microsoft / nav-docker

Official Microsoft repository for Dynamics NAV in Docker resources. It has not been decided yet, to which extend Microsoft will ship Docker images with NAV, so everything in this repo is work in progress and might be subject to deletion.
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Failed to containerize Dynamics CRM 2016. #511

Open nikawang opened 2 years ago

nikawang commented 2 years ago

Trying to containerize Dynamics CRM 2016, but encountered some issues:

nikawang commented 2 years ago

Please see Dockerfile as below


ADD  CRM2016-Server-ENU-amd64.exe C:/
ADD vcredist_x64.exe C:/
ADD vcredist_x86.exe C:/
ADD sqlncli_x64.msi C:/
ADD sqlncli2008r2_64.msi C:/

SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]

RUN Start-Process msiexec -ArgumentList '/i', 'sqlncli_x64.msi', 'IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES', '/qn' -Wait
RUN Start-Process msiexec -ArgumentList '/i', 'sqlncli2008r2_64.msi', 'IACCEPTSQLNCLILICENSETERMS=YES', '/qn' -Wait
RUN .\vcredist_x64.exe /q;
RUN .\vcredist_x86.exe /q;
RUN Start-Process C:\CRM2016-Server-ENU-amd64.exe -ArgumentList  '/quiet' ,'/extract:C:\CRM' -Wait

ADD Redist C:/CRM/Redist
ADD SQLNativeClient C:/CRM/SQLNativeClient
ADD VCRedist C:/CRM/VCRedist
ADD VCRedist10 C:/CRM/VCRedist10
ADD server_install_config.xml C:/CRM/server_install_config.xml

RUN Start-Process C:/CRM/SetupServer.exe  -ArgumentList  '/QR', '/L', 'C:\CRM\server_install_config.log', '/config', 'C:\CRM\server_install_config.xml' -Wait

BTW, I'm using gMSA to build the docker image. Please see the verification output as below gmsa-good

Please help to check . Thanks very much!

rdebath commented 2 months ago

Can't show a modal dialog when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode.

Yeh, Windows installers are really bad at a non-interactive install.

PS C:> Install-Windowsfeature FS-Resource-Manager ... Error ...

Can CRM 2016 even install on Windows Server Core ?

PS C:> Install-Windowsfeature Search-Service

Okaaaay, that would be a no.