microsoft / msagljs

A JavaScript graph layout engine: port of MSAGL
MIT License
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Set color and other attributes of Nodes and Edges #75

Open wvdvegt opened 7 months ago

wvdvegt commented 7 months ago

How can i set the color and other atributes of Nodes and Edges (I'm trying to use msagl directly from html/javascript) and is there a list of implemented attributes?

levnach commented 7 months ago

Please see example at renderer-svg-no-parser image There is no list of implemented attributes yet, sorry. I will add it to the docs. It is not difficult to add attributes supported by the SVG renderer. For completeness I am adding the code that creates the attributes in renderer-svg-no-parser. ` import {RendererSvg} from '@msagl/renderer-svg' import {Node, Graph, Edge} from '@msagl/core' import { DrawingEdge, Color, StyleEnum, ShapeEnum } from '@msagl/drawing' import { DrawingNode } from '@msagl/drawing'

const viewer = document.getElementById('viewer') const svgRenderer = new RendererSvg(viewer) svgRenderer.layoutEditingEnabled = false

const graph = createGraph() svgRenderer.setGraph(graph)

function createGraph(): Graph { //First we create a Graph object const graph = new Graph() // add some nodes and edges to the graph. // add a node with id 'b' const b = new Node('b') graph.addNode(b) // add a node with id 'c'

//create a drawing attribute for node b const b_d = new DrawingNode(b) b_d.color = Color.Green // take care of the filling b_d.fillColor = Color.Yellow b_d.styles.push(StyleEnum.filled) b_d.labelfontcolor = Color.Blue

const c = new Node('c') const c_d = new DrawingNode(c) c_d.labelfontcolor = Color.Cyan

// By default the node geometry is a rectangle with smoothened corners with dimensions obtained from the label size, // but we can change the geometry by using CurveFactory.mkCircle, CurveFactory.mkEllipse, CurveFactory.mkPolygon,etc, to customize the node shape. // Or, alternatively, we can use ShapeEnum to change the shape of the node. // Here we change the shape of the node to diamond by using ShapeEnum c_d.shape = ShapeEnum.diamond

graph.addNode(c) // create edge from b to c const bc = new Edge(b, c)

// set the bc drawing edge attributes const bc_d = new DrawingEdge(bc, true) bc_d.color = Color.Red

bc_d.penwidth = 0.1 bc_d.styles.push(StyleEnum.dashed)

const obc = new Edge(b, c) // another edge from b to c
// set the obc drawing edge attributes const obc_d = new DrawingEdge(obc, true) obc_d.color = Color.Blue obc_d.penwidth = 1 obc_d.styles.push(StyleEnum.dotted) return graph } `

wvdvegt commented 7 months ago

Thanks a lot for pointing to the example (I clearly overlooked itm probably as I had much issues compiling the project on Windows).

Another thing worth mentioning is that if you include the msagl scripts directly into an html page you have to use the msagl. prefix/namespace to gain access to msagl using javascript (instead of typescript).

My goal is to generate the graph creating code server side from server data and let the client render it.

So something as should work in JavaScript:

   // Create graph
    let graph = new msagl.Graph()
    let b = new msagl.Node('b')
    let dn_b = new msagl.DrawingNode(b)
    dn_b.color = msagl.Color.Green

   // Render graph
    let renderer = new msagl.RendererSvg()