Goal: Amend this Notebook to work with albert-base-v2 model
Kernel: conda_pytorch_p36.
Section 2.1 exports the finalised model. It too uses a BERT specific function. However, I cannot find an equivalent for Albert.
I've successfully implemented alternatives for Albert up until this section.
# optimize transformer-based models with onnxruntime-tools
from onnxruntime_tools import optimizer
from onnxruntime_tools.transformers.onnx_model_bert import BertOptimizationOptions
# disable embedding layer norm optimization for better model size reduction
opt_options = BertOptimizationOptions('bert')
opt_options.enable_embed_layer_norm = False
Do functions for Optimizing and Quantizing an Albert model exist?
Update: You can run Quantization in the notebook, without running Optimization. You just need to remove '.opt.' from code, that is an indicative of optimised filenames.
Based on SO post.
Goal: Amend this Notebook to work with albert-base-v2 model
.Section 2.1 exports the finalised model. It too uses a BERT specific function. However, I cannot find an equivalent for Albert.
I've successfully implemented alternatives for Albert up until this section.
Do functions for Optimizing and Quantizing an Albert model exist?
Update: You can run Quantization in the notebook, without running Optimization. You just need to remove '.opt.' from code, that is an indicative of optimised filenames.