Open beruic opened 5 years ago
same issue as #441 It's for CentOS7, 5.2.8-1.el7, docker 19.3.1 over CIFS the same issue / error code. With a local docker volume its working fine.
@Zetanova what do you mean with local?
Please note that this is on Windows 2019 with LCOW.
Please tell what your alternative to local is, as this might shed a light to what this issue is really about (I have a suspicion that it is file system related).
I basically run the below, which creates a local volume automatically, and it gives me the error:
docker run -d --name main_mssql -p 14330:1433 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e SA_PASSWORD=My_Secure_Password -e MSSQL_PID=Express -v main_mssql_dbfiles:/var/opt/mssql --restart unless-stopped --memory 4g
There is an issue with SMB shares and mssql try to use or maybe it will work for you.
In the description page of LCOW is a worning "Work in progress"
I don't know how LCOW realize currenty the bind mount for a container, i tested a lot and could run server:2017-CU16-ubuntu with a host mount (folder on the hostsystem) or attached blockstorage (AzureDisk or aws ebs) to run stable .
I think the issue its from a kernel patch, the mssql images are rebuild for security fixes.
I get a kernel bug when I try to run the linux docker image of mssql server on Windows Server 2019 with LCOW.
I have enclosed the loge I get here: mssql_2017-CU16-ubuntu.log
Is there any additional information i can provide to shed a light on the issue?