microsoft / navcontainerhelper

Official Microsoft repository for BcContainerHelper, a PowerShell module, which makes it easier to work with Business Central Containers on Docker.
MIT License
379 stars 243 forks source link

Creating another container based on existing artifact #1494

Closed BertDeTemmerman closed 3 years ago

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

Describe the issue I got a container A based on artifact image sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be up and running 2 days ago. Yesterday I wanted another container B based on the same image (and same version). Ok, that won't take long, cause I've already got the artifact ... I thought ...

But somehow something inside the artifact has changed.

Which resulted in the artifact of container A being deleted and container A rendered useless. Container B worked, but now I couldn't access container A anymore. So now I had to recreate container A ...

What can I add to the New-BCContainer script so it uses the already existing artifact without checking these other requirements, and just let me create a new container based on the already existing artifact (even if it isn't 100% good/correct)?

Scripts used to create container and cause the issue

$version = "17.0.17126.19205"
$artifactUrl = Get-BCArtifactUrl -country "be" -version $version -select 'Latest'
    New-BCContainer `
        -accept_eula `
        -containerName $containername `
        -artifactUrl $artifactUrl `
        -updateHosts `
        -auth $auth `
        -credential $credential `
        -licenseFile $License `
        -includeAL `
        -imagename myownimage

Full output of scripts

Creating container NEWS
Removing container NEWS
Removing NEWS from host hosts file
Removing NEWS-* from host hosts file
Removing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\NEWS
BcContainerHelper is version 1.0.11
BcContainerHelper is running as administrator
Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter - ltsc2016
Docker Client Version is 18.09.6
Docker Server Version is 18.09.6
Fetching all docker images
ArtifactUrl and ImageName specified
Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt already exists
Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt was build with artifactUrl, should be http
Building multitenant image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt based on with https://bcartifacts.azu
Pulling latest image
10.0.14393.4046-generic: Pulling from dynamicsnav
Digest: sha256:fe39940a83d904cff67cc65a928e9b2636ff82e0a891ad53f2584ec4e1e1a24a
Status: Image is up to date for
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in c:\bcartifacts.cache\tmp637419138427715443\my:
Copying Platform Artifacts
Copying Database
Copying Licensefile
Copying ConfigurationPackages
Copying Extensions
Copying Applications.BE
Untagged: myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt
Deleted: sha256:da0b19c3004e27a3f37dfff5d58a9c3e472a9731e22ae96bd359cd08d0a55299
Deleted: sha256:a98241644e5c13d49e1bab73652d7c4561bb9bea5cc84413dd3340570829e590
Deleted: sha256:8ad88d9ef1413a5bf229333e7a1aee057594b8e9fbbcc076ccd44e9156104e08
Deleted: sha256:7e0d18573fb4bca5f66f19c3d3a41a8f5969f1575efb20bb85d8242829b60132
Deleted: sha256:2581ad399f7d8be3f5450dd1e3bc7f4ac877def896c1ae2f4933a496509492d2
Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.904GB

Step 1/6 : FROM
 ---> 2b8690d00e15
Step 2/6 : ENV DatabaseServer=localhost DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS DatabaseName=CRONUS IsBcSandbox=Y artifactUrl=
 ---> Running in bde44b4f0d7e
Removing intermediate container bde44b4f0d7e
 ---> e09cdd06da74
Step 3/6 : COPY my /run/
 ---> fd4b9316f7d9
 ---> 1f96a889c0b7
Step 5/6 : RUN \Run\start.ps1 -installOnly -multitenant
 ---> Running in 1939423bf5c7
Using installer from C:\Run\150-new
Installing Business Central
Installing from DVD
Starting Local SQL Server
Starting Internet Information Server
Copying Service Tier Files
Copying PowerShell Scripts
Copying dependencies
Copying ReportBuilder
Importing PowerShell Modules
Determining Database Collation
Restoring CRONUS Demo Database
Exporting Application to CRONUS
Removing Application from tenant
Modifying Business Central Service Tier Config File for Docker
Creating Business Central Service Tier
Installing SIP crypto provider: 'C:\Windows\System32\NavSip.dll'
Copying Web Client Files
Copying Client Files
Copying ModernDev Files
Copying additional files
Copying ConfigurationPackages
Copying Test Assemblies
Copying Extensions
Copying Applications
Copying Applications.BE
Starting Business Central Service Tier
Importing CRONUS license file
Copying Database on localhost\SQLEXPRESS from tenant to default
Taking database tenant offline
Copying database files
Attaching files as new Database default
Putting database tenant back online
Mounting tenant database
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Stopping Business Central Service Tier
Installation took 344 seconds
Installation complete
Removing intermediate container 1939423bf5c7
 ---> bb3b6043c31e
Step 6/6 : LABEL legal=""       created="202011251412"       nav=""       cu=""       multitenant="Y" country="BE" 
      version="17.0.17126.19205"       platform="17.0.17020.19143"
 ---> Running in f66d77d9ecf9
Removing intermediate container f66d77d9ecf9
 ---> fe819ef9b666
Successfully built fe819ef9b666
Successfully tagged myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt
Building image took 1288 seconds
Using image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt
Creating Container NEWS
Version: 17.0.17126.19205-BE
Style: sandbox
Multitenant: Yes
Platform: 17.0.17020.19143
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using locale nl-BE
Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable)
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\NEWS\my:
- AdditionalOutput.ps1
- license.flf
- MainLoop.ps1
- SetupVariables.ps1
- updatehosts.ps1
Creating container NEWS from image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt
Waiting for container NEWS to be ready
Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file
Starting Container
Hostname is NEWS
PublicDnsName is NEWS
Using Windows Authentication
Starting Local SQL Server
Starting Internet Information Server
Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings
Starting Service Tier
Registering event sources
Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance
Enabling Financials User Experience
Enabling rewrite rule: Don't rewrite system files
Enabling rewrite rule: Already have tenant specified
Enabling rewrite rule: Hostname (without port) to tenant
Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf'
Import License
Dismounting Tenant
Mounting Tenant
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Creating http download site
Creating Windows user bert.detemmerman
Setting SA Password and enabling SA
Creating SUPER user
Container IP Address:
Container Hostname  : NEWS
Container Dns Name  : NEWS
Web Client          : http://NEWS/BC/?tenant=default
Dev. Server         : http://NEWS
Dev. ServerInstance : BC
Dev. Server Tenant  : default
Setting NEWS to in host hosts file
Setting NEWS-default to in host hosts file


Container Total Physical Memory is 16.0Gb
Container Free Physical Memory is 6.3Gb

Initialization took 143 seconds
Ready for connections!
Reading CustomSettings.config from NEWS
Creating Desktop Shortcuts for NEWS
Creating .net Assembly Reference Folder for VS Code
Copying DLLs from C:\Windows\assembly to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK to assemblyProbingPath
Container NEWS successfully created


Additional context

freddydk commented 3 years ago

Typically it doesn't take long - artifacts doesn't change for the same version, but because you ended up downloading the same thing from two different url's - the containerhelper decided to rebuild.

Just tried the same, both containers are fully functional. The first one was build based on an image, which due the the build of the second image was untagged (and called none:none), but it is still there and everything should still work. image

So, I can repro the rebuild - but everything still works.

When you say you cannot access A anymore - is it stopped? Can you get the event log from it?

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

Hey Freddy Thanks for the quick test & feedback.

Container A was still active, but it's version tag wasn't "sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt" anymore, but rather it's hash/guid. I couldn't get into the webclient either.

I've already created a new container A, based on the good artifact (url). So no, sorry ...

I will keep an eye out for when it happens again (if it happens) and reopen this issue. Bert

freddydk commented 3 years ago

Correct, that is what Docker do image The image my:sandbox... was overridden the old image is still there - but only by id. Containername should still work. Yeah, lets see if this happens again.

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

FFS , I just had it again! Needed a new BC17.0.17126.19205/be container and again it deleted the existing image ... :'(

image When starting this bad container: (HTTP code 500) server error - No such image: sha256:fe819ef9b666233b7b076bc8f3a578f6008744fdba29fb582bffcb6616ae929d

inspect container: { "Id": "aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f", "Created": "2020-11-25T14:32:15.9642649Z", "Path": "powershell -Command $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; .\Run\start.ps1", "Args": [], "State": { "Status": "exited", "Running": false, "Paused": false, "Restarting": false, "OOMKilled": false, "Dead": false, "Pid": 0, "ExitCode": 1073807364, "Error": "No such image: sha256:fe819ef9b666233b7b076bc8f3a578f6008744fdba29fb582bffcb6616ae929d", "StartedAt": "2020-11-25T14:32:25.4072278Z", "FinishedAt": "2020-11-26T09:21:26.5927422+01:00", "Health": { "Status": "unhealthy", "FailingStreak": 0, "Log": [ { "Start": "2020-11-26T09:19:03.6880467+01:00", "End": "2020-11-26T09:19:04.2290344+01:00", "ExitCode": 0, "Output": "" }, { "Start": "2020-11-26T09:19:34.2456255+01:00", "End": "2020-11-26T09:19:34.855617+01:00", "ExitCode": 0, "Output": "" }, { "Start": "2020-11-26T09:20:04.8779156+01:00", "End": "2020-11-26T09:20:05.4382158+01:00", "ExitCode": 0, "Output": "" }, { "Start": "2020-11-26T09:20:35.4676131+01:00", "End": "2020-11-26T09:20:36.0586029+01:00", "ExitCode": 0, "Output": "" }, { "Start": "2020-11-26T09:21:06.0832692+01:00", "End": "2020-11-26T09:21:06.7489017+01:00", "ExitCode": 0, "Output": "" } ] } }, "Image": "sha256:fe819ef9b666233b7b076bc8f3a578f6008744fdba29fb582bffcb6616ae929d", "ResolvConfPath": "", "HostnamePath": "", "HostsPath": "", "LogPath": "C:\ProgramData\docker\containers\aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f\aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f-json.log ", "Name": "/NEWS", "RestartCount": 0, "Driver": "windowsfilter", "Platform": "windows", "MountLabel": "", "ProcessLabel": "", "AppArmorProfile": "", "ExecIDs": null, "HostConfig": { "Binds": [ "C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper:C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper", "C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\NEWS\my:C:\Run\my", "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc:C:\driversetc" ], "ContainerIDFile": "", "LogConfig": { "Type": "json-file", "Config": {} }, "NetworkMode": "default", "PortBindings": {}, "RestartPolicy": { "Name": "unless-stopped", "MaximumRetryCount": 0 }, "AutoRemove": false, "VolumeDriver": "", "VolumesFrom": null, "CapAdd": null, "CapDrop": null, "Dns": [], "DnsOptions": [], "DnsSearch": [], "ExtraHosts": null, "GroupAdd": null, "IpcMode": "", "Cgroup": "", "Links": null, "OomScoreAdj": 0, "PidMode": "", "Privileged": false, "PublishAllPorts": false, "ReadonlyRootfs": false, "SecurityOpt": null, "UTSMode": "", "UsernsMode": "", "ShmSize": 0, "ConsoleSize": [ 0, 0 ], "Isolation": "process", "CpuShares": 0, "Memory": 0, "NanoCpus": 0, "CgroupParent": "", "BlkioWeight": 0, "BlkioWeightDevice": [], "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null, "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null, "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null, "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null, "CpuPeriod": 0, "CpuQuota": 0, "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0, "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0, "CpusetCpus": "", "CpusetMems": "", "Devices": [], "DeviceCgroupRules": null, "DiskQuota": 0, "KernelMemory": 0, "MemoryReservation": 0, "MemorySwap": 0, "MemorySwappiness": null, "OomKillDisable": false, "PidsLimit": 0, "Ulimits": null, "CpuCount": 0, "CpuPercent": 0, "IOMaximumIOps": 0, "IOMaximumBandwidth": 0, "MaskedPaths": null, "ReadonlyPaths": null }, "GraphDriver": { "Data": { "dir": "C:\ProgramData\docker\windowsfilter\aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f" }, "Name": "windowsfilter" }, "Mounts": [ { "Type": "bind", "Source": "c:\programdata\bccontainerhelper", "Destination": "c:\programdata\bccontainerhelper", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "bind", "Source": "c:\programdata\bccontainerhelper\extensions\news\my", "Destination": "c:\run\my", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" }, { "Type": "bind", "Source": "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc", "Destination": "c:\driversetc", "Mode": "", "RW": true, "Propagation": "" } ], "Config": { "Hostname": "NEWS", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "ExposedPorts": { "1433/tcp": {}, "443/tcp": {}, "7045/tcp": {}, "7046/tcp": {}, "7047/tcp": {}, "7048/tcp": {}, "7049/tcp": {}, "7083/tcp": {}, "80/tcp": {}, "8080/tcp": {} }, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "multitenant=Y", "licenseFile=c:\run\my\license.flf", "databaseInstance=", "useSSL=N", "removePasswordKeyFile=Y", "auth=Windows", "enableApiServices=Y", "passwordKeyFile=c:\run\my\aes.key", "username=", "ExitOnError=N", "securePassword=", "accept_eula=Y", "locale=nl-BE", "databaseServer=", "accept_outdated=Y", "COMPLUS_NGenProtectedProcess_FeatureEnabled=0", "DatabaseName=CRONUS", "IsBcSandbox=Y", "artifactUrl=" ], "Cmd": [ "powershell -Command $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; .\Run\start.ps1" ], "Healthcheck": { "Test": [ "CMD", "powershell", ".\Run\HealthCheck.ps1" ], "Interval": 30000000000, "Timeout": 10000000000 }, "ArgsEscaped": true, "Image": "myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": null, "OnBuild": null, "Labels": { "country": "BE", "created": "202011251412", "cu": "", "eula": "", "legal": "", "maintainer": "Dynamics SMB", "multitenant": "Y", "nav": "", "osversion": "10.0.14393.4046", "platform": "17.0.17020.19143", "tag": "", "version": "17.0.17126.19205" } }, "NetworkSettings": { "Bridge": "", "SandboxID": "aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f", "HairpinMode": false, "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "", "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "Ports": {}, "SandboxKey": "aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f", "SecondaryIPAddresses": null, "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null, "EndpointID": "", "Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 0, "IPv6Gateway": "", "MacAddress": "", "Networks": { "nat": { "IPAMConfig": null, "Links": null, "Aliases": null, "NetworkID": "409c8f0c98a1e099df97e28bbc5f8d995c640fff4c43ae9a3610c9d7783cc2e1", "EndpointID": "", "Gateway": "", "IPAddress": "", "IPPrefixLen": 0, "IPv6Gateway": "", "GlobalIPv6Address": "", "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0, "MacAddress": "", "DriverOpts": null } } }, "CreatedTime": 1606314735964 }

When trying to get the event log Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName NEWS Getting event log for NEWS docker : Error response from daemon: Container aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f is not running but got it from the file explorer: aae837ff22e6f28fc68e584239b7ebb56ca17f36d718c6caf60801af4a05c01f-json.log other files:


hostconfig.txt BcContainerHelper is version 1.0.11 BcContainerHelper is running as administrator Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter - ltsc2016 Docker Client Version is 18.09.6 Docker Server Version is 18.09.6 Fetching all docker images ArtifactUrl and ImageName specified Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt already exists Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt was build with artifactUrl, should be https://bcartifacts.blob.core.w Building multitenant image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt based on with sandbox/17.0.17126.19205/be Pulling latest image 10.0.14393.4046-generic: Pulling from dynamicsnav Generic Tag: Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016) Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016) Using process isolation Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf Files in c:\bcartifacts.cache\tmp637420033852256383\my: Copying Platform Artifacts Copying Database Copying Licensefile Copying ConfigurationPackages Copying Extensions Copying Applications.BE Untagged: myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt Deleted: sha256:fe819ef9b666233b7b076bc8f3a578f6008744fdba29fb582bffcb6616ae929d Deleted: sha256:bb3b6043c31e610a1952d05e8c6cad0fd7b0c0e46f89ed6df9d7d4785c329124 Deleted: sha256:1f96a889c0b7bd7791ac53db6bf13b0cffaef5239fc5166f5f439f9c05c7c3a6 Deleted: sha256:fd4b9316f7d98ba2883ba7a127aaa74baa0a7e460d17dd69d3e77a7dc16c3ced Deleted: sha256:e09cdd06da74a1362c8dc6eb31d340238b0953cc97807203ed242fc06d282d2f c:\bcartifacts.cache\tmp637420033852256383 Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.904GB

Step 1/6 : FROM ---> 2b8690d00e15 Step 2/6 : ENV DatabaseServer=localhost DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS DatabaseName=CRONUS IsBcSandbox=Y artifactUrl= 5/be ---> Running in c19816662112 Removing intermediate container c19816662112 ---> 4d9c9b197bf1 Step 3/6 : COPY my /run/ ---> 5b8cced4c1af Step 4/6 : COPY NAVDVD /NAVDVD/ ---> afd44ada3e33 Step 5/6 : RUN \Run\start.ps1 -installOnly -multitenant ---> Running in 3391b6402b18 Using installer from C:\Run\150-new Installing Business Central Installing from DVD Starting Local SQL Server Starting Internet Information Server Copying Service Tier Files Copying PowerShell Scripts Copying dependencies Copying ReportBuilder Importing PowerShell Modules Determining Database Collation Restoring CRONUS Demo Database Exporting Application to CRONUS Removing Application from tenant Modifying Business Central Service Tier Config File for Docker Creating Business Central Service Tier Installing SIP crypto provider: 'C:\Windows\System32\NavSip.dll' Copying Web Client Files Copying Client Files Copying ModernDev Files Copying additional files Copying ConfigurationPackages Copying Test Assemblies Copying Extensions Copying Applications Copying Applications.BE Starting Business Central Service Tier Importing CRONUS license file Copying Database on localhost\SQLEXPRESS from tenant to default Taking database tenant offline Copying database files Attaching files as new Database default Putting database tenant back online Mounting tenant database Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False Sync'ing Tenant Tenant is Operational Stopping Business Central Service Tier Installation took 333 seconds Installation complete Removing intermediate container 3391b6402b18 ---> 1c5eeb7fce10 Step 6/6 : LABEL legal="" created="202011261504" nav="" cu="" multitenant="Y" country="BE" version="17.0 .17126.19205" platform="17.0.17020.19143" ---> Running in c6cad257cf0b Removing intermediate container c6cad257cf0b ---> 601b567ef4a6 Successfully built 601b567ef4a6 Successfully tagged myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt Building image took 1252 seconds Using image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt Creating Container TEST Version: 17.0.17126.19205-BE Style: sandbox Multitenant: Yes Platform: 17.0.17020.19143 Generic Tag: Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016) Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016) Using process isolation Using locale nl-BE Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable) Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf Files in C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\TEST\my:

Files: http://TEST:8080/ALLanguage.vsix

Container Total Physical Memory is 16.0Gb Container Free Physical Memory is 5.1Gb

Initialization took 113 seconds Ready for connections! Reading CustomSettings.config from TEST Creating Desktop Shortcuts for TEST Creating .net Assembly Reference Folder for VS Code Copying DLLs from C:\Windows\assembly to assemblyProbingPath Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service to assemblyProbingPath Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client to assemblyProbingPath Copying DLLs from C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies to assemblyProbingPath Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK to assemblyProbingPath Container TEST successfully created

Use: Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName TEST to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName TEST to get debug information about the container Enter-BcContainer -containerName TEST to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container Remove-BcContainer -containerName TEST to remove the container again docker logs TEST to retrieve information about URL's again

freddydk commented 3 years ago

What did you specify as artifactUrl?

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

The same script as before

$version = "17.0.17126.19205"
$artifactUrl = Get-BCArtifactUrl -country "be" -version $version -select 'Latest'

Inspect image { "Id": "sha256:601b567ef4a628e0fb89f6f1b76c61f4d945ad5489f40b7e2f511aa67662af5c", "RepoTags": [ "myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19205-be-mt" ], "RepoDigests": [], "Parent": "sha256:1c5eeb7fce10ca6637f1866c274b63483f75e3333ec0d723f646abddc453ff71", "Comment": "", "Created": "2020-11-26T15:23:51.3739638Z", "Container": "c6cad257cf0b826a1b9d95e47c69d0a5ef4fc90e9e2f0b046c44db23dbfae2b9", "ContainerConfig": { "Hostname": "c6cad257cf0b", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "ExposedPorts": { "1433/tcp": {}, "443/tcp": {}, "7045/tcp": {}, "7046/tcp": {}, "7047/tcp": {}, "7048/tcp": {}, "7049/tcp": {}, "7083/tcp": {}, "80/tcp": {}, "8080/tcp": {} }, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "COMPLUS_NGenProtectedProcess_FeatureEnabled=0", "DatabaseServer=localhost", "DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS", "DatabaseName=CRONUS", "IsBcSandbox=Y", "artifactUrl=" ], "Cmd": [ "powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';", "#(nop) ", "LABEL legal= created=202011261504 nav= cu= multitenant=Y country=BE version=17.0.17126.19205 platform=17.0.17020.19143" ], "Healthcheck": { "Test": [ "CMD", "powershell", ".\Run\HealthCheck.ps1" ], "Interval": 30000000000, "Timeout": 10000000000 }, "ArgsEscaped": true, "Image": "sha256:1c5eeb7fce10ca6637f1866c274b63483f75e3333ec0d723f646abddc453ff71", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": null, "OnBuild": null, "Labels": { "country": "BE", "created": "202011261504", "cu": "", "eula": "", "legal": "", "maintainer": "Dynamics SMB", "multitenant": "Y", "nav": "", "osversion": "10.0.14393.4046", "platform": "17.0.17020.19143", "tag": "", "version": "17.0.17126.19205" }, "Shell": [ "powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';" ] }, "DockerVersion": "18.09.6", "Author": "", "Config": { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "ExposedPorts": { "1433/tcp": {}, "443/tcp": {}, "7045/tcp": {}, "7046/tcp": {}, "7047/tcp": {}, "7048/tcp": {}, "7049/tcp": {}, "7083/tcp": {}, "80/tcp": {}, "8080/tcp": {} }, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "COMPLUS_NGenProtectedProcess_FeatureEnabled=0", "DatabaseServer=localhost", "DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS", "DatabaseName=CRONUS", "IsBcSandbox=Y", "artifactUrl=" ], "Cmd": [ "powershell -Command $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; .\Run\start.ps1" ], "Healthcheck": { "Test": [ "CMD", "powershell", ".\Run\HealthCheck.ps1" ], "Interval": 30000000000, "Timeout": 10000000000 }, "ArgsEscaped": true, "Image": "sha256:1c5eeb7fce10ca6637f1866c274b63483f75e3333ec0d723f646abddc453ff71", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": null, "OnBuild": null, "Labels": { "country": "BE", "created": "202011261504", "cu": "", "eula": "", "legal": "", "maintainer": "Dynamics SMB", "multitenant": "Y", "nav": "", "osversion": "10.0.14393.4046", "platform": "17.0.17020.19143", "tag": "", "version": "17.0.17126.19205" }, "Shell": [ "powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';" ] }, "Architecture": "amd64", "Os": "windows", "OsVersion": "10.0.14393.4046", "Size": 22007165912, "VirtualSize": 22007165912, "GraphDriver": { "Data": { "dir": "C:\ProgramData\docker\windowsfilter\cd7ad1b3ee353d6783ec79ecf037993af99a3ee3742f033cce6f8238f3629755" }, "Name": "windowsfilter" }, "RootFS": { "Type": "layers", "Layers": [ "sha256:f358be10862ccbc329638b9e10b3d497dd7cd28b0e8c7931b4a545c88d7f7cd6", "sha256:ed94a69b4dfac0805a155412801758e5083fed20bacecc5428c27cdae32809e9", "sha256:578f49fc3948eed45a774ce6cab37da7cf3d94d60269f94f4139f56f3fd266dc", "sha256:2ad421f73a328401649ae0c416a4fd2d1fc132cbcfb1ce14c1293cf13644e167", "sha256:d6a9adafd2e662087cb6ff69dd6fbd80f3d214177fa02f7da0b94953426d8e01", "sha256:436cfcbc6bc8680739324380f13ccd3a0a11a4b215edf03c0c8e43061d2e32da", "sha256:7bd607f51f2998ddd782933a5ac70998c5a29edee8bb996c9db3b607160fbccb", "sha256:8070bb4560e422f5c499a24d03fb04f2a86e63570986e55205704324d281e2d8", "sha256:e5488ea6f44c301cdaabee0cbbe192f759e19d0abaf39271e243901bc81f355a", "sha256:3a36095f281a33b3af2c13f15a272e483dba11dd2dc2bd08c2af46e475bb3404", "sha256:3cd3f1d8057cd22d912c29516d03a3405c4270efc62eb586b17fb714e26d8236", "sha256:6f309f664fcffea3f5ecea1704734c3dac1d4f19eb212197e6f9f294835439a4", "sha256:b1c74604264bbec6df03f0a567938d4d381de6fdfdc01f7950987447f988098c", "sha256:82be78bdfc310759c4497770ec07530a830d7c3509b00b75de2bb92f24604d72", "sha256:013ecddec306cd947986540c219ae78c581810f6e8e7c483afa0538faa1d5738", "sha256:bbd16c3bddb167e99c9d168c0093d40624b983ae7590a1aaaa26993370820d66", "sha256:b35b393d9fa730bbf920ba760582fe31e2a7346243cd7b777c5144ac7dfac8ee", "sha256:719a5416c2367e6c653a11cb8d89327c83c189c24266e63cb982e0390187f560", "sha256:54ae536b0d06cc179aeb4c6e60db27ca3af5dcec3e4a608fff00f1e05c6b2a64", "sha256:b71c4109ba2670819ce216190feafd98772471bbeeb69668d48113e7f28350e6", "sha256:dc4c5a0f7f6eee8c2756f302bf71c66a154b782c4c0341e6f10eff767ff270da", "sha256:a4ac95c6c1807611c52a77e0512cb1a4ccd961229746f9d0ede60a70ba56db78" ] }, "Metadata": { "LastTagTime": "2020-11-26T16:23:56.1690568+01:00" }, "CreatedTime": 1606404231373 }

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

@freddydk I've updated BCContainerHelper to v1.0.16 and tried to create a new container VLMONTAGE for BC17.0, of which I already have the image ( I already had 2 containers NEWS and TECMATE on that version.

Thought, ok let's get the latest bc17.0 version :

Creating container VLMONTAGE
Removing VLMONTAGE from host hosts file
Removing VLMONTAGE-* from host hosts file
Removing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\VLMONTAGE
BcContainerHelper is version 1.0.16
BcContainerHelper is running as administrator
Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter - ltsc2016
Docker Client Version is 18.09.6
Docker Server Version is 18.09.6
Downloading application artifact /sandbox/17.0.17126.19785/be
Downloading C:\Users\bert.detemmerman\AppData\Local\Temp\
Unpacking application artifact to tmp folder using 7zip
Downloading platform artifact /sandbox/17.0.17126.19785/platform
Downloading C:\Users\bert.detemmerman\AppData\Local\Temp\
Unpacking platform artifact to tmp folder using 7zip
Downloading Prerequisite Components
Downloading c:\bcartifacts.cache\sandbox\17.0.17126.19785\platform\Prerequisite Components\Open XML SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Office\OpenXMLSDKv25.msi
Downloading c:\bcartifacts.cache\sandbox\17.0.17126.19785\platform\Prerequisite Components\IIS URL Rewrite Module\rewrite_2.0_rtw_x64.msi
Downloading c:\bcartifacts.cache\sandbox\17.0.17126.19785\platform\Prerequisite Components\DotNetCore\DotNetCore.1.0.4_1.1.1-WindowsHosting.exe
Fetching all docker images
ArtifactUrl and ImageName specified
Building multitenant image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt based on with
Pulling latest image
10.0.14393.4046: Pulling from businesscentral
3889bb8d808b: Already exists
4830fb08bc2d: Already exists
1e36e90d61aa: Already exists
7d4f406f743a: Already exists
b2a8e688fd15: Already exists
8c626684e2a6: Already exists
7aff5e548291: Pulling fs layer
b2b00a57f879: Pulling fs layer
d70c179067b8: Pulling fs layer
8c900fe5f8ae: Pulling fs layer
0ac6b5910a3f: Pulling fs layer
fb7a03508dde: Pulling fs layer
c2cf85bf8db4: Pulling fs layer
f9c70abe38cc: Pulling fs layer
eaab88ed65e2: Pulling fs layer
9fc074f2a308: Pulling fs layer
4071133fe493: Pulling fs layer
c20bcd30685b: Pulling fs layer
91150a7ca2ab: Pulling fs layer
8c900fe5f8ae: Waiting
0ac6b5910a3f: Waiting
fb7a03508dde: Waiting
c2cf85bf8db4: Waiting
f9c70abe38cc: Waiting
eaab88ed65e2: Waiting
9fc074f2a308: Waiting
4071133fe493: Waiting
c20bcd30685b: Waiting
91150a7ca2ab: Waiting
7aff5e548291: Verifying Checksum
7aff5e548291: Download complete
b2b00a57f879: Verifying Checksum
b2b00a57f879: Download complete
d70c179067b8: Verifying Checksum
d70c179067b8: Download complete
8c900fe5f8ae: Verifying Checksum
8c900fe5f8ae: Download complete
fb7a03508dde: Verifying Checksum
fb7a03508dde: Download complete
f9c70abe38cc: Verifying Checksum
f9c70abe38cc: Download complete
eaab88ed65e2: Verifying Checksum
eaab88ed65e2: Download complete
7aff5e548291: Pull complete
9fc074f2a308: Verifying Checksum
9fc074f2a308: Download complete
b2b00a57f879: Pull complete
4071133fe493: Verifying Checksum
4071133fe493: Download complete
c20bcd30685b: Verifying Checksum
c20bcd30685b: Download complete
d70c179067b8: Pull complete
91150a7ca2ab: Verifying Checksum
91150a7ca2ab: Download complete
8c900fe5f8ae: Pull complete
0ac6b5910a3f: Verifying Checksum
0ac6b5910a3f: Download complete
c2cf85bf8db4: Verifying Checksum
c2cf85bf8db4: Download complete
0ac6b5910a3f: Pull complete
fb7a03508dde: Pull complete
c2cf85bf8db4: Pull complete
f9c70abe38cc: Pull complete
eaab88ed65e2: Pull complete
9fc074f2a308: Pull complete
4071133fe493: Pull complete
c20bcd30685b: Pull complete
91150a7ca2ab: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ab686a633cfd6a4fa6b37e173b4470218528eb5899152046bf0077fc1b82bb42
Status: Downloaded newer image for
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in c:\bcartifacts.cache\5zrvuttz.rjm\my:
Copying Platform Artifacts
Copying Database
Copying Licensefile
Copying ConfigurationPackages
Copying Extensions
Copying Applications.BE
Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.904GB

Step 1/6 : FROM
 ---> 0178242fb6ec
Step 2/6 : ENV DatabaseServer=localhost DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS DatabaseName=CRONUS IsBcSandbox=Y artifactUrl=
 ---> Running in 5d7712172ec1
Removing intermediate container 5d7712172ec1
 ---> b1f08a7b60a9
Step 3/6 : COPY my /run/
 ---> db62030e7d6a
 ---> 915e63656181
Step 5/6 : RUN \Run\start.ps1 -installOnly -multitenant
 ---> Running in e30c0783fd37
Using installer from C:\Run\150-new
Installing Business Central
Installing from DVD
Starting Local SQL Server
WARNING: Waiting for service 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)' to 
Starting Internet Information Server
Copying Service Tier Files
Copying PowerShell Scripts
Copying dependencies
Copying ReportBuilder
Importing PowerShell Modules
Determining Database Collation
Restoring CRONUS Demo Database
Setting CompatibilityLevel for tenant on localhost\SQLEXPRESS
Exporting Application to CRONUS
Removing Application from tenant
Modifying Business Central Service Tier Config File for Docker
Creating Business Central Service Tier
Installing SIP crypto provider: 'C:\Windows\System32\NavSip.dll'
Copying Web Client Files
Copying Client Files
Copying ModernDev Files
Copying additional files
Copying ConfigurationPackages
Copying Test Assemblies
Copying Extensions
Copying Applications
Copying Applications.BE
Starting Business Central Service Tier
Importing CRONUS license file
Copying Database on localhost\SQLEXPRESS from tenant to default
Taking database tenant offline
Copying database files
Attaching files as new Database default
Putting database tenant back online
Mounting tenant database
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Stopping Business Central Service Tier
Installation took 324 seconds
Installation complete
Removing intermediate container e30c0783fd37
 ---> 24339c3abfd2
Step 6/6 : LABEL legal=""       created="202012091001"       nav=""       cu=""       multitenant="Y" country="BE"       version="17.0.17126.19785"       platform="17.0.17020.19743"
 ---> Running in d3ec4667e6a2
Removing intermediate container d3ec4667e6a2
 ---> 991c0a0f4923
Successfully built 991c0a0f4923
Successfully tagged myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Building image took 1493 seconds
Using image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Creating Container VLMONTAGE
Version: 17.0.17126.19785-BE
Style: sandbox
Multitenant: Yes
Platform: 17.0.17020.19743
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using locale nl-BE
Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable)
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\VLMONTAGE\my:
- AdditionalOutput.ps1
- license.flf
- MainLoop.ps1
- SetupVariables.ps1
- updatehosts.ps1
Creating container VLMONTAGE from image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Waiting for container VLMONTAGE to be ready
Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file
Starting Container
Hostname is VLMONTAGE
PublicDnsName is VLMONTAGE
Using Windows Authentication
Starting Local SQL Server
Starting Internet Information Server
Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings
Starting Service Tier
Registering event sources
Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance
Enabling Financials User Experience
Enabling rewrite rule: Don't rewrite system files
Enabling rewrite rule: Already have tenant specified
Enabling rewrite rule: Hostname (without port) to tenant
Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf'
Import License
Dismounting Tenant
Mounting Tenant
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Creating http download site
Creating Windows user bert.detemmerman
Setting SA Password and enabling SA
Creating SUPER user
Container IP Address:
Container Hostname  : VLMONTAGE
Container Dns Name  : VLMONTAGE
Web Client          : http://VLMONTAGE/BC/?tenant=default
Dev. Server         : http://VLMONTAGE
Dev. ServerInstance : BC
Dev. Server Tenant  : default
Setting VLMONTAGE to in host hosts file
Setting VLMONTAGE-default to in host hosts file


Container Total Physical Memory is 16.0Gb
Container Free Physical Memory is 4.8Gb

Initialization took 117 seconds
Ready for connections!
Reading CustomSettings.config from VLMONTAGE
Creating Desktop Shortcuts for VLMONTAGE
Extracting C:\Applications.BE\Base
Creating .net Assembly Reference Folder for VS Code
Copying DLLs from C:\Windows\assembly to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK to assemblyProbingPath
Container VLMONTAGE successfully created

Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName VLMONTAGE to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container
Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName VLMONTAGE to get debug information about the container
Enter-BcContainer -containerName VLMONTAGE to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container
Remove-BcContainer -containerName VLMONTAGE to remove the container again
docker logs VLMONTAGE to retrieve information about URL's again

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 33
Seconds           : 45
Milliseconds      : 262
Ticks             : 20252629569
TotalDays         : 0,0234405434826389
TotalHours        : 0,562573043583333
TotalMinutes      : 33,754382615
TotalSeconds      : 2025,2629569
TotalMilliseconds : 2025262,9569

Next create my other containers on the same version. (So I they are all good, and I won't need to recreate them)

Creating container NEWS
BcContainerHelper is version 1.0.16
BcContainerHelper is running as administrator
Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter - ltsc2016
Docker Client Version is 18.09.6
Docker Server Version is 18.09.6
Fetching all docker images
ArtifactUrl and ImageName specified
Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt already exists
Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt was build with artifactUrl, should be
Building multitenant image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt based on with
Pulling latest image
10.0.14393.4046: Pulling from businesscentral
Digest: sha256:ab686a633cfd6a4fa6b37e173b4470218528eb5899152046bf0077fc1b82bb42
Status: Image is up to date for
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in c:\bcartifacts.cache\w15os2q1.uww\my:
Copying Platform Artifacts
Copying Database
Copying Licensefile
Copying ConfigurationPackages
Copying Extensions
Copying Applications.BE
Untagged: myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Deleted: sha256:991c0a0f49237d666465fa780ecba45494c0d1b589a411d8b3a31646cb7d4b70
Deleted: sha256:24339c3abfd2e8215e4c4879957d969b26c09e5bc015d295eed8cf322c9664da
Deleted: sha256:915e636561817d7111893ab6d583af78c88e379ada94c959dbd96e7ffb09a2e5
Deleted: sha256:db62030e7d6aed3a27b7cbbb4332e348ba29a172cf0b064781aa6a64fb10c045
Deleted: sha256:b1f08a7b60a987076a19c07f6413b2691d74e5272e99b0562353204335227517
Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.904GB

Step 1/6 : FROM
 ---> 0178242fb6ec
Step 2/6 : ENV DatabaseServer=localhost DatabaseInstance=SQLEXPRESS DatabaseName=CRONUS IsBcSandbox=Y artifactUrl=
 ---> Running in cc4ffdd75802
Removing intermediate container cc4ffdd75802
 ---> c6297f3fe1e9
Step 3/6 : COPY my /run/
 ---> 347e2dfe36cc
 ---> 3b6b2f0129cc
Step 5/6 : RUN \Run\start.ps1 -installOnly -multitenant
 ---> Running in 1b631fb9d13f
Using installer from C:\Run\150-new
Installing Business Central
Installing from DVD
Starting Local SQL Server
Starting Internet Information Server
Copying Service Tier Files
Copying PowerShell Scripts
Copying dependencies
Copying ReportBuilder
Importing PowerShell Modules
Determining Database Collation
Restoring CRONUS Demo Database
Setting CompatibilityLevel for tenant on localhost\SQLEXPRESS
Exporting Application to CRONUS
Removing Application from tenant
Modifying Business Central Service Tier Config File for Docker
Creating Business Central Service Tier
Installing SIP crypto provider: 'C:\Windows\System32\NavSip.dll'
Copying Web Client Files
Copying Client Files
Copying ModernDev Files
Copying additional files
Copying ConfigurationPackages
Copying Test Assemblies
Copying Extensions
Copying Applications
Copying Applications.BE
Starting Business Central Service Tier
Importing CRONUS license file
Copying Database on localhost\SQLEXPRESS from tenant to default
Taking database tenant offline
Copying database files
Attaching files as new Database default
Putting database tenant back online
Mounting tenant database
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Stopping Business Central Service Tier
Installation took 322 seconds
Installation complete
Removing intermediate container 1b631fb9d13f
 ---> 480dca290164
Step 6/6 : LABEL legal=""       created="202012091039"       nav=""       cu=""       multitenant="Y" country="BE"       version="17.0.17126.19785"       platform="17.0.17020.19743"
 ---> Running in 58f400cc1c3d
Removing intermediate container 58f400cc1c3d
 ---> 400c8246683a
Successfully built 400c8246683a
Successfully tagged myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Building image took 1236 seconds
Using image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Creating Container NEWS
Version: 17.0.17126.19785-BE
Style: sandbox
Multitenant: Yes
Platform: 17.0.17020.19743
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using locale nl-BE
Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable)
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\NEWS\my:
- AdditionalOutput.ps1
- license.flf
- MainLoop.ps1
- SetupVariables.ps1
- updatehosts.ps1
Creating container NEWS from image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Waiting for container NEWS to be ready
Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file
Starting Container
Hostname is NEWS
PublicDnsName is NEWS
Using Windows Authentication
Starting Local SQL Server
Starting Internet Information Server
Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings
Starting Service Tier
Registering event sources
Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance
Enabling Financials User Experience
Enabling rewrite rule: Don't rewrite system files
Enabling rewrite rule: Already have tenant specified
Enabling rewrite rule: Hostname (without port) to tenant
Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf'
Import License
Dismounting Tenant
Mounting Tenant
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Creating http download site
Creating Windows user bert.detemmerman
Setting SA Password and enabling SA
Creating SUPER user
Container IP Address:
Container Hostname  : NEWS
Container Dns Name  : NEWS
Web Client          : http://NEWS/BC/?tenant=default
Dev. Server         : http://NEWS
Dev. ServerInstance : BC
Dev. Server Tenant  : default
Setting NEWS to in host hosts file
Setting NEWS-default to in host hosts file


Container Total Physical Memory is 16.0Gb
Container Free Physical Memory is 5.1Gb

Initialization took 106 seconds
Ready for connections!
Reading CustomSettings.config from NEWS
Creating Desktop Shortcuts for NEWS
Creating .net Assembly Reference Folder for VS Code
Copying DLLs from C:\Windows\assembly to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK to assemblyProbingPath
Container NEWS successfully created

Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName NEWS to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container
Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName NEWS to get debug information about the container
Enter-BcContainer -containerName NEWS to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container
Remove-BcContainer -containerName NEWS to remove the container again
docker logs NEWS to retrieve information about URL's again

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 24
Seconds           : 8
Milliseconds      : 784
Ticks             : 14487849086
TotalDays         : 0,016768343849537
TotalHours        : 0,402440252388889
TotalMinutes      : 24,1464151433333
TotalSeconds      : 1448,7849086

(added //////////////////////////// to see the important parts)

And behold: it removed my newly created image, that I just downloaded 30min before.

Could it be possible to remove this check please? Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt was build with artifactUrl, should be Or just take one or the other, but not be forced to switch each time .... ><

Result: image

😢 😢 😢

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

Update: created my original container of VLMONTAGE again Now it doesn't complains about the bad repository ...

Creating container VLMONTAGE
Removing container VLMONTAGE
Removing VLMONTAGE from host hosts file
Removing VLMONTAGE-* from host hosts file
Removing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\VLMONTAGE
BcContainerHelper is version 1.0.16
BcContainerHelper is running as administrator
Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter - ltsc2016
Docker Client Version is 18.09.6
Docker Server Version is 18.09.6
Fetching all docker images
ArtifactUrl and ImageName specified
Image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt already exists
Using image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Creating Container VLMONTAGE
Version: 17.0.17126.19785-BE
Style: sandbox
Multitenant: Yes
Platform: 17.0.17020.19743
Generic Tag:
Container OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Host OS Version: 10.0.14393.4046 (ltsc2016)
Using process isolation
Using locale nl-BE
Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable)
Using license file C:\License\SDE.flf
Files in C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\VLMONTAGE\my:
- AdditionalOutput.ps1
- license.flf
- MainLoop.ps1
- SetupVariables.ps1
- updatehosts.ps1
Creating container VLMONTAGE from image myownimage:sandbox-17.0.17126.19785-be-mt
Waiting for container VLMONTAGE to be ready
Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file
Starting Container
Hostname is VLMONTAGE
PublicDnsName is VLMONTAGE
Using Windows Authentication
Starting Local SQL Server
Starting Internet Information Server
Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings
Starting Service Tier
Registering event sources
Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance
Enabling Financials User Experience
Enabling rewrite rule: Don't rewrite system files
Enabling rewrite rule: Already have tenant specified
Enabling rewrite rule: Hostname (without port) to tenant
Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf'
Import License
Dismounting Tenant
Mounting Tenant
Mounting Database for default on server localhost\SQLEXPRESS with AllowAppDatabaseWrite = False
Sync'ing Tenant
Tenant is Operational
Creating http download site
Creating Windows user bert.detemmerman
Setting SA Password and enabling SA
Creating SUPER user
Container IP Address:
Container Hostname  : VLMONTAGE
Container Dns Name  : VLMONTAGE
Web Client          : http://VLMONTAGE/BC/?tenant=default
Dev. Server         : http://VLMONTAGE
Dev. ServerInstance : BC
Dev. Server Tenant  : default
Setting VLMONTAGE to in host hosts file
Setting VLMONTAGE-default to in host hosts file


Container Total Physical Memory is 16.0Gb
Container Free Physical Memory is 3.7Gb

Initialization took 103 seconds
Ready for connections!
Reading CustomSettings.config from VLMONTAGE
Creating Desktop Shortcuts for VLMONTAGE
Creating .net Assembly Reference Folder for VS Code
Copying DLLs from C:\Windows\assembly to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies to assemblyProbingPath
Copying DLLs from C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK to assemblyProbingPath
Container VLMONTAGE successfully created

Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName VLMONTAGE to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container
Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName VLMONTAGE to get debug information about the container
Enter-BcContainer -containerName VLMONTAGE to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container
Remove-BcContainer -containerName VLMONTAGE to remove the container again
docker logs VLMONTAGE to retrieve information about URL's again

Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 3
Seconds           : 13
Milliseconds      : 390
Ticks             : 1933902603
TotalDays         : 0,00223831319791667
TotalHours        : 0,05371951675
TotalMinutes      : 3,223171005
TotalSeconds      : 193,3902603
TotalMilliseconds : 193390,2603

Hopefully I can also recreate my other containers based on this version without problems 🤔

freddydk commented 3 years ago

I think there is an easy fix to try out for you. In your call to Get-BcArtifactUrl, please add

-storageAccount ''

and if you are using bcinsider, you should add

-storageAccount ''

This should fix the issue for you.

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

Ty Freddy! 😃 I will check it out.

freddydk commented 3 years ago

And I will fix the New-BcImage to see the two values as the same (this is the real fix)

freddydk commented 3 years ago

If you are comfortable with downloading the new-navimage.ps1 from the above commit and override your local file, you can do so. This should fix the issue.

BertDeTemmerman commented 3 years ago

If you are comfortable with downloading the new-navimage.ps1 from the above commit and override your local file, you can do so. This should fix the issue.

TY 👍 I'm already more than happy my containers are working again and this issue won't reappear. 😃