microsoft / qsharp

Azure Quantum Development Kit, including the Q# programming language, resource estimator, and Quantum Katas
MIT License
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State preparation could be better #1104

Open DmitryVasilevsky opened 10 months ago

DmitryVasilevsky commented 10 months ago

Postponed items from the code review (

internal operation ApproximatelyMultiplexZ: This cost of this can be cut in half, by applying the first part of its relative phase decomposition, which is then uncomputed in the adjoint call to the within block. (by Mathias)

internal operation ApproximatelyMultiplexPauli: This can be made more concise with Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic.MapPauli. Note that currently MapPauli is internal. (by Mathias)

DmitryVasilevsky commented 7 months ago

One of the issues should be resolved with this: