microsoft / playwright

Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
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[Feature] create context in fullscreen mode #1086

Open star-kashyap opened 4 years ago

star-kashyap commented 4 years ago

How to launch browser.newContext() or browser.newPage() in fullscreen ? There is no way to pass full-screen via options while calling browser.newContext(options).

aesyondu commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean. Currently the default is:

  viewport: {
    width: 800, // 1280 in commit 1ee6578
    height: 600, // 720 in commit 1ee6578

If I understood correctly, you were expecting that viewport width and height will automatically be set to your current desktop/laptop's viewport?

star-kashyap commented 4 years ago
Screenshot 2020-02-25 at 11 54 23 AM

I am talking about this new cognito window size, which I am launching by context.newPage(). Viewport is visible area which is visible on device, however browser window size is different. Opening new browser window in full screen size is my concern. How to launch it in full screen. Passing viewport do not help.

pavelfeldman commented 4 years ago

I know that the user can maximize the browser window and I know that the page can request full screen mode via the web api. But I'm not sure user can create a new full screen page.

Could you share more about your use case?

star-kashyap commented 4 years ago

Sorry, my bad. My point is user maximize browser window. How can we get it done ? Before context.newPage(), I am getting context by browser.newContext(). Can we get new context in fullscreen mode ?

pavelfeldman commented 4 years ago

My point is user maximize browser window

If you call browser.newContext({ viewport: null }), it would tell Playwright to not emulate certain device size and will follow the browser size when maximized. Is that what you are looking for?

aesyondu commented 4 years ago

Before the viewport: null I'm getting:

width: 800 height: 600

which is expected of course, since that is the default. I tried the browser.newContext({ viewport: null }) and now I'm getting:

width: 1200 height: 610

Which does take the whole size of the browser, but the browser itself is not full screen. For reference, my full screen browser should measure:

{width: 1280, height: 721}

Side Note: not sure why there is an extra 1 pixel height, I used this method on an about:blank page:

  width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
  height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
star-kashyap commented 4 years ago

@arjun27 What do you think here ?

arjunattam commented 4 years ago

Synced offline with @star-kashyap to understand this better. Due to DRM constraints, the tests are executed in headful mode. A small browser window impacts verifiability of execution, and looks suboptimal to an observer.

While it is possible to use something like --start-fullscreen or --window-size as args to launch a browser, it is not possible to enlarge the size of a new window launched with newContext. Combination of enlarged window size and viewport: null would fix this.

pavelfeldman commented 4 years ago

I think launching with args: ['--window-size=1280,720'] and using viewport: null should bring you close to where you want to be. But that would be Chromium-specific solution. Non-chromium you should run with viewport: { width: 1280, height: 720 }.

Please feel free to reopen if there is something else we can do for you here!

pavelfeldman commented 3 years ago

Reopening as a feature request.

chaganiu commented 3 years ago

+1 for this.

alex-popov-tech commented 3 years ago

interested also

ravisdream commented 3 years ago

Browser maximize issue is resolved for me with below lines of code. Depending on your screen resolution, you may adjust your window position and view port width and height values:

browser = playwright.chromium.launch(args=['--window-position=-5,-5'],headless=False) context = browser.new_context(viewport={'width':1600,'height':900})

LongLiveY96 commented 3 years ago

interested also, especially in Firefox.

lakshmanp21 commented 3 years ago


splurgeop commented 2 years ago


rai-gaurav commented 2 years ago


shtlrs commented 2 years ago


etale-cohomology commented 2 years ago

In Python, you can do:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import tkinter

root        = tkinter.Tk()
root_ndim_x = root.winfo_screenwidth()
root_ndim_y = root.winfo_screenheight()

with sync_playwright() as p:
  browser = p.firefox.launch(headless=True)
  context = browser.new_context()

  page = browser.new_page()
asolera commented 2 years ago

This worked for me:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import time

p = sync_playwright().start()
browser = p.chromium.launch(args=['--start-maximized'], headless=False)
page = browser.new_page(no_viewport=True)

Upvoted this issue aswell 👍

Credits/thanks to @pavelfeldman (

AlexBravo95 commented 2 years ago

It is necessary, up

ManikandanMani commented 2 years ago

Hi All, I am using playwright with nunit version 1.22 for dotnet 6, Trying to maximize chromium browsers (chromium, chrome,edge) by these approach BrowserTypeLaunchOptions args: --start-maximized,--window-position=-5,-5 & BrowserNewContextOptions: ViewportSize = null, ViewportSize = new ViewportSize() { Width = 1920, Height = 1080 } but cannot able to maximize browser to fullscreen, can anyone share how to maximize browser.

Treshch1 commented 2 years ago

@pavelfeldman Trying the code below I get the next browser picture on the Mac Code:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import time

p = sync_playwright().start()
browser = p.chromium.launch(args=['--start-maximized'], headless=False)
page = browser.new_page(no_viewport=True)

Browser displaying:


Do you see the same picture after running this code?

Vanilton18 commented 1 year ago

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright import tkinter

root= tkinter.Tk() root_ndim_x = root.winfo_screenwidth() root_ndim_y = root.winfo_screenheight()

browser = sync_playwright().start().chromium.launch(headless=False, args=["--window-position=-5,-5"]) context = browser.new_context(viewport={'width': root_ndim_x/1, 'height': root_ndim_y/1}) page = context.new_page() page.goto("")

nicostubi commented 1 year ago

+1 => needed

ManikandanMani commented 1 year ago

Hi, I couldn't launch ms-edge browser in full screen mode, tried setting the viewport height and width & null along with --start-maximized in launch options in playwright config file, but still launches the browser in half sized.

AppcenterAucxis commented 1 year ago

I see quite a lot of solutions to open the browser in maximized mode but no working solution to put the chrome browser in fullscreen mode (F11). How can this be achieved?

kputyra commented 1 year ago

I've solved this problem (in Python) by using launch_persistent_context() instead of launch() and tweaking the arguments a little but. This change prevents opening pages in new windows.

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright as spl

pwt = spl().start()
browser = pwt.chromium.launch_persistent_context(
    # Required (emtpy string means a temporary profile)
    # This hides the annoying infobar "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software",
    # but it may break some functionality of playwright
    ignore_default_args=["--enable-automation", "--no-startup-window"],
    # Also possible: --start-fullscreen
page = browser.new_page()

# Check that JavaScript can be evaluated despite removing --enable-automation
print(page.evaluate("document.body.textContent = 'Hello world!'"))
dimensions = page.evaluate('''() => {
        return {
            width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
            height: document.documentElement.clientHeight,
            deviceScaleFactor: window.devicePixelRatio,

I've removed the default flag --enable-automation in order to hide the annoying infobar "Chrome is being controlled by automated test software". This is likely to break some features of playwright, but for me all that is important is to communicate with the page using JavaScript, which seems fine.


ssv-w32 commented 1 year ago

+1, I find this feature very useful.

gs-vchauhan commented 1 year ago

+1 => absolutely required

ManiMozaffar commented 1 year ago

do we have some solution for firefox apart from hardcoding the size? willing to see one!

dron4ik86 commented 11 months ago

This worked for me:

from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
import time

p = sync_playwright().start()
browser = p.chromium.launch(args=['--start-maximized'], headless=False)
page = browser.new_page(no_viewport=True)

Upvoted this issue aswell 👍

Credits/thanks to @pavelfeldman (

This solution in working good for me, thanks!

imbdb commented 7 months ago

For some tests we needed fullscreen mode but I was not able to get it working. After embarrasing count of hours I figured out that Playwright exposes the underlying CDP Session and we can use it to make the window fullscreen. This works in chromium

  const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
  // get window id from CDP session
  const { windowId } = await client.send("Browser.getWindowForTarget");
  await client.send("Browser.setWindowBounds", {
    windowId: windowId,
    bounds: { windowState: "fullscreen" },

I don't know of any side effects this might cause, will update here if found any.

cybairfly commented 4 months ago

@imbdb You know your way around! Nice of you to share.

craitose commented 4 months ago

For some tests we needed fullscreen mode but I was not able to get it working. After embarrasing count of hours I figured out that Playwright exposes the underlying CDP Session and we can use it to make the window fullscreen. This works in chromium

  const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
  // get window id from CDP session
  const { windowId } = await client.send("Browser.getWindowForTarget");
  await client.send("Browser.setWindowBounds", {
    windowId: windowId,
    bounds: { windowState: "fullscreen" },

I don't know of any side effects this might cause, will update here if found any.

Yeah, I needed to test the full screen button on a web app but apparently playwright does not allow full screen to be triggered through events as it might interfere with accessibility of elements while the browser is full screen. You code snippet was the only way that allowed me to force full screen after the button was clicked.

AbhineetSharmax commented 4 months ago

For some tests we needed fullscreen mode but I was not able to get it working. After embarrasing count of hours I figured out that Playwright exposes the underlying CDP Session and we can use it to make the window fullscreen. This works in chromium

  const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
  // get window id from CDP session
  const { windowId } = await client.send("Browser.getWindowForTarget");
  await client.send("Browser.setWindowBounds", {
    windowId: windowId,
    bounds: { windowState: "fullscreen" },

I don't know of any side effects this might cause, will update here if found any.

I just made a little change to this configuration and this may help you get what you want to achieve. Try it out.

bounds: { windowState: 'maximized' },

Also, this is my playwright.config.ts projects: [ { name: 'chromium', use: { // ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], headless: false, launchOptions: { args: ['--auth-server-allowlist="*"'] }, viewport: null, } },

nir-tal-talkspace commented 3 months ago

wrote a blog post on how to resolve this issue when using playwright + python + pytest fixtures: