. Its the same set of tools, just presented differently.

yoshiask commented 1 year ago

I understand that, but again they are very different controls. For one, the full ribbon has button layout options that the simple one just doesn't support. The "simple ribbon" really is nothing more than a command bar in a navigation view. Making the simple and full ribbon the same control would require completely rebuilding the simple one as well.

mdtauk commented 1 year ago

I understand that, but again they are very different controls. For one, the full ribbon has button layout options that the simple one just doesn't support. The "simple ribbon" really is nothing more than a command bar in a navigation view. Making the simple and full ribbon the same control would require completely rebuilding the simple one as well.

But with a simple tag or property on the buttons, you could set which ones appear in the Simplified view, and the others move to the flyout.

