microsoft / python-language-server

Microsoft Language Server for Python
Apache License 2.0
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No symbols found in Outline when in a multi-root workspace #1536

Open memeplex opened 4 years ago

memeplex commented 4 years ago

Environment data

Expected behaviour

Every python file in any of my projects in the workspace gets a proper outline.

Actual behaviour

When I launch vscode and there is an open file, files for that project generally get an outline. But files for other projects often don't. This is not "fixed" by editing the source file like other reports might suggest. The only fix I've found is to restart vscode with that file open, but then other files in other projects fail to get their outline... One thing is sure: when a file for a project gets an outline, all files for that project also get one, and, conversely, when a file for a project doesn't get its ouline, all the project is doomed.

The problem is not observed when using Jedi instead of MS-PLS.

One thing that surprises me is that I get:

Watching /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Daat
Watching /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Leech
Watching /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Macross

while my workspace config is:

    "folders": [
            "path": "/home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd"
            "path": "/home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Daat"
            "path": "/home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Leech"

So Macross is not required while Gcd is missing in the PLS log.

All of the projects are installed with pip using --user -e . and accessible from any python REPL.


[Info  - 12:20:21 PM] Analysis cache path: /home/carlos/.cache/Microsoft/Python Language Server
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM] GetCurrentSearchPaths /usr/bin/python3 
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM] Interpreter search paths:
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /usr/lib/python3.7
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /home/carlos/Library/Python
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Daat
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Leech
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Macross
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM]     /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
[Info  - 12:20:21 PM] User search paths:
[Info  - 12:20:22 PM] Microsoft Python Language Server version
[Info  - 12:20:22 PM] Initializing for /usr/bin/python3
Watching /usr/lib/python3.7
Watching /home/carlos/Library/Python
Watching /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Watching /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Daat
Watching /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Leech
Watching /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Macross
Watching /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
Watching /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Opening document file:///home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/
Analysis of gcd.meka(User) queued
Import:  os /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  re /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of re(Stub) queued
Analysis of re(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  sys /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of sys(Stub) queued
Analysis of os(Library) queued
Import:  shelve /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  textwrap /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  distutils.core /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.command.build_ext /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/command/ 
Import:  gcd.etc /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ 
Import:  gcd.nix /home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ 
Import:  enum /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  sre_compile /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  sre_parse /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  functools /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _locale /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  copyreg /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  sre_constants /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  abc /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  stat /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  posix /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  posixpath /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  ntpath /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of enum(Stub) queued
Import:  warnings /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of os(Stub) queued
Import:  _collections_abc /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  subprocess /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  io /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis version 20 of 18 entries has started.
Analysis of io(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _io /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of os.path(Stub) queued
Analysis of sys(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Import:  types /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of shelve(Library) canceled.
Analysis of _io(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of textwrap(Library) canceled.
Analysis of shelve(Stub) queued
Analysis of types(Library) queued
Analysis of io(Stub) queued
Analysis of mmap(Stub) queued
Analysis of codecs(Stub) queued
Analysis of collections(Stub) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of distutils.core(Library) canceled.
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Library) canceled.
Analysis of gcd.etc(User) canceled.
Analysis of gcd.nix(User) canceled.
Analysis of shelve(Library) queued
Import:  pickle /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  collections /usr/lib/python3.7/collections/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3.7/collections/ 
Import:  dbm /usr/lib/python3.7/dbm/ 
Analysis of enum(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _collections /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of _collections(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of textwrap(Stub) queued
Analysis of subprocess(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  time /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of textwrap(Library) queued
Import:  signal /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  errno /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  threading /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _posixsubprocess /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  select /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  selectors /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of distutils.core(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.extension(Stub) queued
Analysis of dbm(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.dist(Stub) queued
Import:  struct /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  dbm.ndbm /usr/lib/python3.7/dbm/ 
Analysis of dbm.ndbm(Library) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  _dbm /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of _dbm(Compiled) queued
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Stub) queued
Analysis of struct(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _struct /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of _struct(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of struct(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.core(Library) queued
Analysis of queued
Import:  distutils.debug /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.errors /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.dist /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.cmd /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.config /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.extension /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of distutils.extension(Library) queued
Analysis of gcd.nix(User) queued
Import:  distutils.sysconfig /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.text_file /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.util /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  fcntl /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  argparse /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  contextlib /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of distutils.util(Library) queued
Import:  importlib /usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/ 
Import:  importlib.util /usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/ 
Import:  string /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  distutils.dep_util /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.spawn /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.log /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  _osx_support /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  pwd /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  tempfile /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  py_compile /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  lib2to3.refactor /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Import:  distutils.dir_util /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.file_util /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  distutils.filelist /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Library) queued
Import:  fnmatch /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of fnmatch(Library) queued
Analysis of fnmatch(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.file_util(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.file_util(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.dir_util(Library) queued
Import:  sysconfig /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of sys(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 150.1094 ms.
Analysis of sysconfig(Library) queued
Import:  pprint /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of selectors(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  math /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of math(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of pprint(Library) queued
Analysis of pprint(Stub) queued
Analysis of math(Stub) queued
Analysis of sysconfig(Stub) queued
Analysis of selectors(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.dir_util(Stub) queued
Analysis of collections(Library) queued
Import:  operator /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of enum(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 38.4741 ms.
Import:  keyword /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  heapq /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of socket(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _weakref /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  itertools /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of lib2to3.refactor(Library) queued
Import:  reprlib /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  copy /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  logging /usr/lib/python3.7/logging/ 
Analysis of select(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2 /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.driver /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.token /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Analysis of copy(Library) queued
Import:  lib2to3.fixer_util /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Import:  lib2to3 /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Analysis of re(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 3.5579 ms.
Import:  lib2to3.pytree /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pygram /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Import:  lib2to3.btm_matcher /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Import:  multiprocessing /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  weakref /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing(Stub) queued
Analysis of select(Stub) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.context /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.btm_matcher(Library) queued
Import:  lib2to3.btm_utils /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Stub) queued
Analysis of sre_constants(Library) canceled.
Analysis of copyreg(Library) canceled.
Analysis of functools(Library) canceled.
Analysis of sre_parse(Library) canceled.
Analysis of weakref(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_compile(Library) canceled.
Analysis of queue(Stub) queued
Import:  _weakrefset /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of gcd.nix(User) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  atexit /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of lib2to3.btm_utils(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  gc /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Stub) queued
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.grammar /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Analysis of gc(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of gc(Stub) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Stub) queued
Analysis of atexit(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.grammar(Library) queued
Analysis of atexit(Stub) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Stub) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.grammar(Stub) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Stub) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Library) queued
Analysis of _weakrefset(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Stub) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Stub) queued
Analysis of _weakrefset(Stub) queued
Analysis of weakref(Stub) queued
Analysis of copy(Stub) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Library) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.process /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Library) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.reduction /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Analysis of reprlib(Library) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.managers /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.connection /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.synchronize /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Stub) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.queues /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.pool /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.sharedctypes /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.spawn /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.util /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Analysis of os(Library) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.forkserver /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.popen_fork /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.popen_spawn_posix /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.popen_forkserver /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32 /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _thread /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of lib2to3(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3(Stub) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_forkserver(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.fixer_util(Library) queued
Import:  lib2to3.patcomp /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.forkserver(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Library) queued
Import:  socket /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Import:  queue /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.patcomp(Library) queued
Import:  traceback /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.dummy /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/dummy/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.literals /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.parse /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.util(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Library) queued
Import:  shutil /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_fork(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.parse(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  array /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of array(Stub) queued
Import:  multiprocessing.dummy.connection /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/dummy/ 
Analysis of distutils.debug(Stub) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy.connection(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.debug(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy.connection(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.errors(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.errors(Library) queued
Analysis of array(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_posix(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.parse(Stub) queued
Analysis of shutil(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.literals(Library) queued
Analysis of traceback(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.literals(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  zlib /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of shutil(Stub) queued
Import:  bz2 /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  lzma /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of traceback(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  grp /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  tarfile /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  zipfile /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  linecache /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.spawn(Library) queued
Analysis of linecache(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.sharedctypes(Library) queued
Analysis of queue(Library) queued
Import:  runpy /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  tokenize /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  ctypes /usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/ 
Import:  multiprocessing.heap /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  _queue /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of _queue(Compiled) queued
Analysis of tokenize(Library) queued
Import:  codecs /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.heap(Library) queued
Import:  token /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Library) queued
Analysis of token(Library) queued
Import:  bisect /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  mmap /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Create compiled (scraped):  _multiprocessing /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Import:  hmac /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  xmlrpc /usr/lib/python3.7/xmlrpc/ 
Import:  xmlrpc.client /usr/lib/python3.7/xmlrpc/ 
Analysis of enum(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 136.8144 ms.
Import:  multiprocessing.resource_sharer /usr/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/ 
Analysis of os(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 334.4849 ms.
Analysis of _thread(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.resource_sharer(Library) queued
Analysis of _thread(Stub) queued
Analysis of ctypes(Library) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  _ctypes /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of pickle(Stub) queued
Import:  ctypes._endian /usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Library) queued
Analysis of ctypes._endian(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_compile(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Stub) queued
Analysis of _ctypes(Compiled) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.reduction(Library) queued
Out of order analysis of gcd.nix(User) completed in 279.2572 ms.
Analysis of re(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 32.3254 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Library) queued
Analysis of xmlrpc.client(Library) queued
Analysis of ctypes(Stub) queued
Analysis of xmlrpc(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Stub) queued
Analysis of contextlib(Library) queued
Analysis of _posixsubprocess(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker(Library) queued
Analysis of _posixsubprocess(Stub) queued
Analysis of sre_compile(Library) queued
Analysis of hmac(Library) queued
Import:  base64 /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  datetime /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  decimal /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  http /usr/lib/python3.7/http/ 
Import:  http.client /usr/lib/python3.7/http/ 
Import:  urllib /usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/ 
Import:  urllib.parse /usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/ 
Analysis of contextlib(Stub) queued
Import:  xml.parsers /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/parsers/ 
Analysis of threading(Library) queued
Import:  xml.parsers.expat /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/parsers/ 
Import:  gzip /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _sre /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _operator /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of socket(Library) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  _hashlib /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Import:  hashlib /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  _threading_local /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Library) queued
Analysis of _threading_local(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _socket /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  site /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of hashlib(Library) queued
Import:  distutils.ccompiler /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of gcd.meka(User) queued
Import:  concurrent.futures /usr/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/ 
Import:  distutils._msvccompiler /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of hashlib(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _sha1 /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _md5 /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _sha256 /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _sha512 /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of distutils._msvccompiler(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _blake2 /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _sha3 /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of _sha3(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Import:  json /usr/lib/python3.7/json/ 
Import:  glob /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Library) queued
Analysis of glob(Library) queued
Analysis of _blake2(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of glob(Stub) queued
Analysis of _sha512(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of argparse(Library) queued
Analysis of _sha256(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of reprlib(Stub) queued
Analysis of _md5(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of json(Library) queued
Analysis of _sha1(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of json(Stub) queued
Analysis of gcd.etc(User) queued
Analysis of concurrent.futures(Library) queued
Import:  gettext /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.dist(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.config(Library) queued
Analysis of fcntl(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of itertools(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of fcntl(Stub) queued
Analysis of argparse(Stub) queued
Import:  json.decoder /usr/lib/python3.7/json/ 
Analysis of _locale(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of sre_constants(Stub) queued
Analysis of abc(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.text_file(Stub) queued
Analysis of sre_parse(Stub) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of stat(Stub) queued
Analysis of posix(Stub) queued
Analysis of types(Stub) queued
Analysis of posixpath(Stub) queued
Import:  json.encoder /usr/lib/python3.7/json/ 
Analysis of distutils.sysconfig(Stub) queued
Analysis of json.encoder(Stub) queued
Import:  jinja2 /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of json.decoder(Stub) queued
Import:  concurrent.futures._base /usr/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/ 
Analysis of functools(Stub) queued
Analysis of ntpath(Stub) queued
Import:  concurrent.futures.process /usr/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/ 
Analysis of distutils.text_file(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2(Stub) queued
Import:  concurrent.futures.thread /usr/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/ 
Import:  distutils.archive_util /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of abc(Library) queued
Analysis of warnings(Stub) queued
Analysis of concurrent.futures(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.util(Stub) queued
Analysis of itertools(Stub) queued
Analysis of functools(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.sysconfig(Library) queued
Import:  distutils.fancy_getopt /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of posixpath(Library) queued
Analysis of operator(Stub) queued
Import:  email /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of copyreg(Library) queued
Analysis of stat(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_constants(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_parse(Library) queued
Import:  configparser /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of json.encoder(Library) queued
Analysis of json.decoder(Library) queued
Import:  distutils.command /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/command/ 
Analysis of errno(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of errno(Stub) queued
Import:  distutils.versionpredicate /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Analysis of pickle(Library) queued
Import:  cgi /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of concurrent.futures._base(Stub) queued
Analysis of site(Stub) queued
Analysis of _collections_abc(Library) queued
Analysis of importlib(Stub) queued
Analysis of configparser(Stub) queued
Analysis of subprocess(Stub) queued
Analysis of keyword(Stub) queued
Analysis of signal(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2(Library) queued
Analysis of _threading_local(Stub) queued
Analysis of heapq(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.ccompiler(Stub) queued
Analysis of _weakref(Stub) queued
Analysis of _socket(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of _weakref(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of concurrent.futures.process(Stub) queued
Analysis of time(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of distutils.dep_util(Stub) queued
Analysis of importlib.util(Stub) queued
Analysis of threading(Stub) queued
Analysis of string(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.command(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils(Library) queued
Analysis of heapq(Library) queued
Import:  locale /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of email(Library) queued
Analysis of operator(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.log(Stub) queued
Analysis of email(Stub) queued
Analysis of ntpath(Library) queued
Analysis of concurrent.futures.thread(Stub) queued
Analysis of locale(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.ccompiler(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _abc /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  _py_abc /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of distutils.log(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _functools /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _imp /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  genericpath /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of pwd(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _stat /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of concurrent.futures.thread(Library) queued
Analysis of time(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.spawn(Stub) queued
Analysis of posix(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of py_compile(Stub) queued
Analysis of gcd.meka(User) on depth 0 completed  in 769.1654 ms.
Analysis of distutils.fancy_getopt(Library) queued
Analysis of gettext(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.fancy_getopt(Stub) queued
Analysis of gettext(Stub) queued
Analysis of py_compile(Library) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  _json /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of distutils.archive_util(Stub) queued
Analysis of site(Library) queued
Import:  json.scanner /usr/lib/python3.7/json/ 
Analysis of importlib(Library) queued
Analysis of tempfile(Stub) queued
Analysis of concurrent.futures.process(Library) queued
Analysis of string(Library) queued
Analysis of _osx_support(Library) queued
Analysis of warnings(Library) queued
Analysis of keyword(Library) queued
Analysis of tempfile(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.dep_util(Library) queued
Analysis of signal(Stub) queued
Analysis of logging(Stub) queued
Analysis of pwd(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of _hashlib(Compiled) queued
Analysis of distutils.archive_util(Library) queued
Import:  _compat_pickle /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of _importlib_modulespec(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.spawn(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _pickle /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of concurrent.futures._base(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.command(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2(Stub) queued
Import:  doctest /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of jinja2.environment(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.loaders(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _signal /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of distutils.versionpredicate(Library) queued
Analysis version 20 of 18 entries has been completed in 1227.5565 ms.
Analysis version 305 of 267 entries has started.
Import:  jinja2.environment /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.driver(Stub) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize(Stub) queued
Analysis of zlib(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of bz2(Stub) queued
Analysis of zlib(Stub) queued
Import:  jinja2.loaders /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of importlib.util(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.token(Library) queued
Analysis of _functools(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of _abc(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of jinja2.exceptions(Stub) queued
Analysis of lzma(Stub) queued
Analysis of bz2(Library) queued
Analysis of _imp(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.runtime(Stub) queued
Analysis of _imp(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of jinja2.utils(Stub) queued
Analysis of copyreg(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 1.2686 ms.
Analysis of cgi(Stub) queued
Analysis of genericpath(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_constants(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_constants(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 3.2837 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.driver(Library) queued
Analysis of _stat(Stub) queued
Analysis of _operator(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of grp(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.bccache(Stub) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.token(Stub) queued
Analysis of grp(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Import:  jinja2.bccache /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of _json(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.filters(Stub) queued
Analysis of _operator(Stub) queued
Analysis of _stat(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of lzma(Library) queued
Analysis of abc(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 78.0739 ms.
Analysis of linecache(Stub) queued
Import:  jinja2.runtime /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of _json(Compiled) queued
Analysis of _py_abc(Library) queued
Analysis of tarfile(Stub) queued
Analysis of stat(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 130.7404 ms.
Analysis of runpy(Stub) queued
Import:  jinja2.exceptions /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of json.scanner(Library) queued
Analysis of tokenize(Stub) queued
Import:  jinja2.filters /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of _sre(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of cgi(Library) queued
Analysis of zipfile(Stub) queued
Analysis of logging(Library) queued
Import:  jinja2.utils /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of locale(Library) queued
Analysis of _compat_pickle(Library) queued
Analysis of runpy(Library) queued
Import:  jinja2.asyncsupport /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _heapq /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of gcd.etc(User) queued
Analysis of _pickle(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Import:  email.parser /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  getopt /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of jinja2.bccache(Library) queued
Import:  importlib._bootstrap_external /usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/ 
Import:  importlib.machinery /usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/ 
Import:  _sitebuiltins /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  readline /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of jinja2.runtime(Library) queued
Import:  rlcompleter /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  sitecustomize /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  importlib._bootstrap /usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/ 
Analysis of doctest(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _string /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  tracemalloc /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _warnings /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  distutils.version /usr/lib/python3.7/distutils/ 
Import:  random /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of configparser(Library) queued
Import: /usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/ 
Import:  _compression /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  _bz2 /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Import:  pkgutil /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  lib2to3.pgen2.pgen /usr/lib/python3.7/lib2to3/pgen2/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  _lzma /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Import:  email.message /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  html /usr/lib/python3.7/html/ 
Import:  encodings /usr/lib/python3.7/encodings/ 
Analysis of zipfile(Library) queued
Import:  encodings.aliases /usr/lib/python3.7/encodings/ 
Import:  _bootlocale /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of doctest(Library) queued
Analysis of gcd.etc(User) on depth 0 completed  in 253.4816 ms.
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  marshal /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  jinja2._compat /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of posixpath(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 263.3413 ms.
Import:  jinja2.nodes /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  binascii /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  __future__ /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of _collections(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 14.8362 ms.
Import:  difflib /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  inspect /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  pdb /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  unittest /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of unittest(Library) queued
Analysis of tarfile(Library) queued
Analysis of codecs(Library) queued
Import:  unittest.result /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of sre_parse(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 261.708 ms.
Analysis of token(Stub) queued
Analysis of textwrap(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 13.8102 ms.
Import:  unittest.suite /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of pkgutil(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.dist(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 0.2718 ms.
Import:  unittest.loader /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of email.parser(Stub) queued
Analysis of _dbm(Compiled) on depth 4 completed  in 0.4629 ms.
Import:  unittest.main /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of _struct(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.4586 ms.
Import:  unittest.runner /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of _signal(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Import:  unittest.signals /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Analysis of functools(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 251.084 ms.
Analysis of unittest.signals(Library) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _codecs /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of email.feedparser(Stub) queued
Analysis of pkgutil(Library) queued
Analysis of _codecs(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of bisect(Stub) queued
Analysis of _codecs(Stub) queued
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  zipimport /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of jinja2.environment(Library) queued
Analysis of zipimport(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of zipimport(Stub) queued
Analysis of unittest.runner(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.pgen(Stub) queued
Analysis of bisect(Library) queued
Analysis of unittest.main(Library) queued
Import:  jinja2.defaults /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Import:  jinja2.lexer /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.pgen(Library) queued
Analysis of ntpath(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 71.3422 ms.
Import:  jinja2.parser /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Import:  jinja2.compiler /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of _lzma(Compiled) queued
Import:  imp /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  jinja2.debug /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _bisect /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of distutils.dist(Library) queued
Analysis of _bisect(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of warnings(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 19.4653 ms.
Analysis of mmap(Compiled) queued
Analysis of unittest.loader(Library) queued
Analysis of _bisect(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.asyncsupport(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.dist(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 73.6632 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.utils(Library) queued
Analysis of _multiprocessing(Compiled) queued
Analysis of unittest.suite(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.exceptions(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.debug(Library) queued
Analysis of importlib.machinery(Stub) queued
Analysis of _heapq(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.debug(Stub) queued
Analysis of html(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.text_file(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 16.2622 ms.
Import:  unittest.util /usr/lib/python3.7/unittest/ 
Import:  asyncio /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of jinja2.loaders(Library) queued
Analysis of imp(Library) queued
Import:  jinja2.asyncfilters /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Import:  jinja2.constants /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Analysis of imp(Stub) queued
Import:  markupsafe /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/markupsafe/ 
Analysis of email.message(Library) queued
Analysis of unittest.util(Library) queued
Analysis of sitecustomize(Library) queued
Analysis of _heapq(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of email.parser(Library) queued
Analysis of html(Library) queued
Analysis of hmac(Stub) queued
Analysis of encodings(Stub) queued
Analysis of markupsafe(Library) queued
Analysis of rlcompleter(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.constants(Library) queued
Analysis of encodings(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.constants(Stub) queued
Analysis of rlcompleter(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.defaults(Stub) queued
Analysis of _string(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of jinja2.defaults(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.asyncfilters(Library) queued
Analysis of _warnings(Stub) queued
Analysis of markupsafe(Stub) queued
Analysis of marshal(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of email.policy(Stub) queued
Analysis of _bz2(Compiled) queued
Analysis of jinja2._compat(Stub) queued
Analysis of tracemalloc(Library) queued
Analysis of _compression(Library) queued
Analysis of datetime(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.filters(Library) queued
Analysis of _bootlocale(Library) queued
Analysis of _compression(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2._compat(Library) queued
Analysis of readline(Compiled) queued
Analysis of getopt(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.nodes(Stub) queued
Analysis of readline(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio(Library) queued
Analysis of decimal(Library) queued
Analysis of decimal(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.message(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.version(Stub) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of http(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.version(Library) queued
Analysis of encodings.aliases(Library) queued
Analysis of base64(Stub) queued
Analysis of marshal(Stub) queued
Analysis of tracemalloc(Stub) queued
Analysis of _warnings(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of signal(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 40.8288 ms.
Analysis of _sitebuiltins(Library) queued
Analysis of binascii(Stub) queued
Analysis of importlib.machinery(Library) queued
Analysis of http.client(Stub) queued
Analysis of urllib(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio(Stub) queued
Analysis of importlib._bootstrap(Library) queued
Analysis of binascii(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of base64(Library) queued
Analysis of urllib(Library) queued
Analysis of __future__(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.config(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 63.185 ms.
Analysis of inspect(Stub) queued
Analysis of _io(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 294.8926 ms.
Analysis of random(Library) queued
Analysis of random(Stub) queued
Analysis of difflib(Stub) queued
Analysis of pdb(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.parsers(Library) queued
Analysis of unittest.result(Library) queued
Analysis of unittest(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.parsers.expat(Library) queued
Analysis of getopt(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.parsers(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 178.2161 ms.
Analysis of gzip(Stub) queued
Analysis of http(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.compiler(Stub) queued
Analysis of gzip(Library) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of urllib.parse(Stub) queued
Analysis of __future__(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.lexer(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.lexer(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.parser(Stub) queued
Analysis of urllib.parse(Library) queued
Import:  pkg_resources /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/ 
Analysis of xml.parsers.expat(Stub) queued
Import:  uu /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of pkg_resources(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.nodes(Library) queued
Import:  quopri /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of uu(Stub) queued
Analysis of quopri(Stub) queued
Import:  email.utils /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.errors /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email._policybase /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of pdb(Library) queued
Analysis of email.errors(Library) queued
Analysis of email.errors(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.utils(Library) queued
Analysis of email._policybase(Library) queued
Import:  email.charset /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of email.utils(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.charset(Stub) queued
Analysis of datetime(Library) queued
Import:  email._encoded_words /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.generator /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.iterators /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of email.generator(Stub) queued
Import:  email.policy /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of email.iterators(Stub) queued
Analysis of uu(Library) queued
Import:  apport_python_hook /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ 
Analysis of email._encoded_words(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.compiler(Library) queued
Analysis of email.iterators(Library) queued
Import:  html.entities /usr/lib/python3.7/html/ 
Analysis of html.entities(Stub) queued
Import:  email.feedparser /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of email.policy(Library) queued
Analysis of importlib._bootstrap_external(Library) queued
Analysis of quopri(Library) queued
Analysis of email.charset(Library) queued
Analysis of apport_python_hook(Library) queued
Analysis of email.generator(Library) queued
Import:  markupsafe._compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/markupsafe/ 
Import:  markupsafe._constants /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/markupsafe/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  markupsafe._speedups /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/markupsafe/ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages 
Analysis of email.feedparser(Library) queued
Import:  markupsafe._native /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/markupsafe/ 
Analysis of difflib(Library) queued
Analysis of http.client(Library) queued
Import:  encodings.mbcs /usr/lib/python3.7/encodings/ 
Import:  jinja2.tests /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _tracemalloc /usr/bin/python3 
Create compiled (scraped):  _decimal /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Import:  _pydecimal /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of html.entities(Library) queued
Analysis of jinja2.parser(Library) queued
Import:  asyncio.base_events /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.coroutines /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of inspect(Library) queued
Analysis of _collections_abc(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 804.9737 ms.
Import:  asyncio.futures /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of pickle(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 653.5458 ms.
Analysis of distutils.sysconfig(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 517.4918 ms.
Analysis of argparse(Library) queued
Import:  asyncio.locks /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of pkg_resources(Library) queued
Import:  asyncio.protocols /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.runners /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of markupsafe._compat(Stub) queued
Analysis of markupsafe._compat(Library) queued
Analysis of markupsafe._constants(Stub) queued
Analysis of markupsafe._constants(Library) queued
Import:  asyncio.queues /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.streams /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of markupsafe._speedups(Stub) queued
Import:  asyncio.subprocess /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.tasks /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.transports /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.windows_events /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.unix_events /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  pydoc /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _random /usr/bin/python3 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  pyexpat /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of xml(Stub) queued
Import:  jinja2._identifier /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  unicodedata /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  cmd /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  bdb /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  dis /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  code /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  shlex /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  email._parseaddr /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.header /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  _strptime /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _datetime /usr/bin/python3 
Import:  optparse /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  jinja2.visitor /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Import:  jinja2.optimizer /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Import:  jinja2.idtracking /home/carlos/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jinja2/ 
Import:  email.headerregistry /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.contentmanager /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.base64mime /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.quoprimime /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Import:  email.encoders /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of argparse(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 872.8818 ms.
Analysis of _osx_support(Library) queued
Import:  apport.fileutils /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/ 
Import:  apport /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/ 
Import:  ssl /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of importlib(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.4843 ms.
Import:  ast /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  platform /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of jinja2.visitor(Stub) queued
Import:  plistlib /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  pkg_resources.extern /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/extern/ 
Import:  pkg_resources.py31compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pkg_resources/ 
Analysis of jinja2._identifier(Library) queued
Analysis of pyexpat(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of pkg_resources.py31compat(Library) queued
Analysis of unicodedata(Stub) queued
Analysis of pyexpat(Stub) queued
Analysis of importlib.util(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 10.2487 ms.
Analysis of pkg_resources.extern(Library) queued
Analysis of markupsafe._speedups(Compiled) queued
Analysis of _random(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of distutils.dep_util(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 9.3669 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._native(Stub) queued
Analysis of _random(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 0.1449 ms.
Analysis of distutils.spawn(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 8.2802 ms.
Analysis of _osx_support(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 45.119 ms.
Analysis of distutils.log(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 0.9301 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dir_util(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 0.7237 ms.
Analysis of pyexpat.errors(Stub) queued
Analysis of string(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 18.4706 ms.
Analysis of unicodedata(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of markupsafe._native(Library) queued
Analysis of plistlib(Library) queued
Analysis of pyexpat.model(Stub) queued
Analysis of ssl(Stub) queued
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 0.3097 ms.
Analysis of distutils.file_util(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 0.4743 ms.
Analysis of plistlib(Stub) queued
Analysis of fnmatch(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 1.083 ms.
Analysis of sysconfig(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 1.1964 ms.
Analysis of cmd(Stub) queued
Analysis of _datetime(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of shlex(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.visitor(Library) queued
Analysis of dis(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.optimizer(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.tests(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.optimizer(Library) queued
Analysis of email.headerregistry(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.idtracking(Library) queued
Analysis of email._parseaddr(Library) queued
Analysis of encodings.mbcs(Library) queued
Analysis of email.contentmanager(Library) queued
Analysis of email.encoders(Library) queued
Analysis of apport(Library) queued
Analysis of email.quoprimime(Library) queued
Analysis of email.header(Stub) queued
Analysis of cmd(Library) queued
Analysis of email.header(Library) queued
Analysis of ast(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.encoders(Stub) queued
Analysis of jinja2.tests(Library) queued
Analysis of _tracemalloc(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of _tracemalloc(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.base64mime(Library) queued
Analysis of py_compile(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 122.057 ms.
Analysis of email.contentmanager(Stub) queued
Analysis of code(Library) queued
Analysis of optparse(Stub) queued
Analysis of code(Stub) queued
Analysis of shlex(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.coroutines(Stub) queued
Analysis of ast(Library) queued
Analysis of _strptime(Library) queued
Analysis of platform(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.coroutines(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.futures(Stub) queued
Analysis of operator(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 194.3042 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.locks(Stub) queued
Analysis of dis(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.runners(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.protocols(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.queues(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.headerregistry(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.protocols(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.futures(Library) queued
Analysis of keyword(Library) queued
Analysis of apport.fileutils(Library) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.token(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 42.3032 ms.
Analysis of copy(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 0.435 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.0371 ms.
Analysis of bdb(Library) queued
Analysis of tempfile(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 311.519 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.subprocess(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.transports(Stub) queued
Analysis of keyword(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 93.8247 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.queues(Library) queued
Analysis of ssl(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.transports(Library) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of asyncio.streams(Stub) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.driver(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 128.1136 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.locks(Library) queued
Analysis of platform(Library) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of asyncio.windows_events(Library) queued
Analysis of _decimal(Compiled) queued
Analysis of pydoc(Library) queued
Analysis of optparse(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.unix_events(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.subprocess(Library) queued
Analysis of heapq(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 202.5847 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.tasks(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.tasks(Library) queued
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 172.0059 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.streams(Library) queued
Import:  calendar /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of opcode(Stub) queued
Import:  apport.packaging_impl /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/ 
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _ast /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of calendar(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.base_events(Library) queued
Import:  asyncio.base_futures /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of _ast(Stub) queued
Import:  asyncio.constants /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.format_helpers /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of asyncio.constants(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.base_futures(Library) queued
Analysis of calendar(Library) queued
Import:  asyncio.log /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of asyncio.format_helpers(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.log(Library) queued
Import:  codeop /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  opcode /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  email._header_value_parser /usr/lib/python3.7/email/ 
Analysis of codeop(Library) queued
Import:  problem_report /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ 
Import:  contextvars /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of opcode(Library) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  _asyncio /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of codeop(Stub) queued
Analysis of contextvars(Library) queued
Analysis of _ast(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of apport.packaging_impl(Library) queued
Import:  concurrent /usr/lib/python3.7/concurrent/ 
Analysis of concurrent(Stub) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  _ssl /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of _asyncio(Compiled) queued
Analysis of concurrent(Library) queued
Analysis of logging(Library) queued
Import:  xml /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/ 
Analysis of problem_report(Library) queued
Import:  xml.dom /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Analysis of xml(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.dom(Library) queued
Import:  xml.dom.minidom /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Import:  urllib.error /usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/ 
Analysis of urllib.error(Stub) queued
Import:  urllib.request /usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/ 
Analysis of urllib.error(Library) queued
Analysis of _ssl(Compiled) queued
Import:  asyncio.base_subprocess /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.proactor_events /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.selector_events /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Import:  asyncio.windows_utils /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of urllib.request(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.windows_utils(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.base_subprocess(Library) queued
Analysis of logging(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 403.202 ms.
Import:  tty /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of tty(Stub) queued
Import:  pydoc_data /usr/lib/python3.7/pydoc_data/ 
Import:  pydoc_data.topics /usr/lib/python3.7/pydoc_data/ 
Analysis of email._header_value_parser(Library) queued
Analysis of _pydecimal(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.dom.minidom(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.selector_events(Library) queued
Analysis of tty(Library) queued
Analysis of pydoc_data(Library) queued
Analysis of asyncio.proactor_events(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 441.7403 ms.
Analysis of distutils.debug(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 0.1766 ms.
Import:  http.server /usr/lib/python3.7/http/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 0.4848 ms.
Import:  webbrowser /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of distutils.errors(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 3.1824 ms.
Import:  asyncio.base_tasks /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Analysis of queue(Stub) on depth 7 completed  in 3.4062 ms.
Analysis of atexit(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 0.3142 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_tasks(Library) queued
Analysis of gc(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 1.2006 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.grammar(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 0.8495 ms.
Analysis of http.server(Stub) queued
Analysis of urllib.request(Library) queued
Analysis of lzma(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 16.8144 ms.
Analysis of _queue(Compiled) on depth 8 completed  in 0.8019 ms.
Import:  asyncio.sslproto /usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  _opcode /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Create compiled (scraped):  _contextvars /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Import:  apt /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/ 
Import:  apport.packaging /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport/ 
Import:  launchpadlib.launchpad /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/ 
Analysis of webbrowser(Library) queued
Import:  email.mime.multipart /usr/lib/python3.7/email/mime/ 
Import:  email.mime.base /usr/lib/python3.7/email/mime/ 
Import:  email.mime.text /usr/lib/python3.7/email/mime/ 
Import:  xml.dom.domreg /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Import:  urllib.response /usr/lib/python3.7/urllib/ 
Import:  numbers /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  xml.dom.minicompat /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Import:  xml.dom.xmlbuilder /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Analysis of http.server(Library) queued
Import:  xml.dom.expatbuilder /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Import:  xml.dom.pulldom /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Analysis of _weakrefset(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 49.5509 ms.
Create compiled (scraped):  termios /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload/ /usr/lib/python3.7/lib-dynload 
Analysis of webbrowser(Stub) queued
Import:  http.cookiejar /usr/lib/python3.7/http/ 
Analysis of lib2to3(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 0.0265 ms.
Analysis of _opcode(Compiled) queued
Import:  mimetypes /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  ftplib /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  nturl2path /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of _contextvars(Compiled) queued
Import:  getpass /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of apt(Library) queued
Analysis of getpass(Library) queued
Analysis of apport.packaging(Library) queued
Analysis of getpass(Stub) queued
Analysis of asyncio.sslproto(Library) queued
Analysis of email.mime.multipart(Stub) queued
Analysis of nturl2path(Library) queued
Analysis of pydoc_data.topics(Library) queued
Analysis of nturl2path(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.mime.multipart(Library) queued
Analysis of email.mime.base(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.mime.base(Library) queued
Analysis of launchpadlib.launchpad(Library) queued
Analysis of email.mime.text(Stub) queued
Analysis of bz2(Library) queued
Analysis of email.mime.text(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.dom.domreg(Library) queued
Analysis of codecs(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 72.8766 ms.
Analysis of _thread(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 0.3237 ms.
Analysis of ftplib(Library) queued
Analysis of urllib.response(Stub) queued
Analysis of ftplib(Stub) queued
Analysis of bz2(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 16.9257 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.literals(Stub) on depth 7 completed  in 0.3839 ms.
Analysis of urllib.response(Library) queued
Analysis of zipfile(Library) queued
Analysis of http.cookiejar(Stub) queued
Analysis of _ctypes(Compiled) on depth 8 completed  in 19.4571 ms.
Analysis of mimetypes(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.dom.minicompat(Library) queued
Analysis of numbers(Stub) queued
Analysis of runpy(Library) queued
Analysis of numbers(Library) queued
Analysis of bisect(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 1.8732 ms.
Analysis of xmlrpc(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 0.0471 ms.
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 0.0175 ms.
Analysis of termios(Stub) queued
Analysis of termios(Compiled) queued
Analysis of runpy(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 20.2438 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.pulldom(Library) queued
Analysis of socketserver(Stub) queued
Analysis of mimetypes(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.dom.xmlbuilder(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.dom.expatbuilder(Library) queued
Import:  socketserver /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  apt.package /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/ 
Analysis of socketserver(Library) queued
Analysis of apt_pkg(Stub) queued
Analysis of http.cookiejar(Library) queued
Import:  apt.cache /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/ 
Import:  apt.cdrom /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/ 
Import:  httplib2 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/httplib2/ 
Analysis of apt.cdrom(Library) queued
Import:  lazr.restfulclient.resource /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/ 
Import:  lazr.restfulclient.authorize.oauth /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/authorize/ 
Analysis of base64(Library) queued
Import:  lazr.restfulclient._browser /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/ 
Import:  launchpadlib.credentials /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/ 
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.authorize.oauth(Library) queued
Analysis of apt.cache(Library) queued
Analysis of base64(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 118.2273 ms.
Import:  launchpadlib /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/ 
Analysis of launchpadlib(Library) queued
Import:  launchpadlib.uris /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/launchpadlib/ 
Import:  email.mime.nonmultipart /usr/lib/python3.7/email/mime/ 
Analysis of email.mime.nonmultipart(Stub) queued
Analysis of email.mime.nonmultipart(Library) queued
Import:  netrc /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of apt.package(Library) queued
Analysis of launchpadlib.uris(Library) queued
Analysis of netrc(Stub) queued
Import:  xml.sax /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/sax/ 
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient._browser(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.sax(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.sax(Library) queued
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.resource(Library) queued
Analysis of launchpadlib.credentials(Library) queued
Import:  xml.sax.handler /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/sax/ 
Analysis of xml.sax.handler(Stub) queued
Import:  xml.dom.NodeFilter /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/dom/ 
Analysis of xml.sax.handler(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.dom.NodeFilter(Library) queued
Analysis of netrc(Library) queued
Analysis of tarfile(Library) queued
Analysis of httplib2(Library) queued
Import:  apt.progress.base /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/progress/ 
Analysis of zipfile(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 222.0883 ms.
Import:  oauthlib /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/ 
Analysis of oauthlib(Library) queued
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/ 
Import:  six /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ 
Import:  lazr.restfulclient.authorize /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/authorize/ 
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1(Library) queued
Analysis of apt.progress.base(Library) queued
Analysis of six(Stub) queued
Import:  lazr.restfulclient.errors /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/ 
Import:  distro /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ 
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.errors(Library) queued
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.authorize(Library) queued
Import:  apt.progress /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/progress/ 
Analysis of apt.progress(Library) queued
Import:  apt.progress.text /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt/progress/ 
Import:  lazr.uri /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/uri/ 
Import:  simplejson /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Analysis of six(Library) queued
Analysis of lazr.uri(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson(Stub) queued
Analysis of distro(Library) queued
Analysis of apt.progress.text(Library) queued
Import:  wadllib.application /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wadllib/ 
Analysis of tarfile(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 253.3394 ms.
Import:  lazr.restfulclient._json /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/ 
Import:  xml.sax.xmlreader /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/sax/ 
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient._json(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson(Library) queued
Import:  xml.sax._exceptions /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/sax/ 
Import:  xml.sax.expatreader /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/sax/ 
Analysis of xml.sax.xmlreader(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.sax._exceptions(Library) queued
Import:  lazr.restfulclient /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/restfulclient/ 
Analysis of xml.sax.xmlreader(Library) queued
Import:  keyring /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient(Library) queued
Analysis of keyring(Library) queued
Import:  httplib2.socks /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/httplib2/ 
Import:  httplib2.iri2uri /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/httplib2/ 
Analysis of httplib2.iri2uri(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.sax.expatreader(Library) queued
Analysis of wadllib.application(Library) queued
Analysis of httplib2.socks(Library) queued
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.request_validator /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/ 
Analysis of datetime(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 266.2157 ms.
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.errors /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/ 
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849(Library) queued
Analysis of decimal(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 1.0558 ms.
Import:  lazr.uri._uri /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lazr/uri/ 
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.request_validator(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson.scanner(Stub) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.errors(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson.decoder(Stub) queued
Analysis of simplejson.encoder(Stub) queued
Analysis of http(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 9.6922 ms.
Import:  simplejson.errors /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Analysis of urllib(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 0.0311 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 0.0165 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.parsers.expat(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 0.2972 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.errors(Library) queued
Analysis of six.moves(Stub) queued
Analysis of concurrent.futures(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 0.601 ms.
Analysis of _posixsubprocess(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 0.8485 ms.
Analysis of lazr.uri._uri(Library) queued
Analysis of site(Library) queued
Analysis of _sha3(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 9 completed  in 7.7405 ms.
Import:  simplejson.raw_json /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Import:  simplejson.decoder /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Analysis of json(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.1273 ms.
Import:  simplejson.encoder /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Analysis of simplejson.raw_json(Library) queued
Analysis of site(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 19.7215 ms.
Import:  simplejson.ordered_dict /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Create compiled (scraped):  simplejson._speedups /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages 
Import:  simplejson.scanner /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Import:  xml.sax.saxutils /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/sax/ 
Import:  keyring.core /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Analysis of simplejson.ordered_dict(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson.scanner(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.sax.saxutils(Stub) queued
Analysis of keyring.core(Library) queued
Import:  xml.etree /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/etree/ 
Analysis of xml.etree(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.etree(Library) queued
Import:  xml.etree.cElementTree /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/etree/ 
Analysis of xml.etree.cElementTree(Stub) queued
Import:  wadllib /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wadllib/ 
Analysis of xml.etree.cElementTree(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.ccompiler(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 56.0758 ms.
Import:  wadllib.iso_strptime /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wadllib/ 
Analysis of wadllib(Library) queued
Analysis of gzip(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 56.5028 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.saxutils(Library) queued
Analysis of wadllib.iso_strptime(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson.encoder(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson.decoder(Library) queued
Analysis of os.path(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 40.4015 ms.
Analysis of simplejson._speedups(Compiled) queued
Analysis of mmap(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 56.5534 ms.
Analysis of codecs(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 57.3 ms.
Analysis of pprint(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 0.9409 ms.
Analysis of traceback(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 2.7391 ms.
Import:  oauthlib.common /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.parameters /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/ 
Analysis of builtins(Stub) queued
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.signature /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/ 
Analysis of urllib.parse(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 87.1907 ms.
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.utils /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.base /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.request_token /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.authorization /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.access_token /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.resource /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.signature_only /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Import:  oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.pre_configured /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/endpoints/ 
Analysis of http.client(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 140.6875 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.common(Library) queued
Analysis of distutils.extension(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 0.4053 ms.
Analysis of collections(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 100.4868 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.parameters(Library) queued
Import:  keyring.py27compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Import:  keyring.py33compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Analysis of array(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 4.166 ms.
Import:  keyring.backend /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Import:  keyring.util /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/util/ 
Analysis of math(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 3.4347 ms.
Import:  keyring.util.platform_ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/util/ 
Analysis of select(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 11.4402 ms.
Import:  keyring.backends /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/backends/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/backends/ 
Import:  xml.etree.ElementTree /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/etree/ 
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.utils(Library) queued
Import:  simplejson.compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/simplejson/ 
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.signature(Library) queued
Analysis of simplejson.compat(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.base(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.request_token(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.authorization(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.access_token(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.signature_only(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.resource(Library) queued
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.pre_configured(Library) queued
Analysis of six.moves.builtins(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.configparser(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.http_cookiejar(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.http_cookies(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves._dummy_thread(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.html_parser(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.html_entities(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.http_client(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_multipart(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_nonmultipart(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_base(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_text(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.BaseHTTPServer(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.CGIHTTPServer(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.SimpleHTTPServer(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.cPickle(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.reprlib(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.queue(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.socketserver(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves._thread(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_dialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_filedialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_ttk(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_constants(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_commondialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_tkfiledialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.urllib_error(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.urllib_parse(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.urllib_robotparser(Stub) queued
Analysis of keyring.py33compat(Library) queued
Analysis of ctypes(Stub) on depth 8 completed  in 72.9511 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib(Stub) queued
Analysis of keyring.py27compat(Library) queued
Analysis of sre_compile(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 0.4205 ms.
Analysis of hashlib(Stub) on depth 9 completed  in 1.9864 ms.
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 2.5134 ms.
Analysis of dbm.ndbm(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 0.6542 ms.
Analysis of keyring.util(Library) queued
Analysis of contextlib(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 4.2655 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementTree(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 7.7945 ms.
Analysis of keyring.util.platform_(Library) queued
Analysis of keyring.backend(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy.connection(Stub) on depth 9 completed  in 1.0249 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 25.4026 ms.
Analysis of atexit(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 5 completed  in 0.1401 ms.
Analysis of keyring.backends(Library) queued
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementTree(Stub) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of gc(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 5 completed  in 0.5504 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 1.035 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 1.9655 ms.
Import:  secrets /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of weakref(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 26.7222 ms.
Analysis of secrets(Stub) queued
Import:  jwt /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Analysis of on depth 3 completed  in 0.6015 ms.
Analysis of secrets(Library) queued
Import:  jwt.algorithms /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Analysis of jwt(Stub) queued
Analysis of jwt.algorithms(Stub) queued
Analysis of jwt(Library) queued
Analysis of struct(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 12.3774 ms.
Import:  xml.etree.ElementPath /usr/lib/python3.7/xml/etree/ 
Analysis of distutils.errors(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 45.0296 ms.
Create built-in compiled (scraped) module:  _elementtree /usr/bin/python3 
Analysis of lib2to3(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.0228 ms.
Import:  entrypoints /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ 
Analysis of http.cookies(Stub) queued
Import:  keyring.credentials /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Analysis of array(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 7 completed  in 2.1779 ms.
Import:  keyring.errors /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/util/ 
Analysis of queued
Analysis of _dummy_thread(Stub) queued
Analysis of tkinter.dialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of jwt.algorithms(Library) queued
Analysis of keyring.errors(Library) queued
Analysis of html.parser(Stub) queued
Analysis of _posixsubprocess(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.1108 ms.
Analysis of _weakrefset(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 7.6771 ms.
Analysis of keyring.credentials(Library) queued
Analysis of _thread(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 1.6411 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.filedialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of tkinter.ttk(Stub) queued
Analysis of hashlib(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 18.9801 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.constants(Stub) queued
Analysis of entrypoints(Library) queued
Analysis of tkinter.commondialog(Stub) queued
Analysis of urllib.robotparser(Stub) queued
Analysis of struct(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 0.6819 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.error(Stub) queued
Analysis of _elementtree(CompiledBuiltin) queued
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.parse(Stub) queued
Analysis of tkinter(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementPath(Library) queued
Analysis of socket(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 22.8373 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.response(Stub) queued
Analysis of math(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 1.9571 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.robotparser(Stub) queued
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementPath(Stub) queued
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.request(Stub) queued
Analysis of select(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 32.3755 ms.
Analysis of distutils.core(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 1.4539 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.parse(Stub) on depth 7 completed  in 1.368 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Stub) on depth 8 completed  in 1.09 ms.
Analysis of reprlib(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 39.9988 ms.
Analysis of on depth 2 completed  in 0.3118 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 1.198 ms.
Import:  jwt.api_jwt /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Analysis of shelve(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 1.1692 ms.
Import:  jwt.api_jws /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Import:  jwt.exceptions /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Analysis of io(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 41.9234 ms.
Import:  keyring.py32compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/keyring/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.parse(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 1.16 ms.
Import:  jwt.compat /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Analysis of hmac(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 3.4721 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 2.3483 ms.
Import:  jwt.utils /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/jwt/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ 
Analysis of jwt.api_jwt(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Import: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Analysis of io(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 18.3355 ms.
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/ 
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 19.6217 ms.
Import:  cryptography.exceptions /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/ 
Analysis of selectors(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 23.8326 ms.
Analysis of _markupbase(Stub) queued
Analysis of jwt.exceptions(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.exceptions(Library) queued
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 1.8005 ms.
Analysis of jwt.api_jws(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends(Library) queued
Analysis of keyring.py32compat(Library) queued
Analysis of jwt.compat(Library) queued
Analysis of jwt.utils(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization(Library) queued
Analysis of queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Import:  cryptography /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/ 
Import:  cryptography.utils /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/ 
Analysis of cryptography(Library) queued
Analysis of sys(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 1 completed  in 31.4711 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Analysis of cryptography.utils(Library) queued
Import:  fractions /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa(Library) queued
Analysis of fractions(Stub) queued
Analysis of fractions(Library) queued
Analysis of types(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 25.0837 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.7783 ms.
Analysis of ctypes._endian(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 2.6436 ms.
Analysis of os(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 94.8366 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend(Library) queued
Analysis of copy(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 21.0072 ms.
Analysis of shutil(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 2.6698 ms.
Import:  cryptography.__about__ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/ 
Analysis of cryptography.__about__(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto.algos /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 27.2403 ms.
Import:  cryptography.x509 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.aead /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.x509(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.ciphers /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.cmac /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.decode_asn1 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.aead(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.cmac(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.dh /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.dsa /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.ciphers(Library) queued
Import: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.encode_asn1 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.dh(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.dsa(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto.algos(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.decode_asn1(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.encode_asn1(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.hashes /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.hmac /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of weakref(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 83.5603 ms.
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.hashes(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x25519 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.hmac(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl.binding /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x25519(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/kdf/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/kdf/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl.binding(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa(Library) queued
Analysis of xmlrpc.client(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 139.3033 ms.
Analysis of sre_compile(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 142.1662 ms.
Import:  cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Import:  cryptography.x509.base /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Analysis of cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.x509.extensions /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Import:  cryptography.x509.general_name /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Analysis of cryptography.x509.general_name(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.x509.base(Library) queued
Import: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Import:  cryptography.x509.oid /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/x509/ 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/ 
Analysis of queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.constant_time /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ 
Analysis of cryptography.x509.oid(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.mac /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.constant_time(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.mac(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dh /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Analysis of cryptography.x509.extensions(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.utils /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/backends/openssl/ 
Import:  ipaddress /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dh(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto.core /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.utils(Library) queued
Analysis of ipaddress(Stub) queued
Import:  asn1crypto._errors /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Import:  asn1crypto._int /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto._errors(Library) queued
Analysis of collections(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 81.5611 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.literals(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 13.0036 ms.
Import:  asn1crypto.util /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of textwrap(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 15.817 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._int(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/asymmetric/ 
Analysis of token(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 34.8144 ms.
Create compiled (scraped):  cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages 
Analysis of ipaddress(Library) queued
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto.util(Library) queued
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl._conditional /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/openssl/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl._conditional(Library) queued
Analysis of selectors(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 92.405 ms.
Analysis of pprint(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 94.9979 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.core(Library) queued
Analysis of contextlib(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 113.2336 ms.
Analysis of tokenize(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 77.5127 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.grammar(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 8.7101 ms.
Import:  idna /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/idna/ 
Analysis of _threading_local(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 13.666 ms.
Analysis of idna(Library) queued
Create compiled (scraped):  cryptography.hazmat.bindings._constant_time /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages 
Import:  cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.base /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cryptography/hazmat/primitives/ciphers/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings._constant_time(Compiled) queued
Import:  asn1crypto.keys /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.base(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto._ffi /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto._ffi(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/_perf/ 
Import:  asn1crypto._iri /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto._ordereddict /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Import:  asn1crypto._types /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Import:  asn1crypto._inet /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto._types(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto._ordereddict(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl(Compiled) queued
Import:  asn1crypto._teletex_codec /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto._iri(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto.keys(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto.parser /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto._inet(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto._teletex_codec(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto.parser(Library) queued
Analysis of threading(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 33.5509 ms.
Import:  idna.package_data /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/idna/ 
Analysis of idna.package_data(Library) queued
Import:  idna.core /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/idna/ 
Import:  ctypes.util /usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/ 
Analysis of ctypes.util(Stub) queued
Import:  encodings.idna /usr/lib/python3.7/encodings/ 
Import:  asn1crypto._elliptic_curve /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of idna.core(Library) queued
Import:  asn1crypto.version /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asn1crypto/ 
Analysis of asn1crypto.version(Library) queued
Analysis of encodings.idna(Library) queued
Analysis of ctypes.util(Library) queued
Analysis of asn1crypto._elliptic_curve(Library) queued
Import:  idna.idnadata /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/idna/ 
Import:  idna.intranges /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/idna/ 
Import:  idna.uts46data /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/idna/ 
Analysis of idna.intranges(Library) queued
Import:  stringprep /usr/lib/python3.7/ 
Import:  ctypes._aix /usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/ 
Analysis of stringprep(Stub) queued
Analysis of idna.idnadata(Library) queued
Analysis of ctypes._aix(Library) queued
Analysis of stringprep(Library) queued
Analysis of subprocess(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 90.5087 ms.
Analysis of linecache(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 16.95 ms.
Analysis of traceback(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 5.1665 ms.
Analysis of distutils.debug(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 0.2403 ms.
Analysis of idna.uts46data(Library) queued
Analysis of fnmatch(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.1543 ms.
Analysis of queue(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 5.3376 ms.
Analysis of distutils.file_util(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 4.9293 ms.
Analysis of dbm(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 6.658 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 7.2858 ms.
Analysis of socket(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 17.0751 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.resource_sharer(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 5.13 ms.
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 6.0496 ms.
Analysis of sysconfig(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 18.5024 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy.connection(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 1.2726 ms.
Analysis of glob(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 8.2244 ms.
Analysis of shelve(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 1.88 ms.
Analysis of shutil(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 20.0948 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 20.1961 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dir_util(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 0.6635 ms.
Analysis of ctypes(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 26.6666 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_forkserver(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 1.478 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.patcomp(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 2.6468 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.btm_utils(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 4.5566 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.btm_matcher(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 10.0558 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 13.8626 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.fixer_util(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 13.0985 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.spawn(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.2144 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.5697 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.reduction(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.9584 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.993 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_posix(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 2.6548 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.forkserver(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 15.031 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 12.1961 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.heap(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 13.2155 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.util(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 14.8089 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_fork(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 1.0866 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.sharedctypes(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 5.3031 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 5.3463 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 4.8998 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 59.6793 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 43.0111 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 2.5726 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.refactor(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 14.2588 ms.
Analysis of distutils.util(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 5.5128 ms.
Analysis of distutils.extension(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 4.8595 ms.
Analysis of distutils.core(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 0.9954 ms.
Analysis of distutils._msvccompiler(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 8.8337 ms.
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 6.3928 ms.
Analysis version 305 has been completed in 3381.9384 ms with 210 entries analyzed and 57 entries skipped.
Analysis version 1271 of 1195 entries has started.
Analysis of mmap(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 5.839 ms.
Analysis of _dbm(Compiled) on depth 4 completed for library in 11.3275 ms.
Analysis of posix(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 11.3648 ms.
Analysis of abc(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 11.373 ms.
Analysis of copyreg(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 11.3866 ms.
Analysis of textwrap(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 5.2562 ms.
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.2894 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dist(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.6467 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dir_util(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.5376 ms.
Analysis of distutils.util(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.5934 ms.
Analysis of _struct(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.8739 ms.
Analysis of distutils.file_util(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.3051 ms.
Analysis of fnmatch(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.3934 ms.
Analysis of copy(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.4346 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 0.2092 ms.
Analysis of sysconfig(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.6918 ms.
Analysis of atexit(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.2557 ms.
Analysis of gc(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.93 ms.
Analysis of queue(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.6898 ms.
Analysis of _io(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 14.8041 ms.
Analysis of _weakrefset(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 3.0065 ms.
Analysis of distutils.debug(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.0846 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 3.2993 ms.
Analysis of xmlrpc(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.2185 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.literals(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.4967 ms.
Analysis of _queue(Compiled) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.7147 ms.
Analysis of _multiprocessing(Compiled) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.7542 ms.
Analysis of distutils.errors(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.9396 ms.
Analysis of _ctypes(Compiled) on depth 2 completed for library in 1.7598 ms.
Analysis of sre_constants(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.2517 ms.
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.0177 ms.
Analysis of _sha1(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.1777 ms.
Analysis of _posixsubprocess(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.2468 ms.
Analysis of _md5(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.16 ms.
Analysis of _sha256(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.2926 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.7552 ms.
Analysis of _sha512(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.4635 ms.
Analysis of _hashlib(Compiled) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.2572 ms.
Analysis of _thread(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.2475 ms.
Analysis of _blake2(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 14.0691 ms.
Analysis of _sre(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.3615 ms.
Analysis of distutils.text_file(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.5322 ms.
Analysis of json.encoder(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.6555 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.bccache(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.1359 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.exceptions(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.744 ms.
Analysis of itertools(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 2.4843 ms.
Analysis of _abc(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.2953 ms.
Analysis of _functools(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.4167 ms.
Analysis of distutils.ccompiler(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 3.7853 ms.
Analysis of _compat_pickle(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.1244 ms.
Analysis of _pickle(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 2.491 ms.
Analysis of distutils(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.0282 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.filters(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.96 ms.
Analysis of distutils.command(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.0183 ms.
Analysis of keyword(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.2427 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dep_util(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.2459 ms.
Analysis of _sha3(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 5.8674 ms.
Analysis of distutils.log(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.5319 ms.
Analysis of distutils.spawn(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.1801 ms.
Analysis of pwd(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.2482 ms.
Analysis of distutils.archive_util(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.2572 ms.
Analysis of _string(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.0736 ms.
Analysis of string(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.0331 ms.
Analysis of distutils.fancy_getopt(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.6197 ms.
Analysis of _bz2(Compiled) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.7067 ms.
Analysis of gettext(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.1298 ms.
Analysis of _stat(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.8398 ms.
Analysis of _json(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.4411 ms.
Analysis of _lzma(Compiled) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.7078 ms.
Analysis of runpy(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.8129 ms.
Analysis of grp(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.6101 ms.
Analysis of _socket(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 6 completed  in 26.7092 ms.
Analysis of encodings.aliases(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 17.2463 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.constants(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.1191 ms.
Analysis of html(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.2313 ms.
Analysis of _heapq(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.4877 ms.
Analysis of _bisect(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.5175 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.tests(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5316 ms.
Analysis of bisect(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.3789 ms.
Analysis of marshal(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.246 ms.
Analysis of _warnings(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.409 ms.
Analysis of email.contentmanager(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 0.4092 ms.
Analysis of urllib(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.0271 ms.
Analysis of getopt(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5096 ms.
Analysis of email.errors(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.7699 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.debug(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 3.0686 ms.
Analysis of decimal(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 30.0917 ms.
Analysis of importlib._bootstrap(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 30.9751 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.nodes(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 12.8771 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.coroutines(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5242 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.runners(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.9263 ms.
Analysis of xml(Stub) on depth 7 completed  in 0.169 ms.
Analysis of jinja2._identifier(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.0475 ms.
Analysis of email.charset(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.1431 ms.
Analysis of pyexpat.model(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.0968 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.visitor(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.345 ms.
Analysis of quopri(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.3155 ms.
Analysis of html.entities(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.3053 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._constants(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.207 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.transports(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.8177 ms.
Analysis of cmd(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 10.8719 ms.
Analysis of unicodedata(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 11.2638 ms.
Analysis of pydoc_data(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.0384 ms.
Analysis of _tracemalloc(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5115 ms.
Analysis of pydoc_data.topics(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5118 ms.
Analysis of concurrent(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.0428 ms.
Analysis of _opcode(Compiled) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.1052 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.parser(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 13.2016 ms.
Analysis of _contextvars(Compiled) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.2447 ms.
Analysis of getpass(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.2258 ms.
Analysis of tty(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.4063 ms.
Analysis of launchpadlib(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.0295 ms.
Analysis of nturl2path(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.1527 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.lexer(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 16.4769 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.NodeFilter(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.3665 ms.
Analysis of _asyncio(Compiled) on depth 5 completed for library in 6.5453 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.errors(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 6.0702 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.scanner(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.5171 ms.
Analysis of netrc(Stub) on depth 9 completed for library in 2.1538 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.xmlreader(Stub) on depth 10 completed for library in 26.2306 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.decoder(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 24.4109 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.handler(Stub) on depth 9 completed for library in 27.0921 ms.
Analysis of apt_pkg(Stub) on depth 8 completed  in 34.9431 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.encoder(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.4931 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.errors(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.6818 ms.
Analysis of keyring.backends(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.026 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.raw_json(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.2017 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.builtins(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1972 ms.
Analysis of simplejson._speedups(Compiled) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.4731 ms.
Analysis of _ssl(Compiled) on depth 6 completed for library in 37.3078 ms.
Analysis of termios(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 36.5806 ms.
Analysis of on depth 11 completed  in 2.4627 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.0503 ms.
Analysis of jwt.algorithms(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.2117 ms.
Analysis of http.cookies(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 1.3958 ms.
Analysis of _decimal(Compiled) on depth 6 completed for library in 54.5304 ms.
Analysis of jwt.exceptions(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 1.0438 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.commondialog(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.3263 ms.
Analysis of _markupbase(Stub) on depth 14 completed for library in 0.2956 ms.
Analysis of _elementtree(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 12 completed  in 2.1115 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings._constant_time(Compiled) on depth 17 completed for library in 0.8073 ms.
Analysis of idna.package_data(Library) on depth 18 completed for library in 0.0343 ms.
Analysis of stringprep(Stub) on depth 20 completed for library in 0.7236 ms.
Analysis of dbm.ndbm(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.347 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.constants(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 4.2987 ms.
Analysis of _dummy_thread(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 23.8007 ms.
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 19.861 ms.
Analysis of atexit(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.1281 ms.
Analysis of gc(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.9343 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.ordered_dict(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 28.5141 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.queue(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.3535 ms.
Analysis of idna.idnadata(Library) on depth 19 completed for library in 23.8995 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy.connection(Stub) on depth 9 completed for library in 1.7916 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.5517 ms.
Analysis of sre_parse(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 3.7273 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.0367 ms.
Analysis of six.moves._thread(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1869 ms.
Analysis of _posixsubprocess(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.103 ms.
Analysis of _thread(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 1.2658 ms.
Analysis of io(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 47.8993 ms.
Analysis of distutils.errors(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 27.9653 ms.
Analysis of itertools(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 1 completed  in 29.3603 ms.
Analysis of distutils.command(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.1347 ms.
Analysis of _stat(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.7456 ms.
Analysis of _json(Compiled) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.3694 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.constants(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.0475 ms.
Analysis of _bisect(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 5 completed  in 0.0984 ms.
Analysis of distutils.sysconfig(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.5046 ms.
Analysis of grp(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.9466 ms.
Analysis of pwd(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 1.8026 ms.
Analysis of _heapq(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.4853 ms.
Analysis of marshal(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.1112 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.defaults(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.4645 ms.
Analysis of _warnings(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.3387 ms.
Analysis of email.header(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.6052 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._constants(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.5233 ms.
Analysis of urllib(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.0658 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.optimizer(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 26.7544 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.compiler(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 33.1604 ms.
Analysis of email.errors(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 43.7878 ms.
Analysis of idna.uts46data(Library) on depth 19 completed for library in 106.7694 ms.
Analysis of html.entities(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 63.3807 ms.
Analysis of concurrent(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.0621 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.html_entities(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.3503 ms.
Analysis of _tracemalloc(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.2881 ms.
Analysis of contextvars(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.1718 ms.
Analysis of simplejson(Stub) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.4568 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.protocols(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 1.0217 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.0205 ms.
Analysis of jwt(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 1.2448 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_commondialog(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.0987 ms.
Analysis of termios(Compiled) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.5552 ms.
Analysis of idna(Library) on depth 17 completed  in 0.5506 ms.
Analysis of six.moves._dummy_thread(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1107 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_constants(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2205 ms.
Analysis of unicodedata(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 5 completed  in 3.6978 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.transports(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 4.0724 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.http_cookies(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 2.3568 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.handler(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 6.5466 ms.
Analysis of os(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 29.5296 ms.
Analysis of bisect(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.7492 ms.
Analysis of tty(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.9441 ms.
Analysis of idna.intranges(Library) on depth 19 completed for library in 0.7863 ms.
Analysis of on depth 3 completed  in 5.2887 ms.
Analysis of sys(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 2.9762 ms.
Analysis of os.path(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 2.3184 ms.
Analysis of _importlib_modulespec(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 3.3508 ms.
Analysis of stringprep(Library) on depth 19 completed for library in 16.6005 ms.
Analysis of tkinter(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 49.2536 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.7075 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.dialog(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.7152 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_dialog(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.4259 ms.
Analysis of types(Stub) on depth 2 completed  in 11.0048 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.filedialog(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 2.266 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_filedialog(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2757 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_tkfiledialog(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.3687 ms.
Analysis of codecs(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 14.751 ms.
Analysis of mmap(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.9692 ms.
Analysis of io(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 3.726 ms.
Analysis of os(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 34.1234 ms.
Analysis of on depth 3 completed for library in 3.7538 ms.
Analysis of sys(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 3.4978 ms.
Analysis of _importlib_modulespec(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.7167 ms.
Analysis of os.path(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 3.1288 ms.
Analysis of types(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 16.6399 ms.
Analysis of codecs(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 6.1923 ms.
Analysis of enum(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.7699 ms.
Analysis of distutils.extension(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.4779 ms.
Analysis of subprocess(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 4.5451 ms.
Analysis of array(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 4.625 ms.
Analysis of mmap(Compiled) on depth 7 completed for library in 4.917 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.3995 ms.
Analysis of pprint(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.654 ms.
Analysis of select(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.842 ms.
Analysis of math(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 3.1351 ms.
Analysis of shutil(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 3.7811 ms.
Analysis of _weakref(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.6834 ms.
Analysis of linecache(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.7941 ms.
Analysis of traceback(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 39.0113 ms.
Analysis of token(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 36.9414 ms.
Analysis of threading(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 44.6912 ms.
Analysis of collections(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 60.1426 ms.
Analysis of ctypes(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 52.4281 ms.
Analysis of hmac(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.62 ms.
Analysis of pickle(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.4625 ms.
Analysis of glob(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.3289 ms.
Analysis of hashlib(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.3568 ms.
Analysis of contextlib(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 2.3799 ms.
Analysis of sre_compile(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.5412 ms.
Analysis of argparse(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 36.3697 ms.
Analysis of ntpath(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.0891 ms.
Analysis of posixpath(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 3.0953 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures._base(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 3.113 ms.
Analysis of functools(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 4.7078 ms.
Analysis of stat(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 5.1739 ms.
Analysis of json.decoder(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 5.3163 ms.
Analysis of operator(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 7.488 ms.
Analysis of importlib(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 0.7984 ms.
Analysis of site(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.0413 ms.
Analysis of heapq(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.5163 ms.
Analysis of time(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.2125 ms.
Analysis of email.policy(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 2.8211 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.token(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.7489 ms.
Analysis of py_compile(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.8457 ms.
Analysis of tempfile(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.2882 ms.
Analysis of bz2(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.2432 ms.
Analysis of zlib(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.2744 ms.
Analysis of lzma(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 13.6653 ms.
Analysis of locale(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 16.6747 ms.
Analysis of errno(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 21.9717 ms.
Analysis of tarfile(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 15.4226 ms.
Analysis of cgi(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 16.5045 ms.
Analysis of zipfile(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 16.5341 ms.
Analysis of rlcompleter(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.3552 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._compat(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.4147 ms.
Analysis of pkgutil(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.8361 ms.
Analysis of configparser(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 22.1476 ms.
Analysis of _codecs(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.5485 ms.
Analysis of urllib.parse(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 4.1721 ms.
Analysis of __future__(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.0821 ms.
Analysis of base64(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.3238 ms.
Analysis of binascii(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.663 ms.
Analysis of distutils.version(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.841 ms.
Analysis of pdb(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5337 ms.
Analysis of _random(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.6073 ms.
Analysis of readline(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 3.4779 ms.
Analysis of tracemalloc(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.783 ms.
Analysis of difflib(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.033 ms.
Analysis of uu(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.4076 ms.
Analysis of opcode(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.7292 ms.
Analysis of pyexpat.errors(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 21.9528 ms.
Analysis of shlex(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 22.1664 ms.
Analysis of code(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.6011 ms.
Analysis of mimetypes(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.7396 ms.
Analysis of webbrowser(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 3.2082 ms.
Analysis of numbers(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 4.4726 ms.
Analysis of urllib.robotparser(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.5062 ms.
Analysis of html.parser(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.7956 ms.
Analysis of inspect(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 32.8987 ms.
Analysis of tkinter.ttk(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 16.8019 ms.
Analysis of optparse(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 22.1439 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementTree(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 18.6715 ms.
Analysis of _ast(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 28.435 ms.
Analysis of ipaddress(Stub) on depth 17 completed for library in 44.3315 ms.
Analysis of encodings(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 8.0728 ms.
Analysis of ctypes.util(Stub) on depth 19 completed for library in 8.4305 ms.
Analysis of codeop(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 8.3975 ms.
Analysis of zipimport(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.6995 ms.
Analysis of warnings(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 9.0736 ms.
Analysis of urllib.response(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 1.0632 ms.
Analysis of platform(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.1728 ms.
Analysis of fcntl(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 1.9642 ms.
Analysis of _compression(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.6609 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.loaders(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 11.8471 ms.
Analysis of plistlib(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.2785 ms.
Analysis of http(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.4304 ms.
Analysis of struct(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.0682 ms.
Analysis of signal(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 2.503 ms.
Analysis of reprlib(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.3059 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.047 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.grammar(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.8865 ms.
Analysis of re(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 4.3753 ms.
Analysis of distutils.core(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 1.0859 ms.
Analysis of math(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 1 completed  in 1.3489 ms.
Analysis of _weakref(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.3837 ms.
Analysis of select(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 11.5008 ms.
Analysis of array(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 7 completed  in 14.355 ms.
Analysis of socket(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 19.5359 ms.
Analysis of tokenize(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 14.6247 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 14.4842 ms.
Analysis of on depth 3 completed  in 0.4058 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.cPickle(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.344 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures.thread(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.4904 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures.process(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.7333 ms.
Analysis of stat(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 2.1454 ms.
Analysis of _operator(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.6329 ms.
Analysis of json(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.278 ms.
Analysis of time(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 2.6968 ms.
Analysis of importlib.machinery(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 2.7832 ms.
Analysis of weakref(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 20.8444 ms.
Analysis of datetime(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 4.7944 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._speedups(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 0.293 ms.
Analysis of zlib(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 0.913 ms.
Analysis of errno(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.9722 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.token(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.9603 ms.
Analysis of _codecs(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 1.328 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.4486 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.configparser(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.3403 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib_parse(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2421 ms.
Analysis of jinja2._compat(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.2663 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.parse(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 2.4539 ms.
Analysis of _random(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 15.6678 ms.
Analysis of binascii(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 16.4433 ms.
Analysis of readline(Compiled) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.5732 ms.
Analysis of __future__(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 16.801 ms.
Analysis of random(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 17.2082 ms.
Analysis of dis(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.3991 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.robotparser(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.0914 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.html_parser(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.0913 ms.
Analysis of email.message(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 22.6343 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib_robotparser(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.0873 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.tkinter_ttk(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1348 ms.
Analysis of opcode(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.8033 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.cElementTree(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.1548 ms.
Analysis of pyexpat(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.2615 ms.
Analysis of ast(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.5489 ms.
Analysis of fractions(Stub) on depth 15 completed for library in 2.4412 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementPath(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 2.5055 ms.
Analysis of zipimport(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 4 completed  in 2.2696 ms.
Analysis of urllib.error(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.0171 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.response(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.2036 ms.
Analysis of fcntl(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 1 completed  in 0.5497 ms.
Analysis of gzip(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 2.0487 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.reprlib(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2996 ms.
Analysis of struct(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 0.7715 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.2328 ms.
Analysis of logging(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 35.6009 ms.
Analysis of _weakrefset(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 15.1299 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 16.0166 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.environment(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 18.8706 ms.
Analysis of reprlib(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 19.1184 ms.
Analysis of collections(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 24.0023 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.2201 ms.
Analysis of importlib.util(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 1.0699 ms.
Analysis of selectors(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.0807 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 1.4175 ms.
Analysis of socketserver(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 3.2163 ms.
Analysis of _threading_local(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.7054 ms.
Analysis of email.utils(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.4958 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 16.8848 ms.
Analysis of ssl(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 18.6518 ms.
Analysis of calendar(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 14.283 ms.
Analysis of codeop(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 2.2838 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.pgen(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 2.5831 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 5.2452 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.pre_configured(Library) on depth 11 completed  in 5.5708 ms.
Analysis of apt.progress(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 6.7337 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.__about__(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 8.6424 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.0302 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl(Library) on depth 15 completed  in 0.1413 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers(Library) on depth 16 completed  in 0.1374 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.version(Library) on depth 18 completed for library in 0.0379 ms.
Analysis of secrets(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.4216 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.error(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.1664 ms.
Analysis of email.contentmanager(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.3914 ms.
Analysis of _struct(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 0.3186 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl._conditional(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 1.1003 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib_error(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.0981 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers.expat(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.3037 ms.
Analysis of pyexpat(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 6 completed  in 1.1932 ms.
Analysis of _py_abc(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.6436 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.socketserver(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.5842 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.driver(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.3598 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.parse(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 11.4513 ms.
Analysis of on depth 3 completed for library in 0.2632 ms.
Analysis of importlib(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.4515 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 11.6629 ms.
Analysis of email.policy(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.6039 ms.
Analysis of struct(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.3532 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers(Stub) on depth 7 completed  in 0.3912 ms.
Analysis of ftplib(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 4.3291 ms.
Analysis of cryptography(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 0.5241 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 0.1806 ms.
Analysis of on depth 5 completed  in 6.1141 ms.
Analysis of unittest(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 21.789 ms.
Analysis of abc(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 4.9268 ms.
Analysis of shelve(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 8.7416 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.parse(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 8.8589 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 9.7605 ms.
Analysis of email.message(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 10.8759 ms.
Analysis of importlib.machinery(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.3028 ms.
Analysis of xml(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.757 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.queues(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 2.4976 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 4.6258 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.futures(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 2.7891 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.locks(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 4.1171 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.tasks(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 6.7888 ms.
Analysis of doctest(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 5.2527 ms.
Analysis of six(Stub) on depth 10 completed  in 55.3717 ms.
Analysis of _ast(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 5 completed  in 159.4575 ms.
Analysis of functools(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 68.5335 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._native(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 0.612 ms.
Analysis of email(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.6463 ms.
Analysis of email.feedparser(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.8599 ms.
Analysis of email.generator(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.2649 ms.
Analysis of email.headerregistry(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 4.4304 ms.
Analysis of io(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 4.6224 ms.
Analysis of email.iterators(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.4763 ms.
Analysis of email.encoders(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.3175 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.1569 ms.
Analysis of asyncio(Stub) on depth 4 completed  in 1.5018 ms.
Analysis of importlib.util(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.9117 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Stub) on depth 6 completed  in 1.8365 ms.
Analysis of numbers(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 9.9367 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._speedups(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.379 ms.
Analysis of http.client(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 12.6087 ms.
Analysis of xml(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.1198 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.base(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.6642 ms.
Analysis of types(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 13.0108 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax(Stub) on depth 9 completed for library in 1.6234 ms.
Analysis of email.parser(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.8054 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.0371 ms.
Analysis of http.server(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 3.4703 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.subprocess(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 2.1948 ms.
Analysis of operator(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 16.239 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.2732 ms.
Analysis of _imp(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.6572 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.streams(Stub) on depth 5 completed  in 3.2707 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.4301 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_base(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1105 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.http_client(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2989 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.nonmultipart(Stub) on depth 9 completed for library in 0.169 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.multipart(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.6568 ms.
Analysis of http.cookiejar(Stub) on depth 8 completed  in 2.8576 ms.
Analysis of copy(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 3.927 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.CGIHTTPServer(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1507 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.BaseHTTPServer(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1723 ms.
Analysis of _io(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 12.2267 ms.
Analysis of _imp(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 5.4969 ms.
Analysis of imp(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.5897 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.SimpleHTTPServer(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 5.3983 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.saxutils(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 18.779 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._native(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5092 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.text(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.6415 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_multipart(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2512 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.protocols(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.3967 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_nonmultipart(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.2445 ms.
Analysis of pkg_resources(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 28.0665 ms.
Analysis of _operator(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 20.0796 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 21.8228 ms.
Analysis of urllib.request(Stub) on depth 7 completed  in 7.6974 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._speedups(Compiled) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.1126 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.email_mime_text(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.1173 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.utils(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.726 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 2.2665 ms.
Analysis of io(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 3.6594 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Stub) on depth 6 completed for library in 15.1791 ms.
Analysis of http.cookiejar(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 15.407 ms.
Analysis of on depth 5 completed for library in 18.7251 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.runtime(Stub) on depth 3 completed  in 16.814 ms.
Analysis of weakref(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 27.2519 ms.
Analysis of sys(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 1 completed  in 23.2066 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.futures(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.7892 ms.
Analysis of _compression(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.9222 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.tasks(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.8321 ms.
Analysis of sre_constants(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 5.9965 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.queues(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.2815 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.locks(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 26.2854 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.loaders(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 27.1795 ms.
Analysis of urllib.request(Stub) on depth 7 completed for library in 31.5218 ms.
Analysis of _collections_abc(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 53.799 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.http_cookiejar(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.132 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers.expat(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 0.2643 ms.
Analysis of email.iterators(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 0.4031 ms.
Analysis of asyncio(Stub) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.983 ms.
Analysis of http.server(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 58.658 ms.
Analysis of encodings(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.8611 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib.request(Stub) on depth 13 completed for library in 1.8149 ms.
Analysis of on depth 2 completed  in 1.0565 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.subprocess(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 11.6695 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.streams(Stub) on depth 5 completed for library in 11.7936 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib(Stub) on depth 12 completed  in 10.5596 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.environment(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 15.5596 ms.
Analysis of codecs(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 15.2328 ms.
Analysis of encodings.mbcs(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.4454 ms.
Analysis of six.moves(Stub) on depth 11 completed  in 3.1914 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.runtime(Stub) on depth 3 completed for library in 4.4008 ms.
Analysis of jinja2(Stub) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.6119 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.protocols(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 5.3516 ms.
Analysis of six(Stub) on depth 10 completed for library in 3.2092 ms.
Analysis of six.moves.urllib(Stub) on depth 12 completed for library in 1.5607 ms.
Analysis of six.moves(Stub) on depth 11 completed for library in 16.684 ms.
Analysis of pydoc(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 91.549 ms.
Analysis of pdb(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 34.2822 ms.
Analysis of doctest(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 22.1313 ms.
Analysis of heapq(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 5.6048 ms.
Analysis of difflib(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 27.3595 ms.
Analysis of collections(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 25.4496 ms.
Analysis of _collections(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 1.5811 ms.
Analysis of unittest.util(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 5.7489 ms.
Analysis of tokenize(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 22.1306 ms.
Analysis of contextlib(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 23.077 ms.
Analysis of selectors(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 28.4714 ms.
Analysis of dis(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 16.0272 ms.
Analysis of shlex(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 11.7617 ms.
Analysis of ast(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 18.8524 ms.
Analysis of on depth 5 completed  in 68.8412 ms.
Analysis of urllib.parse(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 65.1526 ms.
Analysis of platform(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 36.6016 ms.
Analysis of ssl(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 41.7543 ms.
Analysis of email._header_value_parser(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 77.2579 ms.
Analysis of linecache(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 8.3921 ms.
Analysis of mimetypes(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 21.035 ms.
Analysis of email.headerregistry(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 28.1347 ms.
Analysis of webbrowser(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 30.7006 ms.
Analysis of email.policy(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 13.4031 ms.
Analysis of unittest.loader(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 43.3931 ms.
Analysis of traceback(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 16.3735 ms.
Analysis of tracemalloc(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 20.7922 ms.
Analysis of unittest.main(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 6.2867 ms.
Analysis of unittest(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.7049 ms.
Analysis of email.message(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 19.8479 ms.
Analysis of unittest.result(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 12.5711 ms.
Analysis of unittest.suite(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 14.9415 ms.
Analysis of unittest.runner(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 15.0751 ms.
Analysis of warnings(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 17.1519 ms.
Analysis of importlib._bootstrap_external(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 66.8054 ms.
Analysis of email.contentmanager(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 5.051 ms.
Analysis of email.feedparser(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 6.8586 ms.
Analysis of enum(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 18.3534 ms.
Analysis of locale(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 20.933 ms.
Analysis of sre_parse(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 21.3142 ms.
Analysis of inspect(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 94.1697 ms.
Analysis of random(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 6.3548 ms.
Analysis of importlib(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.9485 ms.
Analysis of importlib.machinery(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.1098 ms.
Analysis of on depth 4 completed  in 12.7324 ms.
Analysis of _bootlocale(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.7727 ms.
Analysis of signal(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 1.6308 ms.
Analysis of email.parser(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 2.3916 ms.
Analysis of _locale(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 1.0737 ms.
Analysis of plistlib(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 23.3223 ms.
Analysis of http(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 7.9807 ms.
Analysis of gettext(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 8.3308 ms.
Analysis of calendar(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 23.8102 ms.
Analysis of email(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 0.7876 ms.
Analysis of importlib.util(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 3.8151 ms.
Analysis of _signal(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 1.3533 ms.
Analysis of re(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 5.1835 ms.
Analysis of unittest.signals(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.0895 ms.
Analysis of pkgutil(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 7.6415 ms.
Analysis of getopt(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 2.3156 ms.
Analysis of bdb(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 19.4763 ms.
Analysis of optparse(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 21.9203 ms.
Analysis of sre_compile(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 30.7 ms.
Analysis of email._parseaddr(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 12.8504 ms.
Analysis of email._encoded_words(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 13.6124 ms.
Analysis of email.charset(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.9708 ms.
Analysis of _strptime(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 18.9881 ms.
Analysis of py_compile(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 7.5637 ms.
Analysis of argparse(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 50.4785 ms.
Analysis of email.header(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 14.9563 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings._openssl(Compiled) on depth 16 completed for library in 1351.9123 ms.
Analysis of http.client(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 46.5261 ms.
Analysis of zipfile(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 56.043 ms.
Analysis of fnmatch(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 0.7321 ms.
Analysis of html(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.1325 ms.
Analysis of keyword(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.9734 ms.
Analysis of textwrap(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 2.3984 ms.
Analysis of glob(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.3188 ms.
Analysis of string(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 3.8792 ms.
Analysis of runpy(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 4.7248 ms.
Analysis of token(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 6.054 ms.
Analysis of email.quoprimime(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 5.367 ms.
Analysis of quopri(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 10.3612 ms.
Analysis of email.utils(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 10.3284 ms.
Analysis of uu(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 11.2731 ms.
Analysis of base64(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 14.6695 ms.
Analysis of pprint(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 22.1015 ms.
Analysis of datetime(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 36.7024 ms.
Analysis of code(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.7566 ms.
Analysis of email.encoders(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 1.5236 ms.
Analysis of _datetime(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 6 completed  in 0.4829 ms.
Analysis of cmd(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.5695 ms.
Analysis of email.base64mime(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 15.5346 ms.
Analysis of email._policybase(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 19.0332 ms.
Analysis of ntpath(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 20.5558 ms.
Analysis of email.generator(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 20.2868 ms.
Analysis of shutil(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 26.3465 ms.
Analysis of os(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 8.6545 ms.
Analysis of bz2(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 17.9464 ms.
Analysis of lzma(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 18.4445 ms.
Analysis of genericpath(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 2.3185 ms.
Analysis of tempfile(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 26.9996 ms.
Analysis of pickle(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 57.0464 ms.
Analysis of threading(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 37.9075 ms.
Analysis of socket(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 34.581 ms.
Analysis of gzip(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 21.8178 ms.
Analysis of socketserver(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 22.6002 ms.
Analysis of _threading_local(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.2849 ms.
Analysis of posixpath(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 11.9667 ms.
Analysis of posix(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 57.0665 ms.
Analysis of logging(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 27.5497 ms.
Analysis of tarfile(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 78.0501 ms.
Analysis of hashlib(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 8.1526 ms.
Analysis of subprocess(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 45.4 ms.
Analysis of _functools(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.594 ms.
Analysis of functools(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 7.4702 ms.
Analysis of types(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 6.0418 ms.
Analysis of operator(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 7.9439 ms.
Analysis of _operator(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 19.6192 ms.
Analysis of copy(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 22.3193 ms.
Analysis of sys(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 1 completed  in 26.7837 ms.
Analysis of xml.parsers.expat(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.5042 ms.
Analysis of encodings(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.4018 ms.
Analysis of email.iterators(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.0579 ms.
Analysis of weakref(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 12.1469 ms.
Analysis of codecs(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 14.294 ms.
Analysis of encodings.mbcs(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.618 ms.
Analysis of http.server(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 54.1281 ms.
Analysis of _collections_abc(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 30.6829 ms.
Analysis of on depth 2 completed for library in 0.2511 ms.
Analysis of pydoc(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 73.0047 ms.
Analysis of pdb(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 41.7828 ms.
Analysis of doctest(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 19.5581 ms.
Analysis of heapq(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.9887 ms.
Analysis of difflib(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 21.8281 ms.
Analysis of collections(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 21.4929 ms.
Analysis of _collections(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 3 completed  in 1.1504 ms.
Analysis of unittest.util(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 14.7386 ms.
Analysis of contextlib(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 17.0872 ms.
Analysis of selectors(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 19.7583 ms.
Analysis of dis(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 20.0692 ms.
Analysis of shlex(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.5368 ms.
Analysis of tokenize(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 29.5944 ms.
Analysis of ast(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 13.7502 ms.
Analysis of urllib.parse(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 38.9844 ms.
Analysis of webbrowser(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 22.4315 ms.
Analysis of linecache(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.7945 ms.
Analysis of platform(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 26.8339 ms.
Analysis of ssl(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 33.1929 ms.
Analysis of mimetypes(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 9.7012 ms.
Analysis of on depth 5 completed for library in 62.6681 ms.
Analysis of traceback(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 7.1403 ms.
Analysis of tracemalloc(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 17.3505 ms.
Analysis of unittest.loader(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 22.8255 ms.
Analysis of warnings(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 9.3317 ms.
Analysis of importlib._bootstrap_external(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 40.866 ms.
Analysis of unittest.main(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 11.824 ms.
Analysis of random(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 12.5221 ms.
Analysis of importlib.machinery(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.8696 ms.
Analysis of on depth 4 completed for library in 7.2075 ms.
Analysis of unittest(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.2139 ms.
Analysis of sre_parse(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 46.7296 ms.
Analysis of locale(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 46.932 ms.
Analysis of importlib.util(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 25.5029 ms.
Analysis of enum(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 48.354 ms.
Analysis of importlib(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.2392 ms.
Analysis of unittest.result(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 4.5605 ms.
Analysis of inspect(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 92.0841 ms.
Analysis of unittest.runner(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 7.6932 ms.
Analysis of email._header_value_parser(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 114.6438 ms.
Analysis of unittest.suite(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 13.7764 ms.
Analysis of _locale(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 1.0667 ms.
Analysis of _bootlocale(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.6881 ms.
Analysis of py_compile(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 7.8009 ms.
Analysis of gettext(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 6.5784 ms.
Analysis of plistlib(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 22.0841 ms.
Analysis of signal(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 1.1356 ms.
Analysis of pkgutil(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 6.9394 ms.
Analysis of http(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.1714 ms.
Analysis of calendar(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 17.8638 ms.
Analysis of re(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 4.7638 ms.
Analysis of email.headerregistry(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 15.1256 ms.
Analysis of bdb(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 17.8776 ms.
Analysis of sre_compile(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 35.2593 ms.
Analysis of argparse(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 31.0957 ms.
Analysis of _signal(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 0.6922 ms.
Analysis of unittest.signals(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.1233 ms.
Analysis of getopt(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 4.7793 ms.
Analysis of runpy(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 5.1197 ms.
Analysis of _strptime(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 12.9384 ms.
Analysis of email._parseaddr(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 11.4983 ms.
Analysis of optparse(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 14.7786 ms.
Analysis of keyword(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.6423 ms.
Analysis of fnmatch(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.9473 ms.
Analysis of textwrap(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 3.4003 ms.
Analysis of glob(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.1333 ms.
Analysis of email.policy(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.209 ms.
Analysis of code(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.3015 ms.
Analysis of string(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 9.1171 ms.
Analysis of html(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.8656 ms.
Analysis of token(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 10.2491 ms.
Analysis of zipfile(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 65.6321 ms.
Analysis of email.quoprimime(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 5.6289 ms.
Analysis of base64(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 20.8334 ms.
Analysis of cmd(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.8862 ms.
Analysis of pprint(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 31.2474 ms.
Analysis of quopri(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.9041 ms.
Analysis of uu(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 4.2304 ms.
Analysis of shutil(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 17.9522 ms.
Analysis of ntpath(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 25.8735 ms.
Analysis of email.base64mime(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 12.6417 ms.
Analysis of email.encoders(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.4013 ms.
Analysis of email.message(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 30.6489 ms.
Analysis of pickle(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 62.275 ms.
Analysis of tempfile(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 15.1813 ms.
Analysis of datetime(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 48.2919 ms.
Analysis of tarfile(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 59.0979 ms.
Analysis of _datetime(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 6 completed  in 0.3156 ms.
Analysis of email.contentmanager(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 5.3869 ms.
Analysis of email.feedparser(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 6.4701 ms.
Analysis of email.parser(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.6985 ms.
Analysis of email(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.0458 ms.
Analysis of os(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 11.0388 ms.
Analysis of email.charset(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 9.05 ms.
Analysis of email._encoded_words(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 11.6238 ms.
Analysis of email.header(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 12.8431 ms.
Analysis of logging(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 25.8006 ms.
Analysis of threading(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 16.4334 ms.
Analysis of posix(CompiledBuiltin) on depth 2 completed  in 20.7534 ms.
Analysis of socket(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 29.1304 ms.
Analysis of lzma(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.9791 ms.
Analysis of bz2(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.4195 ms.
Analysis of genericpath(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.482 ms.
Analysis of email._policybase(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 5.6541 ms.
Analysis of email.utils(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.7076 ms.
Analysis of hashlib(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 10.3081 ms.
Analysis of http.client(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 47.5112 ms.
Analysis of posixpath(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 10.99 ms.
Analysis of _threading_local(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.3368 ms.
Analysis of gzip(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 20.8547 ms.
Analysis of socketserver(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 20.9645 ms.
Analysis of email.generator(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 14.9533 ms.
Analysis of subprocess(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 36.1508 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._compat(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.7807 ms.
Analysis of keyring.py32compat(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.426 ms.
Analysis of hmac(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.4134 ms.
Analysis of imp(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 3.6111 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._errors(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 16.3812 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.base(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 16.7318 ms.
Analysis of queue(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 18.8617 ms.
Analysis of distutils.log(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.6945 ms.
Analysis of dbm(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 5.3468 ms.
Analysis of cgi(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 28.4982 ms.
Analysis of distutils(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.1229 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 11.8813 ms.
Analysis of distutils.text_file(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 7.5789 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.355 ms.
Analysis of ctypes._endian(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 1.1003 ms.
Analysis of distutils.fancy_getopt(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.7692 ms.
Analysis of six(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 20.196 ms.
Analysis of _sitebuiltins(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 4.0263 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 6.9405 ms.
Analysis of jinja2._compat(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 11.574 ms.
Analysis of asyncio(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 9.8508 ms.
Analysis of configparser(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 53.8087 ms.
Analysis of http.cookiejar(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 55.4755 ms.
Analysis of _pydecimal(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 78.3725 ms.
Analysis of pkg_resources.extern(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.8995 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax._exceptions(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 1.1181 ms.
Analysis of apport(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.364 ms.
Analysis of apport.packaging(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 2.3104 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.domreg(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 2.0961 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.windows_utils(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.5144 ms.
Analysis of getpass(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 4.1175 ms.
Analysis of apt.progress.base(Library) on depth 9 completed  in 10.5395 ms.
Analysis of httplib2.socks(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 14.1355 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._types(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 0.9194 ms.
Analysis of nturl2path(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.1706 ms.
Analysis of keyring.errors(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 2.3526 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._teletex_codec(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 1.1606 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._ordereddict(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 5.2948 ms.
Analysis of encodings.idna(Library) on depth 18 completed for library in 6.2887 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.constants(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.3032 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.utils(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 6.7135 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.exceptions(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.9289 ms.
Analysis of wadllib.iso_strptime(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 1.4362 ms.
Analysis of idna.core(Library) on depth 18 completed  in 7.9379 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.literals(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 0.2434 ms.
Analysis of httplib2.iri2uri(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 2.1492 ms.
Analysis of json.scanner(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.6954 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementPath(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 1.6711 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.grammar(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.6218 ms.
Analysis of distutils.version(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.635 ms.
Analysis of keyring.util(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.6145 ms.
Analysis of rlcompleter(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 5.652 ms.
Analysis of netrc(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 5.784 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.scanner(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 2.0141 ms.
Analysis of keyring.util.platform_(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 2.3285 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.authorize(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 7.4784 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dep_util(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.2461 ms.
Analysis of distutils.debug(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.2949 ms.
Analysis of json.encoder(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 12.3984 ms.
Analysis of urllib.response(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.9769 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.log(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.1585 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 0.3706 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._native(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.1992 ms.
Analysis of secrets(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.4778 ms.
Analysis of on depth 12 completed for library in 0.3793 ms.
Analysis of lazr.uri._uri(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 12.4139 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.nonmultipart(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 0.9211 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.multipart(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.2166 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy.connection(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 1.0695 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.compat(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 3.157 ms.
Analysis of jwt.compat(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 4.5254 ms.
Analysis of shelve(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 2.7294 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures._base(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 8.5384 ms.
Analysis of _osx_support(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 18.6797 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.6652 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.mac(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 0.6404 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_tasks(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 1.1641 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.7995 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.interfaces(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 3.461 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.x509.certificate_transparency(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 0.7428 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.idtracking(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 4.9756 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.resource_sharer(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 7.7969 ms.
Analysis of keyring.py27compat(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 1.3557 ms.
Analysis of decimal(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.2199 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 8.8349 ms.
Analysis of distutils.config(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 11.6169 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.exceptions(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 17.7747 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.xmlreader(Library) on depth 9 completed  in 2.7408 ms.
Analysis of pkg_resources.py31compat(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.7204 ms.
Analysis of entrypoints(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 13.2813 ms.
Analysis of apt_pkg(Stub) on depth 8 completed for library in 25.4214 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.constant_time(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 0.5574 ms.
Analysis of ctypes(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 46.0894 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dh(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 1.7622 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._inet(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 2.9872 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 2.6132 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.bindings.openssl.binding(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 1.7137 ms.
Analysis of on depth 13 completed for library in 4.715 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 1.8724 ms.
Analysis of idna(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 0.3536 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.format_helpers(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 8.7593 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead(Library) on depth 16 completed  in 8.4483 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._iri(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 14.2245 ms.
Analysis of ipaddress(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 111.2304 ms.
Analysis of httplib2(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 48.2874 ms.
Analysis of distutils.versionpredicate(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.6504 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.pgen(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 1.6941 ms.
Analysis of json(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.9494 ms.
Analysis of distutils.file_util(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 3.7732 ms.
Analysis of urllib.error(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 5.6769 ms.
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 6.3461 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.decoder(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 10.2779 ms.
Analysis of ftplib(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 16.0092 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 1.0493 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_subprocess(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 11.505 ms.
Analysis of keyring.py33compat(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.1448 ms.
Analysis of email.mime.text(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 1.3699 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 0.4197 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.ElementTree(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 18.2193 ms.
Analysis of keyring.credentials(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.9432 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.sslproto(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 12.8824 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 12.6907 ms.
Analysis of sysconfig(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 9.1409 ms.
Analysis of xmlrpc.client(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 22.7503 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.cmac(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 1.5662 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.minicompat(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 2.2917 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.scrypt(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.9852 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.base(Library) on depth 17 completed  in 1.8164 ms.
Analysis of apt.progress.base(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 4.9331 ms.
Analysis of ctypes._endian(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 1.6222 ms.
Analysis of fractions(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 7.8548 ms.
Analysis of on depth 4 completed  in 5.4474 ms.
Analysis of idna.core(Library) on depth 18 completed for library in 13.8474 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.aead(Library) on depth 15 completed  in 10.4195 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.expatbuilder(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 20.7076 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pgen2.driver(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.1737 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.util(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 14.8668 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.compiler(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 24.15 ms.
Analysis of json.decoder(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 5.5339 ms.
Analysis of urllib.request(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 51.3078 ms.
Analysis of xml.etree.cElementTree(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.2376 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe._native(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.2432 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.hmac(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.859 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.hashes(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.8632 ms.
Analysis of keyring.core(Library) on depth 10 completed  in 3.7025 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures.thread(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 3.9174 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.x509.oid(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 6.4157 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.encoder(Library) on depth 10 completed  in 10.6318 ms.
Analysis of problem_report(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 13.9655 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.proactor_events(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 21.4432 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dir_util(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.686 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 0.2582 ms.
Analysis of apt.cdrom(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 1.387 ms.
Analysis of apt.progress.text(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 6.3018 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.parser(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 1.9764 ms.
Analysis of distutils.sysconfig(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 18.3784 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 22.9122 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.6109 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 6.5953 ms.
Analysis of ctypes(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 36.1904 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.selector_events(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 50.8503 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.nodes(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 37.4 ms.
Analysis of keyring(Library) on depth 9 completed  in 0.1952 ms.
Analysis of json(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.0847 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.base(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 2.1843 ms.
Analysis of distutils.spawn(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 7.4016 ms.
Analysis of simplejson(Library) on depth 9 completed  in 8.7421 ms.
Analysis of apt(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 0.3516 ms.
Analysis of on depth 16 completed for library in 10.9812 ms.
Analysis of markupsafe(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 14.2932 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_forkserver(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 5.0317 ms.
Analysis of ctypes._aix(Library) on depth 19 completed for library in 3.8397 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pytree(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 8.1675 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._ffi(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 0.8823 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 19.3706 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 12.7286 ms.
Analysis of pkg_resources(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 98.8146 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.windows_events(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 26.3827 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.optimizer(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 1.587 ms.
Analysis of http.cookiejar(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 48.9857 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.visitor(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 5.9367 ms.
Analysis of keyring.backend(Library) on depth 11 completed  in 8.5339 ms.
Analysis of json.decoder(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 11.5381 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.parser(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 13.8243 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.ciphers(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 1.8866 ms.
Analysis of distutils.archive_util(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.9504 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 3.2102 ms.
Analysis of simplejson.encoder(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 7.3556 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.x509.general_name(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 13.9918 ms.
Analysis of lazr.uri(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 2.2762 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.dh(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 3.2452 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 3.0731 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.pygram(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 6.2898 ms.
Analysis of ctypes.util(Library) on depth 18 completed for library in 6.7399 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 8.2287 ms.
Analysis of wadllib(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 1.8281 ms.
Analysis of apt.cache(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 28.3685 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.unix_events(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 47.5608 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.core(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 95.4031 ms.
Analysis of urllib.request(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 42.593 ms.
Analysis of on depth 11 completed for library in 0.7904 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._perf._big_num_ctypes(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 0.8692 ms.
Analysis of launchpadlib.uris(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 1.9324 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.btm_utils(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 4.3899 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.reduction(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.5736 ms.
Analysis of simplejson(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 3.6187 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.patcomp(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 14.3598 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.spawn(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 11.0981 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 15.0492 ms.
Analysis of distro(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 18.7895 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.environment(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 19.5014 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.forkserver(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 18.263 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_posix(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.3389 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 4.538 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.saxutils(Library) on depth 10 completed  in 4.5626 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.xmlbuilder(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 30.4447 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.heap(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 31.6455 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._int(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 27.3052 ms.
Analysis of keyring.core(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 28.1772 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.btm_matcher(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 28.5785 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient._json(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 1.113 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 3.825 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 59.1393 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.fixer_util(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 15.9151 ms.
Analysis of wadllib.application(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 49.7283 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.expatreader(Library) on depth 9 completed  in 16.7148 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.util(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 15.5173 ms.
Analysis of keyring(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 0.1539 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto._elliptic_curve(Library) on depth 18 completed for library in 2.5635 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 4.6721 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.sharedctypes(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 4.9202 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient._browser(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 18.1998 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.algos(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 19.8972 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_fork(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 1.467 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 1.3419 ms.
Analysis of apt.package(Library) on depth 8 completed  in 71.4698 ms.
Analysis of keyring.backend(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 3.4774 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 8.2955 ms.
Analysis of apt(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 0.3723 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 1.124 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.xmlreader(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 15.9356 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 29.1984 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.minidom(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 59.1119 ms.
Analysis of apt.cache(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 32.4757 ms.
Analysis of asn1crypto.keys(Library) on depth 17 completed for library in 33.7088 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.utils(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 0.7174 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.saxutils(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 4.0597 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.dsa(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 4.0929 ms.
Analysis of on depth 15 completed for library in 4.1627 ms.
Analysis of jwt.utils(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 6.75 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 6.7042 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.rsa(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 12.9878 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.resource(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 52.3191 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax.expatreader(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 14.7709 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.6037 ms.
Analysis of apt.package(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 54.8053 ms.
Analysis of xml.sax(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 2.1455 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.resource_sharer(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 4.6848 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.pulldom(Library) on depth 7 completed  in 5.7611 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.x509.extensions(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 39.5455 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.connection(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 15.7019 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_forkserver(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 3.2743 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.expatbuilder(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 44.7511 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.x509.base(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 34.2745 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.x509(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 1.5621 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.xmlbuilder(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 7.4316 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.context(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 9.8977 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_posix(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 2.714 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.reduction(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 4.4326 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.decode_asn1(Library) on depth 15 completed  in 21.2576 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_spawn_win32(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 12.2474 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.process(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 15.8775 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.spawn(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 4.7871 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.heap(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 6.7905 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509(Library) on depth 15 completed  in 8.4723 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.forkserver(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 10.7217 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.encode_asn1(Library) on depth 15 completed  in 6.5056 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.sharedctypes(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 12.4735 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.semaphore_tracker(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 11.9341 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.synchronize(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 15.8377 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.util(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 19.3134 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.popen_fork(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 1.2207 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.minidom(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 57.4569 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.decode_asn1(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 19.548 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.queues(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 14.4829 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.managers(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 52.8395 ms.
Analysis of xml.dom.pulldom(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 6.7814 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.encode_asn1(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 6.7096 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x509(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 7.5528 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.pool(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 22.6617 ms.
Analysis of multiprocessing.dummy(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 2.0968 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures.process(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 19.8331 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 0.8038 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures.thread(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 2.3451 ms.
Analysis of lib2to3.refactor(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 24.3019 ms.
Analysis of distutils.util(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 4.0918 ms.
Analysis of concurrent.futures.process(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 8.8695 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend(Library) on depth 14 completed  in 36.4446 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_futures(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 2.8218 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519(Library) on depth 16 completed  in 1.2695 ms.
Analysis of distutils.filelist(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 5.0629 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x25519(Library) on depth 15 completed  in 1.3422 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.1655 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.futures(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 3.0694 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 19.7954 ms.
Analysis of distutils.util(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 21.7682 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.aead(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 2.2389 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.tasks(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 28.0317 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.coroutines(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 24.8815 ms.
Analysis of distutils.ccompiler(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 5.1763 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.subprocess(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 6.3334 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.locks(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 28.1717 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.streams(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 16.4647 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.queues(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 10.6787 ms.
Analysis of distutils.extension(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 16.6853 ms.
Analysis of distutils.core(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 1.4029 ms.
Analysis of distutils._msvccompiler(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 19.5262 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_events(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 67.5081 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend(Library) on depth 14 completed for library in 40.8233 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.runners(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 1.2472 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519(Library) on depth 16 completed for library in 1.4548 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.x25519(Library) on depth 15 completed for library in 0.9592 ms.
Analysis of asyncio(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.8655 ms.
Analysis of cryptography.hazmat.backends(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 0.2422 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_tasks(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.8498 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dist(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 23.419 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.format_helpers(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 2.2167 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_subprocess(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 4.7658 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_futures(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 3.0504 ms.
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 3.8629 ms.
Analysis of jwt.algorithms(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 17.9447 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.futures(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 12.9885 ms.
Analysis of distutils.config(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 13.9748 ms.
Analysis of distutils.core(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 1.7971 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.sslproto(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 21.9312 ms.
Analysis of on depth 4 completed for library in 17.4719 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.tasks(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 21.61 ms.
Analysis of jwt.api_jws(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 4.174 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.coroutines(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 5.9162 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.locks(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 10.5152 ms.
Analysis of distutils.dist(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 22.8751 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.proactor_events(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 28.1745 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.subprocess(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 2.9194 ms.
Analysis of distutils.cmd(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 3.144 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.streams(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 3.8988 ms.
Analysis of jwt.api_jwt(Library) on depth 13 completed for library in 4.5095 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.base_events(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 48.2282 ms.
Analysis of jwt(Library) on depth 12 completed for library in 0.3949 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.queues(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 18.2891 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.common(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 8.5814 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.errors(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 1.9285 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.utils(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 2.6824 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.parameters(Library) on depth 11 completed  in 2.9964 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849(Library) on depth 10 completed  in 7.2466 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.selector_events(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 47.6516 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.signature(Library) on depth 11 completed  in 6.2105 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.parameters(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 1.8362 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 13.6601 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.signature(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 8.0491 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.windows_events(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 28.6442 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.request_validator(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 4.5516 ms.
Analysis of asyncio.unix_events(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 31.2795 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.base(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 5.1087 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.resource(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 2.1711 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.signature_only(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 2.1883 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.authorization(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 7.1798 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.request_token(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 7.3914 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.access_token(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 8.2854 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.asyncsupport(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 8.473 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints(Library) on depth 10 completed  in 0.5146 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints.pre_configured(Library) on depth 11 completed for library in 0.2618 ms.
Analysis of jinja2(Library) on depth 1 completed  in 0.8378 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.asyncfilters(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 1.1698 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.endpoints(Library) on depth 10 completed for library in 0.438 ms.
Analysis of oauthlib.oauth1(Library) on depth 9 completed for library in 0.5378 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.lexer(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 7.104 ms.
Analysis of lazr.restfulclient.authorize.oauth(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 6.683 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.utils(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 5.8996 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.debug(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 2.9483 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.bccache(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 11.6247 ms.
Analysis of launchpadlib.credentials(Library) on depth 8 completed for library in 17.394 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.loaders(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 12.627 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.defaults(Library) on depth 3 completed  in 9.6475 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.filters(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 15.323 ms.
Analysis of launchpadlib.launchpad(Library) on depth 7 completed for library in 6.7397 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.runtime(Library) on depth 2 completed  in 22.1134 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.tests(Library) on depth 4 completed  in 0.9923 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.idtracking(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 4.5121 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.compiler(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 24.1103 ms.
Analysis of apport.packaging_impl(Library) on depth 6 completed  in 40.0789 ms.
Analysis of apport.fileutils(Library) on depth 5 completed  in 7.1847 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.nodes(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 43.1074 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.visitor(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.8388 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.optimizer(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.9296 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.parser(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 4.9812 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.environment(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 11.5421 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.asyncsupport(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 4.0806 ms.
Analysis of jinja2(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 0.5566 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.asyncfilters(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.2415 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.lexer(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 6.2418 ms.
Analysis of on depth 5 completed  in 73.5892 ms.
Analysis of apport(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 0.7821 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.utils(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 9.1809 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.loaders(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 2.9067 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.bccache(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 3.545 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.debug(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 5.0214 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.defaults(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 1.7318 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.filters(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 13.3216 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.runtime(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 15.4452 ms.
Analysis of jinja2.tests(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 0.7513 ms.
Analysis of gcd.etc(User) on depth 0 completed  in 21.4551 ms.
Analysis of apport.packaging_impl(Library) on depth 6 completed for library in 39.749 ms.
Analysis of apport.fileutils(Library) on depth 5 completed for library in 5.8725 ms.
Analysis of gcd.nix(User) on depth 0 completed  in 6.7508 ms.
Analysis of on depth 5 completed for library in 65.9141 ms.
Analysis of apport_python_hook(Library) on depth 4 completed for library in 8.5868 ms.
Analysis of sitecustomize(Library) on depth 3 completed for library in 0.1547 ms.
Analysis of site(Library) on depth 2 completed for library in 4.0866 ms.
Analysis of distutils.command.build_ext(Library) on depth 1 completed for library in 9.7648 ms.
Analysis of gcd.meka(User) on depth 0 completed  in 6.258 ms.
Analysis complete: 899 modules in 8349.5213 ms.
Analysis version 1271 of 1195 entries has been completed in 3685.0193 ms.
Forcing full garbage collection and heap compaction.
Hover in file:///home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ at (101, 30)
Hover in file:///home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ at (79, 12)
Hover in file:///home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ at (96, 34)
Hover in file:///home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ at (89, 23)
Hover in file:///home/carlos/Projects/Jampp/Gcd/gcd/ at (82, 42)
memeplex commented 4 years ago

I've submitted this to the python extension tracker also, as you can see above, so in case you need more information about the environment where the problem is happening you can check that there.

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

The language server doesn't support multi-root workspaces directly. It relies on the extension to spawn multiple language servers per workspace, which requests are directed to. This can lead to some bad effects if those workspaces are all entirely different projects, which is what I think you're seeing here.

You're combining multiple folders which are not in one common place. They're being given as import roots, and because they're not inside the workspace root, we're considering the to be library code (not user code). That's why they're being put under the file watcher.

Additionally, we pre-scan all of the files in the workspace to build the symbols database, but we aren't scanning anything outside the workspace automatically, which would include those spurious folders. Symbols should still work, as the editor sends a didOpen notification to give us the file that's open (and the symbols should be processed there), so that doesn't make sense. If you edited a file, then we get a change request, which would edit our in-memory copy, and symbols would change, but all of that is stored in the same place and should be working no matter if you've edited or not.

memeplex commented 4 years ago

You're combining multiple folders which are not in one common place.

I'm not sure how to interpret this statement but they are all immediately below the same root folder.

they're not inside the workspace root,

Again, I'm not sure about the precise meaning of that, what I can tell is that the workspace settings file is located in another folder than these project folders, but also that there is no concept of workspace root in vscode AFAIK. Again, the project folders are all together below the same directory in the file system.

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

The workspace root is the folder you open in VS Code via "Open Folder" (or starting VS Code in a folder by running something like code . in the terminal). It matters which folder that is when dealing with imports, though in your case may be affecting symbols.

If you're not opening any one specific folder, then I'm not entirely sure what workspace folder we'll use (and we should probably have a log message for the root being used).

memeplex commented 4 years ago

I'm working in a multi-root workspace. AFAICS the thing that represents that workspace in the file system is a settings file and not some kind of root folder. This is different from a folder in that workspace which is related to, well, a folder in the file system. Do you have any idea where can I look for that log you mentioned?

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

To be clear, I meant that we don't print the workspace root on startup and that we should (#1538), not that we do already.

DonJayamanne commented 4 years ago


Do you have an idea of what the problem is? Ie. Can you replicate this at your end with a simple setup? Is this an issue with the extension or ls? Or is it a dup of

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

It's very likely related, though I would think that any spawned language server should be able to produce the outline for any file regardless of its location, so should work anyway. I have not yet had the time to construct an example which shows this yet, no.

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

1275 appears to be this same thing, and may have a repro attached.

sepich commented 4 years ago

I would add, that you can have just one workspace but then open file from outside and it would have no outline. Works fine in Jedi though.

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

Ah, I can see how this might be breaking; documents outside of the workspace are considered library code, so we throw away their file contents to save memory. It's possible the indexer is getting the document from the table, then indexing nothing because we've thrown away the info the indexer needs.

memeplex commented 4 years ago

Has there been any advance in this front? Features are being added to vscode-python that depend on this language server that still violates a basic contract of vscode (multi-root workspaces).

jakebailey commented 4 years ago

As far as I know, there has been no change. Generally, LSP and multi-root workspaces don't play well together when multiple LSs are being used due to the requests needing to be sent to the right place. See microsoft/vscode-python#5132, where I described the issue; the extension needs to provide the LS lib with a "document selector" that is used to tell VSC where to send requests. In a single workspace, all requests get funneled to the language server for that language, but with multi-root multi-LS workspaces, you now have to pick what goes where (and can't handle files that aren't within those workspaces, i.e. the issue in this thread). A solution could be to use a single LS for everything and have it figure out what to do, but that's moving the problem elsewhere and will take careful consideration.