Closed riknoll closed 6 years ago
Works on Firefox Mac.
Works on Firefox on my Surface book. Firefox 57.0.3
Tried on 57.0.4 and it works. (latest)
I'm on 57.0.4 on Windows. Here is the error:
Media resource data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRigAAABXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEARKwAAIhYAQACABAAZGF0YQQAAAAAAA== could not be decoded, error: Error Code: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_MEDIASINK_ERR (0x806e000b)
Details: OnMediaSinkAudioError
You're not using it over RDP, are you? How are you connecting headphones? Is there a Bluetooth device present?
I see a few results when searching for "0x806e000b" -- one of which involves restarting Windows Audio (i.e. "net stop AudioSrv && net start AudioSrv").
Does the Love-to-Code test page (currently broken apparently -- check our CI server at work at all for you?
The audioplayer on the test page doesn't work either, but I am connecting over RDP to a local VM.
That sounds like which is a sandbox error that they're working on.
In the meantime, you'll need to reduce the sandbox level:
Yeah, that's definitely it. I think we can close this.
You get a warning in the console about being unable to decode the media blob. Then the yellow bar appears at the bottom of the screen and never goes away.