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[BUG] Difference in retrieved results between PromptFlow's index Lookup and AI Search Web #3463

Open hyeonje-cho opened 4 days ago

hyeonje-cho commented 4 days ago

Describe the bug There seems to be a discrepancy in the document results retrieved for the same query between Promptflow's index_lookup and AI search in Portal. The results from AI search appear to be more accurate. How can we ensure consistent results from both platforms?

How To Reproduce the bug Steps to reproduce the behavior, how frequent can you experience the bug:

  1. Setup Lookup index with AI search index in the promptflow
  2. Retrieve user query
  3. Compare the results between promptflow and AI search web

Expected behavior Same results from Promptflow's vector lookup and AI search web

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. AI Search Web result image

Promptflow result image image

Running Information(please complete the following information):

D-W- commented 4 days ago

Hi @dans-msft @Adarsh-Ramanathan , could you help to take a look of this issue? Thanks! @hyeonje-cho , for issues when using AI Studio, you can follow this doc to file feedback: