microsoft / msphpsql

Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server
MIT License
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May be docker image? #168

Open yuriyzinchenko opened 8 years ago

yuriyzinchenko commented 8 years ago

Do you plan to create a docker image?

meet-bhagdev commented 8 years ago

@yuriyzinchenko are you looking for a Docker image with the PHP Driver for SQL Server and its pre-requisites installed?

yuriyzinchenko commented 8 years ago

@meet-bhagdev Yes. Or may be it's exists already?

danielnv18 commented 8 years ago

@yuriyzinchenko @meet-bhagdev I created this Dockerfile. it might work.

The only problem I have is that is returning pdo_sqlsrv_db_handle_factory: Unknown exception caught. I'm using that Dockerfile with a silex application and Doctrine DBA. it looks like that I'm not the only one wit that problem #161

yuriyzinchenko commented 8 years ago

@danielnv18 based on your file, I created my own Dockerfile. I add few instructions to avoid pdo_sqlsrv_db_handle_factory: Unknown exception.

RUN apt-get install -y locales \ && echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen \ && locale-gen It seems like with the encoding problem was the cause of connection failure The docker image is available on the nitra/php:php-7mssql

Full text of Dockerfile:

FROM nitra/php:php7

RUN printf "\n" | pecl install apcu
RUN docker-php-ext-enable apcu

# install the PHP extensions we need
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y locales unixodbc libgss3 odbcinst devscripts debhelper dh-exec dh-autoreconf libreadline-dev libltdl-dev unixodbc-dev wget unzip \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
    && docker-php-ext-install pdo opcache \
    && echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen

# Compile odbc_config
RUN cd /usr/local/src/ && dget -ux \
    && cd unixodbc-2.3.1/ && apt-get update && dpkg-buildpackage -uc -d -us -B && cp ./exe/odbc_config /usr/local/bin/

## Microsoft ODBC Driver 13 for Linux
RUN cd /usr/local/src/ \
    && wget \
    && tar xf msodbcsql- && cd msodbcsql- \
    && ldd lib64/; echo "RET=$?" \
    && sed -i 's/$(uname -p)/"x86_64"/g' ./ \
    && ./ install --force --accept-license
RUN cd /tmp && wget \
    && unzip \
    && mv -v Ubuntu15/* /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/ \
    && rm /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/signature \
    && rm -rf /tmp/*

RUN echo "" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/sqlsvr.ini \
    && echo "" >> /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/sqlsvr.ini \
    && locale-gen

CMD ["php-fpm", "-F"]

danielnv18 commented 8 years ago

Thanks @yuriyzinchenko. That did the trick for that particular error.

meet-bhagdev commented 8 years ago

@danielnv18 @yuriyzinchenko super cool. I will try out your docker image and let you know how it goes. If everything looks good, I will start evangelizing it.

We will also add the following to our getting started instructions.

RUN apt-get install -y locales \
&& echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen
&& locale-gen
vanomak commented 7 years ago

msodbcsql- is not available anymore at the URL provided. Here is the current wget with correct URL

wget "" -O msodbcsql-

LuisBosquez commented 7 years ago

@yuriyzinchenko @vanomak, @meet-bhagdev and I have created a Docker image with the latest PHP drivers. Check it out here mssql-docker/php-mssql. This is also available on DockerHub under lbosqmsft/php-mssql. Let us know what you think!

yuriyzinchenko commented 7 years ago

Great! What about php 7.1? And may be use official php image as the base?

francarmona commented 7 years ago

Here you have another Docker image I have created that includes mssql driver. Hope it will be helpful for you francarmona/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7-mssql_client. DockerHub: francarmona/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7-mssql_client

sirio3mil commented 7 years ago

I make this one under centos 7 and php 7.1.1. It also include soap for Exchange Webservices and ldap for autentifications. This is also available on DockerHub under reynier3mil/centos-php-fpm-msphpsql.

meet-bhagdev commented 7 years ago

@sirio3mil @francarmona @yuriyzinchenko @vanomak @danielnv18: We are working on a Docker image for developers looking to use PHP Drivers for SQL Server in a Docker setup and publish it on DockerHub here: We would like to get your feedback on what we should name it. Can you take this survey and let us know what you think?

danielnv18 commented 7 years ago

mssql-php +1

Edited: I also voted in the survey

francarmona commented 7 years ago

mssql-php +1

sirio3mil commented 7 years ago

sqlsrv-php, cuz sqlsrv is the Microsoft driver's name, mssql is the name of the old and obsolete non Microsoft connector for PHP, not even included in PHP 7.

LuisBosquez commented 7 years ago

@danielnv18 @francarmona @sirio3mil We uploaded a newer version of this image here:

Please let me know if there's any feedback

Glideh commented 7 years ago

@LuisBosquez I'd like to see the related Dockerfile but the link seems dead. The new repo for php dev env for SQLServer seems to be this one

eseyden commented 6 years ago

@LuisBosquez I'd really like to see that image coming from a Microsoft official account on docker hub instead of your personal account. In addition it would be even better if it extended an official PHP base image instead of a bare Ubuntu one.

meet-bhagdev commented 6 years ago

@Glideh @eseyden I can work with Luis on this. We can definitely get them published to the official Microsoft account

eseyden commented 6 years ago

@meet-bhagdev Thank you! It was a little disconcerting being linked out to a personal github and dockerhub page from official documentation. Based on the contents of @LuisBosquez 's Dockerfile I was able to get the drivers working on the php:7-fpm image I use for our Laravel apps. If anyone is interested here is the Dockerfile I ended up with.

Thanks again for all the great work on improving the sqlsrv driver experience on php and linux.