microsoft / powercat-creator-kit

This toolkit helps create well-designed Power App experiences on the web & mobile. It contains a component library; PCF controls and other utilities that increase developer productivity.
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[BUG]: Panel Buttons invisible after panel is opened a second time #418

Open grahamdr opened 8 months ago

grahamdr commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug Panel buttons appear as expected the first time the panel is visible. Once the user closes the panel and reopens it the panel buttons are no longer visible. My testing indicates that when the button Enabled property is set to a boolean variable, the issue occurs. When the button Enabled property is hard set to true, no issues.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add panel to canvas app
  2. Insert a form with fields to simulate data operations that require validation
  3. Set panel Buttons: Table( { Label: "Cancel", ButtonType: 'Button.ButtonType'.Standard, Visible: true, Enabled: true }, { Label: "Ok", ButtonType: 'Button.ButtonType'.Primary, Visible: true, Enabled: Boolean( tglProjectRequirementsMet.Checked) } )
  4. Run app
  5. Open panel, click OK or Cancel.
  6. Open panel again, OK and Cancel are no longer visible.

Expected behavior The panel buttons should be visible based on the button Visible property, regardless of it being set with a variable or not. Setting the Enabled property should not affect the visibility of the buttons.

Screenshots Opening the panel for the first time: Panel Before After closing the panel and opening again: Panel After

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.


denise-msft commented 4 months ago

Thank you for reporting this and for your patience, we will investigate and address as resources permit.