microsoft / microsoft-ui-xaml

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Wrong placement of CommandBar using Page's TopAppBar property. #9618

Closed jcz0389 closed 4 days ago

jcz0389 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

The CommandBar is placed at the top of the window, rather than at the top of a specific Page.

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. create two rows' grid in app window
  2. place a frame in second row
  3. create a page with CommandBar in page's TopAppBar prop
  4. show this page in the frame
  5. observe where CommandBar is displayed

Expected behavior

CommandBar should be placed at the top of the page, not the window.



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jcz0389 commented 1 month ago

This is the same cause as in #2970. In my app CommandBar is placed over "Click Me!" button and it is impossible to click the button.

brabebhin commented 1 month ago

I think the TopAppBar has been deprecated since windows 10 uwp. It's there to prevent compiler errors. Iirc TopAppBar was one of the key elements of the metro design language that simply forced apps to have a top and a bottom app bar, and used system defined rendering for that. It was replaced by the CommandBar cause nobody really wanted the inflexible behaviour of windows 8 metro app bars. I'm surprised it has any effect at all.

kmahone commented 4 days ago

We should remove the TopAppBar and BottomAppBar properties from Page since they are no longer recommended for use. We don't make abi breaking changes in 1.x releases so it is not something we can remove now, but it is something that we could do in a 2.x release.

For now, I recommend working around the issue by adding a Grid to the root of your Page and putting the CommandBar in a top most or bottom most Auto sized Row. That should give the desired behavior.

I will take note of this issue as a possible update to remove these two properties in a 2.x release (we do not currently have plans for a 2.0 release, but I imagine that it will happen at some point in the future).