microsoft / monaco-editor

A browser based code editor
MIT License
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[Bug] Returning true from the callback registered with registerEditorOpener could lead to undesirable highlighting #4008

Open mifopen opened 1 year ago

mifopen commented 1 year ago

Reproducible in or in VS Code Desktop?

Reproducible in the monaco editor playground?

Monaco Editor Playground Link

Monaco Editor Playground Code

// Add additional d.ts files to the JavaScript language service and change.
// Also change the default compilation options.
// The sample below shows how a class Facts is declared and introduced
// to the system and how the compiler is told to use ES6 (target=2).

// validation settings
    noSemanticValidation: true,
    noSyntaxValidation: false,

// compiler options
    target: monaco.languages.typescript.ScriptTarget.ES2015,
    allowNonTsExtensions: true,

// extra libraries
var libSource = [
    "declare class Facts {",
    "    /**",
    "     * Returns the next fact",
    "     */",
    "    static next():string",
var libUri = "ts:filename/facts.d.ts";
monaco.languages.typescript.javascriptDefaults.addExtraLib(libSource, libUri);
// When resolving definitions and references, the editor will try to use created models.
// Creating a model for the library allows "peek definition/references" commands to work with the library.
monaco.editor.createModel(libSource, "typescript", monaco.Uri.parse(libUri));

var jsCode = [
    '"use strict";',
    "class Chuck {",
    "    greet() {",
    "        return;",
    "    }",

    async openCodeEditor(
    ) {
        return true;

monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById("container"), {
    value: jsCode,
    language: "javascript",

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open playground via attached link
  2. Cmd+click (ctrl+click) on the word "next" in the rendered editor

Actual (Problematic) Behavior

You should see some misplaced highlighting

Expected Behavior

No highlighting

Additional Context

I believe that the problem is here There should be more strict condition as we should highlight only if we have new model open/visible in the editor

hediet commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting! Up for a PR? ;)