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Question: Engine static libraries missing? #43

Closed dg2k closed 7 years ago

dg2k commented 7 years ago

The engine DLLs are generated for the DLL project and this is clearly shown in the corresponding auto-generated make file (nt-$(Configuration)-$(Platform).mak as in for instance nt-Debug-x64.mak) as follows (around line # 440).

E_SHLIB=$(ENG_D)\4758cca.dll \
    $(ENG_D)\aep.dll $(ENG_D)\atalla.dll $(ENG_D)\cswift.dll \
    $(ENG_D)\gmp.dll $(ENG_D)\chil.dll $(ENG_D)\nuron.dll \
    $(ENG_D)\sureware.dll $(ENG_D)\ubsec.dll $(ENG_D)\padlock.dll \
    $(ENG_D)\capi.dll $(ENG_D)\gost.dll 

Is it possible that the Engine Static Libraries are also generated for the Static project?

If you look into the make file for the static project, the equation for E_SHLIB= is just followed by a blank line, which means the static libraries 4758cca.lib aep.lib atalla.lib cswift.lib gmp.lib chil.lib nuron.lib sureware.lib ubsec.lib padlock.lib capi.lib gost.lib are never generated. Or is there a trick such as passing a parameter to get it generated (which I don't think so).

Having the engine static lib is very handy and inspecting the auto-generated make file, it looks there was an intent to provide, but somehow the lib file names are missing after E_SHLIB=. Can this be corrected?