microsoft / onnxruntime

ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
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ORT session.get_inputs() only returns 1 input instead of 2 #8958

Closed rohit497 closed 2 years ago

rohit497 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to export a deep neural network (AutoInt) pytorch model with 2 inputs to a .onnx model. I'm able to successfully save the model but when I try to create an onnxruntime.InferenceSession, the session.get_inputs() function only returns 1 input and I'm not sure why

System information

Model architecture

class AutoIntModel(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, num_features, num_feature_dims,
                embedding_size, num_hid_layers, hidden_sizes, # Embedding layer params
                num_att_layers, num_att_heads, att_embedding_size, use_residual, # attention params
                feature_stds, feature_means, neg_sample_rate, p_dropout, device):

        super(AutoIntModel, self).__init__()

        assert(len(num_feature_dims) == 1)
        self.feature_means = feature_means
        self.feature_stds = feature_stds
        self.neg_sample_rate = neg_sample_rate
        self.num_features = num_features
        self.num_feature_dims = num_feature_dims[0]
        self.device = device
        self.att_layers = nn.ModuleList()

        # Converting our continuous numerical values into an embedding

        self.emb = DeepEmbeddingLayer(num_feature_dims[0], num_hid_layers, hidden_sizes, embedding_size, p_dropout)

        for i in range(num_att_layers):
            layer_input_size = embedding_size if i == 0 else num_att_heads*att_embedding_size
            self.att_layers.append(AttentionLayer(layer_input_size, att_embedding_size, num_att_heads, p_dropout, use_residual))

        self.pred_layer = nn.Linear(num_features*num_att_heads*att_embedding_size, 1)

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p_dropout)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()


    def _init_weights(self, module):
        if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
  , std=0.001)
            if module.bias is not None:

    def forward(self, input_f, mask, labels=None):

        # Size [N, D*M] where D is number of features and M is number of feature dims
        features = torch.div((input_f - self.feature_means),self.feature_stds)

        # Add a third dimension to make it [N, D, 1]
        if self.num_feature_dims == 1:
            features = torch.unsqueeze(features, -1)
        # Make it [N, D/M, M]
            bs, d_m = features.shape
            new_size = (bs, int(d_m/self.num_feature_dims), self.num_feature_dims)
            if mask == [-5]:
                features = features.reshape(new_size)
                tmp_features = torch.tensor(np.zeros(new_size), dtype=torch.float)
                for i in range(len(mask)):
                    m = mask[i]
                    ind = torch.where(m != 0)[0]
                    tmp_features[:, i, :] = features[:, ind]

                features = tmp_features
                features =

        embeddings = self.emb(features)

        for layer in self.att_layers:
            embeddings = layer(embeddings)

        embeddings = torch.flatten(embeddings, start_dim=1)

        p_click = self.sigmoid(self.pred_layer(embeddings))
        output = (p_click,)

        if labels is not None:
            loss_func = BCELoss()
            loss = loss_func(p_click, labels)
            output = (loss, ) + output

        return output

Model initialization and saving

def verify_onnx_model(output_dir, model, dummy_in, score):
    test_session = onnxruntime.InferenceSession(os.path.join(output_dir, 'autoint.onnx'))
    test_inputs = {}
    cnt = 0
    for inp in dummy_in:
        test_inputs[test_session.get_inputs()[cnt].name] = to_numpy(inp)
        cnt += 1
    test_outs =, test_inputs)

    print("pytorch output: ", to_numpy(score), " onnx: ", test_outs)
    assert np.absolute(to_numpy(score)-test_outs)<1e-6
    print("test pass")

# Assumes model has no embeddings as input
def save_onnx_ini_model(model, dataloader, mask, output_dir):

    mask ='cuda')
    epoch_iterator = tqdm(dataloader, desc="Iteration")
    for step, batch in enumerate(epoch_iterator):
        batch = tuple('cuda') for t in batch)
       # Batch[0] shape = [bs, 67], batch[1] shape = [bs, 1]
        inputs = {"input_f": batch[0], "mask": mask}
        score = model(**inputs)

    dummy_in = (batch[0], mask)
    # Save .onnx model
    torch.onnx.export(model, dummy_in, os.path.join(output_dir, 'autoint.onnx'), opset_version=11,  export_params=True, do_constant_folding=True, input_names=['input_f', 'mask'], output_names=['prob'], dynamic_axes={'input_f' : {0: 'batch'}, 'prob' : {0: 'batch'}})

    # Verify .onnx model saved gives the same output as pytorch model
    verify_onnx_model(output_dir, model, dummy_in, score)

model = AutoIntModel(num_value_features, num_feature_dims, args.embedding_size, args.num_hid_layers, args.hidden_sizes,
                    args.num_att_layers, args.num_att_heads, args.att_embedding_size, args.use_residual, 
                    feature_stds, feature_means, neg_sample_rate, args.dropout, args.device)
mask = np.ones((23, 3))
save_onnx_ini_model(model, dataloader, mask, './')
hariharans29 commented 2 years ago

Please check with the exporter group . There could be various reasons why only one input shows up in the ONNX model graph (maybe the Torch exporter deems one input to be a constant and it ends up being an initializer in the ONNX model).

This is the hint I used to make that statement:


pranavsharma commented 2 years ago

cc @garymm can you take a look? Thx.

garymm commented 2 years ago

@rohit497 I'm pretty sure the code as written does not run to the point of being able to export.

mask = np.ones((23, 3))
mask ='cuda')

prints: AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'to'

I agree with Hari that it's quite possible the trace is seeing one of the inputs as a constant and not as a variable. See

I suggest exporting with verbose=True and:

  1. Confirm that the exported model currently only has 1 input.
  2. Tweaking your code until you see the export print a model that has two inputs instead of 1.
  3. If you still need help, provide self contained repro code that runs without any additional dependencies, ideally something we can run in Colab.
garymm commented 2 years ago

If you tried the suggestions and are still having issues using the latest nightly PyTorch, please open an issue in