microsoft / navcontainerhelper

Official Microsoft repository for BcContainerHelper, a PowerShell module, which makes it easier to work with Business Central Containers on Docker.
MIT License
379 stars 243 forks source link

Ambiguous references #1849

Closed GreatScott000 closed 3 years ago

GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago


Describe the issue I am getting ambiguous reference errors like below in my build pipeline. I am trying to rename a table extension (serveral actually) and I know this is a problem in some situations but I don't think this is one of them. The code compiles fine in VSC. The application is not in AppSource yet. I have not specified "previousapps" in the settings.json. So how is it I have an ambiguous reference? I have purged my local build agent folders (deleted and recreated agent).

error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.

Is something picking up the previous build somewhere to compare it to? I don't see where this is happening.

Scripts used to create container and cause the issue

    [string] $environment = 'AzureDevOps',
    [string] $version,
    [int] $appBuild = 0,
    [int] $appRevision = 0

if ($environment -eq "AzureDevOps") {
elseif ($environment -eq "GitHubActions") {
    $buildArtifactFolder = Join-Path $ENV:GITHUB_WORKSPACE "output"
    New-Item $buildArtifactFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

$baseFolder = (Get-Item (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..")).FullName
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Read-Settings.ps1") -environment $environment -version $version
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Install-BcContainerHelper.ps1") -bcContainerHelperVersion $bcContainerHelperVersion -genericImageName $genericImageName

$params = @{}
$insiderSasToken = "$ENV:insiderSasToken"
$licenseFile = "$ENV:licenseFile"
$codeSigncertPfxFile = "$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxFile"
if (!$doNotSignApps -and $codeSigncertPfxFile) {
    if ("$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxPassword" -ne "") {
        $codeSignCertPfxPassword = try { "$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString } catch { ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxPassword" -AsPlainText -Force }
        $params = @{
            "codeSignCertPfxFile" = $codeSignCertPfxFile
            "codeSignCertPfxPassword" = $codeSignCertPfxPassword
    else {
        $codeSignCertPfxPassword = $null

$allTestResults = "testresults*.xml"
$testResultsFile = Join-Path $baseFolder "TestResults.xml"
$testResultsFiles = Join-Path $baseFolder $allTestResults
if (Test-Path $testResultsFiles) {
    Remove-Item $testResultsFiles -Force

Run-AlPipeline @params `
    -pipelinename $pipelineName `
    -containerName $containerName `
    -imageName $imageName `
    -artifact $artifact.replace('{INSIDERSASTOKEN}',$insiderSasToken) `
    -memoryLimit $memoryLimit `
    -baseFolder $baseFolder `
    -licenseFile $LicenseFile `
    -installApps $installApps `
    -previousApps $previousApps `
    -appFolders $appFolders `
    -testFolders $testFolders `
    -doNotRunTests:$doNotRunTests `
    -testResultsFile $testResultsFile `
    -testResultsFormat 'JUnit' `
    -installTestFramework:$installTestFramework `
    -installTestLibraries:$installTestLibraries `
    -installPerformanceToolkit:$installPerformanceToolkit `
    -enableCodeCop:$enableCodeCop `
    -enableAppSourceCop:$enableAppSourceCop `
    -enablePerTenantExtensionCop:$enablePerTenantExtensionCop `
    -enableUICop:$enableUICop `
    -azureDevOps:($environment -eq 'AzureDevOps') `
    -gitLab:($environment -eq 'GitLab') `
    -gitHubActions:($environment -eq 'GitHubActions') `
    -AppSourceCopMandatoryAffixes $appSourceCopMandatoryAffixes `
    -AppSourceCopSupportedCountries $appSourceCopSupportedCountries `
    -additionalCountries $additionalCountries `
    -buildArtifactFolder $buildArtifactFolder `
    -CreateRuntimePackages:$CreateRuntimePackages `
    -appBuild $appBuild -appRevision $appRevision `
    -rulesetFile $rulesetfile `
    -vsixFile (Get-LatestAlLanguageExtensionUrl)

if ($environment -eq 'AzureDevOps') {
    Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TestResults]$allTestResults"

Full output of scripts

2021-03-29T15:23:05.6314624Z ##[section]Starting: Run Pipeline
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6394615Z ==============================================================================
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6394856Z Task         : PowerShell
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6395031Z Description  : Run a PowerShell script on Linux, macOS, or Windows
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6395191Z Version      : 2.180.1
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6395332Z Author       : Microsoft Corporation
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6395534Z Help         :
2021-03-29T15:23:05.6395764Z ==============================================================================
2021-03-29T15:23:06.3496416Z Generating script.
2021-03-29T15:23:06.3530445Z Formatted command: . 'D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\scripts\DevOps-Pipeline.ps1' -environment "AzureDevOps" -version "ci" -appBuild 231 -appRevision 0
2021-03-29T15:23:06.3858004Z ========================== Starting Command Output ===========================
2021-03-29T15:23:06.4019435Z ##[command]"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ". 'D:\agent-evolveims\_work\_temp\e7c14394-a3cc-47ad-b0c4-37c0640460cb.ps1'"
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7591435Z Set artifact =
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7594699Z Set pipelineName = FinTools-ci
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7598401Z Set containerName = jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7754077Z Set installApps = ''
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7769291Z Set previousApps = ''
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7785047Z Set appSourceCopMandatoryAffixes = 'iMS'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7800371Z Set appSourceCopSupportedCountries = 'gb'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7815820Z Set appFolders = 'src'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7831493Z Set testFolders = 'test'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7847138Z Set memoryLimit = '6G'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7862030Z Set additionalCountries = ''
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7878121Z Set genericImageName = ''
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7894681Z Set vaultNameForLocal = 'EvolveAppVault'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.7910567Z Set bcContainerHelperVersion = 'Latest'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8001079Z Set installTestFramework = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8023680Z Set installTestLibraries = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8038961Z Set installPerformanceToolkit = False
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8056024Z Set enableCodeCop = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8072253Z Set enableAppSourceCop = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8088967Z Set enablePerTenantExtensionCop = False
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8104667Z Set enableUICop = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8120686Z Set doNotSignApps = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8125673Z Set doNotRunTests = False
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8141743Z Set cacheImage = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8157844Z Set CreateRuntimePackages = True
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8198558Z Set rulesetfile = '_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json'
2021-03-29T15:23:06.8214996Z Set appPackages = '.packages'
2021-03-29T15:23:07.4431504Z Setting hostHelperFolder = d:\bccontainerhelper
2021-03-29T15:23:07.4462076Z Setting bcartifactsCacheFolder = d:\bcartifacts.cache
2021-03-29T15:23:07.5587228Z BcContainerHelper version 2.0.9
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6194229Z   _____                               _                
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6199326Z  |  __ \                             | |               
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6203126Z  | |__) |_ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___   ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ 
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6206670Z  |  ___/ _` | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ __/ _ \ '__/ __|
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6210840Z  | |  | (_| | | | (_| | | | | | |  __/ |_  __/ |  \__ \
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6215665Z  |_|   \__,_|_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___|\__\___|_|  |___/
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6223430Z Pipeline name               FinTools-ci
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6227997Z Container name              jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6232270Z Image name                  bcimage
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6236434Z ArtifactUrl       
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6240256Z SasToken                    Not Specified
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6244029Z BcAuthContext               Not Specified
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6248294Z Environment                 
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6360092Z Credential                  admin/Qeqe1198
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6856697Z MemoryLimit                 6G
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6861935Z Enable Task Scheduler       False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6868434Z Assign Premium Plan         False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6874375Z Install Test Runner         False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6881404Z Install Test Framework      True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6889234Z Install Test Libraries      True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6897601Z Install Perf. Toolkit       False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6903819Z CopySymbolsFromContainer    False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6910505Z enableCodeCop               True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6916832Z enableAppSourceCop          True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6923144Z enableUICop                 True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6929416Z enablePerTenantExtensionCop False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6935421Z escapeFromCops              False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6942311Z useDefaultAppSourceRuleSet  False
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6948411Z rulesetFile                 D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6954536Z azureDevOps                 True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6961046Z License file                Specified
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6969357Z CodeSignCertPfxFile         Not specified
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6975973Z TestResultsFile             D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\TestResults.xml
2021-03-29T15:23:09.6981846Z TestResultsFormat           JUnit
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7006686Z AdditionalCountries         
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7012641Z PackagesFolder              D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\.packages
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7018601Z OutputFolder                D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\.output
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7024819Z BuildArtifactFolder         D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\a
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7031552Z CreateRuntimePackages       True
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7037729Z AppBuild                    231
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7044638Z AppRevision                 0
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7051094Z Mandatory Affixes           iMS
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7057463Z Supported Countries         gb
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7060907Z Install Apps
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7064331Z - None
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7067611Z Install Test Apps
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7070971Z - None
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7074254Z Previous Apps
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7077546Z - None
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7081074Z Application folders
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7139641Z - D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\src
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7143110Z Test application folders
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7156747Z - D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\test
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7374533Z   _____       _ _ _                                          _        _                            
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7378122Z  |  __ \     | | (_)                                        (_)      (_)                           
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7381551Z  | |__) |   _| | |_ _ __   __ _    __ _  ___ _ __   ___ _ __ _  ___   _ _ __ ___   __ _  __ _  ___ 
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7384777Z  |  ___/ | | | | | | '_ \ / _` |  / _` |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ '__| |/ __| | | '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7388674Z  | |   | |_| | | | | | | | (_| | | (_| |  __/ | | |  __/ |  | | (__  | | | | | | | (_| | (_| |  __/
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7392123Z  |_|    \__,_|_|_|_|_| |_|\__, |  \__, |\___|_| |_|\___|_|  |_|\___| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7395377Z                            __/ |   __/ |                                                 __/ |     
2021-03-29T15:23:09.7398786Z                           |___/   |___/                                                 |___/      
2021-03-29T15:23:10.8267892Z Pulling
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8507962Z Pulling generic image took 2 seconds
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8651838Z    _____                _   _                               _        _                 
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8655900Z   / ____|              | | (_)                             | |      (_)                
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8660379Z  | |     _ __ ___  __ _| |_ _ _ __   __ _    ___ ___  _ __ | |_ __ _ _ _ __   ___ _ __ 
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8664930Z  | |    | '__/ _ \/ _` | __| | '_ \ / _` |  / __/ _ \| '_ \| __/ _` | | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8669100Z  | |____| | |  __/ (_| | |_| | | | | (_| | | (__ (_) | | | | |_ (_| | | | | |  __/ |   
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8672711Z   \_____|_|  \___|\__,_|\__|_|_| |_|\__, |  \___\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|_|_| |_|\___|_|   
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8676377Z                                      __/ |                                             
2021-03-29T15:23:11.8679997Z                                     |___/                                              
2021-03-29T15:23:11.9584386Z WARNING: Container name should not exceed 15 characters
2021-03-29T15:23:12.4846480Z BcContainerHelper is version 2.0.9
2021-03-29T15:23:12.4849761Z BcContainerHelper is running as administrator
2021-03-29T15:23:12.4861399Z Host is Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - 20H2
2021-03-29T15:23:12.7090409Z Docker Client Version is 20.10.5
2021-03-29T15:23:12.7102271Z Docker Server Version is 20.10.5
2021-03-29T15:23:13.3495446Z Fetching all docker images
2021-03-29T15:23:13.6097376Z Fetching all docker volumes
2021-03-29T15:23:13.8558394Z ArtifactUrl and ImageName specified
2021-03-29T15:23:14.1774620Z Image bcimage:onprem-17.2.19367.19735-gb already exists
2021-03-29T15:23:14.7460976Z Using image bcimage:onprem-17.2.19367.19735-gb
2021-03-29T15:23:14.9997826Z Creating Container jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0111138Z Version: 17.2.19367.19735-gb
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0114595Z Style: onprem
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0118053Z Multitenant: No
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0128079Z Platform: 17.0.19353.19730
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0131290Z Generic Tag:
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0147623Z Container OS Version: 10.0.19042.867 (20H2)
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0151032Z Host OS Version: 10.0.19042.867 (20H2)
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0174375Z Using process isolation
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0204314Z Using locale en-GB
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0218971Z Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable)
2021-03-29T15:23:15.0376207Z Downloading d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\jtsdesktop-fintools-ci\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage.vsix
2021-03-29T15:23:36.9480681Z Using license file
2021-03-29T15:23:36.9488812Z Downloading d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\jtsdesktop-fintools-ci\my\license.flf
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2089167Z Additional Parameters:
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2148499Z --volume "D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s:c:\sources"
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2152128Z --env customNavSettings=EnableTaskScheduler=False
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2156119Z Files in d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\jtsdesktop-fintools-ci\my:
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2227848Z - AdditionalOutput.ps1
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2231273Z - license.flf
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2235250Z - MainLoop.ps1
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2239179Z - SetupVariables.ps1
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2242939Z - updatehosts.ps1
2021-03-29T15:23:37.2246668Z Creating container jtsdesktop-fintools-ci from image bcimage:onprem-17.2.19367.19735-gb
2021-03-29T15:23:37.9308089Z 1a822615ba4610998b19266e10a1620abd976deee8f61e8e675425b0c5c188dc
2021-03-29T15:23:46.7950213Z Waiting for container jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to be ready
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9784397Z Adding JTSDESKTOP-FINT to hosts file
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9792396Z Initializing...
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9800333Z Setting host.docker.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file)
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9808088Z Setting gateway.docker.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file)
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9815763Z Setting kubernetes.docker.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file)
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9823540Z Setting dbserver.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file)
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9831511Z Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9839449Z Starting Container
2021-03-29T15:23:59.9847315Z Hostname is jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:24:01.2757201Z PublicDnsName is jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:24:01.2760633Z Using NavUserPassword Authentication
2021-03-29T15:24:06.4295136Z Starting Local SQL Server
2021-03-29T15:24:08.9842764Z Starting Internet Information Server
2021-03-29T15:24:10.2884804Z Creating Self Signed Certificate
2021-03-29T15:24:10.2889406Z Self Signed Certificate Thumbprint E7C3E41ACFA447319428803402FF0CAD61EE4FF8
2021-03-29T15:24:10.2893380Z Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings
2021-03-29T15:24:10.2897456Z Modifying Service Tier Config File with settings from environment variable
2021-03-29T15:24:11.5576121Z Setting EnableTaskScheduler to False
2021-03-29T15:28:38.7627859Z Starting Service Tier
2021-03-29T15:28:38.7634256Z Registering event sources
2021-03-29T15:29:23.2042569Z Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance
2021-03-29T15:29:23.2046144Z Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf'
2021-03-29T15:29:24.4952589Z Import License
2021-03-29T15:29:25.8118466Z Creating http download site
2021-03-29T15:29:28.4475973Z Setting SA Password and enabling SA
2021-03-29T15:29:29.7117409Z Creating admin as SQL User and add to sysadmin
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7780068Z Creating SUPER user
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7785515Z Container IP Address:
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7790545Z Container Hostname  : jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7796074Z Container Dns Name  : jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7801209Z Web Client          : http://jtsdesktop-fintools-ci/BC/
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7806495Z Dev. Server         : http://jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7811165Z Dev. ServerInstance : BC
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7816084Z Setting jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to in host hosts file
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7822833Z Files:
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7828944Z http://jtsdesktop-fintools-ci:8080/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage.vsix
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7837271Z Container Total Physical Memory is 31.7Gb
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7842274Z Container Free Physical Memory is 10.5Gb
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7851770Z Initialization took 338 seconds
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7856883Z Ready for connections!
2021-03-29T15:29:37.7861781Z Reading CustomSettings.config from jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:29:45.8930850Z Creating Desktop Shortcuts for jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:29:45.9974774Z Container jtsdesktop-fintools-ci successfully created
2021-03-29T15:29:45.9979958Z Use:
2021-03-29T15:29:45.9984586Z Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container
2021-03-29T15:29:45.9990490Z Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to get debug information about the container
2021-03-29T15:29:45.9996363Z Enter-BcContainer -containerName jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0002417Z Remove-BcContainer -containerName jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to remove the container again
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0008192Z docker logs jtsdesktop-fintools-ci to retrieve information about URL's again
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0141461Z Creating container took 394 seconds
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0146877Z    _____                      _ _ _                                     
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0150296Z   / ____|                    (_) (_)                                    
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0153629Z  | |     ___  _ __ ___  _ __  _| |_ _ __   __ _    __ _ _ __  _ __  ___ 
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0156846Z  | |    / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |  / _` | '_ \| '_ \/ __|
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0160100Z  | |____ (_) | | | | | | |_) | | | | | | | (_| | | (_| | |_) | |_) \__ \
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0163268Z   \_____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|_|_|_| |_|\__, |  \__,_| .__/| .__/|___/
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0166464Z                        | |                 __/ |       | |   | |        
2021-03-29T15:29:46.0169891Z                        |_|                |___/        |_|   |_|        
2021-03-29T15:29:46.1217854Z Using custom ruleset
2021-03-29T15:29:46.1243307Z Using Version
2021-03-29T15:29:46.1329737Z Creating AppSourceCop.json for validation
2021-03-29T15:29:47.7038828Z Using Symbols Folder: D:\agent-evolveims\_work\1\s\.packages
2021-03-29T15:30:09.4243092Z Downloading symbols:
2021-03-29T15:30:09.4257979Z Url :
2021-03-29T15:30:12.3462290Z Adding dependency to System Application from Microsoft
2021-03-29T15:30:12.3472590Z Adding dependency to Base Application from Microsoft
2021-03-29T15:30:12.3489695Z Downloading symbols:
2021-03-29T15:30:12.3493385Z Url :
2021-03-29T15:30:12.7445406Z Downloading symbols: Microsoft_System
2021-03-29T15:30:12.7448936Z Url :
2021-03-29T15:30:13.6379960Z Downloading symbols: Microsoft_Base
2021-03-29T15:30:13.6383453Z Url :
2021-03-29T15:30:14.2470880Z Compiling...
2021-03-29T15:30:14.2540752Z .\alc.exe /project:"c:\sources\src" /packagecachepath:"c:\sources\.packages" /out:"c:\sources\.output\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance" /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.AppSourceCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.UICop.dll /ruleset:c:\sources\_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json /assemblyprobingpaths:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client","C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service","C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK\V2.5\lib","c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Assembly","C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies"
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2232496Z Microsoft (R) AL Compiler version
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2248784Z Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2254985Z Compilation started for project 'iMS Finance Tools' containing '28' files at '16:30:15.696'.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2291138Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2299915Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,42): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2302474Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,42): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2305544Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2308013Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,41): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2310476Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,41): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2312928Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2315502Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2317672Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2319766Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2321884Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094932' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2324018Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2326172Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2328314Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094932' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2330518Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094929' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2332678Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2334877Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2337057Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094929' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2339443Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2341817Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2344060Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN G/L Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'G/L Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2346472Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS G/L Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'G/L Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2374084Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2378294Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2382453Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Purchase Line' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Line' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2386760Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Purchase Line' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Line' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2391147Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Buy-from Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2396361Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Buy-from Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2401492Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2409945Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2414519Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN General Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'General Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2419387Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS General Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'General Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2424091Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS General Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2428462Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN General Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2432528Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2436045Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2441495Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source Type' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2444976Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source Type' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2449993Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source No.' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2597016Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source No.' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2599691Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2601965Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2604125Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Purchase Lines' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Lines' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2606133Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Purchase Lines' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Lines' or the target itself is already declared in this module.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.2608175Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Purchase Lines' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3018615Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Purchase Lines' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3021066Z Compilation ended at '16:30:20.169'.
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3026263Z App generation failed with exit code 1
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3031857Z   _____                           _                _____            _        _                 
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3035123Z  |  __ \                         (_)              / ____|          | |      (_)                
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3038617Z  | |__) |___ _ __ ___   _____   ___ _ __   __ _  | |     ___  _ __ | |_ __ _ _ _ __   ___ _ __ 
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3041755Z  |  _  // _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \ \ / / | '_ \ / _` | | |    / _ \| '_ \| __/ _` | | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3045160Z  | | \ \  __/ | | | | | (_) \ V /| | | | | (_| | | |____ (_) | | | | |_ (_| | | | | |  __/ |   
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3048368Z  |_|  \_\___|_| |_| |_|\___/ \_/ |_|_| |_|\__, |  \_____\___/|_| |_|\__\__,_|_|_| |_|\___|_|   
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3051588Z                                            __/ |                                               
2021-03-29T15:30:20.3054818Z                                           |___/                                                
2021-03-29T15:30:21.9538575Z Removing container jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:30:28.4675072Z Removing jtsdesktop-fintools-ci from container hosts file
2021-03-29T15:30:28.5111170Z Removing jtsdesktop-fintools-ci-* from container hosts file
2021-03-29T15:30:28.5354699Z Removing d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\jtsdesktop-fintools-ci
2021-03-29T15:30:28.5581810Z Removing container took 8 seconds
2021-03-29T15:30:28.6926175Z ##[error]App generation failed with exit code 1
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BcContainerHelper\2.0.9\AppHandling\Compile-AppInNavContainer.ps1:507 char:72
+ ... | Where-Object { $_ -like "App generation failed*" } | % { throw $_ }
+                                                                ~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (App generation failed with exit code 1:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : App generation failed with exit code 1
2021-03-29T15:30:28.6963565Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
2021-03-29T15:30:28.7244297Z ##[section]Finishing: Run Pipeline

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context

YML File

- master

  name: default

- group: BuildVariables

- job: Build
  timeoutInMinutes: 300
    build.clean: all
    platform: x64
    version: 'ci'
    appVersion: '17.0'
    appBuild: $(Build.BuildID)
    appRevision: 0
    skipComponentGovernanceDetection: True

  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: 'Set BuildNumber'
      targetType: inline
      script: 'Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$(appVersion).$(appBuild).$(appRevision)"'

  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: 'Run Pipeline'
      InsiderSasToken: '$(InsiderSasToken)'
      LicenseFile: '$(LicenseFile)'
      CodeSignCertPfxFile: '$(CodeSignCertPfxFile)'
      CodeSignCertPfxPassword: '$(CodeSignCertPfxPassword)'
      targetType: filePath
      filePath: 'scripts\DevOps-Pipeline.ps1'
      arguments: '-environment "AzureDevOps" -version "$(version)" -appBuild $(appBuild) -appRevision $(appRevision)'
      failOnStderr: true

  - task: PublishTestResults@2
    displayName: 'Publish Test Results'
    condition: and(succeeded(),ne(variables['TestResults'],''))
      testResultsFormat: JUnit
      testResultsFiles: '$(testResults)'
      failTaskOnFailedTests: true

  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
    displayName: 'Publish Artifacts'
      PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
      ArtifactName: output

  - task: PowerShell@2
    displayName: 'Cleanup'
    condition: always()
      targetType: filePath
      filePath: 'scripts\Cleanup.ps1'
      arguments: '-environment "AzureDevOps"'
      failOnStderr: false
freddydk commented 3 years ago

two things to try:

  1. is anything checked into the .packages folder in the repo? - then delete it from the repo.
  2. try to set imagename to ""
GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago

I have to .packages folder in the repo. I have explicitly set the imagename to '' still the same error.

2021-03-30T05:17:05.5531860Z ##[section]Starting: Run Pipeline 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5737020Z ============================================================================== 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5737483Z Task : PowerShell 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5737825Z Description : Run a PowerShell script on Linux, macOS, or Windows 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5738149Z Version : 2.180.1 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5738415Z Author : Microsoft Corporation 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5738813Z Help : 2021-03-30T05:17:05.5739259Z ============================================================================== 2021-03-30T05:17:06.6952763Z Generating script. 2021-03-30T05:17:06.7099150Z Formatted command: . 'D:\a\1\s\scripts\DevOps-Pipeline.ps1' -environment "AzureDevOps" -version "ci" -appBuild 235 -appRevision 0 2021-03-30T05:17:06.7726178Z ========================== Starting Command Output =========================== 2021-03-30T05:17:06.8097362Z ##[command]"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoLogo -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command ". 'D:\a_temp\66fe2e63-bd17-4af0-bc8e-c8920f1d7baf.ps1'" 2021-03-30T05:17:07.3705768Z Set artifact = 2021-03-30T05:17:07.3787246Z Set pipelineName = FinTools-ci 2021-03-30T05:17:07.3875095Z Set containerName = hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4106368Z Set installApps = '' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4147019Z Set previousApps = '' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4209135Z Set appSourceCopMandatoryAffixes = 'iMS' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4309931Z Set appSourceCopSupportedCountries = 'gb' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4351887Z Set appFolders = 'src' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4387702Z Set testFolders = 'test' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4451748Z Set memoryLimit = '6G' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4474327Z Set additionalCountries = '' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4515321Z Set genericImageName = '' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4589625Z Set vaultNameForLocal = 'EvolveAppVault' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4632971Z Set bcContainerHelperVersion = 'Latest' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4729404Z Set installTestFramework = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4833302Z Set installTestLibraries = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4929574Z Set installPerformanceToolkit = False 2021-03-30T05:17:07.4980454Z Set enableCodeCop = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5021530Z Set enableAppSourceCop = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5085192Z Set enablePerTenantExtensionCop = False 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5121041Z Set enableUICop = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5204150Z Set doNotSignApps = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5222793Z Set doNotRunTests = False 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5262941Z Set cacheImage = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5303370Z Set CreateRuntimePackages = True 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5389501Z Set rulesetfile = 'RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json' 2021-03-30T05:17:07.5517915Z Set appPackages = '.packages' 2021-03-30T05:17:08.3510769Z Downloading 2021-03-30T05:17:29.9550438Z BcContainerHelper version 2.0.9 2021-03-30T05:17:31.4926420Z ____
2021-03-30T05:17:31.4946224Z | \ | |
2021-03-30T05:17:31.4962070Z | |
) |
__ | |_ 2021-03-30T05:17:31.4974657Z | / _| '__/ _ | ' ` \ / _ \ / \ '/ | 2021-03-30T05:17:31.4992893Z | | | (| | | | (_| | | | | | | _/ | / | _ \ 2021-03-30T05:17:31.5011409Z || _,|| _,|| || ||_|_\|_| |/ 2021-03-30T05:17:31.5017157Z 2021-03-30T05:17:31.5032757Z Pipeline name FinTools-ci 2021-03-30T05:17:31.5040124Z Container name hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:17:31.5054829Z Image name
2021-03-30T05:17:31.6051672Z ArtifactUrl 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6068113Z SasToken Not Specified 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6084295Z BcAuthContext Not Specified 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6101455Z Environment
2021-03-30T05:17:31.6119319Z Credential admin/Niqu6687 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6133460Z MemoryLimit 6G 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6152750Z Enable Task Scheduler False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6168954Z Assign Premium Plan False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6185305Z Install Test Runner False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6200797Z Install Test Framework True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6216123Z Install Test Libraries True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6233708Z Install Perf. Toolkit False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6250398Z CopySymbolsFromContainer False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6266761Z enableCodeCop True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6286655Z enableAppSourceCop True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6304596Z enableUICop True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6335465Z enablePerTenantExtensionCop False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6368603Z escapeFromCops False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6411427Z useDefaultAppSourceRuleSet False 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6440625Z rulesetFile D:\a\1\s_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6477838Z azureDevOps True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6506905Z License file Specified 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6529331Z CodeSignCertPfxFile Not specified 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6557278Z TestResultsFile D:\a\1\s\TestResults.xml 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6586288Z TestResultsFormat JUnit 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6676465Z AdditionalCountries
2021-03-30T05:17:31.6696322Z PackagesFolder D:\a\1\s.packages 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6723186Z OutputFolder D:\a\1\s.output 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6749604Z BuildArtifactFolder D:\a\1\a 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6780509Z CreateRuntimePackages True 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6852155Z AppBuild 235 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6882169Z AppRevision 0 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6909625Z Mandatory Affixes iMS 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6939365Z Supported Countries gb 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6955891Z Install Apps 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6975276Z - None 2021-03-30T05:17:31.6995309Z Install Test Apps 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7012382Z - None 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7031728Z Previous Apps 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7048677Z - None 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7066924Z Application folders 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7086573Z - D:\a\1\s\src 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7144966Z Test application folders 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7165919Z - D:\a\1\s\test 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7240095Z 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7255953Z ____
2021-03-30T05:17:31.7273512Z |
\ | | () () (_)
2021-03-30T05:17:31.7289410Z | |) | | | | _ _ _ _ _ 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7307677Z | _/ | | | | | | ' \ / | / _ |/ \ ' \ / \ '| |/ | | | ' _ \ / _ |/ ` |/ \ 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7323658Z | | | || | | | | | | | (| | | (_| | / | | | / | | | ( | | | | | | | (| | (| | / 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7339628Z || _,||||| ||_, | _, |_|| ||_|| ||_| ||| || ||_,|_, |\| 2021-03-30T05:17:31.7357333Z / | / | / |
2021-03-30T05:17:31.7374889Z |__/ |
/ |_/
2021-03-30T05:17:31.7379336Z 2021-03-30T05:17:32.1593273Z Pulling 2021-03-30T05:25:35.0477273Z 2021-03-30T05:25:35.0489251Z Pulling generic image took 483 seconds 2021-03-30T05:25:35.0593297Z 2021-03-30T05:25:35.0618063Z ___

2021-03-30T05:25:35.0633856Z / _| | | () | | ()
2021-03-30T05:25:35.0651564Z | |
| | | |_ _ _ 2021-03-30T05:25:35.0673996Z | | | '/ \/ _| __| | '_ \ / _ | / / | ' | / ` | | ' \ / \ '| 2021-03-30T05:25:35.0687226Z | |__| | | __/ (| | || | | | | (| | | ( () | | | | | (| | | | | | / |
2021-03-30T05:25:35.0707583Z \
|| _|\,|_||| ||_, | _\/|| ||__,||| ||_|_|
2021-03-30T05:25:35.0764427Z _/ |
2021-03-30T05:25:35.0797975Z |
2021-03-30T05:25:35.0807814Z 2021-03-30T05:25:35.5606031Z WARNING: Container name should not exceed 15 characters 2021-03-30T05:25:35.9719139Z BcContainerHelper is version 2.0.9 2021-03-30T05:25:35.9735501Z BcContainerHelper is running as administrator 2021-03-30T05:25:35.9793410Z Host is Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Datacenter - ltsc2019 2021-03-30T05:25:39.6036512Z Docker Client Version is 20.10.0 2021-03-30T05:25:39.6073108Z Docker Server Version is 20.10.0 2021-03-30T05:25:40.3933607Z Downloading application artifact /onprem/17.2.19367.19735/gb 2021-03-30T05:25:40.4209648Z Downloading C:\Users\Vssistrator\AppData\Local\Temp\ 2021-03-30T05:25:49.9027223Z Unpacking application artifact to tmp folder using 7zip 2021-03-30T05:26:05.5817339Z Downloading platform artifact /onprem/17.2.19367.19735/platform 2021-03-30T05:26:05.5856531Z Downloading C:\Users\Vssistrator\AppData\Local\Temp\ 2021-03-30T05:26:15.8837637Z Unpacking platform artifact to tmp folder using 7zip 2021-03-30T05:26:56.2438977Z Downloading Prerequisite Components 2021-03-30T05:26:56.2599209Z Downloading c:\bcartifacts.cache\onprem\17.2.19367.19735\platform\Prerequisite Components\DotNetCore\DotNetCore.1.0.4_1.1.1-WindowsHosting.exe 2021-03-30T05:26:57.7954589Z Downloading c:\bcartifacts.cache\onprem\17.2.19367.19735\platform\Prerequisite Components\Open XML SDK 2.5 for Microsoft Office\OpenXMLSDKv25.msi 2021-03-30T05:26:58.9840552Z Downloading c:\bcartifacts.cache\onprem\17.2.19367.19735\platform\Prerequisite Components\IIS URL Rewrite Module\rewrite_2.0_rtw_x64.msi 2021-03-30T05:26:58.9842291Z Fetching all docker images 2021-03-30T05:27:00.4432032Z Fetching all docker volumes 2021-03-30T05:27:01.4350784Z Using image 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6746193Z Creating Container hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6763943Z Version: 17.2.19367.19735-gb 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6781001Z Style: onprem 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6814815Z Multitenant: No 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6834315Z Platform: 17.0.19353.19730 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6851292Z Generic Tag: 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6900294Z Container OS Version: 10.0.17763.1817 (ltsc2019) 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6927551Z Host OS Version: 10.0.17763.1817 (ltsc2019) 2021-03-30T05:27:01.6991826Z Using process isolation 2021-03-30T05:27:01.7143761Z Using locale en-GB 2021-03-30T05:27:01.7245932Z Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable) 2021-03-30T05:27:01.7679459Z Downloading C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\hostedagent-fintools-ci\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage.vsix 2021-03-30T05:27:02.7304478Z Using license file 2021-03-30T05:27:02.7327507Z Downloading C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\hostedagent-fintools-ci\my\license.flf 2021-03-30T05:27:02.9803413Z Additional Parameters: 2021-03-30T05:27:02.9808817Z --volume "D:\a\1\s:c:\sources" 2021-03-30T05:27:02.9842343Z --env customNavSettings=EnableTaskScheduler=False 2021-03-30T05:27:02.9867119Z Files in C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\hostedagent-fintools-ci\my: 2021-03-30T05:27:02.9940189Z - AdditionalOutput.ps1 2021-03-30T05:27:02.9959668Z - license.flf 2021-03-30T05:27:03.0030444Z - MainLoop.ps1 2021-03-30T05:27:03.0149765Z - SetupVariables.ps1 2021-03-30T05:27:03.0163258Z - updatehosts.ps1 2021-03-30T05:27:03.0180367Z Creating container hostedagent-fintools-ci from image 2021-03-30T05:27:07.4374639Z aa40144bfdaed11375f0b43f350fa1bb20710f56bc440da97b233c1176bfc738 2021-03-30T05:27:26.9868957Z Waiting for container hostedagent-fintools-ci to be ready 2021-03-30T05:28:01.1950653Z Adding HOSTEDAGENT-FIN to hosts file 2021-03-30T05:28:07.5618153Z Using artifactUrl 2021-03-30T05:28:07.5665583Z Using installer from C:\Run\150-new 2021-03-30T05:28:09.5930110Z Installing Business Central 2021-03-30T05:28:09.9014632Z Installing from artifacts 2021-03-30T05:28:20.2462450Z Starting Local SQL Server 2021-03-30T05:28:20.2485013Z WARNING: Waiting for service 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)' to 2021-03-30T05:28:20.2513130Z start... 2021-03-30T05:28:20.3144719Z Starting Internet Information Server 2021-03-30T05:28:23.1962434Z Copying Service Tier Files 2021-03-30T05:28:27.0823481Z Copying PowerShell Scripts 2021-03-30T05:28:27.0842362Z Copying dependencies 2021-03-30T05:28:27.6941088Z Copying ReportBuilder 2021-03-30T05:28:27.7568873Z Importing PowerShell Modules 2021-03-30T05:28:43.5315782Z Determining Database Collation from c:\dl\onprem\17.2.19367.19735\gb\database\Demo Database NAV (17-0).bak 2021-03-30T05:29:38.2202849Z Changing Database Server Collation to Latin1_General_100_CIAS 2021-03-30T05:29:53.0966151Z Restoring CRONUS Demo Database 2021-03-30T05:29:55.3379353Z Setting CompatibilityLevel for CRONUS on localhost\SQLEXPRESS 2021-03-30T05:29:55.3406703Z Modifying Business Central Service Tier Config File for Docker 2021-03-30T05:29:55.3431975Z Creating Business Central Service Tier 2021-03-30T05:29:56.5178316Z Installing SIP crypto provider: 'C:\Windows\System32\NavSip.dll' 2021-03-30T05:29:56.5202788Z Copying Web Client Files 2021-03-30T05:29:56.9799681Z Copying Client Files 2021-03-30T05:29:57.0254566Z Copying ModernDev Files 2021-03-30T05:29:57.0271936Z Copying additional files 2021-03-30T05:29:57.0291695Z Copying ConfigurationPackages 2021-03-30T05:29:57.0320042Z Copying Test Assemblies 2021-03-30T05:29:57.0428191Z Copying Applications 2021-03-30T05:32:16.8097459Z Starting Business Central Service Tier 2021-03-30T05:32:16.8111913Z Importing license file 2021-03-30T05:32:16.8134313Z Stopping Business Central Service Tier 2021-03-30T05:32:16.8279352Z Installation took 255 seconds 2021-03-30T05:32:16.8280649Z Installation complete 2021-03-30T05:32:18.2905191Z Initializing... 2021-03-30T05:32:18.2955172Z Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file 2021-03-30T05:32:18.2984178Z Starting Container 2021-03-30T05:32:18.2999124Z Hostname is hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:32:20.6858813Z PublicDnsName is hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:32:20.6881594Z Using NavUserPassword Authentication 2021-03-30T05:32:23.6006649Z Creating Self Signed Certificate 2021-03-30T05:32:23.6025610Z Self Signed Certificate Thumbprint BD8C4C5322F0650BCE3B03E9EA4E49E4918EF9D1 2021-03-30T05:32:24.7736487Z Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings 2021-03-30T05:32:24.8123894Z Modifying Service Tier Config File with settings from environment variable 2021-03-30T05:32:25.9611131Z Setting EnableTaskScheduler to False 2021-03-30T05:32:55.5125943Z Starting Service Tier 2021-03-30T05:32:55.5270840Z Registering event sources 2021-03-30T05:33:03.6602836Z Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance 2021-03-30T05:33:03.6642781Z Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf' 2021-03-30T05:33:05.1303626Z Import License 2021-03-30T05:33:05.1331243Z Creating http download site 2021-03-30T05:33:05.1356013Z Setting SA Password and enabling SA 2021-03-30T05:33:06.4821836Z Creating admin as SQL User and add to sysadmin 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1628803Z Creating SUPER user 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1650019Z Container IP Address: 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1678554Z Container Hostname : hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1754905Z Container Dns Name : hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1778316Z Web Client : http://hostedagent-fintools-ci/BC/ 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1800448Z Dev. Server : http://hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:33:18.1880714Z Dev. ServerInstance : BC 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2073757Z Setting hostedagent-fintools-ci to in host hosts file 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2074137Z 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2088921Z Files: 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2119021Z http://hostedagent-fintools-ci:8080/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage.vsix 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2125406Z 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2290196Z Container Total Physical Memory is 7.0Gb 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2316757Z Container Free Physical Memory is 3.1Gb 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2349508Z 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2400761Z Initialization took 61 seconds 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2444838Z Ready for connections! 2021-03-30T05:33:18.2509330Z Reading CustomSettings.config from hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:33:22.9701239Z Creating Desktop Shortcuts for hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:33:23.5884889Z Container hostedagent-fintools-ci successfully created 2021-03-30T05:33:23.5892076Z 2021-03-30T05:33:23.5943748Z Use: 2021-03-30T05:33:23.5971282Z Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName hostedagent-fintools-ci to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6068996Z Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName hostedagent-fintools-ci to get debug information about the container 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6169216Z Enter-BcContainer -containerName hostedagent-fintools-ci to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6195678Z Remove-BcContainer -containerName hostedagent-fintools-ci to remove the container again 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6264110Z docker logs hostedagent-fintools-ci to retrieve information about URL's again 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6523132Z 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6554862Z Creating container took 469 seconds 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6562748Z 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6580184Z ____
2021-03-30T05:33:23.6614666Z / ____| (
) (_)
2021-03-30T05:33:23.6636966Z | | | | 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6667539Z | | / | ' _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _ | / ` | ' | '_ \/ | 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6678837Z | |__ () | | | | | | |) | | | | | | | (| | | (| | |) | |) _ \ 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6707979Z _____/|| || |_| ._/||||| ||_, | _,_| ./| .__/|/ 2021-03-30T05:33:23.6730068Z | | / | | | | |
2021-03-30T05:33:23.6763392Z |
| |__/ || |_|
2021-03-30T05:33:23.6769338Z 2021-03-30T05:33:24.0053396Z Using custom ruleset 2021-03-30T05:33:24.1521432Z Using Version 2021-03-30T05:33:24.4857795Z Creating AppSourceCop.json for validation 2021-03-30T05:33:27.4977146Z Using Symbols Folder: D:\a\1\s.packages 2021-03-30T05:33:38.7813973Z Downloading symbols: 2021-03-30T05:33:38.7995153Z Url : 2021-03-30T05:33:44.1855697Z Adding dependency to System Application from Microsoft 2021-03-30T05:33:44.1893266Z Adding dependency to Base Application from Microsoft 2021-03-30T05:33:44.1940847Z Downloading symbols: 2021-03-30T05:33:44.1958096Z Url : 2021-03-30T05:33:45.5445360Z Downloading symbols: Microsoft_System 2021-03-30T05:33:45.5518259Z Url : 2021-03-30T05:33:47.1104819Z Downloading symbols: Microsoft_Base 2021-03-30T05:33:47.1128618Z Url : 2021-03-30T05:33:49.0023771Z Compiling... 2021-03-30T05:33:49.0033480Z .\alc.exe /project:"c:\sources\src" /packagecachepath:"c:\sources.packages" /out:"c:\sources.output\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance" /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.AppSourceCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.UICop.dll /ruleset:c:\sources_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json /assemblyprobingpaths:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client","C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service","C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK\V2.5\lib","c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Assembly","C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies" 2021-03-30T05:33:58.3560091Z Microsoft (R) AL Compiler version 2021-03-30T05:33:58.3608999Z Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved 2021-03-30T05:33:58.3631949Z 2021-03-30T05:33:58.3649968Z Compilation started for project 'iMS Finance Tools' containing '28' files at '5:33:50.61'. 2021-03-30T05:33:58.3656594Z 2021-03-30T05:33:59.2839162Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.2990009Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,42): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.2996481Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,41): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3001908Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3021627Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS G/L Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3037058Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,42): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceType()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3044102Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,41): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceNo()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3056955Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,38): error AL0196: The call is ambiguous between the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' and the method 'iMSGetSourceName()' defined in TableExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3069617Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3083196Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3088284Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094932' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3104485Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3117953Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3123269Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,15): error AL0264: An application object of type 'PageExtension' with ID '9094932' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3136557Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094929' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3153008Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3158825Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3173843Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094929' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3186897Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094930' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3195877Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,16): error AL0264: An application object of type 'TableExtension' with ID '9094931' is already declared by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. (' 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3208361Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN G/L Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'G/L Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3222846Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS G/L Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'G/L Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3235886Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3243592Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Job Ledger Entry' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entry' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3257800Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Purchase Line' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Line' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3274758Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Purchase Line' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Line' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3281428Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Buy-from Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3296546Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Buy-from Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3315101Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3321182Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\TableExtension\,24): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in TableExtension 'iMS FN Purchase Line' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3338442Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN General Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'General Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3353963Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS General Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'General Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3366669Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS General Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3372081Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN General Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3377859Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3382292Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Job Ledger Entries' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3399436Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source Type' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3407600Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source Type' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3421408Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source No.' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3436064Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Source No.' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3447433Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3451775Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMSSourceName' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Job Ledger Entries' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3462499Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS FN Purchase Lines' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Lines' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3473601Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,23): error AL0334: The extension object 'iMS Purchase Lines' cannot be declared. Another extension for target 'Purchase Lines' or the target itself is already declared in this module. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3478347Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS Purchase Lines' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3492786Z ##[error]c:\sources\src\PageExtension\,19): error AL0155: A member of type Field with name 'iMS Pay-to Vendor Name' is already defined in PageExtension 'iMS FN Purchase Lines' by the extension 'iMS Finance Tools by Evolve iMS Ltd. ('. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3494013Z 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3494391Z Compilation ended at '5:33:58.242'. 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3494591Z 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3495034Z App generation failed with exit code 1 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3495225Z 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3495661Z ____ _
2021-03-30T05:33:59.3496867Z | _ \ () /
| | | ()
2021-03-30T05:33:59.3497741Z | |) |
__ | | | |_ _ _ _ 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3498328Z | // \ ' ` \ / \ \ / / | ' \ / ` | | | / | '_ | _/ ` | | ' \ / \ '| 2021-03-30T05:33:59.3498935Z | | \ \ / | | | | | () \ V /| | | | | (| | | |__ () | | | | | (_| | | | | | / |
2021-03-30T05:33:59.3499521Z || _\
|| || |_|_/ _/ ||| ||_, | ____/|| ||__,||| ||_||
2021-03-30T05:33:59.3500813Z / |
2021-03-30T05:33:59.3501472Z |
2021-03-30T05:33:59.3501777Z 2021-03-30T05:34:00.8733244Z Removing container hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:34:03.6357089Z Removing hostedagent-fintools-ci from container hosts file 2021-03-30T05:34:03.8102841Z Removing hostedagent-fintools-ci-* from container hosts file 2021-03-30T05:34:03.8937720Z Removing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\hostedagent-fintools-ci 2021-03-30T05:34:03.9280940Z 2021-03-30T05:34:03.9302129Z Removing container took 5 seconds 2021-03-30T05:34:04.8390231Z ##[error]App generation failed with exit code 1 At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\BcContainerHelper\2.0.9\AppHandling\Compile-AppInNavContainer.ps1:507 char:72

  • ... | Where-Object { $ -like "App generation failed*" } | % { throw $ }
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (App generation failed with exit code 1:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : App generation failed with exit code 1
    2021-03-30T05:34:04.8725703Z ##[error]PowerShell exited with code '1'.
    2021-03-30T05:34:05.2240207Z ##[section]Finishing: Run Pipeline
freddydk commented 3 years ago

Not sure why, but if you want me to look at it, you would have to .zip your entire source folder and email me a link where I can download that (secure onedrive or like)

GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago

Okay, I will see about getting that done. As I said the local repo builds and publishes fine it is only in DevOps that the problem occurs.

FYI, the local-pipeline.ps1 seems to run fine too. Output below:

PS D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools\src> d:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools\scripts\Local-Pipeline.ps1 Set artifact = Set pipelineName = FinTools-ci Set containerName = fintools-ci Set installApps = '' Set previousApps = '' Set appSourceCopMandatoryAffixes = 'iMS' Set appSourceCopSupportedCountries = 'gb' Set appFolders = 'src' Set testFolders = 'test' Set memoryLimit = '6G' Set additionalCountries = '' Set genericImageName = '' Set vaultNameForLocal = 'EvolveAppVault' Set bcContainerHelperVersion = 'Latest' Set installTestFramework = True
Set installTestLibraries = True Set installPerformanceToolkit = False Set enableCodeCop = True Set enableAppSourceCop = True Set enablePerTenantExtensionCop = False Set enableUICop = True Set doNotSignApps = True Set doNotRunTests = False Set cacheImage = True Set CreateRuntimePackages = True Set rulesetfile = '_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json' Set appPackages = '.packages' Setting hostHelperFolder = d:\bccontainerhelper Setting bcartifactsCacheFolder = d:\bcartifacts.cache BcContainerHelper version 2.0.9 Get Secret CodeSignPfxFileSecret Get Secret CodeSignPfxPasswordSecret Get Secret insiderSasTokenSecret Get Secret LicenseFileSecret Get Secret PasswordSecret Get Secret StorageConnectionStringSecret Get Secret TestToolAppSecret Get Secret TestToolAppTinySecret Get Secret UsernameSecret

| \ | | | |) | | | __ | / _| '__/ _ | ' ` \ / _ \ / \ '/ | | | | (| | | | (_| | | | | | | _/ | / | _ \ || _,|| _,|| || ||_|_\|_| |___/

Pipeline name FinTools-ci Container name fintools-ci Image name ArtifactUrl SasToken Not Specified BcAuthContext Not Specified Environment Credential Specified MemoryLimit 6G Enable Task Scheduler False Assign Premium Plan False Install Test Runner False Install Test Framework True Install Test Libraries True Install Perf. Toolkit False CopySymbolsFromContainer False enableCodeCop True enableAppSourceCop True enableUICop True enablePerTenantExtensionCop False escapeFromCops False useDefaultAppSourceRuleSet False rulesetFile D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json azureDevOps False License file Specified CodeSignCertPfxFile Not specified TestResultsFile D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools\TestResults.xml TestResultsFormat JUnit AdditionalCountries PackagesFolder D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.packages OutputFolder D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.output BuildArtifactFolder CreateRuntimePackages False AppBuild 2147483647 AppRevision 0 Mandatory Affixes iMS Supported Countries gb Install Apps

  • None Install Test Apps
  • None Previous Apps
  • None Application folders
  • D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools\src Test application folders
  • D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools\test

    | \ | | () () (_) | |_) | | | | _ _ _ _ _ _ | _/ | | | | | | ' \ / | / _ |/ \ ' \ / \ '| |/ | | | ' _ \ / _ |/ ` |/ \ | | | || | | | | | | | (| | | (_| | / | | | / | | | ( | | | | | | | (| | (| | / || _,||||| ||_, | _, |_|| ||_|| ||_| ||| || ||_,|_, |\| / | / | / | |__/ |/ |___/


Pulling generic image took 2 seconds

/ _| | | () | | () | | _ | | | |_ _ _ | | | '/ \/ _| __| | '_ \ / _ | / / | ' | / ` | | ' \ / \ '| | |__| | | __/ (| | || | | | | (| | | ( () | | | | | (| | | | | | / | \|| _|\,|_||| ||_, | _\/|| ||__,||| ||_|_| _/ | |/

BcContainerHelper is version 2.0.9 BcContainerHelper is running as administrator Host is Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - 20H2 Docker Client Version is 20.10.5 Docker Server Version is 20.10.5 Fetching all docker images Fetching all docker volumes Using image Creating Container fintools-ci Version: 17.2.19367.19735-gb Style: onprem Multitenant: No Platform: 17.0.19353.19730 Generic Tag: Container OS Version: 10.0.19042.867 (20H2) Host OS Version: 10.0.19042.867 (20H2) Using process isolation Using locale en-GB Disabling the standard eventlog dump to container log every 2 seconds (use -dumpEventLog to enable) Downloading d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage.vsix Using license file Downloading d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\my\license.flf Additional Parameters: --volume "D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools:c:\sources" --env customNavSettings=EnableTaskScheduler=False Files in d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\my:

  • AdditionalOutput.ps1
  • license.flf
  • MainLoop.ps1
  • SetupVariables.ps1
  • updatehosts.ps1 Creating container fintools-ci from image b8dd4cf05dbbbce979fcea907fd8a95a576fcd7b3b1dc87c2c70d806d58a4837 Waiting for container fintools-ci to be ready Using artifactUrl Using installer from C:\Run\150-new Installing Business Central Installing from artifacts Starting Local SQL Server WARNING: Waiting for service 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS)' to start... Starting Internet Information Server Copying Service Tier Files Copying PowerShell Scripts Copying dependencies Copying ReportBuilder Importing PowerShell Modules Determining Database Collation from c:\dl\onprem\17.2.19367.19735\gb\database\Demo Database NAV (17-0).bak Changing Database Server Collation to Latin1_General_100_CI_AS Restoring CRONUS Demo Database Setting CompatibilityLevel for CRONUS on localhost\SQLEXPRESS Modifying Business Central Service Tier Config File for Docker Creating Business Central Service Tier Installing SIP crypto provider: 'C:\Windows\System32\NavSip.dll' Copying Web Client Files Copying Client Files Copying ModernDev Files Copying additional files Copying ConfigurationPackages Copying Test Assemblies Copying Applications Starting Business Central Service Tier Importing license file Stopping Business Central Service Tier Installation took 216 seconds Installation complete Initializing... Setting host.docker.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file) Setting gateway.docker.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file) Setting kubernetes.docker.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file) Setting dbserver.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file (copy from host hosts file) Setting host.containerhelper.internal to in container hosts file Starting Container Hostname is fintools-ci PublicDnsName is fintools-ci Using NavUserPassword Authentication Creating Self Signed Certificate Self Signed Certificate Thumbprint 712F5510FB51C3BA840FADD3A6F6A49C365288EB Modifying Service Tier Config File with Instance Specific Settings Modifying Service Tier Config File with settings from environment variable Setting EnableTaskScheduler to False Starting Service Tier Registering event sources Creating DotNetCore Web Server Instance Using license file 'c:\run\my\license.flf' Import License Creating http download site Setting SA Password and enabling SA Creating admin as SQL User and add to sysadmin Creating SUPER user Container IP Address: Container Hostname : fintools-ci Container Dns Name : fintools-ci Web Client : http://fintools-ci/BC/ Dev. Server : http://fintools-ci Dev. ServerInstance : BC Setting fintools-ci to in host hosts file

Files: http://fintools-ci:8080/Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.VSIXPackage.vsix

Container Total Physical Memory is 31.7Gb Container Free Physical Memory is 12.3Gb

Initialization took 93 seconds Ready for connections! Reading CustomSettings.config from fintools-ci Creating Desktop Shortcuts for fintools-ci Container fintools-ci successfully created

Use: Get-BcContainerEventLog -containerName fintools-ci to retrieve a snapshot of the event log from the container Get-BcContainerDebugInfo -containerName fintools-ci to get debug information about the container Enter-BcContainer -containerName fintools-ci to open a PowerShell prompt inside the container Remove-BcContainer -containerName fintools-ci to remove the container again docker logs fintools-ci to retrieve information about URL's again

Creating container took 355 seconds

/ _| () (_) | | __ | | | | / | ' _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _ | / ` | ' | '_ \/ | | |__ () | | | | | | |) | | | | | | | (| | | (| | |) | |) _ \ _____/|| || |_| ._/||||| ||_, | _,_| ./| .__/|/ | | / | | | | | || |__/ || |_|

Using custom ruleset Using Version 17.0.2147483647.0 Creating AppSourceCop.json for validation Using Symbols Folder: D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.packages Downloading symbols: Url : Adding dependency to System Application from Microsoft Adding dependency to Base Application from Microsoft Downloading symbols: Url : Downloading symbols: Microsoft_System Url : Downloading symbols: Microsoft_Base Url : Compiling... .\alc.exe /project:"c:\sources\src" /packagecachepath:"c:\sources.packages" /out:"c:\sources.output\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance" /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.AppSourceCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.UICop.dll /ruleset:c:\sources_RuleSets\ims.ruleset.json /assemblyprobingpaths:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client","C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service","C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK\V2.5\lib","c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Assembly","C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies" Microsoft (R) AL Compiler version Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

Compilation started for project 'iMS Finance Tools' containing '22' files at '9:14:51.346'.

c:\sources\src\extensionsPermissionSet.xml(1,1): info AL1027: The file at location 'c:\sources\src\extensionsPermissionSet.xml' matches the definition for 'PermissionSet'.

Compilation ended at '9:14:55.324'.

D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.output\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance successfully created in 32 seconds Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance copied to D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.packages

| | | | () | | | | | | | | | () | | | _ | | | | __ | |_ | | | | | | | | | | ' ` | ' \ / | '| | | ' \ / ` | | |/ \ | | | |/ \ / _ | | |/ / | | | || | | | | | |) | () | | | || | | | | (| | | | _ \ | | | () | () | | <| | |_ |___|| || || ./ \/|| _||| ||_, | ||_|/_| ||_/ _/|||__|__| | | / | || |/ Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\a4907049-ab6b-46db-b076-985c77248d8e\Microsoft_Test Synchronizing Test Runner on tenant default Installing Test Runner on tenant default App Microsoft_Test successfully published Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\dc373b63-5940-47ff-85d9-cb72db93ae50\ Synchronizing Any on tenant default Installing Any on tenant default App successfully published Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\8cbaaf49-8809-4158-813f-194ccf6a376f\Microsoft_Library Synchronizing Library Assert on tenant default Installing Library Assert on tenant default App Microsoft_Library successfully published Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\915ed9a1-1040-41c2-b4ac-3af522cbb858\Microsoft_Library Variable Synchronizing Library Variable Storage on tenant default Installing Library Variable Storage on tenant default App Microsoft_Library Variable successfully published Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\ba5d86e2-f526-449c-8817-583cd028860d\Microsoft_System Application Test Synchronizing System Application Test Library on tenant default Installing System Application Test Library on tenant default App Microsoft_System Application Test successfully published Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\e2fb442c-076e-4f90-ada6-b62502991ad6\ Synchronizing Tests-TestLibraries on tenant default Installing Tests-TestLibraries on tenant default App successfully published TestToolkit successfully imported

Importing Test Toolkit took 64 seconds

/ _| () (_) | | | | | | __ | | | |_ | |_ | | / | ' _ \| '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _ | | / \ | | / ` | ' | ' \/ | | |_ () | | | | | | |) | | | | | | | (| | | |_ _ \ | | (| | |) | |) _ \ __\/|| || |_| ./||||| ||_, | _\|/_| _,| ./| .__/|/ | | / | | | | | || |__/ || |_| Using Version 17.0.2147483647.0 Using Symbols Folder: D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.packages Downloading symbols: Microsoft_Library Url : Downloading symbols: Url : Adding dependency to System Application Test Library from Microsoft Adding dependency to Library Variable Storage from Microsoft Downloading symbols: Microsoft_System Application Test Url : Adding dependency to System Application from Microsoft Adding dependency to Any from Microsoft Downloading symbols: Microsoft_Library Variable Url : Downloading symbols: Url : Compiling... .\alc.exe /project:"c:\sources\test" /packagecachepath:"c:\sources.packages" /out:"c:\sources.output\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance Tools" /assemblyprobingpaths:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\RoleTailored Client","C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\170\Service","C:\Program Files (x86)\Open XML SDK\V2.5\lib","c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Assembly","C:\Test Assemblies\Mock Assemblies" Microsoft (R) AL Compiler version Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

Compilation started for project 'iMS Finance Tools Tests' containing '4' files at '9:16:3.77'.

c:\sources\test\extensionsPermissionSet.xml(1,1): info AL1027: The file at location 'c:\sources\test\extensionsPermissionSet.xml' matches the definition for 'PermissionSet'.

Compilation ended at '9:16:7.597'.

D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.output\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance Tools successfully created in 8 seconds Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance Tools copied to D:\Repos\evolveims\FinTools.packages

Compiling apps, test apps and importing test toolkit took 104 seconds

| \ | | | () | | () /\ | |) | _| | | | | | / \ | / | | | ' | | / | ' | | ' \ / ` | / /\ \ | ' | '_ \/ | | | | || | |) | | _ \ | | | | | | | (| | / __ | |) | |) _ \ || _,|_./|||/| |||| ||\, | // \\ ./| ./|/ / | | | | | |/ || ||

Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\a90dc1cc-1916-4e16-84ab-001ad39238fc\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance Synchronizing iMS Finance Tools on tenant default Installing iMS Finance Tools on tenant default App Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance successfully published Publishing C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\fintools-ci\587ba42a-061b-447a-b4fa-ec41cdf64787\Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance Tools Synchronizing iMS Finance Tools Tests on tenant default Installing iMS Finance Tools Tests on tenant default App Evolve iMS Ltd._iMS Finance Tools successfully published

Publishing apps took 5 seconds

| \ (_) | | | | | |) | _ _ | | | |_ | / | | | ' | ' | | ' \ / ` | | |/ _ \ | / | | | \ \ || | | | | | | | | | | | (| | | | _ \ |_ \ || __,|| ||| |||| ||_, | ||\|/_|_/ __/ | |___/

Codeunit 80100 iMS Trial Bal. - 13 Col. Test Success (11.953 seconds) Testfunction TestTB13ColActionExistOnBusinessManagerRC Success (8.413 seconds) Testfunction TestTB13ColFields Success (0.87 seconds) Testfunction TestRoundingPrecisionOne Success (1.574 seconds) Testfunction TestRoundingPrecisionThousand Success (0.133 seconds) Testfunction TestRoundingPrecisionMillion Success (0.127 seconds) Testfunction TestShowInACY Success (0.006 seconds) Testfunction TestReverseSign Success (0.17 seconds) Testfunction EnsureOnly1YearOfCaptionsCreated Success (0.66 seconds) Codeunit 80101 iMS Trial Bal. - Comp. Test Success (0.16 seconds) Testfunction TestTCCompActionExistOnBusinessManagerRC Success (0.16 seconds) Testfunction TestTBCompDefaultValues Success (0 seconds)

Running tests took 50 seconds

| \ () / ____| | | () | |) | _ ___ | | _ | |_ _ | // \ ' ` \ / \ \ / / | ' \ / ` | | | / | '_ | / ` | | ' \ / \ '| | | \ \ / | | | | | () \ V /| | | | | (| | | |____ () | | | | | (| | | | | | / | || \_|| || ||\/ _/ ||| ||_, | __\/|| ||__,||| ||_|_| _/ | |/

Removing container fintools-ci Removing fintools-ci from container hosts file Removing fintools-ci-* from container hosts file Removing d:\bccontainerhelper\Extensions\fintools-ci

Removing container took 16 seconds

AL Pipeline finished in 532 seconds

freddydk commented 3 years ago

That is even more strange...

GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago

I sent you an email (subject: GITHUB Ambiguous references #1849) with a file transfer link. Let me know you need anything else or you have any issues.

freddydk commented 3 years ago

I have tried to run your pipelines (both local and devops) both works fine here. My assumption is that you are looking at some caching problem on the build agent.

GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago

How is there a caching issue on a azure devops pool server.

GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago

Okay so I discovered that when checking out the source for the branch DevOps was pulling in the original file and the renamed file. I don't know how or why that would occur but I duplicated the code from the branch, put it into a new branch and do a pull request with the pipeline it all just works. Somehow, either GIT or DevOps confused a commit somewhere.

Anyways this is all good now and can be closed.

GreatScott000 commented 3 years ago

As always @freddydk thank you for your assistance and patience.