microsoft / qlib

Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform that aims to realize the potential, empower research, and create value using AI technologies in quantitative investment, from exploring ideas to implementing productions. Qlib supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms. including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and RL.
MIT License
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Could qlib add a function that can save graphical reports analysis in a html file in artifacts uri? #488

Open wuzhe1234 opened 2 years ago

wuzhe1234 commented 2 years ago

Thus when we use mlflow, we can interprete the results in place.

you-n-g commented 2 years ago

@wuzhe1234 Sure.
Would you mind sending a PR to add this feature and become one of the contributors of Qlib!

wuzhe1234 commented 2 years ago

@wuzhe1234 Sure. Would you mind sending a PR to add this feature and become one of the contributors of Qlib!

Now I use streamlit to generate an app to do the job. We can select experiment and recoder in the webpage to see the report of each recorder, I recorded a gif to show this. Is this a good way? If so, I can send a PR after I finish this streamlit app. 动画1

wangwenxi-handsome commented 2 years ago

@wuzhe1234 Sure. Would you mind sending a PR to add this feature and become one of the contributors of Qlib!

Now I use streamlit to generate an app to do the job. We can select experiment and recoder in the webpage to see the report of each recorder, I recorded a gif to show this. Is this a good way? If so, I can send a PR after I finish this streamlit app. 动画1

Hi, I am an intern of the MSRA, and we will redesign the analysis part of Qlib. Your job is very helpful and I would like to discuss the design with you to commit the code. Could you please add my Wechat which is on my profile? It won't spend much time.

wuzhe1234 commented 2 years ago

@wuzhe1234 Sure. Would you mind sending a PR to add this feature and become one of the contributors of Qlib!

Now I use streamlit to generate an app to do the job. We can select experiment and recoder in the webpage to see the report of each recorder, I recorded a gif to show this. Is this a good way? If so, I can send a PR after I finish this streamlit app.

Hi, I am an intern of the MSRA, and we will redesign the analysis part of Qlib. Your job is very helpful and I would like to discuss the design with you to commit the code. Could you please add my Wechat which is on my profile? It won't spend much time.
