microsoft / navcontainerhelper

Official Microsoft repository for BcContainerHelper, a PowerShell module, which makes it easier to work with Business Central Containers on Docker.
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Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps Function Randomly Times Out #3628

Open Matteo406 opened 1 month ago

Matteo406 commented 1 month ago


The Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps function occasionally times out at a random app from the list of apps being published. This issue occurs intermittently and does not seem to be tied to any specific app or environment configuration. Additionally, it does not return a proper error message, just 0000 as shown in the image below.

Script Snippet

Here is the relevant part of the script where the issue occurs:

Environment Variables

BC_ENVIRONMENT: $bc_environment
BC_TENANT: $bc_tenant
BC_CLIENTID: $bc_clientid
BC_CLIENTSECRET: $bc_clientsecret
BC_SCHEMASYNCMODE: $bc_schemaSyncMode


D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos Reports and,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos Swiss,
D:\a\r1\a\Swisslos Project\output\Apps\ Swisslos


Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps -tenantId $bc_tenant -clientId $bc_clientid -clientSecret $bc_clientsecret -environment $bc_environment -appFiles $Apps -schemaSyncMode $bc_schemaSyncMode



Steps to Reproduce

Run the script in a DevOps pipeline after committing to the development branch. The script collects all .app files and attempts to publish them using the Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps function. Observe that the function occasionally times out at a random app.

Expected Behavior

The Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps function should publish all apps without timing out.

Actual Behavior

The function times out at a random app from the list, causing the script to fail intermittently.

Additional Information


$bc_environment = $ENV:BC_ENVIRONMENT
$bc_tenant = $ENV:BC_TENANT
$bc_clientid = $ENV:BC_CLIENTID
$bc_clientsecret = $ENV:BC_CLIENTSECRET
$bc_schemaSyncMode = $ENV:BC_SCHEMASYNCMODE

if (($bc_environment -eq '') -or ($bc_tenant -eq '') -or ($bc_clientid -eq '') -or ($bc_clientsecret -eq '')) {
  throw 'Variables missing: bc_environment, bc_tenant, bc_clientid, bc_clientsecret'

$rootdir = $root + '\' + $artfact + '\output\Apps'

$InstallBcContainerHelperPath = $root + '\' + $artfact + '\output\Install-BcContainerHelper.ps1'
. $InstallBcContainerHelperPath

$AppsFolder = Get-ChildItem -Path $rootdir -Filter "*.app"
$Apps = ''
$AppNames = @()
foreach ($AppsFile in $AppsFolder) {
  $Apps = $Apps + $AppsFile.FullName + ','
  $AppNames += $AppsFile.Name.Split("_")[1]
$Apps = $Apps.Substring(0, $Apps.Length - 1)

# use API to uninstall currently installed apps
$body = @{grant_type="client_credentials";scope="";client_id=$bc_clientid;client_secret=$bc_clientsecret}
$oauth = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $("$bc_tenant/oauth2/v2.0/token") -Body $body
$authHeaders = @{ 
    "Authorization" = "Bearer $($oauth.access_token)"; 
    "Content-Type" = "application/json" 

$companyId = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $authHeaders -Method Get -Uri "$bc_tenant/$bc_environment/api/microsoft/automation/v1.0/companies")[0]
$extensions = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $authHeaders -Method Get -Uri "$bc_tenant/$bc_environment/api/microsoft/automation/v1.0/companies($companyId)/extensions"

if ($extensions.value.displayName -contains "Swisslos Uninstall PTEs") {
    Write-Host "Uninstalling installed Apps"
    $AppHash = @{}
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $extensions.value.packageId.Count; $i++) {
        if (!($AppHash.Contains($[$i])) -and $extensions.value.displayName[$i] -in $AppNames) {
            $AppHash.Add($[$i], $false)

    if ($AppHash.Count -gt 0) {
        $iterations = 0
        $AppIds = $AppHash.Keys.Clone()
        do {
            foreach ($AppId in $AppIds) {
                if ($AppHash[$AppId]) {
                try {
                    $APIBody = @{ "guid" = $AppId } | ConvertTo-Json
                    $null = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $authHeaders -Method post -Uri "$bc_tenant/$bc_environment/api/bossinfo/uninstallPTEs/v1.0/companies($companyId)/uninstallPTEs" -Body $APIBody
                    $AppHash[$AppId] = $true
                } catch { }
        } while ($AppHash.values -contains $false -and $iterations -le $AppIds.Count)
    } else {
        Write-Host "No Apps to uninstall"
} else {
    Write-Host "Swisslos Uninstall PTEs not installed in targeted tenant"

Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps -tenantId $bc_tenant -clientId $bc_clientid -clientSecret $bc_clientsecret -environment $bc_environment -appFiles $Apps -schemaSyncMode $bc_schemaSyncMode


Could you please investigate this issue and provide guidance on how to prevent the Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps function from timing out? If additional information is needed, please let me know.

Thank you!

freddydk commented 1 month ago

I have heard about this problem before. How often does this happen? (1% of the times, 10% or 50%) I have tried to get a repro of this problem for quite some time. If you can provide me a .zip file with your apps (freddyk at microsoft dot com), then I can try publishing this to an environment until it fails and maybe find a solution on where to add resiliency to the process in order to not fail.

Matteo406 commented 4 weeks ago

The problem occurs in about 50% of our pipeline runs. We have not been able to find the difference in environment or code between successful and failed runs. I will send you the zip file with all the app as soon as possible. Thanks in advance

Matteo406 commented 3 weeks ago

Recent Scenario

I hope that you have received my email and that there was enough information in there to reproduce the bug.

Here is a recent scenario we had in more detail:

While inspecting the result of the failed pipeline run, we noticed that the application that caused the unknown error was still listed as installed with the correct version, as you can see in the second image. The list in the last image shows the same application listed again with the state "unknown" and the correct version.

The next pipeline run was successfully completed without any changes. I hope this gives a bit more context

image error message image app is listed as installed image app has to correct version and state "unknown" image