microsoft / onnxruntime-extensions

onnxruntime-extensions: A specialized pre- and post- processing library for ONNX Runtime
MIT License
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List available custom ops #213

Open TruscaPetre opened 2 years ago

TruscaPetre commented 2 years ago

Is there a way in which I could see the list of the currently registered custom ops ? No only the file which is used to register the operators in the the ORT session (so.register_custom_ops_library(get_library_path())) I have a doubt that I am able to register the same operator multiple times when using PyOp and this creates errors during the ORT inference such as :

Fail: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Failed to add kernel for custom_node_X ai.onnx.contrib CPUExecutionProvider: Conflicting with a registered kernel with op versions.

wenbingl commented 2 years ago

If you used the @onnx_op decorator in your Python code, the decorator would register your PyOp as a custom op automatically. And it conflicts with the any op with the same op_type, no matter it was registered by so.register_custom_ops_library in C++ code, or another @onnx_op.

TruscaPetre commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the reply! That's good to know but can I see a list of the registered ops and maybe the source code for them? Also I thought that the op_type could be the same if the domain was different ... How does the domain of the operator influence the op_type in this situation? I have tried to run the same code with a different domain ( including the domain in the operators and in the graph opset_import) but unless I use the domain "ai.onnx.contrib" I get an error from ORT like that:

Fail: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Fatal error: custom_node_X is not a registered function/op

josefeliuf commented 1 week ago

@TruscaPetre Hello! Were you able to solve it? I have a similar problem. I am trying to create a custom op for a tokenizer. I would like to add the tokenizer to the model for internal pre-processing. The idea is to use the onnxruntime_extensions library, specifically the PrePostProcessor pipeline, so I created a new Step to add to the pre-processing and it correctly saves the model, but then when I create an ort session it throws the following error:

onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.Fail: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Load model from ./src/models/twitter_roberta_base/roberta_model.with_pre_post_processing.onnx failed:Fatal error: is not a registered function/op

Here is the pipeline code:

@onnx_op(op_type="HfRobertaTokenizer",inputs=[PyCustomOpDef.dt_string],outputs=[PyCustomOpDef.dt_int64, PyCustomOpDef.dt_int64],attrs={"padding_length": PyCustomOpDef.dt_int64})
def roberta_tokenizer(input_text, **kwargs):
    tokenizer = RobertaTokenizer.from_pretrained("cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate-latest")
    padding_length = kwargs.get("padding_length", 512)  # Set a default padding length
    tokens = tokenizer(input_text[0], padding='max_length', max_length=padding_length, return_tensors='np')
    input_ids = tokens['input_ids']
    attention_mask = tokens['attention_mask']
    return input_ids, attention_mask

class RobertaTokenizerStep(Step):
    def __init__(self, tokenizer_param: TokenizerParam, need_token_type_ids_output: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None):
        Brief: This step is used to convert the input text into the input_ids and attention_mask.
            It supports an input of a single string for classification models.
            tokenizer_param: some essential infos to build a tokenizer,
            You can create a TokenizerParam like this:
                tokenizer_param = TokenizerParam(vocab=tokenizer.vocab, # vocab is dict or file_path
                                                 merges_file = tokenizer.merges_file, # merges file for BPE
                                                 add_prefix_space = True or False (Optional),
            name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'RobertaTokenizerStep'
            need_token_type_ids_output: whether to include token_type_ids output.
        outputs = ["input_ids", "attention_mask"]
        if need_token_type_ids_output:
        super().__init__(["input_text"], outputs, name)
        self._tokenizer_param = tokenizer_param

    def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
        input_type_str0, input_shape_str0 = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 0)

        input_shape_0 = input_shape_str0.split(",")
        prefix_ = f'step_{self.step_num}'
        batch_dim = input_shape_0[0] if len(input_shape_0) > 1 else "1"
        output_shape_str = f"{batch_dim}, _{prefix_}__num_ids"
        assert input_type_str0 == "string"

        onnx_tokenizer_impl = "HfRobertaTokenizer"

        def build_output_declare():
            return ",".join([f"int64[{output_shape_str}] {out}" for out in self.output_names])

        def get_tokenizer_ret():
            return ",".join(self.output_names)

        def build_output_imp():
            return ""

        def build_input_declare():
            return f"{input_type_str0}[{input_shape_str0}] {self.input_names[0]}"

        def build_unsqueeze():
            if len(input_shape_0) == 1:
                return f"""
            input_with_batch = Unsqueeze({self.input_names[0]}, i64_0)
                return f"""
            input_with_batch = Identity({self.input_names[0]})

        converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
            {onnx_tokenizer_impl} ({build_input_declare()}) 
                => ({build_output_declare()})
                i64_0 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{0}}> ()
                {get_tokenizer_ret()} ={onnx_tokenizer_impl} (input_with_batch)

        roberta_tokenizer_param = self._tokenizer_param
        token_model_attr = []

        attrs = {
            "vocab": roberta_tokenizer_param.vocab_or_file,

        for attr in attrs:
            token_model_attr.append(onnx.helper.make_attribute(attr, attrs[attr]))

        node_idx = next(i for i, v in enumerate(converter_graph.node) if v.op_type == onnx_tokenizer_impl)

        return converter_graph

onnx_opset = 16

roberta_hf_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-hate-latest", use_fast=True)

# Add pre and post processing to the model
inputs = [create_named_value("input_text", onnx.TensorProto.STRING, [1, "num_sentences"])]

pipeline = PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)



onnx_model = onnx.load("./src/models/twitter_roberta_base/roberta_model.onnx")
new_model =
onnx.save_model(new_model, "./src/models/twitter_roberta_base/roberta_model.with_pre_post_processing.onnx")

Then I load the model:

session_options = onnxruntime.SessionOptions()

# Load the ONNX model
onnx_model_path = './src/models/twitter_roberta_base/roberta_model.with_pre_post_processing.onnx'
onnx_model = onnx.load(onnx_model_path)

# Alternatively, iterate through the nodes to check for the custom operator
for node in onnx_model.graph.node:
    if node.op_type == "HfRobertaTokenizer":
        print(f"Custom operator {node.op_type} found in the model.")

ort_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(onnx_model_path, sess_options=session_options, providers=["CPUExecutionProvider"])