microsoft / playwright-java

Java version of the Playwright testing and automation library
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[Feature]: Allow automatic saving of trace files #1526

Open uchagani opened 3 months ago

uchagani commented 3 months ago

🚀 Feature Request

This is also kind of a bug but I decided to make it a feature request.

Feature Request: I would like the ability to automatically save trace files.

Bug: I cannot save trace file based on test status.


An option in OptionsFactory that allows the user to configure when to save trace files off, on, retain-on-failure and an option for a root trace directory. The fixtures would then automatically start the trace, and depending on the option and the test result, would save the trace files in the root trace directory.


As I said, this is a feature request/bug report. I think the benefits are clear but the bug needs to be explained.

Currently, the user can only save a trace file by doing something like this:

void afterEach(BrowserContext browserContext) {
  // save trace file

There is no way for the user to only save trace files if the test fails (retain-on-failure). JUnit recommends implementing the TestWatcher interface. The problem is that the test watcher methods are called after the AfterEachCallback methods, so when the test watcher method is called, the BrowserContext is already closed by the BrowserContextExtension. So even if I use reflection to get at the BrowserContext inside my TestWatcher, an exception is thrown.

If we allow the fixtures to handle traces this issue can be easily solved

uchagani commented 3 months ago

Right now my workaround for retain-on-failure option is to save the trace files via the @AfterEach hook, and implement the TestWatcher interface and delete the file if the test is successful.

uchagani commented 3 months ago

@yury-s I'd like to start working on this next if that's agreeable with you. If so, can we use this issue to gather requirements? I had some ideas on how we could start tackling this in a phased approach.

yury-s commented 3 months ago

The main open question related to tracing is how we want to manage per test artifacts. E.g in node.js version we have per test output directory where traces, screenshots etc are stored. The traced are copied there from temporary locations after the test has finished, probably we could follow the same pattern in java?

uchagani commented 3 months ago

@yury-s if we allow the user to specify a trace directory, we can have a directory structure like this:


Does that work for you?

yury-s commented 3 months ago

I'd try to follow as closely as possible the API/structure that we have in playwright test in node, because that way we'll be able to avoid some of the mistakes/regrets from the javascript version of playwright.

The structure seems fine but I suggest we use more generic outputDir instead of traceDir as it can be reused for screenshots etc. Some other considerations that come to mind:

uchagani commented 3 months ago

We need to find a way to merge together traces from beforeAll, afterAll,

Currently we don't provide BrowserContext fixtures in @BeforeAll or @AfterAll hooks so do we have to worry about traces from there? If a user creates a new BrowserContext in a class-level hook then they can manage the traces themselves for those contexts.

For @BeforeEach or @AfterEach hooks, as long as the tracing is done with the context provided by the fixture, everything should remain together. The part I am not sure how to handle is any calls to startChunk or stopChunk. I feel it's okay to let the user handle those as they are one offs and the fixtures only handle the the tracing recording that the fixtures start. What do you think?

In JavaScript expect asserts are included into the traces, would be nice to have standard JUnit asserts in the traces too

I don't think JUnit exposes any extension hooks into the assertions. I can think of two ways to do this:

  1. Wrap all the JUnit assertions and include them in the trace that way. This way playwright will provide web-first assertions as well as regular assertions.
  2. using something like AspectJ to intercept JUnit assertions and include them in the trace. This, however, will introduce another dependency to the project. I've done something similar to this in allure-playwright-java but to use Allure you already need AspectJ so it wasn't a stretch to do that.

Would be nice to automatically resolve source locations for the traces, so that it didn't require setting PLAYWRIGHT_JAVA_SRC env variable.

This will require some thought for sure. I don't have any ideas as of yet.

Would we be able to do this in a phased approach? I think allowing the automatic handling of traces for the contexts provided by the fixtures is important, especially being able to only save on failures as that is currently not possible without some ugly workarounds.

yury-s commented 3 months ago

Currently we don't provide BrowserContext fixtures in @BeforeAll or @AfterAll hooks so do we have to worry about traces from there? If a user creates a new BrowserContext in a class-level hook then they can manage the traces themselves for those contexts.

Good point. Let's let them manage it manually. before/aftewrAll has been a source of confusion and more complex implementation in Node.js, so I'd rather we avoided it in Java.

For @BeforeEach or @AfterEach hooks, as long as the tracing is done with the context provided by the fixture, everything should remain together. The part I am not sure how to handle is any calls to startChunk or stopChunk. I feel it's okay to let the user handle those as they are one offs and the fixtures only handle the the tracing recording that the fixtures start. What do you think?

Yes, agreed. In Node.js currently startChunk will throw if tracing is configured to be started by playwright test runner. I.e. users are allowed to either manually control traces or give up all control to the runner. I'd stick to the same approach here and not allow any startChunk/stopChunk/start/stop calls if the tracing is configured with the fixtures. start* methods will already throw if you call them on already started trace. For the rest it's probably sufficient to just document the behavior.

Another source of tracing complexity in Node.js is serial mode tests. This is when you can have all the tests in the same file reuse one and the same context. This is one of our regrets and if we were doing it today, serial mode wouldn't be there and we would be more adamant recommending alternatives like test.step(). Luckily, we don't have serial mode in Java and don't need to implement all those shenanigans that we have in js.

One other feature that I believe we'll need to support sooner or later is managing traces for the tests that create more than 1 context. In Node.js version it is implemented via internal hooks on Browser.newContext(), but this is because it was added as an afterthought. In Java we can expose a context factory fixture or some other mechanism for the clients to create additional contexts in a test with the same configuration parameters. I believe you already faced a similar problem that required making getOrCreate* methods public. Let's think about making it more generic and public to all clients?

I don't think JUnit exposes any extension hooks into the assertions. I can think of two ways to do this

Yes, we'd need to hook into existing assertions one way or the other. I believe the tracing is useful even without those junit asserts, especially given all the web assertions that playwright provides. So we can think how to added it later.

Would we be able to do this in a phased approach?

I think so. Didn't mean to block this work on that.