microsoft / react-native-windows-samples

A repository showcasing React Native samples and templates for Windows, macOS, and Surface Duo.
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Use doxysaurus to publish Cxx APIs docs #720

Open asklar opened 1 year ago

asklar commented 1 year ago

last year @vmoroz had looked into using docusaurus for producing docs for the other ones, is that ready to be used on the other C++-only APIs like ReactPackageProvider etc?

filing an issue to track adding these docs

_Originally posted by @asklar in

chrisglein commented 1 year ago

Work is to set up the pipelines to publish these docs automatically. Until this is fixed we have docs that are going nowhere (example: native module docs, React package provider, JSI, etc.) Script is broken, which is step one. Need to have pipeline install doxygen and then script can proceed assuming it's already there.