Open ChrisCYC opened 2 years ago
@ChrisCYC - I have a Moodle - Teams integration up and running but am not experiencing this issue. We are able to authenticate. What I am seeing is that the user does not appear to have the links to post forum discussions or replies when viewing a forum. I'd like to develop a bit of a network of folks with Moodle / Microsoft integration so that we can help support each other in maintaining our installations. For a while, we were not able to authenticate users with the Login with Microsoft365 link and they had to login manually (when accessing through Teams). But there was a resolution for that which we were able to get fixed up. I'm happy to go through and compare setups to see if we can help you figure out what may be off. Peace - Anthony
Thanks Anthony, Users are able to authenticate via OIDC in Moodle and via the app launcher in Microsoft 365. It is just within MS Teams itself when the Moodle app is within the Teams channel tab that won't allow authentication. Happy to join a community to share experiences etc.
We have had it working in the desktop app for around 2 years, but it has recently stopped.
Chris - I know that initially we were having trouble logging into Moodle via Teams and had to use the Manual login option rather than the 365 account login; however, I shared this article with our Azure admin and he was able to get it working:
I am presuming from the points listed in the article but if this does not help you just let me know and we can explore further. Peace - Anthony
Ok this is interesting, I have logged into a different machine which has not had its Teams app updated since Oct 22, and the authentication into Moodle from a Moodle app tab is working! I have checked two other devices with more recently updated versions of Teams, and neither of them will allow the login
Moodle version: 3.11.8 Plugin version: 2021051725 PHP: 7.4.3
We have always used Moodle within Microsoft Teams by utilising the Teams Moodle app. This is mainly so users can access their Moodle courses within Teams and have a more unified experience
This week, I have noticed the Moodle app in Teams no longer authenticates users, meaning they can no longer access Moodle within the Teams desktop app.
We haven't made any changes to Moodle or the plugin version since July and the only issue I had at that point, you have already helped me solve.
I have also checked the permissions in Azure and they seem to be up to date what is stipulated within the installation instructions (see below)
Azure permission has also been given from the 'Provide Admin consent' button', so I don't believe that can be the problem.
Do you have any ideas what may have caused this change?