microsoft / powercat-creator-kit

This toolkit helps create well-designed Power App experiences on the web & mobile. It contains a component library; PCF controls and other utilities that increase developer productivity.
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[BUG]: Fluent Detail list blurriness #477

Open PeacockIADev opened 4 days ago

PeacockIADev commented 4 days ago

Describe the bug We have implemented the fluent detail list component in several of our production apps for almost a year now. We like the flexibility, ease of deployment and available features in the component. We currently have 3 almost identical apps all using the same component with the same theme style and sorting / filter behavior. However we noticed that the lists in one of the apps has become blurry.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. We have implemented the list
  2. Customized the app theme JSON to match the client company style and used the alternate row color feature.
  3. We have limited the collection size to 500 to reduce loading and improve performance.
  4. Used a custom sorting and filtering

Expected behavior Since we have 3 almost identical apps, with identical AppThemeJSON, Alternate row colors and behavior we expect all lists to match. Screenshots blurry image not blurry image

Additional context Both apps used to match. However since the power apps update regarding custom themes, one of them started to differ.
