Open RomashkovOleg opened 4 weeks ago
I won't have time to look at stuff like this for any foreseeable future. if anybody else have seen this before and have a fix or a workaround, please come forward.
Else, you are more than welcome to troubleshoot and create a PR on BcContainerHelper with a fix if you manage to find it.
I won't have time to look at stuff like this for any foreseeable future. if anybody else have seen this before and have a fix or a workaround, please come forward.
Else, you are more than welcome to troubleshoot and create a PR on BcContainerHelper with a fix if you manage to find it.
Got it. Thanks!
I'm making CI/CD for some legacy NAV 2018 project which uses a lot of local language code/text values and met strange issue related to compilation in container.
$parameters = @{ "accept_eula" = $true "ContainerName" = $ContainerName "artifactUrl" = $artifactUrl "auth" = "NavUserPassword" "Credential" = $credential "updateHosts" = $true "doNotCheckHealth" = $true "EnableTaskScheduler" = $false "Isolation" = "hyperv" "MemoryLimit" = "8G" } New-NavContainer @parameters
-doNotExportObjectsToTextOBJECT Codeunit 50000 Encoding Issue Demo { OBJECT-PROPERTIES { Date=; Time=; Version List=Test; } PROPERTIES { Subtype=Test; OnRun=BEGIN END;
} CODE {
} }
Import-ObjectsToNavContainer -containerName cronus-2018 -objectsFile "C:\Temp\EncodingIssueDemo.txt" Compile-ObjectsInNavContainer -containerName cronus-2018 -filter "Type=Codeunit;ID=50000"