Adds more Project Mu repos to the dependabot submodule ignore list
that have transitioned to versioned releases.
These will automatically be picked up by the Submoodule Release
Updater action which tracks release information. Dependabot only
looks at raw commit diffs instead of release points.
Added a note to the beginning of the file that this dependabot
configuration expects submodules at these paths relative to the
workspace to ignore them properly.
Adds more Project Mu repos to the dependabot submodule ignore list that have transitioned to versioned releases.
These will automatically be picked up by the Submoodule Release Updater action which tracks release information. Dependabot only looks at raw commit diffs instead of release points.
Added a note to the beginning of the file that this dependabot configuration expects submodules at these paths relative to the workspace to ignore them properly.