microsoft / playwright

Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
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[Feature] Support socks5 proxy with authentication #10567

Open viponedream opened 2 years ago

viponedream commented 2 years ago

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What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

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What happened? / Describe the bug

  _proxy = {
        "server": f"{proxy.scheme}://{proxy.ip}:{proxy.port}",
        "username": f"{proxy.username}",
        "password": f"{proxy.password}"

this proxy is correct, i can use it via requests. but in playwright, it doesnt work . the doc says it support http or socks, how to use socks5 proxy ? thank yoy.

Code snippet to reproduce your bug

_proxy = {
            "server": f"{proxy.scheme}://{proxy.ip}:{proxy.port}",
            "username": f"{proxy.username}",
            "password": f"{proxy.password}"

this proxy is correct, i can use it via requests. but in playwright, it doesnt work .
the doc says it support http or socks, 
how to use socks5 proxy ?
thank yoy.

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mxschmitt commented 2 years ago

What kind of socks5 proxy are you using? Could you provide us e.g. a squid proxy configuration so we can repro?

pavelfeldman commented 2 years ago

Socks5 proxy w/ auth is not supported but major browsers or infrastructures. Could you share your use case?

viponedream commented 2 years ago

import asyncio import requests from playwright.async_api import async_playwright

username = 'usertestme888' password = 'usertestme888' ip = '' port = '2333'

async def mytest():

url = ''

proxies = {
    'http': f'socks5://{username}:{password}@{ip}:{port}',
    'https': f'socks5://{username}:{password}@{ip}:{port}'

res = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies,  verify=False)

async def main(): proxy = { "server": f'https://{ip}:{port}', "username": f"{username}", "password": f"{password}" }

user_data_dir = ''

playwright = await async_playwright().start()
browser = await playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context(
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto('')

if name == 'main':
pavelfeldman commented 2 years ago

Let's see if others upvote this.

dstampher commented 2 years ago

Any update on adding this functionality?

cyberfuhrer commented 1 year ago

Really need socks5 proxy authentication

colinsarah commented 1 year ago

socks5 with auth is ok?

TurboKach commented 1 year ago

still need socks5 proxy with credentials auth

igorank commented 1 year ago

still need socks5 with auth

AbelLin1214 commented 1 year ago

still need socks5 with auth

tecbr commented 11 months ago

still need socks5 with auth

georgycus commented 10 months ago

still need socks5 with auth

Lucas-Bruschi commented 10 months ago

still need socks5 with auth

dgtlmoon commented 8 months ago

to those who keep posting the same comment - please just upvote the post at the top

for something productive here - I tried to bump the 'proxy-authorization' header, but ofcourse this triggers net::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT from inside puppeteer because overriding some headers is not supported

            if self.proxy and self.proxy.get('server', '').lower().startswith('socks5://'):
                import base64
                auth_str = base64.b64encode(f"{self.proxy['username']}:{self.proxy['password']}".encode('utf8')).decode('ascii')
                self.proxy['username'] = ''
                self.proxy['password'] = ''
                request_headers['proxy-authorization']= f"Basic {auth_str}"

However an interesting work-around is to use a local SOCKS proxy chain, so you bounce a local request to localhost socks server off to the real server, because SOCKS chains very well due to its low-level TCP socket type arrangement

I also tried'const aHandle = page.authenticate({"xxxx", "pppp"});') but that didnt work (unsure why) SyntaxError: Unexpected string at eval (<anonymous>) at UtilityScript.evaluate (<anonymous>:201:30) at UtilityScript.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:1:44)

phantridungdz commented 1 month ago

still need socks5 proxy with credentials auth

hangrybear666 commented 1 month ago

I require socks5 Auth to use my premium proxy provider

0x676e67 commented 2 weeks ago

My program will proxy socks5 authentication forwarding, using ordinary http to socks5 request forwarding: