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Proposal: UI for Long-Lived App-Wide Status Messages #913

Open sapallie opened 5 years ago

sapallie commented 5 years ago

Proposal: UI for Long-Lived App-Wide Status Messages


Add new UI for long-lived app-wide status messages for scenarios such as updates available or errors that may occur which prevent the user from experiencing an app or its features working as intended.



Capability Priority
Notification will not block user from effectively continuing to interact with the app while the notification is active. Must
Will make users aware of critical & non-critical messages about app-wide status. Must
Supports custom content and style. Must
Status message able to automatically and programmatically dismissed when status is no longer relevant. Must
Status message can be dismissed by user. Should
If there are multiple status messages, the app should decide how to stack the messages. Should
Responsive to app resize and UI changes. Should
Will act as a system notification. Won't


Critical Scenarios:

Non-critical Scenarios:

Design mockups:

Status Card

They are similar to Teaching tips but should be used for prompting users about errors or important status changes. Pop ups that can appear any where in the app window above the app UI.

Status Bar

In-app-UI banner similar to what is currently in use by M365: Update banner from Outlook: appears alongside app UI.

Your Phone App error message: Your Phone App Error Message

VS Designer banner showing 2 separate links: VS Designer banner showing 2 separate links

"Recording started" message in Teams: "Recording started" message in Teams


Port from Windows Community Toolkit to appear from the edge of the app window as an overlay UI control. InAppNotification gif: appears from bottom of edge of app window as overlay UI

Open Questions

Scenarios/Requirements for this UI:

adrientetar commented 5 years ago

@sapallie, could you make the design mockups accessible publicly? Unless they're not to be shared at this point.

EverydayApps commented 5 years ago

Currently doing XAML development, and I'd love to see something like this. Or, something like a nice scrolling message control.

From a Microsoft branding standpoint, a standardized error banner seems like it could go horribly wrong. I'd fear end users associating every application error with the Microsoft brand. I just read the proposal, and first thing that came to mind was memelords tweeting about the flashy banner of death.

sapallie commented 5 years ago

@sapallie, could you make the design mockups accessible publicly? Unless they're not to be shared at this point.

Sorry @adrientetar, I can't share them just yet. The designs are Microsoft only for now.

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

@sapallie, thank you for this phenomenal feature idea! I am a Program Manager for WinUI and I am excited to pitch this to the team!

I wanted to write a little bit about our process so that you can be in tune with how we'll proceed from here. Starting now, I'll work to refine the high-level scope/requirements of this proposal and the justification for the development. Then I will pitch it to the rest of the WinUI team and we will deliberate on whether it aligns with our Road Map (#717) and if we think we can act on it relatively soon. If so, I'll be approved to figure out the details and begin spec writing so that the feature will be ready for a developer.

Here are few things I already know I need to get a bit more of an idea for...

Is your proposal for an edge-to-banner? Or a notification tile like what Windows Notifications do but in the app window such as the in the center, along the bottom edge, or in a corner?

Sorry @adrientetar, I can't share them just yet. The designs are Microsoft only for now.

I don't think I would be able to get this proposal approved without being able to include a public visual of the request as the repo is open source and close-sourcing the visual side of the conversation would entangle the process and experience for our community. Based on responses to the above, I am happy to take a shot at drafting a mock up for the proposal. Would you prefer this or do you have a timeline envisioned for granting your permission to make your design public? I love your mockup and would be eager to have them included in our brainstorming here lest we unnecessarily take the discussion in a divergent direction to your intention. Please let me know! :blush:

The banner will make users aware of errors that prevent them from using an app/a feature

The banner will be dismissable for non-critical errors

Am I correct in reading these statements to mean you also need to have the option for a non-dismissable bannerfor critical errors? If so, could you tell me more about your specific app scenario for recieving one/proceeding from the point of having a non-dismissable banner? Are the users relegated to close the app unless the problem is solved? Or is this where the buttons would come to, say, navigate them to the Network & Internet settings page?

Thanks again and I look forward to refining this idea!

Everyone, please feel encouraged to contribute your needs, designs, and perspectives to this conversation! :blush:

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

I would like to say, there are a few proposals that all ask for a similar thing. Rather than make this specifically an Error banner - why not just bring in the In App Notification from the Community Toolkit. There could be an icon property added, which would make it show an error icon, or a confirmation icon, etc.


sapallie commented 5 years ago

@SavoySchuler – good to hear from you. I tried to answer all your questions but please let me know if you need anything else.

Visual behaviour: Ideally the banner would be similar to a Windows Notification tile and would either be pinned to the top or bottom of the app window. Where it’s pinned depends on the other visual elements in the app and where the focus lies. This decision should be made by a designer. I think the GIF @mdtauk posted would be a great starting point.

Dismissing: I think it’d make sense to dig deeper into what I mean with critical vs. non-critical errors:

And I think all of these should be dismissible (I updated that in the proposal description as well)

Example visuals I did a few changes to the visuals and am able to share them like this: AppBanners These examples are an iteration where the entire banner is basically a big button. Users can dismiss it or click on it to go to the system settings (critical error), open a web page with details about feature fixes (warning 1), reload the app page (warning 2) or go to the Microsoft store to update the app (informational). It’d be possible to expand this concept to add multiple buttons within the banner.

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

I really like those visuals for the banner. I would move the text and icon up by 4 px, so they are centred in the white area, rather than the white and coloured bar.

Felix-Dev commented 5 years ago

Agreed. The posted visuals look quite nice.

mrlacey commented 5 years ago

I really like those visuals for the banner. I would move the text and icon up by 4 px, so they are centred in the white area, rather than the white and coloured bar.

I haven't counted the pixels but it looks as if these are centered if the space for diacritic marks above the X-height is accounted for.

mrlacey commented 5 years ago

@sapallie Have you made any thought about allowing these controls to be automatically, or programmatically dismissed?

If prompting about being/going offline, it would make sense to programmatically remove such a prompt when online again. (I've seen apps not do this and it can lead to a confusing experience.)

Similarly, having non-essential messages not displayed indefinitely can avoid unnecessary UI clutter and can prevent power users from needing to get out of flow once they've read a message by not forcing them to manually dismiss the notification.

I understand that there are potential extra accessibility considerations around such a control and these behaviors but I believe these ways of dismissing the control are essential.

mrlacey commented 5 years ago

I think it is important to call out that such a control is not intended for general messaging within an app. Unless that really is a desired use case.

mrlacey commented 5 years ago

Should an app be allowed to display multiple banners at once? If so, how will they be arranged? And is this something that the app can control?

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

This would satisfy those who have asked for an Android Toast style in app notification control, it could also possibly be useful for validation scenarios, to display error text where space in the form is at a premium.

I would also call it something like a StatusTip or StatusNotification so it won't only be associated with negative uses.

I assume the design would adapt by changing the placement on the solid colored bar when it is placed at the bottom of the window?

It should probably have a timeout property, and could even have the ability to show a pending message, like a progress ring and some text like "Logging in now" before switching to a confirmation of error message.

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

I really like those visuals for the banner. I would move the text and icon up by 4 px, so they are centred in the white area, rather than the white and coloured bar.

I haven't counted the pixels but it looks as if these are centered if the space for diacritic marks above the X-height is accounted for.


I think it was more likely that the text was vertically centred in the box without taking into account the coloured bar



Here is how the coloured bar placement could change with the placement of the control

sapallie commented 5 years ago

@mrlacey yes, programmatic/automatic dismissal for when the banner is not relevant anymore is quite important – I added it to the proposal description.

Status changes and errors: That’s what the banners should be used for. Not general messaging – I agree on that.

And I think multiple banners should work. They should just be stacked.

sapallie commented 5 years ago

@mdtauk I renamed it “Status banner” – thanks for your suggestions.

For the loading state – I don’t believe that should happen in the banner. Loading content should be displayed in the app where the content would actually appear.

And when it comes to changing the placement of the coloured bar – it’d be great to have the flexibility there depending on where the error banner is placed in the app window. 👍

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

Issues #622 and #792 could also be covered by this control, if it were to be built.

Status Banner

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

@sapallie Your note on critical error circumstances is interesting with respect to the suggested guidance that status banners point the user to a solution. My intuition is saying that you may also need an API to disable, or at least temporarily dismissability?

I understand that there are potential extra accessibility considerations around such a control and these behaviors but I believe these ways of dismissing the control are essential.

@mrlacey, great callout! Fortunately, I have worked through a significant portion of this during consideration of timed auto-dismiss on TeachingTip, and while some partnering with teams that own accessibility settings would be necessary, I do not believe this feature would be blocked on account of accessibility concerns. +1 on all your other points!

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

Could there be the ability to add a HyperlinkButton linking to a solution, or to a settings shortcut, like Networking?

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

Could there be the ability to add a HyperlinkButton linking to a solution, or to a settings shortcut, like Networking?

I was envisioning the subtext containing a hyperlink to an in-app or Settings App (see TeachingTip's Xaml Control's Gallery Code) page. Were you thinking of something more standardized @mdtauk?

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

@SavoySchuler Content property instead of MessageText?

sapallie commented 5 years ago

Your note on critical error circumstances is interesting with respect to the suggested guidance that status banners point the user to a solution. My intuition is saying that you may also need an API to disable, or at least temporarily dismissability?

Yeah, possibly I guess… Definitely doesn’t hurt to add it. It adds flexibility after all and will probably be quite useful for some use cases.

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

@mdtauk - Yes, I certainly mean content property!


Your note on critical error circumstances is interesting with respect to the suggested guidance that status banners point the user to a solution. My intuition is saying that you may also need an API to disable, or at least temporarily dismissability?

Yeah, possibly I guess… Definitely doesn’t hurt to add it. It adds flexibility after all and will probably be quite useful for some use cases.

On one-hand you have a non-dismissable pop-up covering the UI (and possibly causing its own scenario-based error in doing so) and on the other you an have app warning/critical error that is non-persistent which also makes my spidey-senses tingle.

Perhaps rather than an over UI + tip-style pop-up, would an in UI + edge-to-edge banner (the likes of which is used by the Office Suite to notify about updates - see below) meet the needs while also being afforded persistent space in your UI?

Update banner from Outlook

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

@SavoySchuler There could be a behaviour on the control, where it puts the header and content on a single line, if the control width is wide enough.

My earlier suggestion with the different positioning layouts would also work if the control slides out from the edge of another control - not just within the window or panel.

sapallie commented 5 years ago

Perhaps rather than an over UI + tip-style pop-up, would an in UI + edge-to-edge banner (the likes of which is used by the Office Suite to notify about updates - see below) meet the needs while also being afforded persistent space in your UI?

Update banner from Outlook

Yeah, that works too. 👍

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

It seems like it would be ideal to have both inline and overlay options as in retrospect the Office Suite is able to rely on all of their apps having a Ribbon. @mdtauk I like your suggestion that's starting to hint at how we think about appearance/disappearance behavior.

@all, can anyone share with me specific scenarios in your real apps where you envision this control being used? Specifically, I am interest in thoughts on visual entrance and the user interaction required to prompt dismissal? Do the requirements here cover the core behaviors you need from this control?

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

@SavoySchuler Considering Entrance and Exit, it could slide in from an edge, but also animate in as a floating overlay if the developer chooses. Sliding in from the right edge of the screen at OS level - from the right edge of an app window, or out towards from the edge of a control or UI element.

There is a close button for dismissal, but for touch displays, the ability to slide it in the reverse direction from where it emerged could also work. To ensure consistency, this needs to be built into the control.

Tapping the control should probably trigger an action which the message text would specify. The exception would be for displaying the progress of an action which would not be dismissable until it times out with an error or successfully completes.

Animated Examples Status Banner Enter, Update, Exit Enter, Update, Exit - YouTube Link

Status Banner Animate In Animate In - YouTube Link

TeachingTip exists and is a good way to target a specific Control or UI Element, and good for highlighting a new feature in an app. It could technically be used for the same purposes as this StatusBanner, so some thought needs to go into the semantic use of each of these, and identify what makes each unique.

Below are my personal thoughts about the differentiation between Status Banner and Teaching Tip

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

@mdtauk, fantastic work on the videos! 🎉 They are beyond helpful in bringing life to these ideas.

The need for persistence is an excellent point and I think the dismiss feature could also be mitigated with Guidelines that suggest making the status notifications persistently available in a notification pane if critical or, possibly resurfacing them at non-invasive intervals if problems persist. These are not definite assertions, just points of consideration to make in ensuring that this solution is appropriately comprehensive in its scenario solution.

The need to distinguish TeachingTip from this feature is spot on and I agree with your points. This control would serve a distinct need that TeachingTip was not designed to solve though there may be opportunity for some shared features or code.

Are there any stakeholders that would not have their needs met by something like what @mdtauk has shared above?

mrlacey commented 5 years ago

There seems to be differences between the Status Banners mocked-up in the OP and the full-width notification as seen in Office (images above in earlier comments) or Visual Studio (as below)

VS Designer banner showing 2 separate links

The differences between the two mean I wonder if they should be the same control or separate ones.

Here's a quick list of properties that each would need. (names for example, not fixed but intended to infer meaning)

Status Banners

Full-width Notifications

Only the properties in bold exist in both. Icon is potentially confusing as different types of icon (in a circle, or outline) are needed for each type. There would also need to be a property to indicate which style to use.

To me this feels like there is too much difference for a single control and putting all this functionality together would be confusing and complicated. I think these two concepts:

will provide the most value and least confusion as separate controls.

mrlacey commented 5 years ago

How would animated status banners support displaying multiple notifications at once? Or is this now out of scope?

mrlacey commented 5 years ago
  • Status Banner should be used in the OS Shell in a consistent way - there could be a set of standard localised banners with content, icons, colours, as an enum.
  • There could be some OS logic to append Status Banners to app windows. For instance when an app tries to access the network, and it is unavailable, the OS could show a standard Status Banner within the app window, rather than in screen space, or leaving it to developers to implement.

This level of OS integration shows ambition beyond a single control and beyond WinUI.

Would "standard localised banners" be all that's available or would these be in addition to being able to have something fully customizable? If providing some by default, what will they be? I would be concerned that only providing a limited set of options would be unnecessarily limiting of the potential of such a control.

Having the OS show banners in the open app for system wide scenarios like loss of network connectivity raises a number of concerns for me.

michael-hawker commented 5 years ago

Just found this issue from the Twitter post about the animated mock-ups. It does seem to overlap a lot of the work we've done with the InAppNotification control in the toolkit. Including things like how multiple messages are handled.

We've learned that while this appears like a simple control, it's pretty complex. It'd be nice to have a holistic solution that can be built-in to WinUI though to cover all these cases. Then we can deprecate the toolkit control.

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

Conferring with @ryandemopoulos, and I want to refactor this initial conversation a little to focus on the problem (need for error UI) before the solution (any specific piece/pieces of error UI).

To this end, my first goal is to lock down the scenarios and requirements for error UI (@sapallie, your "Critical: wifi connectivity lost" scenario is a perfect start). From there, we can work together to decide if the solution includes one piece of error notification UI or set of error UI components. From which, we'll expand @mrlacey's break down of API similarity (thank you for starting this) to decide if there's enough commonality for a derivation approach vs. distinct controls if there are several outputs of this conversation. I don't want to get ahead of myself but @mrlacey's argument for distinct solutions is already looking crisp and that's OK. My focus is on creating the right set of solution pieces for everyone here.

So, for anyone (@sapallie, @adrientetar, @EverydayApps @Felix-Dev, @mdtauk, and @mrlacey) that this control is particularly relevant to, could you provide me the following here or dm @

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

I have updated the Issue to reflect this problem-focused approach and I have cataloged the requirements, scenarios, and solution possibilities described so far.

@sapallie I tried to be courteous as I could in preserving your initial work. Version history is viewable under the "edited by..." drop down at the top of the issue. Please let me know if I did not capture anything correctly.

SavoySchuler commented 5 years ago

I pitched this to the WinUI team and we believe that the functionality defined here would be capable of serving not just error messages but long-lived app-wide status messages as a whole. This includes "update available" and "back-up complete" kind of status messages in addition to error-specific scenarios.

I have updated the issue to reflect this more holistic approach. I am hoping to finalize requirements and scenarios in the coming weeks so that we may being examining the necessary UI output pieces for displaying these messages.

I will rephrase my request above. @sapallie, @adrientetar, @EverydayApps @Felix-Dev, @mdtauk, and @mrlacey, for status/error messages you wish to display in your applications, could you provide me the following here or at

adrientetar commented 5 years ago

It's worth noting that, imo, popup dialogs should be avoided if possible. The web is full of popups prompts everywhere and they interrupt the flow trying to catch your eye. For instance, I think empty status (example) should be preferred e.g. if something could not be loaded in a control.

With respect to the visuals @mdtauk posted, do we really need popups displaying from all four edges of the screen/app? The point of WinUI should be to standardize the position and look of such items so all apps would use the same, and in that respect, Android Snackbar is an obvious reference. Another thing to note with Snackbar is does not display errors with a bright red color or anything, it has a sober appearance which I think is again beneficial in not distracting the user too much from what he's doing.

We'll also need guidance on when to use this popup instead of a dialog for instance, otherwise it'll just create fragmentation (different apps using the messaging controls in different ways).

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

Flyouts have a placement concept, this control could do the same thing. Appears from the inner edge of a container control, be it a Page or Tab Content are, etc.

@adrientetar Not every app is the same, so whilst there will be a default for this control, there needs to be a way for developers to change this location, without having to re-template, or re-engineer the control.

Office uses the space below the Ribbon. Edge uses the bottom of the screen. Only Windows itself, would be able to attach it to the Shell or Screen edges, and there is probably a good reason to prevent apps from mimicking system level alerts.

Plus any developer has the ability to restyle their own alert controls, so at this stage, it needs to be as flexible as possible, and then the Shell team will have some say into what restrictions go into the control usage.

mdtauk commented 5 years ago

The Your Phone team have one of these kinds of controls, so maybe you could ask them what issues they came across, and persuade them to move to using the WinUI control when its done and included?


adrientetar commented 5 years ago

Dropbox also using Snackbar in their design system (scroll down, second to last row of images).

ryandemopoulos commented 5 years ago

Recently spotted a couple more examples of long-lived, app-wide status messages:

("recording started" message in Teams) image

("trying to connect to the game coordinator" in Dota 2) image

Sorry these are small--the first picture was snapped from my desktop with an ultrawide monitor. :)

lukasf commented 4 years ago

Some dropbox snackbars contain a progress bar at bottom. Should this be included here? It can make sense e.g. for stuff like upload, download, update, sync progress. It's not a must-have imo, but maybe could or should?

shaheedmalik commented 4 years ago

Should these be rounded? Or no?

michael-hawker commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I think the key differentiation here from Teaching Tip is that apps want to coordinate their messaging space and may have multiple error/status updates to display at the same time (or in succession).

I think ideally, this is one control that the developer configures and places within their app and then pipes messages too (which I'd imagine have some sort of type to denote if it's error, status, warning, or some other general message).

In both the banner and pop-up case, I've seen apps which may have multiple messages. Sometimes they stack the banners which then dominate the UI real-estate, so it'd be nice if this solution avoided that (though nothing would prevent a developer from using multiple instances of the control to re-create that behavior still).

I'm surprised we also haven't called out VS Code, as they have their stacking pop-up notification panels on the bottom-right that also have additional action buttons on them too (to jump to settings for instance).

michael-hawker commented 4 years ago

VS Code Example Screenshot:


They have different types of icons that appear on the top-left, customizable button actions, and the ability to have the 'gear' icon to configure settings about the notifications per extension, in their case.

mdtauk commented 4 years ago

Just seen this screenshot of Cortana... image

kmgallahan commented 4 years ago

Office UI Fabric's MessageBar looks great, IMO:

Annotation 2019-12-31 215002

Poopooracoocoo commented 4 years ago

i've noticed that Samsung Notes for Windows 10 uses notification toasts to explain that a note was discarded because there was nothing in it which is so annoying

gabbybilka commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone! I'm a Program Manager for WinUI and am picking this proposal back up from @SavoySchuler. There's been a lot of great discussion and idea sharing already in this thread, thank you for all of your suggestions!

As it's been several months since there's been some activity here I wanted to check back in with everyone and re-iterate where we are currently.

As a summary of our current scope at the top of the proposal:

Please feel free to comment and let me know if I've missed anything in my scope summary or if you disagree. I want to be sure we're all on the same page before moving forward 😊

Now that we’ve defined the scope, there are a few specific scenarios and user experiences that still need to be defined. My hope is that defining these experiences will help guide the UI affordances for the control. What are your thoughts for your scenarios? CC: @sapallie, @adrientetar, @EverydayApps @Felix-Dev, @mdtauk, @mrlacey

The experiences are:

Thank you again for all of your thoughts and I look forward to bringing this to light!

mdtauk commented 4 years ago

Glad to see this proposal has not been forgotten @gabbybilka and thank you for taking it on!

If it is at all possible, you could contact those working on first party apps that include these kinds of notification UIs to make a list of requirements, for them to move from their custom solution, to a WinUI native control. Their needs, combined with the community's wants and needs, should cover enough for a V1 of this control.

@chigy would be someone to talk to about final design specs, as she works with the Fluent Design teams.

Microsoft should lead by example with this, if others are to be encouraged to use a consistent WinUI control.

Those are the apps that come to mind.

michael-hawker commented 4 years ago

@gabbybilka we also have the control in the Windows Community Toolkit, so happy to talk about that with you at any time. It'd be really great to have an upgrade path for our users here and migrate it from the Toolkit to WinUI.

I think from your initial summary that has most things covered, but could be good to call out something around having optional, actionable buttons as well? Or would that always just be custom content?