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How to Add Custom Functions for Anonymization in Presidio Structured #1353

Closed ardhendu21 closed 8 months ago

ardhendu21 commented 8 months ago


I'm currently working with the Presidio structured package for anonymizing personal information within pandas DataFrames .

However, I'm interested in extending this functionality by adding custom anonymization for entities which are not predefined. Also want to know how to remove the already defined custom entities.

Here is a snippet of my code which i followed from github.

import pandas as pd
from presidio_structured import StructuredEngine, PandasAnalysisBuilder
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig
from faker import Faker

pandas_engine = StructuredEngine()

sample_df = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['John Doe', 'Jane Smith'], 'email': ['', '']})

fake = Faker()
operators = {
    "PERSON": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "REDACTED"}),
    "EMAIL_ADDRESS": OperatorConfig("custom", {"lambda": lambda x: fake.safe_email()})

    tabular_analysis = PandasAnalysisBuilder().generate_analysis(sample_df)
    anonymized_df = pandas_engine.anonymize(sample_df, tabular_analysis, operators=operators)
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error during anonymization: {e}")

can someone help me with this?

omri374 commented 8 months ago

Hi, you can pass an AnalyzerEngine instance to your PandasAnalysisBuilder, and use the standard Presidio configuration capabilities to create recognizers and such.

For example:

import pandas as pd
from presidio_structured import StructuredEngine, PandasAnalysisBuilder
from presidio_anonymizer.entities import OperatorConfig
from faker import Faker

from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, PatternRecognizer

operators = {
    "DEFAULT": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "<ANONYMIZED>"}),
    "PERSON": OperatorConfig("replace", {"new_value": "REDACTED"}),
    "EMAIL_ADDRESS": OperatorConfig("custom", {"lambda": lambda x: fake.safe_email()})

# input data
sample_df = pd.DataFrame({"title": ["Mr.", "Ms.", "Mrs."],"name": ["Arthur", "David", "William"], "sign": ["Plus", "Minus", "Minus"]})

# define custom PII detection (in this case with a deny-list)
titles_list = [

titles_recognizer = PatternRecognizer(supported_entity="TITLE", deny_list=titles_list)
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine()

# Presidio structured
pandas_engine = StructuredEngine()
analysis_builder = PandasAnalysisBuilder(analyzer=analyzer)
tabular_analysis = analysis_builder.generate_analysis(sample_df)
anonymized_df = pandas_engine.anonymize(sample_df, tabular_analysis, operators=operators)

For creating new custom recognizers, and removing the existing, see the tutorial

omri374 commented 8 months ago

Closing the issue, feel free to open if you have any additional questions