microsoft / mimalloc

mimalloc is a compact general purpose allocator with excellent performance.
MIT License
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Crash Occurs When Running on Windows 11 (24H2 26100.2033) with ARM Processor #958

Open DuShijun opened 2 weeks ago

DuShijun commented 2 weeks ago

I wrote a simple console application, as:

int main() { mi_version(); const char ptr = ::_Getdays(); ::free((void)ptr); }

The following is the log output when the DLL is attached:

mimalloc: option 'show_errors': 0 mimalloc: option 'show_stats': 0 mimalloc: option 'verbose': 3 mimalloc: option 'eager_commit': 1 mimalloc: option 'arena_eager_commit': 2 mimalloc: option 'purge_decommits': 1 mimalloc: option 'allow_large_os_pages': 0 mimalloc: option 'reserve_huge_os_pages': 0 mimalloc: option 'reserve_huge_os_pages_at': -1 mimalloc: option 'reserve_os_memory': 0 KiB mimalloc: option 'deprecated_segment_cache': 0 mimalloc: option 'deprecated_page_reset': 0 mimalloc: option 'abandoned_page_purge': 0 mimalloc: option 'deprecated_segment_reset': 0 mimalloc: option 'eager_commit_delay': 1 mimalloc: option 'purge_delay': 10 mimalloc: option 'use_numa_nodes': 0 mimalloc: option 'disallow_os_alloc': 0 mimalloc: option 'os_tag': 100 mimalloc: option 'max_errors': 32 mimalloc: option 'max_warnings': 32 mimalloc: option 'max_segment_reclaim': 10 mimalloc: option 'destroy_on_exit': 0 mimalloc: option 'arena_reserve': 1048576 KiB mimalloc: option 'arena_purge_mult': 10 mimalloc: option 'purge_extend_delay': 1 mimalloc: option 'abandoned_reclaim_on_free': 1 mimalloc: option 'disallow_arena_alloc': 0 mimalloc: option 'retry_on_oom': 400 mimalloc: process init: 0xB15AD0B000 mimalloc: secure level: 0 mimalloc: mem tracking: none mimalloc: malloc is redirected. mimalloc-redirect: trace: build: Feb 1 2023 mimalloc-redirect: trace: windows version: 10.0.26100 mimalloc-redirect: trace: checking for target mimalloc.dll mimalloc-redirect: trace: checking for target mimalloc-override.dll mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "D:\mimalloc-2.1.7\mimalloc-2.1.7\out\msvc-x64\Release\ConsoleApplication1.exe" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\xtajit64.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolving "ucrtbase.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module: ucrtbase.dll 0x7FFBB80E0000: code start 0x7FFBB80EC000, size: 0x196DE2 mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "malloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80EBAF0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A3500 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "calloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80EBAD0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A2780 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "realloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80EBB00 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A3990 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "free" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80EBAE0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A2850 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_expand" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80EBAB0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A27B0 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_recalloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E8D50 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A3B30 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_msize" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80EBAC0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A3C20 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_malloc_base" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E4070 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A3500 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_calloc_base" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2AC0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A2780 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_realloc_base" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E8D40 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A3990 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_free_base" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E3200 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A2850 (0) mimalloc-redirect: warning: unable to resolve "ucrtbase.dll!_expand_base" -- enabling MIMALLOC_PATCH_IMPORTS to prevent allocation errors. mimalloc-redirect: warning: unable to resolve "ucrtbase.dll!_recalloc_base" -- enabling MIMALLOC_PATCH_IMPORTS to prevent allocation errors. mimalloc-redirect: warning: unable to resolve "ucrtbase.dll!_msize_base" -- enabling MIMALLOC_PATCH_IMPORTS to prevent allocation errors. mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve import "ntdll.dll!RtlSizeHeap" in ucrtbase.dll at 0x00007FFBB8284238 to 0x00007FFB805A5FE0 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve import "ntdll.dll!RtlFreeHeap" in ucrtbase.dll at 0x00007FFBB8284220 to 0x00007FFB805A6050 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve import "ntdll.dll!RtlReAllocateHeap" in ucrtbase.dll at 0x00007FFBB8284230 to 0x00007FFB805A60E0 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_malloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E28F0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A1AE0 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_realloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2940 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A1C10 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_free" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E28E0 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A2850 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_recalloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2950 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A1F80 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_msize" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2900 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB805A5CD0 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_offset_malloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2910 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A1B70 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_offset_realloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2920 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A1C40 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: resolve "_aligned_offset_recalloc" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E2930 to mimalloc!0x00007FFB646A1F70 (0) mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "D:\mimalloc-2.1.7\mimalloc-2.1.7\out\msvc-x64\Release\mimalloc-override.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VCRUNTIME140.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: module "D:\mimalloc-2.1.7\mimalloc-2.1.7\out\msvc-x64\Release\mimalloc-redirect.dll" mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A55FB, 5, 0x7FFB646A3B30, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A556B, 5, 0x7FFB646A3500, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A559B, 5, 0x7FFB646A2780, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A55CB, 5, 0x7FFB646A3990, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A566B, 5, 0x7FFB646A2850, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A563B, 5, 0x7FFB646A27B0, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A569B, 5, 0x7FFB646A3C20, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A56FB, 5, 0x7FFB646A36B0, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A56CB, 5, 0x7FFB646AE310, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A572B, 5, 0x7FFB646A1AE0, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A575B, 5, 0x7FFB646A1C10, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A579B, 5, 0x7FFB646A1F80, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A57DB, 5, 0x7FFB646A1B70, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A581B, 5, 0x7FFB646A1C40, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFB805A585B, 5, 0x7FFB646A1F70, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80EBAF0, 2, 0x7FFB646A3500, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80EBAD0, 2, 0x7FFB646A2780, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80EBB00, 2, 0x7FFB646A3990, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80EBAE0, 2, 0x7FFB646A2850, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80EBAB0, 2, 0x7FFB646A27B0, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E8D50, 2, 0x7FFB646A3B30, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80EBAC0, 2, 0x7FFB646A3C20, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E4070, 2, 0x7FFB646A3500, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2AC0, 2, 0x7FFB646A2780, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E8D40, 2, 0x7FFB646A3990, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E3200, 2, 0x7FFB646A2850, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E28F0, 2, 0x7FFB646A1AE0, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2940, 2, 0x7FFB646A1C10, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E28E0, 2, 0x7FFB646A2850, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2950, 2, 0x7FFB646A1F80, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2900, 2, 0x7FFB805A5CD0, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2910, 2, 0x7FFB646A1B70, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2920, 2, 0x7FFB646A1C40, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: write entry: 0x00007FFBB80E2930, 2, 0x7FFB646A1F70, na mimalloc-redirect: trace: standard malloc is redirected (v1.1c)

At this point, the disassembly shows that "_malloc_base" at ucrtbase.dll!0x00007FFBB80E4070 has been redirected to mi_malloc. Image

However, #_malloc_base is called within ::Getdays without being redirected, causing a mismatch between the memory allocated here and the memory freed later, which ultimately results in a crash. Image

So, I’d like to ask: Is this a common bug, or does mimalloc have a special version or compilation configuration specifically for the ARM architecture? Is it possible for mi_free to implement some checks or error handling to prevent crashes when attempting to free memory that wasn’t allocated by mimalloc?