microsoft / powerbi-client-react

Power BI for React which provides components and services to enabling developers to easily embed Power BI reports into their applications.
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Set filters for power bi embeded report #67

Closed JinaliWijetunge closed 1 year ago

JinaliWijetunge commented 2 years ago

My question is about how to embed a power bi report with a basic filter. <PowerBIEmbed embedConfig={{

    type: "report",
    tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
    filters: [{$schema:  "",

                  target: {
                    table: "User",
                    column : "name"

                  values:[ "XYZ"],
                  filterType: models.FilterType.Basic,


Here type of property filter in IEmbedConfiguration is filters?: models.IFilter[]; but based on my requirement, this should be IReportLoadConfiguration where filters?: ReportLevelFilters[]

How am I supposed to add this configuration

rad10wave commented 1 year ago

You can use IReportEmbedConfiguration to add filters, then you can add the filters like:

reportConfig: IReportEmbedConfiguration = {
        type: 'report',
        embedUrl: EMBED_URL,
        tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
        accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
        settings: undefined,
        filters: [{
            $schema: "",
            filterType: models.FilterType.Basic,
            target: {
                table: "Geo",
                column: "Region"
            operator: "In",
            values: ["West", "Central"]

please let us know if you have any further questions

elgabato commented 1 year ago

Can I do like this? filters: [{ $schema: "", filterType: models.FilterType.Basic, target: { table: "Geo", column: "Region" }, operator: "In", values: ["West", "Central"] }],

    filters: [{
        $schema: "",
        filterType: models.FilterType.Basic,
        target: {
            table: "Geo",
            column: "City"
        operator: "In",
        values: ["test1", "City"]

doing a filter on a single table but different columns.

KotanaSai21 commented 1 year ago

@elgabato , Yes, We can apply filter on single table but different columns. Refer to my sample code as below.

// Create the filter object. For more information see
const filter = {
    $schema: "",
    target: {
        table: "Geo",
        column: "Region"
    operator: "In",
    values: ["West", "Central"]

// Create the filter object. For more information see
const filter1 = {
    $schema: "",
    target: {
        table: "Geo",
        column: "State"
    operator: "In",
    values: ["AK"]

// Add the filter to the report's filters.
try {
    await report.updateFilters(models.FiltersOperations.Add, [filter1,filter]);
    console.log("Report filter was added.");
catch (errors) {

For more information refer Control report filters. Feel Free to reach out for any other queries and you can also ask them here Power BI Embedded on Stack Overflow