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Connecting windows C# and Ubuntu py with interop #308

Closed sanmii closed 2 months ago

sanmii commented 3 months ago

Hi, I am trying to publish some data from a windows machine and I would like to be able to read this data from an ubuntu machine with python. I am doubting about how could I create this connection with the use of zmq. The windows parto should be the set up this: using (var p = Pipeline.Create()) { var mq = new NetMQWriter(p, "tcp://localhost:12345", JsonFormat.Instance); var gen = Generators.Range(p, 0, 1000); var sin = gen.Select(x => Math.Sin(x / 100.0)); var cos = gen.Select(x => Math.Cos(x / 100.0)); sin.PipeTo(mq.AddTopic("sin-topic")); cos.PipeTo(mq.AddTopic("cos-topic")); p.Run(); }

An in ubuntu in order to be able to read this should be used something like this: import zmq, json

socket = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.SUB) socket.connect("tcp://windows_ip:12345") socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '') # '' means all topics

while True: [topic, message] = socket.recv_multipart() j = json.loads(message) print "Message: ", repr(j['message']) print "Originating Time: ", repr(j['originatingTime'])

I am mainly getting confused about which IP must be set in each place.

I hope you can help me.

chitsaw commented 3 months ago

From the above, it appears that all you would need to do would be to replace windows_ip in your python code with the actual IP address of your Windows machine and it should work. If this isn't the case, try replacing localhost in your Windows code with the same IP address of the Windows machine.

sanmii commented 2 months ago

I made it work. I needed to use the IP of the local machine ( windows) for the publication of topic instead of localhost.

Thank you!