microsoft / playwright

Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API.
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[Feature]: I would like waitForResponse to be available on BrowserContext #30851

Closed eveltman-twinfield closed 2 weeks ago

eveltman-twinfield commented 2 weeks ago

🚀 Feature Request

Hi, I'd like waitForResponse to be available on BrowserContext. Right now we can only use it on Page level.


Since it wasn't available, this our own implementation. (Note: I omitted the actual usage in the test, but triggerAction is a function which clicks somewhere in the application to open a popup)

export class ExternalDocumentViewerPage extends ClassicPage {
    // <snip>
    static async monitorApiRequestLoadsInvoice(
        invoiceId: string,
        context: BrowserContext,
        triggerAction: () => Promise<void>): Promise<void> {

        const identityUrl = process.env.API_URL.toLowerCase() + '/api/sales/invoices/' + invoiceId;
        const response = await BrowserContextApiMonitor.waitForResponse(context, identityUrl, triggerAction);


// browserContextApiMonitor.ts
import { BrowserContext, Response } from "@playwright/test";

export class BrowserContextApiMonitor {
    static async waitForResponse(
        context: BrowserContext,
        expectedUrl: string,
        triggerAction: () => Promise<void>): Promise<Response> {

        let responseHandler: (response: Response) => void;

        const responsePromise = new Promise<Response>(resolve => {
            responseHandler = (response: Response) => {
                if (response.url() == expectedUrl) {

            context.on('response', responseHandler);

        await triggerAction();

        const response = await responsePromise;'response', responseHandler);

        return response;


Today I was assisting a QA with verifying that a popup page was making a successful API request (to load a PDF in an iframe). We were checking not only that the URL (requested by the application) contained the expected invoice id but also that the request would return a success response. Since the API request is done in a popup, we could not use page.waitForResponse. By the time the popup event occurs and by the time we handled that event and attached a response handler to it, the API response may already have been received.

I initially was convinced we could just do context.waitForResponse but it didn't exist.

yury-s commented 2 weeks ago

You can use context.waitForEvent('response') for that:

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test("context wait for response", async ({ page, context }) => {
  const responsePromise = context.waitForEvent('response', (response) => response.url().includes('playwright-logo.svg'));
  await page.goto("");
  const response = await responsePromise;