microsoft / onnxruntime

ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
MIT License
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Occasional NaN results during inference #19851

Closed goutamyg closed 4 months ago

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

Describe the issue

My C++ inference script for visual object tracking occasionally generates NaN output for all the frames in the video, i.e., nearly 4 out of 10 times, otherwise the outputs are as expected. I have added a condition to verify if the input has any NaNs and the input data seems fine. The Python-based inference script does not have this issue.

To reproduce

Follow the instructions here: The link has the code and pretrained model


Somewhat urgent



OS Version

Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

ONNX Runtime Installation

Released Package

ONNX Runtime Version or Commit ID

onnxruntime-linux-x64-1.12.1 (also tested with the recent 1.16.1)

ONNX Runtime API




Execution Provider

Default CPU

Execution Provider Library Version

No response

Model File

Is this a quantized model?


hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

If the Python based inference script returns right results but the C++ program doesn't yield right results, it is most likely that the pre-processing step in C++ doesn't match the Python pre-processing. The underlying op implementations between the C++ and the Python ORT runtimes are exactly same and unless there is a strange bug in the C++ API layer (we are not aware of any), it is not possible for C++ ORT to produce different results than Python ORT for the same raw input (assuming the ORT versions are the same for Python and C++).

I have added a condition to verify if the input has any NaNs - This is a good check but NaN outputs could come with non-NaN inputs as well depending on the logic in the model, if it working on an assumption of a certain pre-processing logic but the inputs don't conform to that.

A good check would be to see if the "raw" inputs to ORT (after pre-processing) matches between C++ and Python. You can search through the existing (open and closed) issues in the repo - there are quite a few issues along the lines of "Python works but C++ doesn't" (especially for image models) - it almost invariably ends up a quirk of OpenCV that resulted in incorrectly pre-processed inputs. Please look through these issues to see if something in them applies to your case as well.

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

Hi @hariharans29, thank you for your quick response.

  1. I compared the pre-processing results of Python and C++ script, and they match with one another. I have also added the python inference script to my repository.
  2. As I mentioned earlier, the same executable file generates correct results sometimes, while it also outputs NaNs/arbirarily large numbers upon re-execution. The whole codebase is deterministic (i.e., no random initializations, shuffling involved), hence I dont know the reason behind the stochastic nature of the generated output.
  3. I did not find a related issue that matches my description. This one is closely related, where the issue was the input order, which seems fine in my case. If not, I should be getting NaN results consistently upon multiple executions.
  4. Currently I am analyzing the parts of the code that involves float pointers (for example, A and B), in case the pointers are referring to incorrect memory addresses. These code snippets are based on the implementations available online and I have tweaked them to fit my application.
hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

Can you please check if some of the discussion here applies to you : ? The issue is of same theme as yours - Python seems to work and C++ return wrong results. I see that the OP in #11979 is also using OpenCV.

tianleiwu commented 4 months ago

@goutamyg, you can try build from source and enable dumping of node inputs/outputs: That will show you what actual inputs are used, and which node causes the NaN (Usually it is caused by overflow in fp16).

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

@tianleiwu The build is successful, but 1 out of the 4 test cases fail (I think these tests are related to the onnxruntime_DEBUG_NODE_INPUTS_OUTPUTS=1 flag). I have attached the log file for your reference. output.txt

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

@hariharans29 I checked the C++ code you suggested. It resembles the model architecture I am using (i.e., two inputs and multiple outputs). However, in my case, the output is a set of float values, which are used to compute the bounding-box coordinates as the tracking output. I tried changing my code to handle the inputs and outputs, but the stochastic nature of NaN output persists.

hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the feedback. It is going to be very hard to debug your C++ app as there are some components (like OpenCV) that I am not fully familiar with.

1) Can you freeze and share a raw input (with all necessary pre-processing already done) that best demonstrates the stochastic nature of the outputs (i.e.) more often than not you are able to re-reproduce the NaN output with this said input ?

2) A simple C++ program that consumes the above input, runs ORT with all the settings you use in your original application ?

Also please confirm if the Python ORT version is the same as the C++ ORT version.

hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

@tianleiwu The build is successful, but 1 out of the 4 test cases fail (I think these tests are related to the _onnxruntime_DEBUG_NODE_INPUTSOUTPUTS=1 flag). I have attached the log file for your reference. output.txt

If the build passes, worth a shot to see which layer starts producing NaNs using this approach.

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

@hariharans29 I dont find the file in the build/ folder. The available .so files are and, which are throwing errors when I include them in the cmake file.

I did

git clone --recursive --branch v1.12.1
cd onnxruntime/
./ --cmake_extra_defines onnxruntime_DEBUG_NODE_INPUTS_OUTPUTS=1

and the compilation output, before initiating the test cases, says:

Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/FP16'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/SafeInt/safeint'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/XNNPACK'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/cub'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/cxxopts'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/date'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/dlpack'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/eigen'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/emsdk'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/flatbuffers'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/googlebenchmark'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/googletest'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/json'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/libprotobuf-mutator'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/mimalloc'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/mp11'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/nsync'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx/third_party/benchmark'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx/third_party/pybind11'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt/third_party/onnx'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt/third_party/onnx/third_party/benchmark'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt/third_party/onnx/third_party/pybind11'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnx-tensorrt/third_party/onnx/third_party/pybind11/tools/clang'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/onnxruntime-extensions'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/protobuf'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/protobuf/third_party/benchmark'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/protobuf/third_party/googletest'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/pthreadpool'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/pytorch_cpuinfo'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/re2'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/tensorboard'
Synchronizing submodule url for 'cmake/external/wil'
-- Using the single-header code from /home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/cmake/external/json/single_include/
-- ******** Summary ********
--   CMake version             : 3.22.1
--   CMake command             : /usr/bin/cmake
--   System                    : Linux
--   C++ compiler              : /usr/bin/c++
--   C++ compiler version      : 11.4.0
--   CXX flags                 :  -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -DCPUINFO_SUPPORTED -Wnon-virtual-dtor
--   Build type                : Debug
--   Compile definitions       : EIGEN_MPL2_ONLY;PLATFORM_POSIX;__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS
--   CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH         : 
--   CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX      : /usr/local
--   CMAKE_MODULE_PATH         : /home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/cmake/external
--   ONNX version              : 1.12.0
--   ONNX NAMESPACE            : onnx
--   Protobuf_USE_STATIC_LIBS  : ON
--   ONNX_WERROR               : OFF
--   ONNX_BUILD_TESTS          : OFF
--   Protobuf compiler         : 
--   Protobuf includes         : 
--   Protobuf libraries        : 
--   BUILD_ONNX_PYTHON         : OFF
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/build/Linux/Debug
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target flatbuffers
[  0%] Built target flatbuffers
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target clog
[  0%] Built target clog
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target cpuinfo
[  1%] Built target cpuinfo
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target libprotobuf
[  7%] Built target libprotobuf
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target libprotoc
[ 13%] Built target libprotoc
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target protoc
[ 13%] Built target protoc
[ 13%] Built target gen_onnx_proto
[ 13%] Built target gen_onnx_data_proto
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target libprotobuf-lite
[ 16%] Built target libprotobuf-lite
[ 17%] Built target gen_onnx_operators_proto
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnx_proto
[ 18%] Built target onnx_proto
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_common
[ 20%] Built target onnxruntime_common
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_graph
[ 21%] Built target onnxruntime_graph
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_framework
[ 27%] Built target onnxruntime_framework
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_util
[ 27%] Built target onnxruntime_util
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnx
[ 31%] Built target onnx
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_providers
[ 44%] Built target onnxruntime_providers
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_providers_shared
[ 44%] Built target onnxruntime_providers_shared
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_optimizer
[ 50%] Built target onnxruntime_optimizer
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_session
[ 51%] Built target onnxruntime_session
Scanning dependencies of target onnxruntime_mlas
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_mlas
[ 56%] Built target onnxruntime_mlas
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target flatc
[ 58%] Built target flatc
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_flatbuffers
[ 58%] Built target onnxruntime_flatbuffers
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_test_utils
[ 59%] Built target onnxruntime_test_utils
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnx_test_data_proto
[ 59%] Built target onnx_test_data_proto
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnx_test_runner_common
[ 60%] Built target onnx_test_runner_common
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_log_severity
[ 61%] Built target absl_log_severity
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_raw_logging_internal
[ 61%] Built target absl_raw_logging_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_bad_variant_access
[ 61%] Built target absl_bad_variant_access
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target gtest
[ 61%] Built target gtest
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target gmock
[ 61%] Built target gmock
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target nsync_cpp
[ 63%] Built target nsync_cpp
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target re2
[ 65%] Built target re2
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_spinlock_wait
[ 65%] Built target absl_spinlock_wait
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_base
[ 65%] Built target absl_base
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_malloc_internal
[ 65%] Built target absl_malloc_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_throw_delegate
[ 66%] Built target absl_throw_delegate
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_time_zone
[ 67%] Built target absl_time_zone
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_debugging_internal
[ 67%] Built target absl_debugging_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_stacktrace
[ 67%] Built target absl_stacktrace
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_strings_internal
[ 68%] Built target absl_strings_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_demangle_internal
[ 68%] Built target absl_demangle_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_int128
[ 68%] Built target absl_int128
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_strings
[ 69%] Built target absl_strings
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_symbolize
[ 69%] Built target absl_symbolize
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_exponential_biased
[ 70%] Built target absl_exponential_biased
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_graphcycles_internal
[ 71%] Built target absl_graphcycles_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_civil_time
[ 71%] Built target absl_civil_time
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_time
[ 71%] Built target absl_time
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_synchronization
[ 71%] Built target absl_synchronization
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_hashtablez_sampler
[ 71%] Built target absl_hashtablez_sampler
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_bad_optional_access
[ 71%] Built target absl_bad_optional_access
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_raw_hash_set
[ 71%] Built target absl_raw_hash_set
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_city
[ 72%] Built target absl_city
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_low_level_hash
[ 72%] Built target absl_low_level_hash
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_hash
[ 72%] Built target absl_hash
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_cord_internal
[ 72%] Built target absl_cord_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_cordz_functions
[ 72%] Built target absl_cordz_functions
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_cordz_handle
[ 73%] Built target absl_cordz_handle
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_cordz_info
[ 73%] Built target absl_cordz_info
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_cord
[ 73%] Built target absl_cord
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_test_all
[ 93%] Built target onnxruntime_test_all
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnx_test_runner
[ 93%] Built target onnx_test_runner
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_perf_test
[ 94%] Built target onnxruntime_perf_test
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_test_debug_node_inputs_outputs
[ 94%] Built target onnxruntime_test_debug_node_inputs_outputs
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target onnxruntime_mlas_test
[ 95%] Built target onnxruntime_mlas_test
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target custom_op_library
[ 95%] Built target custom_op_library
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target test_execution_provider
[ 95%] Built target test_execution_provider
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_scoped_set_env
[ 95%] Built target absl_scoped_set_env
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_strerror
[ 95%] Built target absl_strerror
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_examine_stack
[ 95%] Built target absl_examine_stack
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_failure_signal_handler
[ 95%] Built target absl_failure_signal_handler
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_leak_check
[ 95%] Built target absl_leak_check
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_leak_check_disable
[ 95%] Built target absl_leak_check_disable
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_program_name
[ 95%] Built target absl_flags_program_name
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_config
[ 95%] Built target absl_flags_config
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_str_format_internal
[ 95%] Built target absl_str_format_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_marshalling
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_marshalling
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_commandlineflag_internal
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_commandlineflag_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_commandlineflag
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_commandlineflag
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_private_handle_accessor
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_private_handle_accessor
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_reflection
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_reflection
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_internal
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_usage_internal
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_usage_internal
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_usage
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_usage
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_flags_parse
[ 96%] Built target absl_flags_parse
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_periodic_sampler
[ 96%] Built target absl_periodic_sampler
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_distributions
[ 96%] Built target absl_random_distributions
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_seed_gen_exception
[ 97%] Built target absl_random_seed_gen_exception
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_seed_material
[ 97%] Built target absl_random_internal_seed_material
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_platform
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_platform
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_randen_hwaes_impl
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_randen_hwaes_impl
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_randen_slow
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_randen_slow
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_randen_hwaes
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_randen_hwaes
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_randen
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_randen
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_pool_urbg
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_pool_urbg
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_seed_sequences
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_seed_sequences
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_random_internal_distribution_test_util
[ 98%] Built target absl_random_internal_distribution_test_util
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_status
[100%] Built target absl_status
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_statusor
[100%] Built target absl_statusor
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_cordz_sample_token
[100%] Built target absl_cordz_sample_token
Consolidate compiler generated dependencies of target absl_bad_any_cast_impl
[100%] Built target absl_bad_any_cast_impl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/build/Linux/Debug/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/build/Linux/Debug/DartConfiguration.tcl
UpdateCTestConfiguration  from :/home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/build/Linux/Debug/DartConfiguration.tcl
Parse Config file:/home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/build/Linux/Debug/DartConfiguration.tcl
Test project /home/goutam/third_party_libs/onnxruntime/build/Linux/Debug
Constructing a list of tests
Done constructing a list of tests

Am I missing something?

Also, I will upload a minimal reproducible example in a day or two. I confirm using the same onnxruntime version (v1.12.1) for python and C++ inference.

hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

To get a release flavor, please include --build_shared_lib --config RelWithDebInfo along with the cmake define to build with node input and output debugging capabilities. If you can, please follow instructions in the link Tianlei pasted above to do a minimalistic debugging as to which node is generating the first set of NaNs once you have the minimalistic repro program.

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

Now I am using the built from source with the onnxruntime_DEBUG_NODE_INPUTS_OUTPUTS=1 flag. I can see the names of the intermediate nodes, and names + shapes of their inputs and outputs. Can you please suggest how to find if any layer is causing the NaN output? Should I add something to the cmake file while building my project?

hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

You can take a look at the env variables available here (one such env variable will dump intermediate results) : You may have to dump out the intermediate results and go through them to see which ones have the first NaNs.

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

Based on this, I set the following env variables as

    std::string debug_node_io_dump = "ORT_DEBUG_NODE_IO_DUMP_OUTPUT_DATA=1";

    std::string debug_node_io_files = "ORT_DEBUG_NODE_IO_DUMP_DATA_TO_FILES=1";

    std::string debug_node_io_destination = "ORT_DEBUG_NODE_IO_DUMP_DATA_DESTINATION=stdout";

    std::string debug_node_io_filter = "ORT_DEBUG_NODE_IO_NAME_FILTER=/backbone/conv_1/block/act_1/Relu_output_0_nchwc";

where backbone/conv_1/block/act_1/Relu_output_0_nchwc is an arbitrary node in the model. However, I don't see the node output being printed in the terminal.

I also tried

std::string debug_node_io_destination = "ORT_DEBUG_NODE_IO_DUMP_DATA_DESTINATION=/path/to/destination";

but there is no file containing the intermediate results was saved in the destination folder.

Chatgpt says that ORT_DEBUG_NODE_IO_DUMP_OUTPUT_DATA=1 will enable dumping of output of all the nodes. Can you please confirm it? If yes, how can I save these outputs to a txt file?

hariharans29 commented 4 months ago

Please take a look at some samples in the repo - like this -

tianleiwu commented 4 months ago

Try run like the following in Linux to dump to stdout, then redirect to file:

// this will dump input tensors of each node

// this will dump output tensors of each node

// This will output statistics data like min, max, count of NaN, count of infinity etc
// Could be slow.
// This is optional when you enable full dump using the next flag since it is easy to search 'NaN' in full dump.

// this will enable full tensor dump. Output could be huge if your matrix is large.
// you might not need it if you enable the statistics data using the previous flag.

// you can run test application
python > dump.txt

// then use visual studio code to open the dump.txt
goutamyg commented 4 months ago

@tianleiwu Thank you. Now I have the intermediate feature maps dumped to a txt file.

From my analysis, the reason for NaN results (which occurs at some point in the network) is due to some arbitrarily large values present as a part of the input data. The first 16 samples in one of the inputs as per the dumped file are: -1.2811635e+31, 4.5708955e-41, 3.6395099e+17, 3.0736081e-41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.37254903, 0.36862746, 0.36470589, 0.36470589, 0.36862746, 0.36862746, 0.37254903, 0.37647063

However, when I print these input values before creating the ort tensor, I get 0.415686, 0.415686, 0.411765, 0.403922, 0.4, 0.392157, 0.384314, 0.380392, 0.372549, 0.368627, 0.364706, 0.364706, 0.368627, 0.368627, 0.372549, 0.376471

The first eight values do not match and are of the order 10^30. This probably is leading to larger values in the feature maps of subsequent layers (see the image below),

Screenshot from 2024-03-14 16-12-31

eventually leading to NaN values. Can you please confirm if this is the appropriate way to create a ort tensor from a std::vector? It is partly based on an existing implementation.

tianleiwu commented 4 months ago

That looks like a bug to me: inputTensorValues_Z is a local variable, so the memory will be released after the function is finished. You will need keep input data alive until inference run is done: for example, bind to blob_z instead and make sure blob_z's life is long enough.

When the input/output tensors is in CPU, you might need call SynchronizeBoundInputs and SynchronizeBoundOutputs.

goutamyg commented 4 months ago

The code is working fine after I kept the std::vectors inputTensorValues_Z and inputTensorValues_X alive during inference run. Thank you very much @tianleiwu @hariharans29