microsoft / pxt-chibitronics

Chibitronics Love To Code board editor with Microsoft MakeCode
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Uploading doesn't work in latest Firefox #147

Closed riknoll closed 6 years ago

riknoll commented 6 years ago

You get a warning in the console about being unable to decode the media blob. Then the yellow bar appears at the bottom of the screen and never goes away.

samelhusseini commented 6 years ago

Works on Firefox Mac.

samelhusseini commented 6 years ago

Works on Firefox on my Surface book. Firefox 57.0.3

samelhusseini commented 6 years ago

Tried on 57.0.4 and it works. (latest)

riknoll commented 6 years ago

I'm on 57.0.4 on Windows. Here is the error:

Media resource data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRigAAABXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAZGF0YQQAAAAAAA== could not be decoded, error: Error Code: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_MEDIASINK_ERR (0x806e000b)
Details: OnMediaSinkAudioError
xobs commented 6 years ago

You're not using it over RDP, are you? How are you connecting headphones? Is there a Bluetooth device present?

I see a few results when searching for "0x806e000b" -- one of which involves restarting Windows Audio (i.e. "net stop AudioSrv && net start AudioSrv").

Does the Love-to-Code test page (currently broken apparently -- check our CI server at work at all for you?

riknoll commented 6 years ago

The audioplayer on the test page doesn't work either, but I am connecting over RDP to a local VM.

xobs commented 6 years ago

That sounds like which is a sandbox error that they're working on.

In the meantime, you'll need to reduce the sandbox level:

riknoll commented 6 years ago

Yeah, that's definitely it. I think we can close this.