microsoft / omi

Open Management Infrastructure
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Regarding the OMIGOD vulnerability #694

Closed johanburati closed 2 years ago

johanburati commented 2 years ago

Wiz’s research team reported that the issue was solved in OMI version in their article on their website.

Microsoft released a patched OMI version (

However I just deployed a VM and the OmsAgentForLinux extension installed OMI version

# grep PRETTY /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 (Ootpa)"

# /opt/omi/bin/omiagent --version
/opt/omi/bin/omiagent: OMI-1.6.8-0 - Wed Jan 13 18:36:50 PST 2021

OMI version 1.6.8-0 is the only version I could see in the repo, could you please confirm if this version is vulnerable or not ?

johanburati commented 2 years ago

I've deployed an Ubuntu VM and it also installs OMI version by default:

# grep PRETTY /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS"

# /opt/omi/bin/omiagent --version
/opt/omi/bin/omiagent: OMI-1.6.8-0 - Wed Jan 13 18:36:50 PST 2021
johanburati commented 2 years ago

Same on SLES, it installs OMI version 1.6.8-0 by default:

# grep PRETTY /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3"

# /opt/omi/bin/omiagent --version
/opt/omi/bin/omiagent: OMI-1.6.8-0 - Wed Jan 13 18:36:50 PST 2021
johanburati commented 2 years ago

For info, to install OMI version 1.6.8-1, you will need to grab the package for your distro on the releases pages and install it manually. I hope it helps.

Can anybody tell us when this version will be installed by default by the extension ?

JumpingYang001 commented 2 years ago

@johanburati we have uploaded the packages to MS Repo, you can update it from MS Repo: Run sudo yum upgrade omi or sudo apt-get upgrade omi or sudo zypper update omi. For the Azure extension, I don't know who manage it.

mabicca commented 2 years ago

I think the point of this is, why do we keep deploying older versions of omi/oms agent and so on on new deployments and we can't keep those up to date? I had this question sent almost a year ago with no responses at all ...

Yes, it's with the extensions team, but still, this is not acceptable.

nsao-genetec commented 2 years ago

Looks like the APT configs are not pointing to the the abovementioned "MS Repo". So apt-get upgrade omi still installs the old one...

hugosjobergmedl commented 2 years ago

The service is stopped after updating, would recommend restarting it after updating: sudo systemctl start omid

bureado commented 2 years ago

Thank you @johanburati and @nsao-genetec for bringing this to our attention. (Also thank you @mbsnl for cross-referencing the issues.)

Yes, the extension seems to be pulling an older omi package. It looks like it specifically fetches a pinned release. You should see it in the template and can inspect it in your local VM (/var/lib/waagent/<extension folder>/packages/omsagent*sh or similar). It then installs with dpkg, you should be able to confirm that by running apt show omi and inspecting the APT-Manual-Installed flag.

As described by @JumpingYang001, it is possible to setup the repository where the updated omi is available. An apt upgrade should pull that, but if @nsao-genetec is seeing problems with that please let us know which distro/release you're in and how your repo is setup in your sources.list.

deepakjain111 commented 2 years ago

@nsao-genetec : Which distro/release are you in? I can get that check. We had tested almost all Linux, OMI is being upgraded to 1.6.8-1. Most likly some repo setup issue on machine. anyhow share the details, i can get that checked.

voyager163 commented 2 years ago

For those people, that do not get the update. Please add the Microsoft repo into your VM repo list.

Below is the link for your reference.

After you add the Microsoft repo, remember to perform sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. It will automatic detect that there is a update for OMI and SCX.

flannoo commented 2 years ago

How is this vulnerability impacting PaaS services in Azure (App Service, Azure Kubernetes Service, ...) with underlying linux VM's? Does the OMI vulnerability affect those services as well? Because we don't have access to perform the patch on those VM's, since Microsoft controls that infrastructure.

skuethe commented 2 years ago

If you are running into SSL errors during upgrade via the MS repo (described here), download and install the packages provided by the release page.

F.e. the ubuntu package delivered via MS repo was forcing SSL version 1.0.x, but systems where running SSL version 1.1.x:

Expecting SSL version (compatible with): 1.0.0
SSL version found on system:             1.1.x

Incorrect version of OMI for your system, please check SSL version.
JumpingYang001 commented 2 years ago

@flannoo official impact document: