microsoft / pybryt

Python library for pedagogical auto-assessment
MIT License
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PyBryt and ipykernel>=6.0 issue #114

Closed marijanbeg closed 3 years ago

marijanbeg commented 3 years ago

PyBryt did not work with ipykernel>=6.0. As a temporary fix, I fixed ipykernel to 5.5.5 in requirements.txt before one of the releases a few months ago. I hoped this problem could resolve itself on its own when ipykernel matures, but it did not.

marijanbeg commented 3 years ago

@chrispyles The error message:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_29646/ in <module>
      2 for subm in notebooks:
      3     print(subm)
----> 4     student_impls.append(pybryt.StudentImplementation(subm))
      6 student_impls

/data/programs/pybryt/pybryt/ in __init__(self, path_or_nb, addl_filenames, output, timeout)
     79             raise TypeError(f"path_or_nb is of unsupported type {type(path_or_nb)}")
---> 81         self._execute(timeout, addl_filenames=addl_filenames, output=output)
     83     def _execute(self, timeout: Optional[int], addl_filenames: List[str] = [], output: Optional[str] = None) -> NoReturn:

/data/programs/pybryt/pybryt/ in _execute(self, timeout, addl_filenames, output)
     92             output (``str``, optional): a path at which to write executed notebook
     93         """
---> 94         self.steps, self.values, self.calls, self.executed_nb = execute_notebook(
     95             self.nb, self.nb_path, addl_filenames=addl_filenames, output=output, timeout=timeout,
     96         )

/data/programs/pybryt/pybryt/execution/ in execute_notebook(nb, nb_path, addl_filenames, output, timeout)
     92     os.remove(observed_fp)
---> 94     n_steps = max([t[1] for t in observed])
     96     return n_steps, observed, calls, nb

ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
chrispyles commented 3 years ago

@marijanbeg what version of ipykernel is producing this error? Also can you send the notebook that produced it? I'm running the demos with ipykernel==6.5.0 and everything is working fine.

marijanbeg commented 3 years ago

Hi @chrispyles, I have just created a fresh environment (exported to yml, appended at the end) and tried to run The error is the same as the one above:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/var/folders/lr/hsg067s53m3bw35fmxmfyb680000gn/T/ipykernel_36406/ in <module>
      1 with pybryt.check(pybryt_reference(1, 1)):
----> 2     insertion_sort([55, 111, -33, 65, 1001, -362, 451])

~/repos/tmp/pybryt/pybryt/ in __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
    423     def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
--> 424         tracing_off(save_func=False)
    426         if self._frame is not None:

ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence


name: pbtest
  - defaults
  - ca-certificates=2021.10.26=hecd8cb5_2
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    - appnope==0.1.2
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    - ipykernel==6.5.0
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    - nest-asyncio==1.5.1
    - notebook==6.4.5
    - numpy==1.21.4
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    - pytz==2021.3
    - pyzmq==22.3.0
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    - qtpy==1.11.2
    - send2trash==1.8.0
    - six==1.16.0
    - terminado==0.12.1
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    - widgetsnbextension==3.5.2
prefix: /Users/marijanbeg/miniconda3/envs/pbtest

I hope this helps. Please let me know if I can provide any further information.