microsoft / onnxruntime

ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
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CenterCropPad inside of SequenceMap subgraph produces INVALID_GRAPH #22100

Open DRKV333 opened 2 months ago

DRKV333 commented 2 months ago

Describe the issue

I'm trying to use a model with onnxruntime that does some preprocessing on a sequence of input images. Among other nodes, I have a CenterCropPad inside of a subgraph, that is the body of a SequenceMap. This however causes the constructor of onnxruntime.InferenceSession to throw an exception.

To reproduce

import onnx
import onnxruntime

repro = onnx.parser.parse_model("""
    ir_version: 8,
    opset_import: [ "" : 21 ]
preprocess (seq(float[X, Y]) images) => (float[N, 5, 5] preprocessed)
    seq = SequenceMap<
        body=preprocess_single(float[X, Y] image) => (float[5, 5] cropped)
            size = Constant<value=int64[2] {5, 5}>()
            cropped = CenterCropPad<axes=[0, 1]>(image, size)
    preprocessed = ConcatFromSequence<axis=0, new_axis=1>(seq)

onnx.checker.check_model(repro), "/home/jupyter/repro.onnx")

session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("/home/jupyter/repro.onnx", None)
InvalidGraph                              Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[193], line 1
----> 1 session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession("/home/jupyter/repro.onnx", None)

File ~/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/onnxruntime/capi/, in InferenceSession.__init__(self, path_or_bytes, sess_options, providers, provider_options, **kwargs)
    416 disabled_optimizers = kwargs.get("disabled_optimizers")
    418 try:
--> 419     self._create_inference_session(providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers)
    420 except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
    421     if self._enable_fallback:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/onnxruntime/capi/, in InferenceSession._create_inference_session(self, providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers)
    488     disabled_optimizers = set(disabled_optimizers)
    490 # initialize the C++ InferenceSession
--> 491 sess.initialize_session(providers, provider_options, disabled_optimizers)
    493 self._sess = sess
    494 self._sess_options = self._sess.session_options

InvalidGraph: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 10 : INVALID_GRAPH : This is an invalid model. In Node, ("", Loop, "", -1) : ("_inlfunc_SequenceMap_SequenceMap_input_sequence_seqlen": tensor(int64),"_inlfunc_SequenceMap_SequenceMap_input_sequence_cond": tensor(bool),"_inlfunc_SequenceMap_SequenceMap_out_sequence_0_seqempty": seq(tensor(float)),) -> ("seq": seq(tensor(float)),) , Error Nodes in a graph must be topologically sorted, however input '_inlfunc_CenterCropPad_padded_input' of node: 
name:  OpType: Slice
 is not output of any previous nodes.

If I try to just run the subgraph on its own, everything works fine:

    ir_version: 8,
    opset_import: [ "" : 21 ]
preprocess_single(float[X, Y] image) => (float[5, 5] cropped)
    size = Constant<value=int64[2] {5, 5}>()
    cropped = CenterCropPad<axes=[0, 1]>(image, size)

If I switch the crop to a resize, that also works:

    ir_version: 8,
    opset_import: [ "" : 21 ]
preprocess (seq(float[X, Y]) images) => (float[N, 5, 5] preprocessed)
    seq = SequenceMap<
        body=preprocess_single(float[X, Y] image) => (float[5, 5] cropped)
            size = Constant<value=int64[2] {5, 5}>()

            cropped = Resize<
                axes=[0, 1]
            >(image, , , size)
    preprocessed = ConcatFromSequence<axis=0, new_axis=1>(seq)


Affected project is for my own amusement, so it's not particularly urgent.



OS Version

Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

ONNX Runtime Installation

Released Package

ONNX Runtime Version or Commit ID


ONNX Runtime API




Execution Provider

Default CPU

Execution Provider Library Version

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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