microsoft / oauth2-useragent

Microsoft OAuth 2.0 User Agent library for Java. Provides classes to facilitate the implementation of "4.1. Authorization Code Grant" from RFC 6749.
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[Windows] HiDPI support on JVM 9+ #46

Open ForNeVeR opened 5 years ago

ForNeVeR commented 5 years ago

Currently, StandardWidgetToolkit autnehtication provider gets automatically selected on JVM 9+ (because JavaFX is not usually available on these versions of Java). But it has some DPI problems on Windows. The authentication window looks like that:


(note the misplaced elements and unreadable font size in the footer)

It is a known problem of older SWT builds, e.g. see SWT bug 493666.

What's interesting here is that the issue seems to be fixed in newer SWT versions. Updating SWT to <swt.version>4.6.1</swt.version> in the parent pom.xml fixed the issue for me completely.