Additionally, with the current design, since it uses VM checkpoints, a pair of machine can only support 1 type of OS (WS2022, WS2025, Linux...)
For now, once we figure out the exact configurations to get uniform perf metrics on each machine, let's expand our stateless lab , or at the very least, increase the number of lab machines currently hosting static lab VMs.
This issue must be solved first:
221 --- performance metrics vary between machines
Today, our stateless lab only has 2 machines added.
Additionally, with the current design, since it uses VM checkpoints, a pair of machine can only support 1 type of OS (WS2022, WS2025, Linux...)
For now, once we figure out the exact configurations to get uniform perf metrics on each machine, let's expand our stateless lab , or at the very least, increase the number of lab machines currently hosting static lab VMs.
This unblocks