microsoft / powerplatform-build-tools

Power Platform Build Tools automate common build and deployment tasks related to Power Platform. This includes synchronization of solution metadata (a.k.a. solutions) between development environments and source control, generating build artifacts, deploying to downstream environments, provisioning/de-provisioning of environments, and the ability to perform static analysis checks against your solution using the PowerApps checker service.
MIT License
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Portal download fails with "Unrecognized Guid format" #804

Closed RicLund closed 1 week ago

RicLund commented 5 months ago

Portal download is failing and the log gives no detail or context that is helpful. Seems like it might be related to #596 but general resolution there and examination of as much YML as we can yielded no obvious issues. Seems like the portal config is corrupt somewhere.

We have a support ticket in progress but I suggest you also think very hard about giving way better logging (verbose option?) so we can diagnose an issue like this - if only we were pointed to the actual config it is processing and where it's finding an invalid (missing?) GUID, we might be able to solve this ourselves. As it is, we are dead in the water while we wait for support and our CI/CD process is down.

Suggestions appreciated.

Using the latest CLI in VS Code, our command is:

pac paportal download -id 267b1775-ddf4-43f6-b8af-9a14c017fb40 -p ./portal --modelVersion 2 -o

This fails with the error at the end - full results are:

Started downloading website 267b1775-ddf4-43f6-b8af-9a14c017fb40
Connected to... <<ENV>>
Downloading - webfiles
Downloading - powerpagecomponent
Downloading - powerpagesite
Downloading - powerpagesitelanguage
Downloaded - powerpagesitelanguage
Downloaded - powerpagesite
Downloaded - powerpagecomponent
Downloaded - webfiles
Processing - adx_website
Processing - adx_publishingstate
Processing - adx_webrole
Processing - adx_pagetemplate
Processing - adx_entitypermission
Processing - adx_portallanguage
Processing - adx_webtemplate
Processing - adx_websiteaccess
Processing - adx_sitemarker
Processing - adx_websitelanguage
Processing - adx_webfile
Processing - adx_sitesetting
Processing - adx_webpageaccesscontrolrule
Processing - adx_webpage
Processing - adx_weblinkset
Processing - adx_entityform
Processing - adx_webform
Processing - adx_contentsnippet
Processing - adx_entitylist
Processing - annotation
Processing - adx_entityformmetadata
Processing - adx_webformstep
Processing - adx_weblink

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: 8ff39120-7112-4153-b4b2-cdb2dc715fd4

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_attachfilelabel in table adx_webformstep ID: db67469e-aeea-454c-bf5b-c826a2e72716

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_validationregularexpressionerrormessage in table adx_entityformmetadata ID: 02c6fa74-96e4-470a-9863-fa3dc4527c7f

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: db67469e-aeea-454c-bf5b-c826a2e72716

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_attachfilelabel in table adx_webformstep ID: 8eb7c209-8781-4bb4-902d-8afeb29954b2

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: 8eb7c209-8781-4bb4-902d-8afeb29954b2

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_attachfilelabel in table adx_webformstep ID: 9550b4ee-916b-4236-a33f-417eda03020a

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: 9550b4ee-916b-4236-a33f-417eda03020a

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: ca25e8df-3671-447b-9c91-df93de4d4f83

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: af55958e-78b8-4eeb-be6a-002f22801bef

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_attachfilelabel in table adx_webformstep ID: 3d504793-9bab-42ac-9a0e-d2e5e0582886

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_successmessage in table adx_webformstep ID: 3d504793-9bab-42ac-9a0e-d2e5e0582886
Processing - adx_webformmetadata

WARNING: Expected json value for field adx_validationregularexpressionerrormessage in table adx_webformmetadata ID: aa5a9246-3418-457a-b6df-5f4980db3ec7
Updating manifest...
Microsoft PowerPlatform CLI
Version: 1.31.6+g9147a23
Online documentation:
Feedback, Suggestions, Issues:

Error: Unrecognized Guid format.
MrRishabhJain commented 1 week ago

We have made enhancements in the recent versions of PAC cli in this area. Please update to 1.33.x or later, you would be able to see more detailed errors pointing to the entity/record Id/field having the issue.