microsoft / powerplatform-build-tools

Power Platform Build Tools automate common build and deployment tasks related to Power Platform. This includes synchronization of solution metadata (a.k.a. solutions) between development environments and source control, generating build artifacts, deploying to downstream environments, provisioning/de-provisioning of environments, and the ability to perform static analysis checks against your solution using the PowerApps checker service.
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Not seeing all objects when exporting and importing solution from non-prod to prod environment #871

Open nguyentranenvoyair opened 1 month ago

nguyentranenvoyair commented 1 month ago

I followed this Microsoft tutorial to set up a deployment pipeline from my non-prod environment to prod environment.

Everything works fine and I'm able to export as an unmanaged solution from non-prod, store it in Github, then import the solution as managed into prod.

However, when I create my app in non-prod, the owner is me. But when I run the Github Actions workflows, the owner changes to my Service Principal (I use the SP as my authentication method to access the environments)

Therefore, when I go to prod and go to the managed solution, I don't see the app because the owner is the SP and not me.

For example, here's what the admin sees in the managed solution in prod env, of course, they can see all objects owned by different accounts: admin-view

here's what I can only see in prod env, from my account: my-view

I can only see "Business Unit" and "Solution Health Hub" in prod env, and not the other three objects that I created in non-prod env because, after the import, those are now owned by my SP rglns-n-ENYInsight-2335-sp.

How do I go around this? Because from a PowerApps developer's perspective, I need to be able to see the app in order to click the three dots and share the app to my users.