microsoft / msix-packaging

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Appinstaller and scale-specific asset packages - question #489

Closed benstevens48 closed 2 years ago

benstevens48 commented 2 years ago

I originally posted the question below in the WindowsAppSDK repo (, but was told this might be a better place (apologies if you don't accept questions).

This is a simple question about what happens if I install an msixbundle from an appinstaller file on the web rather than the Microsoft Store. The msixbundle has several asset packages for different scales (from 100 to 400) that were automatically created as separate packages in the bundle by Visual Studio. My question is what happens when the display scale changes after the initial install, so that a different scale-specific package becomes more appropriate. Will Windows automatically download and install the new scale-specific package? If so is that immediately or in a few hours time etc and does it require the appinstaller to specify automatic updates? Does it work the same for both regular and flat bundles? I could probably do a test but it would be quite time consuming and I don't know exactly how to confirm it has installed the new scale-specific package, so I was hoping someone in the know could answer here.

joshusto commented 2 years ago

Hi Ben,

As of 20H1, changes to the scale settings will trigger appinstaller-based automatic updates that download the scale packages the next time an update would normally take place (see This works for regular bundles and flat bundles.

Best regards, Jonathan

benstevens48 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify, what happens if the appinstaller file does not specify automatic updates? Will the scale packages be downloaded on next manual update?

joshusto commented 2 years ago

Yes. If the appinstaller file doesn't specify automatic updates or a manual update is performed directly through the appxbundle or appinstaller file, then the scale packages will be downloaded as part of the manual update.

benstevens48 commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks a lot for the info.