microsoft / omi

Open Management Infrastructure
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Please follow naming standards for linux packages #714

Open nycmoma opened 2 years ago

nycmoma commented 2 years ago

Current naming of deb omi package: omi-1.6.8-1.ssl_110.ulinux.x64.deb

which basically means: pkg name: omi-1.6.8-1.ssl version: 110.ulinux.x64 arch: nope

For Debian packages it should be: <package-name>_<epoch>:<upstream-version>-<debian.version>-<architecture>.deb

please put '_" between name and version correctly, also consider to add a proper architecture tag "amd64"

Dpkg sees this file as omi_1.6.8.1_amd64 which should be it's file name until you extend the version. omi_1.6.8.1_amd64.deb