microsoft / navcontainerhelper

Official Microsoft repository for BcContainerHelper, a PowerShell module, which makes it easier to work with Business Central Containers on Docker.
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AL-Pipeline: Table "XXXX" for the extension object is not found, despite symbols being installed correctly #3717

Open EsatSayinkaplanAccelent opened 2 hours ago

EsatSayinkaplanAccelent commented 2 hours ago

Describe the issue Pipeline is set up in DevOps with 3rd Party Apps and Dependencies located in InstallApps Folder. The sync and publish step of the 3rd parties works without any errors. The problem is later on when the app folders are gettings compiled with external dependencies. Some Apps do compile correctly with packages but one of the big ones throws the error: The target Table 'XXXX' for the extension object is not found, despite the apps definitely being already installed. The symbols used are either directly provided by the partners or downloaded from the production env. via "download symbols". If compiled via VS Code, it works.

Dont mind the override to input the DLLs.

If you need additional Info, feel free to ask.

Scripts used to create container and cause the issue

Run-AlPipeline @params `
    -pipelinename $pipelineName `
    -containerName $containerName `
    -imageName $imageName `
    -bcAuthContext $authContext `
    -environment $environmentName `
    -artifact $artifact.replace('{INSIDERSASTOKEN}',$insiderSasToken) `
    -memoryLimit $memoryLimit `
    -baseFolder $baseFolder `
    -licenseFile $LicenseFile `
    -installApps $installApps `
    -installTestApps $installTestApps `
    -previousApps $previousApps `
    -appFolders $appFolders `
    -testFolders $testFolders `
    -doNotRunTests:$doNotRunTests `
    -testResultsFile $testResultsFile `
    -testResultsFormat 'JUnit' `
    -installTestRunner:$installTestRunner `
    -installTestFramework:$installTestFramework `
    -installTestLibraries:$installTestLibraries `
    -installPerformanceToolkit:$installPerformanceToolkit `
    -enableCodeCop:$enableCodeCop `
    -enableAppSourceCop:$enableAppSourceCop `
    -enablePerTenantExtensionCop:$enablePerTenantExtensionCop `
    -enableUICop:$enableUICop `
    -azureDevOps:($environment -eq 'AzureDevOps') `
    -gitLab:($environment -eq 'GitLab') `
    -gitHubActions:($environment -eq 'GitHubActions') `
    -failOn 'error' `
    -AppSourceCopMandatoryAffixes $appSourceCopMandatoryAffixes `
    -AppSourceCopSupportedCountries $appSourceCopSupportedCountries `
    -additionalCountries $additionalCountries `
    -buildArtifactFolder $buildArtifactFolder `
    -CreateRuntimePackages:$CreateRuntimePackages `
    -appBuild $appBuild -appRevision $appRevision `
    -credential $credential `
    -NewBcContainer {
        New-BcContainer @parameters

        $dllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path '.\.netpackages\' -Recurse -Filter '*.dll' -File -Force -Verbose
        foreach ($dll in $dllFiles) {
            Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $dll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\230\Service\Add-Ins\$($dll.Name)"
            # Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $dll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\$($dll.Name)"

        $serverdllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path '.\.resources\ServerAddIns\' -Recurse -Filter '*.dll' -File -Force -Verbose
        foreach ($serverdll in $serverdllFiles) {
            Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $serverdll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\230\Service\Add-Ins\$($serverdll.Name)"
            # Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $serverdll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\$($serverdll.Name)"

        Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer $parameters.ContainerName -scriptblock {
            $progressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Set-NavServerInstance -ServerInstance 'BC' -Restart
    } `
    -PublishBcContainerApp {
        Param([HashTable] $parameters)
        $parameters.sync = $true 
        $parameters.syncMode = 'ForceSync'
        Publish-BcContainerApp @parameters

Full output of scripts

Processing dependency CKL Software GmbH_Kostenrechnung 365 / Cost Accounting 365_6.1.13.0 (32a8e514-216f-487a-82ea-23709b370af9)
Downloading symbols: CKL Software GmbH_Kostenrechnung 365  Cost Accounting
Url : .../packages?appId=32a8e514-216f-487a-82ea-23709b370af9&versionText=

.\alc.exe /project:"c:\sources\XXXX" /packagecachepath:"c:\sources\.packages" /out:"c:\sources\.output\" /BuildBy:"BcContainerHelper,6.0.26-preview1247" /assemblyprobingpaths:"C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared","C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\XXXXX\.netPackages\Service"
Microsoft (R) AL Compiler version
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved

Compilation started for project 'XXX.Base' containing '1604' files at '12:37:42.793'.

##[error]./c:/sources/XXXX/src/tableextension/,63): error AL0247: The target Table 'Allocation Assignment COA' for the extension object is not found
##[error]./c:/sources/XXXX/src/tableextension/,57): error AL0247: The target Table 'Cost Acc. Journal Line COA' for the extension object is not found
##[error]./c:/sources/XXXX/src/tableextension/,59): error AL0247: The target Table 'Cost Acc. Ledger Entry COA' for the extension object is not found
freddydk commented 2 hours ago

You would need to include the full script.

EsatSayinkaplanAccelent commented 2 hours ago

Ist mostly based on the old ms repo for devops.

    [string] $environment = 'AzureDevOps',
    [string] $version,
    [int] $appBuild = 0,
    [int] $appRevision = 0

if ($environment -eq "AzureDevOps") {
elseif ($environment -eq "GitHubActions") {
    $buildArtifactFolder = Join-Path $ENV:GITHUB_WORKSPACE "output"
    New-Item $buildArtifactFolder -ItemType Directory | Out-Null

# XXX-DOC: Determine base Folder from PSScriptRoot
$scriptFullPath = (Get-Item (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "...")).FullName
$baseFolder = (Get-Item (Join-Path $scriptFullPath "..\..")).FullName
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Read-Settings.ps1") -environment $environment -version $version
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "Install-BcContainerHelper.ps1") -bcContainerHelperVersion $bcContainerHelperVersion -genericImageName $genericImageName

Write-Host "Using BaseFolder: $baseFolder"

$authContext = $null
$refreshToken = "$($ENV:BcSaasRefreshToken)"
$environmentName = "$($ENV:EnvironmentName)"
if ($refreshToken -and $environmentName) {
    $authContext = New-BcAuthContext -refreshToken $refreshToken
    if (Get-BcEnvironments -bcAuthContext $authContext | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $environmentName -and  $_.type -eq "Sandbox" }) {
        Remove-BcEnvironment -bcAuthContext $authContext -environment $environmentName
    $countryCode = $artifact.Split('/')[3]
    New-BcEnvironment -bcAuthContext $authContext -environment $environmentName -countryCode $countrycode -environmentType "Sandbox" | Out-Null
    do {
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
        $baseApp = Get-BcPublishedApps -bcAuthContext $authContext -environment $environmentName | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Base Application" }
    } while (!($baseApp))
    $baseapp | Out-Host

    $artifact = Get-BCArtifactUrl `
        -country $countryCode `
        -version $baseApp.Version `
        -select Closest

    if ($artifact) {
        Write-Host "Using Artifacts: $artifact"
    else {
        throw "No artifacts available"

$params = @{}
$insiderSasToken = "$ENV:insiderSasToken"
$licenseFile = "$ENV:licenseFile"
$codeSigncertPfxFile = "$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxFile"
if (!$doNotSignApps -and $codeSigncertPfxFile) {
    if ("$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxPassword" -ne "") {
        $codeSignCertPfxPassword = try { "$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxPassword" | ConvertTo-SecureString } catch { ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$ENV:CodeSignCertPfxPassword" -AsPlainText -Force }
        $params = @{
            "codeSignCertPfxFile" = $codeSignCertPfxFile
            "codeSignCertPfxPassword" = $codeSignCertPfxPassword
    else {
        $codeSignCertPfxPassword = $null

$allTestResults = "testresults*.xml"
$testResultsFile = Join-Path $baseFolder "TestResults.xml"
$testResultsFiles = Join-Path $baseFolder $allTestResults
if (Test-Path $testResultsFiles) {
    Remove-Item $testResultsFiles -Force

# XXX-DOC: Set credentials for persistent use, adviced to be used with -keepContainers and reUseContainer
$credential = New-Object pscredential 'admin', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'admin' -AsPlainText -Force)

# XXX-DOC: Sets the AppFolders to compile
$appFolders = @(Get-ChildItem -Path ".\XXX*" -Directory)

# XXX-DOC: AL Language to use, gets loaded from Artifact
$vsixFile = Get-AlLanguageExtensionFromArtifacts -artifactUrl (Get-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -country "de" -version "23.5." -select Latest) -Verbose
Write-Host "Using vsix-File located in $vsixFile"

Run-AlPipeline @params `
    -pipelinename $pipelineName `
    -containerName $containerName `
    -imageName $imageName `
    -bcAuthContext $authContext `
    -environment $environmentName `
    -artifact $artifact.replace('{INSIDERSASTOKEN}',$insiderSasToken) `
    -memoryLimit $memoryLimit `
    -baseFolder $baseFolder `
    -licenseFile $LicenseFile `
    -installApps $installApps `
    -installTestApps $installTestApps `
    -previousApps $previousApps `
    -appFolders $appFolders `
    -testFolders $testFolders `
    -doNotRunTests:$doNotRunTests `
    -testResultsFile $testResultsFile `
    -testResultsFormat 'JUnit' `
    -installTestRunner:$installTestRunner `
    -installTestFramework:$installTestFramework `
    -installTestLibraries:$installTestLibraries `
    -installPerformanceToolkit:$installPerformanceToolkit `
    -enableCodeCop:$enableCodeCop `
    -enableAppSourceCop:$enableAppSourceCop `
    -enablePerTenantExtensionCop:$enablePerTenantExtensionCop `
    -enableUICop:$enableUICop `
    -azureDevOps:($environment -eq 'AzureDevOps') `
    -gitLab:($environment -eq 'GitLab') `
    -gitHubActions:($environment -eq 'GitHubActions') `
    -failOn 'error' `
    -AppSourceCopMandatoryAffixes $appSourceCopMandatoryAffixes `
    -AppSourceCopSupportedCountries $appSourceCopSupportedCountries `
    -additionalCountries $additionalCountries `
    -buildArtifactFolder $buildArtifactFolder `
    -CreateRuntimePackages:$CreateRuntimePackages `
    -appBuild $appBuild -appRevision $appRevision `
    -credential $credential `
    -NewBcContainer {
        New-BcContainer @parameters

        $dllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path '.\.netpackages\' -Recurse -Filter '*.dll' -File -Force -Verbose
        foreach ($dll in $dllFiles) {
            Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $dll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\230\Service\Add-Ins\$($dll.Name)"
            # Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $dll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\$($dll.Name)"

        $serverdllFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path '.\.resources\ServerAddIns\' -Recurse -Filter '*.dll' -File -Force -Verbose
        foreach ($serverdll in $serverdllFiles) {
            Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $serverdll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\230\Service\Add-Ins\$($serverdll.Name)"
            # Copy-FileToBcContainer -containerName $containerName -localPath $serverdll.FullName -containerPath "C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\$($serverdll.Name)"

        Invoke-ScriptInBcContainer $parameters.ContainerName -scriptblock {
            $progressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
            Set-NavServerInstance -ServerInstance 'BC' -Restart
    } `
    -PublishBcContainerApp {
        Param([HashTable] $parameters)
        $parameters.sync = $true 
        $parameters.syncMode = 'ForceSync'
        Publish-BcContainerApp @parameters

if ($environment -eq 'AzureDevOps') {
    Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=TestResults]$allTestResults"
EsatSayinkaplanAccelent commented 31 minutes ago

@freddydk inserted full script